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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fantasy · #1648406
1st & 2nd chapters of my hopeful story, Bloodsuckers.
Bloodsucker Secrets - Hunt                                              3265

CHAPTER 1 - Midnight

"Run, Skye. Just run." Will said, his eyes watering. "RUN!" he screamed, & with that I managed to turn from him. And I ran. Sharp branches & loose twigs scratched at me the whole way. But I made it. Through the forest on to the open road. Now came the hardest part. "David?" I whispered so silently I almost couldn't hear myself. I could hear him coming now. God help me, I thought to myself. At the last possible moment, I swung on my heels into the doorway & jumped off it. I opened my eyes to see David clutching at thin air. He then swore, of course. “Now it’s war.” he whispered through his teeth, & lunged for me. I took a step back, just to be sure. And I was right. David, the all-feared vampire, pushing against nothing with the most agitated look on his face was most likely the last funny thing I’d ever see. “If I’m going down,” I hissed at him, “then you’re comin’ with me.” A vampire against “Black Cat”, an international assassin, was a fair fight, especially since we had both received the same training from Will before I realized that he was wanted for killing my whole family when I was two. I may have been young, but I remember every detail, from him tearing my mother’s throat out, to my dead sister’s body huddling over me to stop him from seeing me. And now, he was gonna pay. The plan was to hop from house to house until I reached my own, which had absolutely no crevices or cracks for him to hide in until nightfall, & he would burn with the dawn. God didn’t want him, & neither did I. Go, I thought to myself. Do it. For your family, Will & everything that he’s ever done to you. I spun around & ran through the house till I reached the two back doors. “And the advantage of this,” I said to myself, “ is that he doesn’t know which one to go through.”  There were houses that he hadn’t been invited to on both sides. And I didn’t know which one to go through either. Trick him. I pulled one leg back, kicked sharply twice on the left door, & sped silently through the right. Straight into the open doorway of my dead best friend Melinda’s house. Lets see ya bite me now, vamp. An agitated scream came from ten meters away. “YOU’RE DEAD!” David rushed to the house to see if I was close enough. I wasn’t. Only two more, I thought to myself, staring into his red eyes. I sped up the stairs & ran to the end of the long hall. I could see his shadow in the stained glass window. Damn. I took out one of my many wooden knives, & straightened my back. Now or never. I ran to the window at top speed, gave Jesus’s head a spinning butterfly kick(I‘m sure he‘ll forgive me), & pushed myself up into the air with the remaining glass. I took him by surprise, at least, as I stabbed wildly at him with the knife & managed to get it in his shoulder. I grabbed onto the tree branch directly below with both hands & swung once neatly in a circle. Damn splinters, I thought as I neatly dropped down onto a pile of neatly raked leaves. I turned to a panting David, sprawled on the ground. “Cats always land on their feet.” I whispered in a mocking voice. “You-are-SO-dead,” he said, in a fierce voice. “Bite me, leech,” I said, & sprinted into the next house. A smile appeared on his lips. I knew something was wrong now. “I got you now, kitty.” he said in a mockery voice. “Your uncle invited me in there when he thought I was human, let alone if I was trustworthy.” He grinned. “And that’s when I committed manslaughter for the forty-eighth time.” He put his finger on his shoulder, rubbed it in the blood, & tasted it. “Practice makes perfect,” he said with a smile. I was thinking words in my head that wouldn’t be allowed to be said anywhere in the world. I shut my eyes & thought of my family & Will. Oh, Will. I thought of the summer days when we would race each other to the swamp, & then push each other in. That was before he was forced into the assassin lifestyle, just like his parents were. He put all his anger & rage at his missing parents into beating the crap out of me at every session. My parents are dead. I saw it happen. But when your parents are missing, each day is filled with the false hope that they will come back. Oh, I missed him like hell. There was always something strange about Will. I shut my eyes & just thought. Suddenly, a blinding white light flashed behind me. I opened my eyes & looked up at David. He was stunned. “You have gotta be kidding me.” he said in awe. A voice spoke in a whisper from behind me. “Don’t turn around. The second you do, he’ll kill you.” That voice seemed so familiar, almost