Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1646737-From-the-dust-intro-and-chapter-one
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1646737
From the dust of our destruction, we will rise again

What is it that makes humans? Our thumbs? Our brains? Our ignorance? Or, is it our constant quest to one up each other on everything. and the ultimate thing we all wanted more of was power. It was this struggle for power creating bigger and better weapons than the others who seek power. In May 2026, the Chinese had created pills to feed their soldiers. This made them stronger and faster. America retaliates by uniting with the British. Their government scientists create the soldier gene. July 2027, successful test subjects are deployed on their first live fire missions to eliminate terrorists in a Pakistan. Three hours later the mission is complete. The governments rejoice as they claim their soldiers to be perfect.
By December 2030, their are 5 million people with the soldier gene. The British and American army where an unstoppable force. The world backed down at the site of their soldiers and surrendered to any wills. A few months later by February 2031, the gene is mass produced, by then 50 million people have the gene. Months later the gene began to show disfiguring effects in the earliest subjects, their muscles grew in rapid proportion and became defined all over their bodies, they looked like monsters, husks of their former selfs. November 2031, the Soldier gene shows signs of consuming every remnant of humanity in its host, every rational thought and emotion was gone. Days later...Rebellion, in just six minutes of the organised launched assault of every soldier the world was at its knees, humans were deemed a parasite in the soldiers new world in which they take by force.
Any remaining humans united living underground, a little cliché story of the last humans alive if you ask me. For two years we’ve survived, only because of our superior minds and awareness, the super soldiers aren’t too bright. Two days ago a scientist strolled into our sights, unusual a scientist should live so long in such hell fire, but he told us of hope he had, he had worked on the original soldier gene project, he told us of the thing he called the “failsafe” a virus they created for the purpose of infecting anyone with the soldier gene. He led us to a secret lab hidden in Ireland of all places, but knowing the British government it was there idea of being discreet and secret to be in the place where they really shouldn’t be.
So here we are now, I’m captain Yung a marine commando fighting to stay alive, I don’t fight to win, it was hopeless until now.

Mission one

The wind blew gently in the winter night, the snow gently fell landing on a sea of its already fallen brethren, gently and softly settling in where it belongs. The sea of white snow was a site of beauty yet horror of what the world had become, a once proud and vibrant town square, buildings laid to waste, charred crumbling buildings towered over head burnt out rusted cars covered in snow, the asphalt rubble and stained blood now covered by two feet of snow.

The night is peaceful; though peaceful the past carnage of what had taken place was still clear. The scenery is slowly broken; four people slowly stepped in crouching position from behind a building. All four of them were dressed in full black, their faces covered by balaclavas and their eyes covered by clear goggles, one of them appeared to be a woman by the shape of their form and the fact there chest protruded more from behind the black tight woollen jumpers. All four of them had guns shouldered at the ready, quiet advanced looking machine guns; they looked through their guns sights as they creeped along the destroyed avenue towards a large fairly intact building.

The man in front stopped at the buildings front, he lifted his hand up signalling for his group to stop, they all leant down on one knee, the man at the back turned back to look where they came from, and raised his hand making a beckoning motion. A figure emerged from behind where they came, running towards them in a hurry, he was a short skinny man wearing slacks, a white button up shirt with tie, and a long white lab coat. His hair looked greasy but it was just over gelled, he had a beak looking nose and small beady eyes looking out from behind a thick set of glasses.

He perched himself down on one knee in front of the professional looking men, he poked his glasses with a skinny index finger pushing them back on his nose. The man at the front slowly stepped forward to the large glass doors of the building and looked in secretively, slowly opening the door, the men with guns behind him looking in all directions at all times ready for anything. Once the door was fully open the man held it open with his knee and aimed his gun inside flicking the attached flashlight on, he screened the room with it. Once he saw the room was empty in its darkness, “Move!” he whispered with urgency not moving his head or gun from their patrolling positions.
After the troopers and civilians were inside the man slowly crept in behind them as he turned around closing the door slowly and silently securing the rear position. They gathered in the centre of the small abandoned dark lobby. They flicked their flash lights on aiming them down at the small white and red tiled floor and looking around at each other in a circle, they all gave a slight reassuring nod to one and other apart from the odd one out who sat back behind them in the darkness. The man who had led them all here pulled the balaclava off of his face. His short light brown cropped hair was matted down from the balaclava, his face was distinguished and battle worn his skin rough and face wrinkled around the cheeks and eyes which were a dark green, but within those eyes laid his true fire; determination, bravery, intelligence and above all a pure will to survive, the eyes of a natural born leader.

