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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1647873
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Chapter 1
Fifteen long years

    “I am Valery. My birthday is today. I will be 16. Do I need to explain anything else?” Yes, my name is Valery Goodwell. I am really the one I know of my kind. My life has been fifteen long years, and it will be even longer. I have lived thus far due to Matt, who took me in when i was a baby.
         Valery, please don’t be rude on your first day.
         Matt’s voice echoed through my head this whole day, those few words he had told me this morning calmed me down and kept me under control. Now, normally I would’ve gone up my teachers butt for asking me to introduce myself to people I have known my whole life, but that’s beside the point. Matt held me through everything, along with my other two weird-a-teers.
    “No, thank you Valery, you may go to the locker room and go home now.” Mrs. Lacks gave me a glare as if she knew what was in store for her. This was just the start for her. I walked into the girl’s locker room and gagged. The pungent smell of sweat and cakey perfume always got me, no matter how many times I went in there.
    “Hey Val, we have last class together! Nothing can keep us apart!” I looked up to see my two best friends arm in arm giving me big grins. Looks like we have all of our classes together and I bet Mat had something to do with that. Mat had some serious connections, that of witch I have come to love.
         I gave Felcy and Jen a tooth less smile. They understood and pulled on their backpacks. As weird as it is, Felcy is the closest I have to somebody like me. She can control Jen, but none of us know why. It’s a freak thing. A freak thing like I am. And yep, Felcy and Jen are the two other weird-a-teers as were called. The three of us are inseparable.
    “Let me guess, I’m the dinner plan for tonight. Gee, I never thought the day would come.” Jen was the only ‘normal’ one of our little group. Jen was no doubt, excited for eight tonight. I’ve been feeding off of Matt for the past fifteen years. I will stop growing tonight and can officially begin to drink on other humans safely.
         I simply nodded to Jen and she yelped in happiness. Felcy smacked her arm and giggled. I would be happy too, but I was really hungry. Anything could set me off and I would be found out. My fangs were clearly out and I tried my best to hide them.
    “Let’s go. Val needs some air before she rips somebody’s head off.” Felcy knew I would normally be laughing, but not right now. Not when that was possibly true.
         So we walked, (I practically ran), out of the locker room. Now I was in the back hall of New Milford high, and possibly the farthest place away from any door outside. I immediately ran to the right and came to the main hall. Just a good sprint towards the front doors and I would be out, after sneaking by the main office. I just was pushing my hand on the door when the bell rang. Freedom’s scent filled the halls as few fast kids piled out of the classes. Busses were waiting outside for dorks that still used them. Luckily I lived a few minuets from the school and could walk home.. Snow was gently falling outside and I was thankful. Snow covered up the smell of human blood pulsing through veins so well. With a few seconds to spare, I took deep breaths of the un-tainted air. Cool, refreshing, sweet, air. The warmth of humans grew behind me and I sighed. Being the only one of my kind made me feel…well…lonely a lot. Felcy and Jen caught up to me at the flagpole and we began to walk to my house. Weekends and vacations I keep Felcy and Jen at my house and their families couldn’t care less. Felcy’s mom is a single mom and spends most of her time working or sleeping. Jen is one of five children, so her parents are glad to get her off their hands. And I, being an only child, get very bored and have nothing to really do. So they end up over at my house, Matt doesn’t care though. He enjoys company.
          Jen was massively shivering, Felcy had goose bumps, and I was a heat box. I guess the weirder you are the warmer you get. I gave Jen my jacket to keep her from getting hypothermia. She always forgets to bring any kind of warmth to school. She has a very elaborate style that doesn’t include sweatshirts. I glanced over at my best friends, and concluded our styles are all very different.
         But, Jen is really the best looking. She may be short compared to me and Felcy (she’s 5’5, while Felcy is 5’8 and I’m 5’9), but she is really beautiful, no homo intended. She has natural blonde hair that stays straight without a straighter, at a short bob length. Her family is pure French, so she has an accent. Her eyes are a deep emerald green that’s infused with life. And her face is circular, giving off a doll’s figure. She seems so delicate compared to Felcy, but compared to me she is like glass and I’m like steel. It’s a wonder why she’s in a public system when her family can own her own school. Her style kind of fell into the classical end, and it completed her doll look. She was wearing a straight leg jean (never skinny jeans) with a yellow t-shirt. She had a black puffy jacket on outside in the 15 degrease weather.
         Felcy is a….well… normal looking person. Not a doll and not a piece of metal. Right in the middle. She has an outlaw look to herself. Hair as red as fire and as curly as curly fries, she gets her own look. Her hair isn’t crazy curly, but it stands in ringlets to her shoulders. She falls more into the emo look category, but she isn’t completely emo. Her oval face smeared with freckles complements her lip ring, and her black-brown eyes can kill. She doesn’t care what she looks like, yet she still manages to look completely stunning. Today she wore a deep blue V-neck shirt covered with band names and acid washed splatter painted skinny jeans. Forget accessories. Her lip rings are all there is (spider bites and completely amazing looking). She, along with me, hates jackets. Hoodies provide our warmth.