like I had heard it before. “No way. No way.” David was in hysterics. “Your uncle had the bathroom remade. Right in the corner. He still hasn’t been invited there. If you can break it, you may survive. Shut your eyes, & go.” I obeyed, because I didn’t have any other choice. I ran upstairs, & heard David’s scream pierce through the night. Whatever the it did to him, it sure worked. I literally flung myself into the corner that had been redone & started punching & kicking the shit out of the wall. “You can run, but you can’t hide,” he said, probably just dying to rip me into tiny little pieces. This was a matter of life or death now. I finally made a hole in the wall. I reached a hand through the hole & started ripping the weak plaster out to make the hole bigger. David’s footsteps echoed up the stairs & right to the doorway where I was. I slowly turned around. He was standing right there, his eyes red, blood around his mouth, literally drooling. I glanced quickly down at the hole. Oh well, I thought quickly, it’s better than being here. I crouched down so I was level with the hole, groped around the outside of it & pulled myself through. There was a big chunk of glass that hung just above the hole that I hurried through, & my commotion with it made it fall directly into me. This time, I actually said those words that were illegal. Well, wouldn’t you if you had a giant chunk of glass in you? Well, the glass made it hard to get out of the wall without falling out. So that’s what I did. I didn’t want to look at my wound, so I looked up at the hole. David was cursing at me. “My uncle always has a backup plan, leech.” The idea of himself not being able to fit through two inches of space must have been incredibly annoying, & I loved mocking vampires. I pulled myself up & stumbled from tree to tree, inch by inch moving towards my property. God help me, I thought again, as I stumbled through the forest, bleeding more & more with each step. Each beat of my heart brought more blood. It was literally hanging out of my ribcage. I knew he was waiting for me at the edge. I kept thinking about the light, & wondering what it could be. But I was too worried to think clearly. The only comfort I had was the fact that the smell of that much blood was too tempting to him to make me suffer. It would be a quick death. I could see him with the rising sun’s light. He was perched on the third branch of the lemon tree, right at the end. He could see me now. But I was still on uninvited property. I crouched down & laid on the ground just underneath the tree. This was my last chance. I remembered Will’s last word. Run. And now, I was gonna damn well run. “You’re dead, kitty. Dead.” David’s mouth was watering. He hopped down from the third branch to the first. Then he dropped directly down, and stopped about a few inches away from the ground. I immediately thanked God for the fact that I had decided not to mow the grass in the last month. He was obviously confused, & I took my chance while it was there. I delivered a sharp kick into the base of his throat, pushed myself upwards & ran. I damn well ran. My door was wide open & I pushed myself inside, but I knew that David wasn’t too far behind me, & I felt his arm wrap around my leg & pull it back. I scrambled for anything to grab onto, but he kept pulling. I finally gave & held onto the doorframe with all my might. He went to attack my left arm, & I saw my chance. I love bombs, I thought. I reached my hand quickly into my pocket & grabbed out a 1977 smoke grenade, & pulled out the pin.  “Aaarrgghhh!” David let go of my arm within the second, & I tried to pull my leg out of his grip. It didn’t work. He knew of my plan now, of the deadly dawn & he remembered the danger the sun brought to him. He knew that he was going to die, but he wasn’t going down without a fight. I was dead now. He began pulling me, inch by inch, out of my house. I let myself be dragged along. My only happiness was that the sun was rising now. David knew it too. He lunged for my neck & started sucking. I was wrong about before. He would let me suffer. Damn. I felt the warmth of the sun on my legs. I could hear his tortured mental screams as well as he could himself. His legs were burning, & the amount of force he put into biting my neck was almost unbearable. At the last possible moment, he ripped my throat out. I let out a sharp gasp. “Bleed, cat.” “Burn, ya leech.” And he flipped me over, lied on top of me & slid his fangs into me. He pulled, & the fangs ripped out tiny proportions of skin with them. It hurt like hell. He continued this for another few seconds, then he stood up. The sun burned his body into oblivion, and after two hundred years, his long, long life had ended. And after twenty-two tortured years, at exactly the same moment, so did mine.

