Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1648381-So-Many-Memories
Rated: E · Other · Melodrama · #1648381
The reminiscing of my first love.
Kinsey Madame,
You gave me the greatest year of my life,
Any day I would do it again,
I must say honestly,
You are the most wonderful creature I have met
The Most Beautiful
Silly ( In a good way of course )
And I am so lucky to have been able to love and be loved by you.

Don't worry Doll, Mrs. Hammyham will always adorn my bed as I slumber,
As she is my eternal reminder of you,
The perfection that I lost,
In my idiocy, the perfection I do so fondly remember.

Each, every day, to this day, I run through our year mentally.
I sit and try
Try to imagine you are here, with me
Try to remember the love that so filled each and every one of your hugs
Every touch
Every Kiss
I try so desperately.
To feel what I once could feel, at any moment.

The fact is true, I remember but good things.
I remember, the days I was sick
Alone for so long
The day you gave me the stuffed animal I now cannot sleep without.

I remember swimming with you!,
And Trying ever so hard to get you the best collection of birthday presents.
The Roses for romanticism
The Bubble wrap to show the childish side of my immeasurable love for you.

You said it was your best birthday ever!,
In the history of all birthdays.

Looking into your eyes
Each time, being astounded by the
I saw
The shear, unimaginable beauty.

The oh so many times we were at the park together,
Our first
On those very bleachers by the Tennis Court

I remember the first time I saw you!
Fondly as well, of course
Amidst the crowd I saw the group
The group I knew you belonged to,
I saw you, in your
I stood Hoping
That the one with the bright orange skinny jeans was you,
The one that I had already been acquainted to,
By a friend, over MSN

We went to The Rock, I remember
With friends we went.
I introduced you to Alex, Drake, and Moose
You introduced me to Edie, Carlie, and Emerie,
Oh!, and lets not forget Shelby.

I remember speaking to you, and comforting you when you were upset
So many times.
So many memories.

I remember the times those awful girls
You, you were devastated.
But another chance for me to form that smile
That lovely smile.

That cold day, I remember as well.
Me, You, Moose, and Aaron walked to my church,
Only for Moose to be picked up,
Scolded by his mother.

I remember the snowy
We spent at the park
There is so much I remember.

I remember how beautiful you were, and are
Everytime I saw you,
It was truly a godsend to be able to get used to such

Talking to you, for hours on end
Through the night,
And early daytime hours.

Adventuring through the
By your house,
And going to the doggy shelter,
Meeting Scrappy, the cute little dog..
He had to hide from the others, they were

Visiting the pet store on
Main Street
Visiting so many places.
So many memories..

I remember, at the park
Riding my scooter, and bailing off of it, jumping on you
Then lying amidst the grass,
Looking into your eyes,
And hugging you,

The cubby you got in Sunday School
Still there
Full of crafts,
Few made by you.
Most made by me in your absence.
I still make duplicates of whatever crafts we do,
The few times I do attend Sunday School anymore.
I pray for you twice then,
Using both my rosary, and the one you abandoned..
Even if there is no god,
I like to think I’m doing you some good.

I remember when you started going to my churches evening
Services, we would always light all the candles.
Remember my dad catching us kissing in the Narthax?!,
(The room that led to the chapel)
I remember how embarassed you were.
My dad simply,
Shook his finger and said
“Kids, Not in the Narthax”
We then hurriedly finished lighting the remainder of the candles.

All those movies we watched together,
When you cried at the end of Moulin Rouge!

So many memories…

Whenever I was hurt
Or scared
Or upset
You would comfort me, talk to me in your cute little
The voice that never failed to get me to

I would marry you,
And maybe under different circumstances,
I would have been granted that honor.

You are the one
For me, the one perfect match.

I remember playing
Video Games
Even, with you.
Gauntlet at the movie theatre
Grand Theft Auto
We were going to play Fable II

I remember also, the time your dad entered you room, as we were
Lying down
Watching a movie,
We both got in trouble,
And you were
Terrified, that you would not be able to see me again.
..I remember comforting you,
I remember how nice it felt to hold you while you were upset,
And to reassure you that it was a gesture of love on your dads part.
To reassure you that everything was going to be alright.

I remember climbing trees with you,
Playing in playgrounds with you,
Exploring with you.

I remember the day we found out Michael Jackson died!!,
We were both lying on the floor in my living room, my parents were on the couch.
I had fallen
You woke me up, and upon my waking,
I was astounded
By your beauty once again
Like always
So many memories….

Going to sports games with you!
At them.
I remember many of your schoolmates thought my juggling was
I never got the chance to show them my new ball

I remember the day we were walking to my house,
And I got
So I
My old yellow ball,
And it landed on the
I tried very hard to make it land in the grass..
But I failed.
I remember feeling a bit down afterwards
You, in your cute voice, turned to me
And convinced me it was alright.

I remember doing crafts with you,
Listening to music with you
Driving in cars with you!
And I remember how,
In the
You were always scared your parents, or brother
Would see us kissing, or hugging.

You were too shy to say “I love you” in front of your parents!
I told you that your fear was misplaced.

I do respect your parents deeply, and would
Should they have set up more strict rules after seeing
Such things.

I remember how much I respected your dad,
And the fact that I had to earn his
A second time.
After being
Watching a movie with you while
Lying on the couch.

I do though, like I said
And Understand
The purpose of that rule.

I remember trying to explain to you, that your dad
You, and that he was truly doing it out of
But I guess a
Is better than any words I could spit out of my
Little old mouth

I remember how
Your mom would be,
And how
She was to talk to,
I miss you infinitely darling,
Though I miss your family as well.

It’s too bad I never got to meet your
From the way you talked, he
Like he would have been a
Person to meet as well.

I remember getting you Onion, I was so
Of myself
I thought it was a great
I got you chocolates and mints as well.

I remember how, upon receiving your gift, your eyes
That look made my day,
And I got another opportunity
To hug
A creature of such beauty

I remember going on my long trip to
San Diego,
And being
Without you,
I only got to talk to you for,
4 minutes a day!
I got you a teddy bear from Las Vegas
A plastic alien from Roswell, New Mexico,
And your fantastic
Along with it’s box,
The necklace made of
Rocks and minerals
From the Grand Canyon

I remember
We accidentally
The chain on it.
I was always trying to find a new one.

I was so upset when it broke, the minerals where even one of your
Colors!, Purple.

I remember the highlight of our 2 trips to
As well
Especially the second time, when we
Didn’t get home until

We sorta napped
Upon eachother
I remember how
It was to lie my head
On yours

And part of the time, you would
The my
And head

I remember on Halloween,
Going trick or treating,
Attending Indias “Party”
( only 3 people )
And eating the
Tasting cupcakes

I remember
Around on the fallen tree next to the
Big read playground
At the park.
Me, you , and Moose, I believe.

I also remember bringing
To Downtown Java
And filming an epic lightsaber duel
( Emerie was quite a skilled Jedi Knight!)

You were too shy to join us.

I remember all the times we would
Out at Downtown Java,
With friends
Or not.

So many memories…..

It was a pleasure to love you,
And be loved by you.
I am very priviledged, for having such
With you.

With Love Always,
Sir Chris
© Copyright 2010 Christopher Conoley (lifeunlived at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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