         I am a totally different story. I am pretty tall but fit in with everyone. I change clothes sizes as fast as most girls change boyfriends. My jet-black hair that reached the small of my back was hard to keep looking right, especially with side bangs. I needed to straighten it at night and in the morning. I had a diamond shaped face surrounding always changing eye color. My eye color depends on my mood, but my natural color is ice blue on my left eye and deep blue on the right. I bet my eyes were a very scary color like yellow or grey. I had a build that made me look like a line, and over all really pale and boring. Yea, I have some weight to me but not too much. Just enough to pass as healthy. But I have no idea why anybody would say hi to me, but vampires have a feeling of warmth to them. Today I’d decided on skinny jeans and a long sleeve bright green shirt.
         We were about halfway home when I got a sharp pain in my stomach. The street was quiet until I started screaming. Jen ran to me and pressed her wrist to my nose. That usually calms me down, and it did. We came to realize that if I don’t feed often my body freaks out and I need blood as soon as possible to be normal again. The smell of blood holds me until feeding time. I stood up and helped Jen up. Jen nodded and looked at Felcy, feeling her connection not there (I will explain the connection at a later time). Felcy was about three feet away.
A freak accident like what just happened to me stops her for quite a bit. I hated doing that to her. But what happened to me is involuntary. Only regular feedings can stop it.
    “Felcy are you ok?” I asked Felcy who snapped back into it. She smiled and ran to us.
    “Yeah, I’m fine. Just blacked out as usual when that happens. So did you hear about Collin?” She had her gossip face on and that got me curious. Guys can be total idiots, and I like to hear of their misfortunes.
    “No I didn’t. Wasn’t he that kid in English that was looking at me funny?” I slightly remembered a blonde haired kid giving the usual freak look.
    “Yeah that’s him. He’s into the whole spirit things that I am, and apparently he can read auras. Lucky him. Anyway, rumor has it he likes you for your ice-blue continuous aura.” Secrete out. A lame one too.
    “Oh yeah, my last boyfriend liked me for the same reason. They probably know each other.” I gave Felcy that normal smirk that I did when I used sarcasm. Jen laughed, knowing how I don’t date, saving that position for somebody I’ve had on hold for a while.
    “You don’t date, and have an open mind. He’s really cute for you and he’s just like you. Sarcasm and all. Wait, take out the vampire part.” Felcy had a mushy expression that she got with guys. Blech. Guys and I don’t really mix well.
    “Exactly. I don’t date. It’s not a good idea. Especially when I might suck the life out of them while sucking face. Never a good idea I’m pretty sure.” Jen sighed. She didn’t understand Felcy’s point clearly.
    “Val, you’re so stubborn. Can we keep going? Matt is probably suffering from an ulcer right now. Jen, well meet you at the house, ok? She needs to get home and I bet someone is waiting for her. Ok?” Felcy was right, Matt worries about me so much. But I didn’t know who was waiting for me.
    “Yeah go on you guys. I’ll be fine. I have my cell on me. See you.” Jen huffed as she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket. I saw the flash of silver out of my eye, so I ran.
         Man, did I love to run. I had no backpack to slow me down, and I felt so free. Felcy was about five feet behind me, as always. Nobody can keep up with me. My house (out in the middle of nowhere, and because of that had huge open land to run in) was coming into view. Many memories flashed into my mind from the past. My first ride home in Matt’s car was the fondest. I remember everything perfectly, so I was reliving the memory. We had just turned onto my street, Commerce road. I was hungry so I leapt out of my seat and bit Matt. That was my first drink of many.
         I guess thinking of blood started off my body because the pain was back. I kept running but at a slower pace to stay with Felcy. Last time it caught me off guard, but I was expecting it this time. This just hurt now. But I could manage it. My pace was a lot slower, and I was tripping on myself. Not good…but Felcy’s blood, that is poison to me, kept me from losing it.
         Felcy and her poison blood is what keep us together. In the third grade she fell and cut herself. I had to bring her to the nurse. Lets just say when her blood touched me; I said some nasty things and had a nasty burn. I looked down at my left arm. There it was, in the shape of blood dripping onto my hand. Always will be with me. Always a reminder that Felcy is my vampire watcher. She is doomed to watch over me, make sure I don’t expose myself. She needs to be with me at all times possible, and Jen…well Jen is another story.