CHAPTER 2 - Sight

Or so I thought. I awoke at around dusk, very dizzily. Blood covered my entire body. And it was inside my mouth, & choking me. I pushed both hands against the wooden panels of the front steps, spluttered out the blood, & pushed myself into a sitting position. I slumped against the wall aggressively, & opened my eyes. And saw a miniscule pile of ash. And remembered last night. The fight with David. The blinding light. My so called death. I looked out into the sunset, & I felt my face begin to burn. I hissed at the sun, & spun quickly around. I looked down at my hands. They were as pale as the moon. “No.” I murmured to myself. I stood up & ran to the palm tree in the front yard. I took one of my steel daggers out of its pocket, & stabbed swiftly into my arm. The usual pain was a certainty, & I closed my eyes, counted to three & opened them. My arm was pale & smooth. I ran a finger across it. Not a scratch. “No.” I couldn’t avoid it any longer. I had to face the truth. I was a vampire now. I sat down & thought of my possible options. One. I stayed in town for the night & the occupants of it found me, right in the middle of the next day, helpless. That wasn't good. I didn't wanna think about that too much. Two. I left town, moved to some remote place where they didn't believe in vampires, got a job with a night shift, & forgot everything I knew. I had to go with option two. I couldn't just stay here & die. The people in this town had no mercy to vamps, & when they set their minds to it they could come up with some pretty disturbing ideas. Option two, definitely. But I had to change. Going out someplace even that remote couldn't hide away that much blood. I grabbed the door handle with both hands & pulled myself up. My leg was most likely fractured, my head decided, as I staggered into my home to heal myself.
I grabbed some clothes out of my closet, & walked as quickly as I could into the bathroom. I showered myself, & managed to get most of the blood off. And while I was doing this, my conscience was weighing heavily on me. Blood. Feeding. Death. But the strongest force had to be my hunger, which was overpowering my fear by a mile. I never thought the feeling could be so strong. I walked straight out of the en'suite, leaving the bloody clothes on the floor. There was no use picking them up, as I wouldn't be returning here. I dressed myself in the bedroom, taking a last look at the chocolate-brown quilt that covered my bed, & went into the kitchen. I grabbed my car keys from the bowl next to the door, & a patch of wetness slid out of my eyelid. I was crying.  My blood-stained cheeks stung. I had get out of there. Reaching the front door, I took a look at what used to be my life, & slammed the door behind me. Suddenly, an idea hit me, along with a burst of what could of been excitement. Why drive, I thought, when you can run ? I crushed the car keys in the palm of my hand, & dropped them to the ground. It felt amazing. I had all night to explore my...my vampirism? At sunset I would begin the night's journey. Ten seconds...Nine...Eight...Seven...Six...Five...Four...Three...Two...One. The sky exploded with a batch of sunlight for the day's last show, & I took off. The trees whooshed past me as if they were one big patch of green & brown mixed, and each star in the sky glittered down at me, almost like they were calling to me. I never realized how beautiful the night was before. I was running, running faster than ever before, jumping higher, even swimming deeper. It was good to know that we vamps weren't dissolvable. In fact, it was brilliant. I felt brilliant. And there was nothing that could take this feeling away. Except... The smallest scent flowed into the air, & doing so flowed into my nostrils. No human would of smelled it, but it couldn't escape my senses. And it just had to be the one scent that could affect me. Blood. This was why you wanted to drive, I thought, frustrated with myself. Why did I have to trust my own foolishness? Now I had to hold my breath and close my eyes for the rest of the trip. The sight of blood was as tempting as the smell. I proceeded, began moving swiftly, & ran straight into a fricking wall. I'm not kidding. I had to look now, or I would take all night crashing into walls. I opened my eyes, & suddenly the world didn't look so great. Crouching on the muddy ground, I breathed a sigh of frustration. As I headed off into the east, chasing the sun, I thought "This is gonna be a long night." I could hear every sound, see every sight, smell everything. I actually felt decent after the bloodlust had passed, and with some fresh air, I might be able to make it. Great, I thought, as I sped off into the distance.