He looked around at his men and gave them a slight reassuring smile, “in and out, it’s that simple guys, Stokes and Jennings I want you on the rear behind the scientist. He’s our lead here so watch his six ok” he said in a calm whisper, the two men still in balaclavas nodded in acknowledgement, he looked over to the suspected woman soldier “Lion you’re up front with me, we’ll scout and secure the route for the scientist”.

The scientist timidly slid forward on his knee towards him, “err captain Yung? If I may suggest we get a move on straight away and get out of here, there will still be new reborns around”. The new reborns, the super soldiers that haven’t grown into monstrous creatures yet, they aren’t as strong but none the less, they were still super human.

Yung nods his head slowly, crouching up taking a few steps forward shouldering his weapon, “fire on my order only unless engaged, shoulder up and move out” he said in an urging whisper stepping forward. The others shouldered their weapons and fell into formation. They slowly crept through the dark corridors of the abandoned building, the only visible objects where those lit by their flash lights. The building seemed normal and quiet, though every now and again the lights would catch view of a blood smear or a mutilated body.
They carried on through the building directed by the scientist, the four professionals were focused and ready for anything, but the scientist was edgy and jumped at every sound. The scientist led them to a large, seemingly never ending staircase; they all began climbing it, after ten minutes they were all wishing for a working elevator. Finally they reached floor eighty-nine after twenty minutes of climbing. The scientist stepped forward and placed his finger in a small black glass circle, a green light scanned over his finger and the metallic door it was next to made a loud gusting sound, and slid open slowly.

Yung turned to face the two guarding the rear. “You two stay here and keep a look out, if you see anything else move blow its damn head off” he said shouldering his gun again and turning and looking through the door, he went through the door first looking around intently and carefully at the labs surroundings, Lion and the scientist follow him in.
“it would be at the far side in a Cryo-safe” the scientist said pointing to the far end of the lab still oddly lit by an alarming red light, obviously powered by a backup generator for their cooling units, so their specimens wouldn’t be destroyed if the power went, as Yung walked into the lit Cryo area it was as if walking into hellfire itself after being in the dark so long.
His eyes quickly adjusted as he approached the far end, the Cryo-safes coming into view, as they got close the scientist run ahead slightly, “no, no, this isn’t right it should be here!”

He said in a blind panic confused, “Don’t tell me, it’s not here!” Yung said lowering his gun puffing out his chest squaring up to the scientist, “it...it should have been here, really I swear” the scientist said in fear panicking backing away, Yung grabbed the man by the throat and slammed him with force against the wall, and pushed his face close to his, the scientist was beginning to sweat in fear. “I mean it, but they can’t have destroyed it, the day before the attack we made some upgrades to the failsafe, we created it to be a fast adapting fast mutating virus, it...It’s indestructible” he said desperately quivering in fear.

“They have the whole word to hide it in, we will never find it” Yung said gritting his teeth in anger, letting the scientist drop back to his feet. The faint sound of a radio cackle fills the air, “Yung, we got contact, multiple new reborns coming in at amazing speed up the stairs”, Yung quickly placed a finger to his ear, “Everyone regroup, dig in and defend come on double time!” he said with urgency.
Within moments, they all regrouped and dug in defensive cover behind the metal tables and Cryo-banks, less than a minute a swarm of muscle bound figures in basic army camouflage, they immediately began to fire, all these new reborns looked similar, lifeless eyes of various colours, blank expressions, they where no longer human. They fired upon the humans relentlessly, but hit nothing but the cover, eventually they had to stop to reload and when they did, “FIRE!” Yung shouted from behind cover, a sea of bullets rushed out at the uncovered newborns smashing into them, each took about five bullets to the chest each before they went down. Some even took three shots to the face before falling, as each bullet hit the super human abominations a loud thud and horrific groan ensued. From the side of the ordinaries all you could see was a wall of blood as the bullets poured, as the wall faded nothing but an image of dead muscular
bodies lay on the floor.

“Good job guys, these bastards didn’t see it coming” Yung roared in triumph turning around, “sir we got a problem” the voice made it clear it was a woman, she leant over the body of the scientist, he was still breathing heavy, as a sea of crimson flowed from his neck over the floor, the scientist was as good as dead, but with his last breathe he laid down his first and last true heroic act. He lifted his blood covered hand and drew an arrow in blood, the arrow aimed at a door in the distance, whatever it was, it was worth a man’s last breathe to mention.
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