         Just a year later, a new girl came into Newtown. Jen Golders. She was tiny, but normal. Like a little mouse. Felcy and I stared at her like she was some kind of new pet, observing her every move. Jen sat down at our table and I smiled at her. Felcy was still staring at her. I elbowed her, but the stare continued. Jen handed out a paper to us and her hand touched Felcy’s. Jen froze, and Felcy grew a grin. No words or anything really. Just a hand brushing. Now they were linked at the mind and nobody knows why. Maybe Felcy needs a watcher too, and Jen is hers.
         My pain was gone after remembering the good old days. That always helped. I still needed some time to chill, though. It was a Friday in December and I had a whole three weeks to be away from school. We were on winter break.
         My house was in clear view now, so I ran for my woods. Forget the library and fancy little things. I only needed a big play area. During my many sleepless nights, I can go outside and do whatever I want. Mainly I just sit down by a river and shift the water. I can do that, water is a natural defense for me. So here I am now, going to show off my hard work. For the past few weeks I have been practicing my water skills. Felcy was behind me, and Jen was a while back, so I could hide in a tree by the river in the back and get some waves going, to look like the beach when it’s actually a small ten foot wide river. Felcy can sort of smell me out, so I can’t hide from her forever. I ran the fastest I could, without falling on my face. I got to the river and perched myself on a tree. It took some concentrating, but I got the waves going. This would freak Felcy and Jen out for sure. Neither of them knows this. Now they will know why people that piss me off get water coming out of their noses whenever they drink.
         Felcy came running to the river. She took one look at the river, and burst out laughing.
    “Good one Val! Hey, cool thing that you can control water!” She was still laughing. Jen just got to my house and heard us. She knew where we were, and Felcy probably made her come to us. Felcy shut her mouth when I hit her with water. Just a little slap on the face, and she wasn’t wet or anything. Just something to shut her up.
         Jen came to the river and I bet was close to passing out. I silently laughed to myself and fell out of the tree. Sure, any human would have died if they were in my place, but I made water come under me, breaking my fall.
         This made Felcy and Jen burst out laughing. After I put the water back, I started laughing too. Sure, it scared me to death, but it was pretty funny.
         We went inside my house. Felcy and Jen were probably starving after fasting at school (warning you now, don’t eat school food), and by them running to the kitchen proved it. My house was like a gigantic cottage, complete with brown siding and blue trim. The house had four bedrooms, four bathrooms and a library on the upstairs floor. The first floor had a kitchen, living room, a dining room and a bathroom. The basement was a recreation room, full of pin ball machines, a pool table, wide plasma screen T.V. which was perfect for playing video games. I had asked Matt for this…I’m sort of a video game addict.
“Val, what do you crave?” Jen looked up at me with her green eyes. Dang, she got me good. I don’t really eat food, but I need some every day. Not 2,000…more like 800. And the only time I eat is at school to not look like a freak.
“Jen, honestly you know I’m seriously craving some blood right now. Don’t push it.” I gave Jen my all famous death glare as I said my words.
         She nodded and grabbed some kind of candy bar. Gross. Felcy has a high metabolism, so she was practically having a meal right now. All I saw was food flying into her mouth directly from the fridge. It was four o’clock and getting dark out already (sadly school gets out at three). Soon I’m going to be having my own little dinner. I really wanted my fangs to go away, they can get annoying. I always find myself biting my lip when talking.
         Matt walked into the room by this point and laughed. I guess teenagers eating habits are humorous to him.
    “Valery, are you ready for your birthday present?” Matt asked.
    “Matt! You didn’t have to get me anything!” I yelled at him. I’m not that needy. My T.V. and video games is all that I need. Well, that and a big yard.
    “Oh, but I did. Come on girls, let’s go.” Matt walked down to the basement. Oh great, I thought. Something expensive if it’s in the basement.
         In the basement there is a main room, and a storage room. We don’t need the storage space, so it’s just an empty room. Matt opened the door to the extra room and I smelled water immediately. I poked my head in and dropped my jaw. There was a hot tub sitting in the slightly smaller room, the room had another door off to the side.
“Happy birthday!” Matt said. He hugged me and left me to ‘absorb’ the situation.
         The tub was the kind you in show rooms, the ones you see in luxury hotel rooms, the expensive hot tubs. And yet, here it was in my basement. I walked over to it. The stainless steel shined brightly in the dim lighting. There was I remote with so many buttons on it that I was glad to see they were labeled. With the tub taking up most of the room, I looked around to see what Mat had done to the place. The three walls were a toned red that gave off a warm crisp feeling. One wall was all glass letting you look at the yard and some sunshine drifted into the room through the clouds. The flooring was stoned, and noticeably heated. I opened the other door inside the storage room. There were bathing suits of all types hanging off of racks. Some had designs; others were solid, some for guys and most for girls. I noticed there were sizes for Matt, me, Felcy, Jen, and Connor. Ill tell you about Connor later. Felcy and Jen walked into the room too. They gasped, and closed the door. I knew they wanted to get in the bathing suits, and they didat once. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and it read three-thirty. I should at least try the tub before I yell at Matt for getting me it. I immediately saw a bright, crimson bikini. I don’t wear bikinis, so I had to decline it. Matt knows I don’t wear them too, so why had he gotten me one? It was my size and everything.