I spent most of the night running flat out, although I took a few breaks to run into some more walls. Well, some of them weren't walls. They were more like people. I don't really want to go into that too much, so lets just say that by the end of the night, I was running a lot faster than when I started. And screaming. Running from the occupants of the town, who had unsurprisingly somehow got a hold of some pitchforks & torches, and were brandishing them in the old fashioned lets-kill-the-vamp-that-we-know-nothing-about way. And I was calling them something other than 'occupants'. Didn't affect them in any way, unfortunately. But back to now. I saw a large, covered oak tree at the end of an alley, & sprinted towards it. I took a leap into the air & managed to catch a branch. The sun's heat suddenly fell onto my back. It was like I was melting. I let out a sharp breath, frustrated at my decision. I had to stay here until it got dark. I slumped against the branch, shut my eyes & tried to rest.
The sudden cool air struck me as soon as the sun set. I opened my eyes with pleasure. Now the wait was over, thankfully. I rolled across the branch, stuck an arm out & let myself drop. I dropped straight onto the ground, face-planting myself on the mud. A glance to the right told me that the branch had broken off with me. Yeesh. I felt for any wounds. There was none, thankfully, and the mud was gone too. That had to be some sort of plus. I might as well start walking, I thought, annoyed. The sun had set, but there was still light in the sky, and it blinded me somewhat. It didn't matter. It would be gone soon. I began heading back down the alley swiftly. As I turned the corner, a wolf-whistle came to my ears. I spun around to find a guy in his young twenties. "Hey, darl." he said in a husky voice. He took a step forward. "Oh, my apologies. Blade Yeardley." He held out a hand, like he expected me to shake it. I took it cautiously. "Umm...Hi." He looked me in the eye. "You don't know yet, do you?" "Know what?" He let out a low chuckle & looked into my eyes again. Then I realized. Something awoke in my brain, like a spark of fire. I let out a low groan & he chuckled again. You see, every new vamp either had to kill their creator or a loved one to become 'awakened'. I had done neither, so now I had to fight another supernatural being. Witch, werewolf, vamp, freaking fairy, it didn't matter. Each one had their own strengths & weaknesses. It didn't matter. I still had to fight one. "Blade Yeardley the-?" "Werewolf." Friggin hell. "Shit." I took the fighting stance, and braced myself. He did the same. There was no bowing, no sacred crap. Just ass-kicking. Claws began to emerge from his hands, and they turned into paws. I knew there was only one way I was going to win, and that was to fight dirty. Straight to the neck. My hands reached out in front of me as I jumped towards him, and he grabbed me by my arms & slammed me into the club’s wall. “Jeez.” I said, out of breath. “Go easy.” He transformed back to a human incredibly fast. “I am.” Take two. I flung myself, fangs fully out, (although no idea how to use them, never mind) towards him & in one quick, blurred motion he grabbed my head & snapped my it backwards over his knee. I grabbed his hair & pulled at almost exactly the same moment. I heard a sickly cracking sound, but I didn't know whether it was my neck or his. He dropped me as I felt my head snap back, and I looked up to find a young girl standing over his limp body. No, I don’t know how I managed to move my head either. She raised a long, silvery thing which I immediately realized was a sniper rifle. A rifle. She pointed it at Blade, and fired again. He slowly stopped moving, his body growing even more still. I gulped. Now it was my turn. Surprisingly, she turned to me, and held out a hand. “You okay?” I was still staring at Blade’s body in shock. “Oh, him? Don’t worry. He’s a bastard.” My head was still spinning. “He’ll be fine.” I didn’t know whether I believed her or not, but at that point I no longer cared, as I fell into the comfort of what I believed to be a coma.
© Copyright 2010 Kaylimac (macca21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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