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Rated: E · Other · Religious · #1650479
About Our Lord Jesus Christ
Christ was born somewhere around 4 BC - 4 AD to a virgin woman named Mary.

He was born in a small native villiage called Bethlehem, in a stable.

Before his birth an Angel appeared to Mary and told her to call him Jesus. He was raised in Galilee as a carpenter which he learned this trade from his mortal father Joseph.

God bestowed many things to Jesus, because he was God's son. As heir to the throne of God he knew many things about the past, present and future.

As Jesus grew up he showed great compassion and love to all mankind. When Jesus was around twenty-nine years of age, he went to the river to be baptistized by John the Baptist.

Now Jesus had no sin in his life, the baptizing was to give him strength for his testing in the desert for forty days and nights by Satan.

After Jesus had been tested by Satan, and passed all of Satan's temptation's he was ready to start his ministry. Now Jesus preformed many miracles during his ministry.

Now when Jesus taught the people he used parables, because not all of the followers were worthy enough to understand their meanings.

Jesus loved all his father's people, but knew not all would be true in their faith to the Father. Jesus taught his deciples many things; including how to do things that pleased God Our Father.

When the time came Jesus sent his deciples out into the world to teach others about him and the miracles that he preformed, so others would come to love and worship Our Father in Heaven.

We need to remember that God created us in his image and he gave us just as much power as him, we are just so greedy and set in our own ways that we put ourselves above God who is the creater of life. When we realize that we can not do things without God then we will be able to live in peace and harmony the way God intended for us to live.
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