         Jen and Felcy had their bathing suits on in a matter of seconds (yes, there are little things to go behind so you can change). I guess I better find a suit before they go berserk waiting for me. There was a royal blue bathing suit hiding behind a bunch of bathing suites that I am too embarrassed to look at, and I loved it. I pulled the suit on, and looked in the mirror. I looked amazing in this. The suit had just the right cut, not to low, and not choking me. And the blue looked great against my pale skin.
    “Wow! You look really pretty Val!” Jen was the common compliment giver, Felcy more of the ‘oh my god if I don’t get that I will die’ person.
         We got into the tub after it heated up. Once we were all in, I set the jets on high. Jen and Felcy were leaned back and were almost asleep, their calmness surrounding me like a cloud. I decided to just relax, and day dream.
         To the point of complete boredom, I’d decided to wake up Jen and Felcy. Yeah, they actually fell asleep. Kind of funny that once Felcy falls asleep, Jen immediately does too. They are linked I guess. Just seeing the two of them at rest, peaceful more like it, makes me satisfied. I’m normally causing them so much stress, so I let them sleep. I quietly got out of the hot tub and changed. Matt will be getting an earful from me later, once I’m not this hungry and won’t kill him. I know since he has a book store he gets a lot of income, but I want him to not spend it on me. I don’t get why he won’t spend the money on hid girlfriend Kloe. He’s stubborn, just like me.
          My fangs slit through my bottom lip, when I wasn’t concentrating on them. I almost screamed in pain, but Felcy and Jen were still sleeping. I just sat down and let the cut heal. That’s the cool thing, vampires aren’t indestructible, were just fast healers and never bleed unless the cut is very deep. I’m guessing that blood doesn’t keep to the surface in vampires; blood stays to the core because check my pulse, I’m living and I eat so everything necessary is working.
         The cut was healed and felt fine. After changing, I ran up to my room and jumped on my California king mattress and my electric blue comforter made a swooshing sound. I looked around my room. It was clean and empty looking. The deep blue walls made a dark feeling across the whole room. My bed was under a window, but it was covered. I try to stay out of the sun because it does nothing to me. Not even provide warmth. The desk in the only available corner was only a resting spot for books and my laptop. Matt got me one of those fancy laptops with a webcam. I hardly use it, and should donate it some time. Next to my desk is my walk in closet, which holds every girls dream, TONS of clothes.
         Even though I was completely comfortable, I was so angry. My hunger grips my life, and it doesn’t give any slack. I wanted to be downstairs napping away with the two best possible friends, but no the creature I am keeps me lonely. And I can only sleep once a week. Kind of sucks.
         Matt knocked gently on my door and gentle or not, I’d still hear him miles away due to his pulse.
    “You ok?” Matt didn’t dare open the door. His pulse was enough through a dense wood door.
    “Cant say I am. My fangs went through my bottom lip and if you come any closer, I’d most likely kill you.”
    “Ok, you could’ve just said to stay away. Want me to get Jen and Felcy?”
    “I don’t know. What time is it?”
    “Its six thirty.” Matt practically had a timer in his head, so that kind of helped. But late night things weren’t really allowed.
    “Get them at seven. That way they will be awake before… you know.” I was going to drink from Jen tonight and that was the highlight of my day, as far as I know.
    “Okay.” Matt went into the library shut the door, giving me peace from his pulse at last. My conversations are short lived with Matt. He loves vampires and all, but he doesn’t really like to talk about it with me. He knows I feel so alone. I laid down on my stomach and buried my face in my pillow.
         For a half an hour I tried not to think at all, but I failed miserably. I could just feel Felcy’s stinging voice yelling ‘FAILLL!’ through my head. But I don’t care. I could only think of one person. That one person, the light through my dark, is Connor. He is the fourth reason I am here to this day. Matt, Felcy, and Jen taking first second and third.
          His perfect black hair sweeps to one side, leaving half of his beautiful pale skin into the open and the other half covered in the darkness. Now, you’d figure he has the same style all the time, but it is so un-predictable just like him. He could literally wear all black one day, then designer the next and still look amazing. His hazel eyes bear into my soul, and he is the one person that makes me melt
         Since today was schedule change, I was really hoping that I’d have most classes with him in them, except for health and gym. Health for obvious reasons, but gym is my favorite class. I don’t really train, but I can beat any mere human to the ground without giving it any thought. It might be that Matt put me through jujitsu, (he thought that I would be picked on a lot and wanted me protected. Hah.) I don’t really want my crush distracting me in gym. Or seeing that I’m much stronger.
