Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1646824-Fire-Child-Chapter-2-Street-Rat
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1646824
This is chapter two to Fire Child. I cannot post as a book yet :( please enjoy :D
We rehearsed only three times for the play. And then one more time for my scene.

But one day, I was strolling and looking around Arabia. Looking at the wonderful art. I was in a brown tank and brown army like pants.

I grew hungry and stopped by at a shop. The owner wasn't there. So I grabbed an apple and left the money.

“Hold it right there.” A voice came from behind me.

I turned around; Arabian cops.

“Can I help you, officers?” I asked.

“We just saw you take that apple while the owner wasn't at his shop and not pay for it.” one of them said.

“I beg your pardon, officers, but I did pay twenty cents for this apple.” I said.

“Then where exactly is this money?”

“I left it right on the—” I pointed to where I left the money and noticed it wasn't there.

I looked at the officers sheepishly.

“Officers, I swear I left the money right there. Someone must have took it with all the poverty around.” I said innocently.

“Likely story.” They crossed their arms. “You can repay for it, or go to jail. Which do you choose?” He asked.

“Officers, I have money back at my hotel. If I could just go back—”

“And what, not come back and repay?” The officer said angrily.

“No, no, officers. I would never go without paying. I would come back to pay.” I said. But I couldn't get a word through them. “Listen, officers, just let me through and to my hotel. I'll grab some money and bring it to you to pay. I'll even wait till the owner gets back to pay.” I said trying to get passed them.

They grabbed my shoulder.

“I don't think so.” The officer said.

I grabbed his hand and twisted it. He yelped in pain. The other cop went after me. I kicked him in the stomach and ran off. I climbed up this building and they followed. I started jumping the buildings. That slowed them down.

I continued like that till I got to the castle walls. It was a little farther jump. I looked behind me. They were closing in. It was all or nothing. I turned toward them. I ran to them. They stopped dead in their traps, thinking I was insane. I slid to a stop; I was grateful for the boys back at home for teaching me baseball. Then ran back toward the wall.

I jumped. Arms outstretched as if I could fly. Hair billowing in the hot, summer, air.

I heard people gasp from all around.

I landed on my side. Cool and hard; that was definitely a wall made of alabaster. I rolled all the way to the edge. And then I flipped over the edge. I heard gasps of terror this time. I grabbed the edge just as I flipped.

I was sweating and my fingers were slipping. I was on the inside part of the wall now; beneath me were a ton of guards. I pulled my other hand up there as well. Then, with difficulty, I pulled myself up. I wasn't that heavy; in fact, I was under weight for my age and height. I was a hundred pounds with my height, five foot eight. But without it, I was about ninety-five pounds.

I pulled myself up little by little. Once I was high enough, I placed my knee on the wall. Then, once again, I heard gasps. I finally stood up. There was clapping, yelling and screaming.

“Street Rat, Street Rat!” They chanted.

The sunset beamed down on me. The heat was intense.

“Street Rat conquers all!” I yelled, pumping my fist up in the air.

They all cheered and I bowed.

“That's all for tonight!” I yelled.

They cheered some more. I backed up to the edge and extended my arms above my head. Then I fell backwards, this time on purpose.

My hair extended in front of me. I was smiling with my eyes closed. I flipped in the air so that I was positioned for sky diving. There was a tree below me and I landed in it with a squat.

“Well done, Xana.” Came a voice from below me. The voice was clapping.

“We got that all on tape.” It was the director.

I sighed a sigh of relief and jumped down.

“Oh, Derick, it's just you.” Derick was tall, dark and handsome, just for the record. But I didn't like him in that way.

“Who else?” He said.

“I thought it was those Arabian cops.” I said. “They were chasing me because I didn't pay for an apple when I did! But the money wasn't there. So I ran.” I said with a laugh.

Derick laughed with me.

“Alright, street rat. It's time for bed.” Came Daddy's crossed voice.

I turned my head still laughing until I saw my parents; arm folded and crossed.

“Oh boy...” I whispered to myself.

“What were you thinking Xana!” Mom yelled once we were in my room.

“I payed for that apple!” I yelled back.

