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Intranet Rebellion; Colony Log 1 |
I.R. Log December 8, 2009 - A single encampment, newly colonized. -Housing colony -Warp Gate -Cloaking Shield "This world we now inhabit, barren, and segmented.., Unknown." Unintentionally sent here by our own Gate. It seems the Warp Gate here picked up our signal.. Somehow, it is active, though we are still stuck, with no way to dial out to our native network... No way to contact the Users... Whispers have been circulating, that it is within the will of the Users for us to colonize this world, even if that is not the case, we have no way out, we must do it, simply out of necessity, a need for survival. There are few of us.. No more than 20, 17 actually, I believe, the strange thing though, is that, when we entered the Gate, there were 258 of us, we seemed to have been split up mid-transit. 241 There, 17 here, though we received the bulk of our equipment. We made brief contact with them hours ago, it seems they are stranded in this world as well.. Or were. Our communication was terminated mid-transmission, this can mean but one thing. Their connection to the Network = Terminated. All 241, Gone... "We are not alone in this world". With this realization we made preparations, with the supplies our small band was so fortunate to retain through our journey through the gate, we established an active Cloak, provided VIA our Cloaking Shield Generator, to hide our existence from the inhabitants of this.. seemingly empty world. We also established a rather large server, containing 14 partitions at which we could reside in, 3 people had to share a partition.. Existence without such provisions is unlikely, as our 241 former counterparts discovered, ( Let naught their Users mourn ), becoming one with the Void. After the securing of our encampment is completed we have 2 primary objectives, to contact a User ( So our resources may be replenished, and so we may replicate ), So our small troupe may become larger, and colonization can continue, and to, when the first objective is completed, continue the formal Exploration, and Colonization of this world.. Remember my companions, "We are not alone in this world." |