          But yes, I have all classes but gym and health with him. This was going to be one heck of a year. I have Connor in most classes, and Felcy and Jen in every single one.
         Groans and sighs took me out of my dream like state. Felcy and Jen are up now. Great.
    “Val, open up or come out. It’s seven.” Jen was talking because Felcy was probably still half asleep.
    “Come in. Doors open.” I was face down on my bed ready to shred anything in my vision from my hunger. A whole month is a long time without blood. Jan came and sat on my bed while Felcy turned on my laptop and fiddled around with it. She is addicted to that thing. I sat up next to Jen and slouched.
    “Don’t even ask. You know very well I’m not ok.” I cut Jen off. I’m sorry and all but I just can’t deal with stupid annoying questions.
    “Ok. Well we have an hour to kill. What to do…” Jen looked puzzled.
    “Oh my god! Connor requested web cam with you!” Felcy hopped out of her seat and came over to get me. I got up and sat down in front of the computer.
    “How do I look?” I really didn’t care. I just wanted to make the two of them excited.
    “Great!” Jen was a matchmaker in heaven.
    “Fantastic!” Felcy was all bubbly.
    “Ok then keep quiet when I’m on here.” I turned to my laptop and made sure Jen and Felcy were out of the picture. I wanted Connor to think we were alone, though I never was anywhere by myself. I clicked the little accept button and my fangs shrunk when I saw him. I smiled sweetly.
    “Hey, Connor. What’s up?” This was going to be an interesting conversation.
    “Hey Val. Nothing really. I just wanted to see you before and after you turn sixteen, a fully reckless teen.” Ok, his sense of humor was not that great if he didn’t try, but that was very sweet of him. We’ve been friends since we were six, and I’ve liked him ever since we hit middle school.
    “Oh, thank you. But I was born at seven forty five, not seven.” I thought I had him, but right as I said that, I remembered he said before AND after.
    “Well yeah, I kinda like to talk to you instead of myself. And I want to talk to you about something.” Oh great. Connor doesn’t get serious normally and he is now. I’m scared. Jen and Felcy make kissy faces. Screw them; I have walked in on both of them having a make out session, so I don’t want to hear it.
    “Ok. Spill.” Just get it out dude! I like you! Say it!!!
    “You know Collin in English?”
    “Yeah. Corse I do.”
    “Well I don’t like the way he stares at you. I’m going to have a talk with him if it’s ok with you.” Double sweet points for Connor today. He’s being the sweetest ever since I got yelled at by a teacher for walking backwards. Pathetic, but he’s never really sweet unless he thinks something isn’t right.
    “Aw, why are you being so sweet tonight?” I was going to make him say it before I’m sixteen.
    “Well we’ve been friends for ten years. I got you something you’re going to love.” Oh yeah!!! I’m not the only one in this friendship that remembered!!!
    “I got you something too.” I smiled. I really like Connor, and he likes me as a friend at least.
    “Ops, I gotta go, ill see you later.” He signed off with the biggest smirk on his face. God, I’m gonna kill him. Felcy hopped up and made a squealing noise. She is such a dork. I looked at the two of them and they were giggling like mad.
    “So, Valery we’re going to make you look so pretty you will faint. Got it?” Felcy was like a dictator right now, and she was sentencing me to pure torture. She was going to put makeup on me.
    “Fallow me.” Felcy walked into my closet and sat me down at my vanity. I looked for Jen and found her looking at my clothes, picking out something for me to wear. Great, they have some master plan for me.

         After some time, I was done. Felcy had put on heavy eyeliner and clear gloss coated my lips. Jen picked out a grey and white striped long, tight short sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans. The accessories were beaded metallic bracelets. Very simple, but I looked pretty cool.
    “Val, you’re so lucky. Look at you. You’re beautiful!!!” Jen nodded in agreement to Felcy’s compliment. I glared at them.
         The door bell rang, and Felcy jumped. Jen smiled and pushed my out of my room. I poked my head in the library and Matt was sleeping. Thank god, because I smelled Connor’s cologne that I’ve come to love. I glanced at the clock before I went down to get the door. Five more minuets until I am sixteen.
         I walked to the door slowly. Smiling like a mad woman, I opened the door. There stood Connor with roses and a box. Connor came in and put down the roses on the side table by door. He pulled me into a tight hug, and in the distance I saw his mom’s car drive away into darkness. She had no idea what she just left her son with. Connor took of his jacket and of so carefully held the box as he closed the door.
    “Well mister, you’re unexpected.”
    “Yeah yeah, whatever. Like Matt cares.” He looked at me with a giant smirk. I felt like I was melting, because under his black flat rimmed hat his light brown eyes surrounded by eyeliner looked into my soul. I’m surprised he hasn’t seen the monster I am yet with those eyes.
    “He is actually sleeping. So shush.”