“Since we're just about done here, you'd better start packing.” Daddy said.

“What!! But we just got here!” I protested.

“Yeah, we just got here about two and a half months ago, Xana.” Mom said. “You need to go back to school.”

That was the LAST place I wanted to be. I mean, who would want to go back to an all girl school that's going to hate you; when you are totally acknowledged here?

“Tonight it your last performance.” Daddy said. “We need to leave early tomorrow to make in back in time for you to be ready for school.”

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

“Do not think for a second that you know everything Xana, because you don't.” Mom said.

I thought for a moment.

“And what happens if I learn everything? Do I still have to go to school?” I asked.

“That's impossible.” Daddy said.

I sighed and headed off to my room to change.


I had to pick which outfit to wear the entire time; even though I had enough time to change into five outfits. Anyway, I picked the blue green silk outfit. It was my personal favorite. Plus, when ever I saw Jasmine and Aladdin for a broad day view, she's always in the purple outfit. So, I wanted to be different.

While I was packing, I saw the bad that held the magic carpet. We haven't used it yet.... I wonder what happened if we did?

'Tonight's the night....' Came the voice that told me not to let those girls touch me.

I grabbed it and headed out.

I didn't have to walk that far though. The stage was out front because of the setting. We needed the palace wall. I walked around the back to avoid attention. But what I didn't notice was I walked right onto stage....

“Hey, look!” Someone yelled.

I turned..... and faced...... the audience.

“It's the street rat!” The guards yelled.

“Oh, not again!” I sighed and hurried to go find someone to prove my innocents.

Music started and I rolled my eyes. They were only trying to get the audience's attention!

I stopped and turned around. The audience gasped.

“Alright, you got me.” I raised my hands in defeat.

Razoul, the head guard, smirked and grabbed my hands. His hands were ruff and hard. He brought be to the middle of the stage and held me high.

“Let this be a lesson to all of you!” He shouted as he shook me. “Anyone, tourist or native, who dear appose against the guards of Agrabah!”

I knew it was part of the script. I didn't see it but Razoul just said Agrabah.

“Put her down!” Came my prince's voice.

“Aladdin!” I cried in joy.

Razoul growled. “Street Rats!”

“Unhand her this instant!” Aladdin yelled.

“You dare appose an Arabian guard?” Razoul raised his eye brow.

“I dare appose a fool!” Aladdin yelled as I swung back and pushed the heavy Razoul backwards.

I was freed as Razoul fell. Aladdin caught me.

“Are you alright?” He asked grabbing my hands.

“Yes.” I said. “But I must be going.” I pulled my hood up again and raced off.

Aladdin stood on the stage alone.

“This is our tale, of a Aladdin.” He said as my magic carpet, that was underneath him, rose and rode off with Aladdin on it.

The audience clapped and cheered.

Back stage, Ray(Aladdin) came riding back astonished.

“I told you it would work with my touch!” I said.

“You're so right Xan. But you should have seen your face back there! You totally freaked out when Razoul came after you!” Ray boasted.

“Shut up!” I pushed him off my carpet and sat on it myself.

'Ah, much better.' Came the voice.

I looked around me. Then I looked down.

'Was it the carpet?' I rolled my eyes at the thought. 'That's impossible. Carpets can't talk; not even in a movie!'

The carpet all of a sudden dropped to the ground; and I went with it.

'Okay, okay. I shall believe you.' I thought.

For what ever reason, jadda said that my thoughts were powerful and not just silliness. What ever she meant by that, I think I was starting to find out.

The carpet started floating again. Thank god no one was watching. Ray was already on stage in his Aladdin outfit. The very first one Aladdin wears.

When ever I went on, I was sooo thrilled!!! I loved being Jasmine!!! Then came the most mind-boggling part—the magic carpet ride. I hoped that Ray believed in magic, or we were going to fall.

I stepped onto the carpet; well, I fell into Aladdin. He caught me and held me. I slowly backed away like I was suppose to and sat down. All this time thinking, 'I believe, I believe...' I had to believe in order for it to work. AND IT DID!!!

I had such a wonderful time in Arabia!!! But now I had to go back to my cursed school......
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