    “Ok. Well Valery, I hope you know that…” He walked over to the couch and sat down. I fallowed. “I hope you know how much I care about you.” Connor handed over the box and I opened it. Inside was a silver chain bracelet with a red plastic heart charm hanging off of it. My insides melted and a tear escaped my eye. Connor wiped it away.
    “Thank you Connor. I love it.” He pointed to the necklace he had on. It was a flat red plastic heart on a thick black thread. “Oh matching, how…cute.”
    “Of course we match.” He smiled.
    “Now, here’s something that you need to understand. I am going to tell you something entirely true. Believe it.” I opened my mouth to him. I couldn’t believe I was going to tell him, but it has been ten years. “Now look here. Nothing out of the ordinary, right?” He nodded. I opened my mouth again and let my hunger loose. My fangs elongated so long that they almost touched my chin. I guess the hungrier I am the longer they get. Connor looked surprised, but amused.
    “Where did you get those things? And how do they get long like that?” He didn’t get it, did he?
    “Connor, there aren’t fake. They are real. Feel them.” He pulled on them, wiggled them and got even paler. I really resisted the urge to bite down on his hand.
    “This isn’t a joke, is it?” He was so freaked.
    “No its not. I’m a vampire.” I got my hunger back under control and the fangs went away. He got his color back.
    “Ok, so why have you waited this long to tell me?” He looked offended. I instantly felt guilty.
    “Well, I really don’t like telling people about it. It’s kind of personal.”
    “But I thought we were best friends…”
    “Connor, don’t let this bother you. I’m still the same Valery I was ten minuets ago or ten years ago. It doesn’t matter. All that matters now is there is nothing that I’m hiding from you anymore. Please forgive me.” I looked at him and tried to look deep into his eyes, convince him that it didn’t matter that I held such a big thing from him through all of these years. After really concentrating on his deep eyes, he nodded.
    “Ok, I understand.” Connor took a deep breath and his pulse slowed, making it a bit easier to sit next to him and not want to suck every last drop out of him.
    “Well, this doesn’t change anything, right?” I really didn’t want our friendship to change just because he knows I am a glorified Holly Wood monster.
    “No, it doesn’t. In fact, were closer now. That’s really all.” He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.
         In the perfect timing, Matt, Felcy, and Jen came downstairs. Felcy and Jen were each carrying a box, and Matt looked groggy.
    “Open my gift first; you’re going to like it.” Felcy handed me her box that was wrapped in tissue paper. Very original. Inside the box was a gift card to the mall. It had $50 on it.
    “Thanks! I love it!” I said as I glanced at my bracelet. Something about it, I don’t know what, seemed familiar….and right. Jen handed me her box silently, with a big grin on her face. Inside was a little vial on a necklace, with some red liquid in it. I looked up at Jen with a confused face.
    “It’s full of blood, so when you get those weird attacks, you can open it and smell it, when you are by yourself.” Jen beamed a bright smile. She really had thought about this one. Of course this sparked Connor’s curiosity. He looked at me with furred brows.
    “If I don’t drink blood for a while, I get a huge pain in my stomach and I feel like my body is… burning? I don’t know, I just try to avoid that situation.” He nodded after my explanation. I glanced over at the clock. Seven forty four! I stood up from the couch and looked at Matt. He nodded and held out his hand. I took it and counted down the seconds.
         When the grandfather clock clicked to seven forty five, my body’s functions came to a halt. I felt my heart stall, the warmth creep out of my body. I took a big shiver, and my heart started again. The warmth of blood filled me again. I knew I would look different, and I had no idea what to expect. Matt let go of my hand and hugged me. He whispered ‘I love you, happy birth day’ in my ear before letting me go. Connor, Felcy, and Jen looked at me in awe.
    “Are you guys going to pick your jaws off the floor and let me see how I look?”
         Sorry, let me explain myself. Every birthday, I age only on my birthday. Humans constantly change and age, but vampires age once a year; on their birthday. Very weird, but what isn’t weird about being a vampire? I walked out of the living room and into the bathroom to look in a mirror. The reflection in the mirror to a certain extent resembled me. My eyes were deeper somehow, I grew about an inch, and my hair now touched my hips. Yeah, my face was more defined and made me look about twenty, but I’ve always looked older. Nothing too dramatically changed. Only now I could drink on others than Matt. That reminded me. I ran out to the living room and looked for Matt. He wasn’t there.
    “Matt went back up to the library, he said to go ahead and drink up. He doesn’t want to watch.” Felcy was smiling, because she knew what was happening. I was going to have a taste of Jen.
    “Wait….what’s going on here?” Connor looked up (yes up, he’s 5’7 and I’m now 5’10.) at me with curiosity and fear.
    “Simple, I am going to just take a little sip from Jen tonight for the first time ever. Up to now, I’ve been drinking from Matt all of these years. So you want to watch or not? Because you can leave the room if you want.” I felt like a total freak talking to Connor like this, but I have to.
    “Are you kidding me? I’d love to watch you, as creepy as that sounds.” His eyes lit up with excitement, and fear still lingered in the deep depths of them.
         Jen was sitting on the all too familiar stool. The stool is where feedings can be taken as safely as possible. I walked over to her, and had two ‘shadows’ fallow me. Once I was behind Jen, I looked at Felcy and Connor and gave them a back off look. They did as my face told. Not needing to brush away Jen’s hair due to her bob cut, I leaned in to the right. Just hovering above her neck, I located a vein throbbing. This pushed my fangs way out.
    “Now, don’t worry, I’m going to stop myself after a mouthful. This will only hurt a little. Be prepared, and please don’t bite my hand.” I whispered to Jen as I covered her mouth with my left hand. I wrapped my right arm around her stomach and held on, not too tight though.
         Being as careful and quick as possible, I bit down on Jen’s neck with my long fangs. At first she screamed, but the sound was muffled through my hand. As soon as her blood hit my tongue, I could feel the creature in me awaken. I had to remember who I was feeding off of to keep the monster at bay though. Now Jen was pulling and thriving in my arms, so I wrapped tighter around her, holding her in place until she gave up and sat patiently. Her blood was flowing into my mouth with ease, and so far everything was good. I glanced up at Felcy. As always, he eyes were huge with fascination. Then I looked over at Connor. He looked a little green, but mainly ok. Now his eyes were filled with pure horror. I squeezed my eyes shut, pushing the picture from my memories. My mouth was full, and I gulped. As I gulped I backed away and covered the wound, allowing it to heal. The healing took a few seconds, but it was over in a flash.
         As the blood hit my stomach, the creature lashed out and took over me. Now all that filled my mind was finding more blood to drink. Connor was the first thought that came to mind. I looked him in the eye and made a half smile. He waved. I hunched over, ready to pounce. Felcy grabbed him and pulled him away just in time. If she had been later, I would’ve had him. Instead, I tumbled into the wall and yelled some cusses. I got up in a flash and stood there, observing the room. Felcy was guarding Connor and Jen to the best of her ability. Seeing no possibility of getting a meal here, my monstrous mind thought school. I smiled, and let my mind go.
    “Valery!!! DON’T YOU DARE GO ANYWHERE!!!!” Felcy tried to grab me, but she was too late. I teleported to school within a few seconds. Yep, you read right. Vampires can teleport, but only to places they know very well.
         I re-appeared in front of the locker room I had run out of a few hours ago. . As I went in, I caught myself in the mirror. My eyes were piercing and dark. My lips were bloody and a thin line of blood fell to my chin. My hair was all messed up and funny looking, but at least my eyeliner was still on, it gave me a scarier look.
         I locked the one door behind me. As soon as the tumbler clicked, there was pounding on the door. Felcy can teleport too, but not as easily and fast. Denny Hannes looked at me from the back of the room. Denny was athletic, and unluckily the last person in the school due to her after school activities.
    “Valery? What’s up? You’re a mess.”
    “You are. Now, please don’t scream or anything. Just accept it. It’ll go by pretty quick.” I walked to the back of the room, and Denny was looking so confused.
    “Val, cut the crap. What’s going on?” She stared up at me with grey eyes. I stared down at her with a smirk.
    “Nothing I won’t regret.” And I was on top of her.
         Denny was athletic, but nothing compared to my new body. I had no idea how strong I was, so I let it all out. Within seconds, I had her pinned down. She started screaming.
    “Shush. No need to wear out that pretty little voice.” When I said pretty, my fangs elongated again to my chin.
         Felcy kicked the door in just as I was over her neck. I looked up and hissed. After tossing Denny aside, (she made a huge clatter crashing into the lockers.), I ran for Felcy. Amazed by kicking in the door, she didn’t see me coming. She looked over at me, perfectly timed so her eyes got large as I ran into her. Felcy was smashed into the wall. She fell to the floor in a heap, still breathing though. I made my way back to Denny, taking my time and whistling while skipping. Denny groaned and got up. I grabbed her and bit down on her neck. Felcy screamed at me, but I drank anyway. Denny managed to elbow me very hard in my gut, and I freed her and gripped my own stomach. Almost throwing up, I struck my arm out and hit her hip. She fell to the floor whimpering.
         Two new scents filled me, other than Felcy and Denny. Jen and Connor were here. Jen can teleport two people, but very very slowly. I spun around, and Jen backed away in horror. Connor was charging at me in full speed. His fist met my face. That. HURT. I immediately started growling at him. He slowly backed away. Once at the door, he broke into a run. I chased him into a dead end.
    “Well, Connor? What do you have to say for yourself? An ‘I’m sorry’ might help a little.” He looked at me, and built up confidence.
    “No, I’m not sorry. You needed that. And now, well, go ahead. Kill me. As long as it’s somebody willing, and ready for it.” He tried his best to stop me with his eyes. I raised my arm, ready to hit him back, and gave him a playful shove. His eyes had gotten me out of complete bloodlust.
    “So, can we go home now? I really don’t want to be in school anymore.” Connor yawned as he mentioned school.
    “Val! How could you?” Uh oh. I turned around to see Matt at the end of the hallway. Crap. Crap! Oh great, now I’m going to get the whole ‘control yourself’ talk again. Yeah, I’ve done some pretty… interesting things but nothing like this. Ever. Matt motioned for me to fallow him, and I did. Connor was close on my heels. Matt stopped at the locker room.
    “Go in and do your magic.” Yeah, Matt calls my weird things magic. It’s really stupid.
         I walked back into the room. Felcy and Jen were over Denny, calming her down. Cautiously, I walked over to Denny. Felcy and Jen backed away from her. Denny screamed when she saw me.
    “Matt, I don’t think me working on her will help. It might be best to send her to a mental hospital, after I numb her first.” I glanced back at Matt, who nodded. I got on one knee and tried to comfort Denny.
    “Denny, your okay. Don’t worry; I’m not going to hurt you. Just…keep quiet.” I reached out and touched her forehead. She went limp. I began to try taking memories out, but she held on to everything. I could remove faces from the event though, which would keep us all safe. Now I couldn’t do anything but slow her thinking down. I put my palm on her forehead now, and that would do it. I slapped her to get her up. She glanced around, and saw the room how it was before the accident. Felcy and Jen could fix any mess fairly quickly.
    “Denny, are you ok? Somebody just ran in here and tried to kill you. He got away though.” I tried my best to not suck her blood.
    “Yeah, I’m fine.” She talked somewhat slower. “But… it was a vampire!!! It sucked my blood!!!!” She showed me her neck, and nothing was there.
    “Hun, nothing is there. I think its best you go home. Matt will take you, ok?” She nodded and got up. I brought her to Matt, and he took her. After they got outside, I looked at everybody.
    “Val, are you ok?” Felcy asked.
    “Yeah, I’m still thirsty though.” I glanced at Connor as I answered Felcy’s question.
    “You…you want…my blood?” He tilted his head, letting his pale neck show. I nodded.
         Connor walked over to me and I bit him eagerly. My fangs popped out after I had bitten him, promising a scar. A drop came out. It tasted way too salty and disgusting. I backed away. He didn’t yell or anything, which was good. He gripped his neck and looked at me.
    “I have a feeling something isn’t right.” Connor assumed right. I began to gag, and ran back into the locker room. Inside was a toilet, and I made it just in time. My whole stomach emptied itself into the toilet. All I saw was blood. After flushing, I got up. Felcy and Jen came in and gasped. After looking in the mirror, I knew what they were surprised at.
         My eyes were all white, except the pupils. My whole body had gone from deeply tanned to snow white. Even my hair looked wiped out because it was now grey instead of its usual jet black. I looked back at my best friends. Connor walked in and froze. I tried teleporting, but couldn’t. Tears were falling from my eyes. Felcy and Jen come over to hug me. Connor just stood there. After his head started working again, he used his cell phone to call Matt. He came and picked us up without any questions. The car ride home was filled with my gasps for breath in between sobs.
         Once we were home, Matt sat on the stool. He tilted his neck. I walked over and waited for my fangs to elongate. They barley came out. I bit down on Matt’s neck. He knew what to expect, so he just sat there. His blood made my stomach growl, and my fangs grew even more. Now his blood was flowing into my mouth. I took mouthfuls until I was full. After getting up, his wound healed. Matt got up and went to his room. Connor, Felcy and Jen started clapping.
    “That was weird; at least you’re back to normal. How were you feeling?” Felcy asked.
    “Well I was crying, HOW DO YOU THINK I FELT?!??!”
    “Sorry, but I wasn’t sure.”
    “Basically, I felt completely empty and like I could die any second.” I glanced at the clock. It read midnight. “Go to bed guys, its late.”
         The three of them walked to my room. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Nothing is on at night, which really sucks. So eventually I found a show about animals, which could bore me to tears. But it was better than informational commercials. After about half an hour, I got fed up and turned off the television. Even though it was cold out, outside didn’t sound too bad. I got up and looked down at my clothes. They were torn and blood stained. I sighed. What a waste of a perfectly good outfit. I walked upstairs and noticed a light was on in the library. I poked my head in and found Matt holding a photo album, sleeping. I walked over to him and picked up the album. It was my baby pictures. I shook my head and put the book away. After covering Matt up in a blanket, I went to my room.
© Copyright 2010 Kristylufsbooks (sharpiehearts at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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