Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1646420-Bonds-1
Rated: · Chapter · Fantasy · #1646420
Will the master be able to stop the apprentice?
It’s almost time. I hope I’d get a good one. But a tough one would be a fine challenge.

Rahjen strolled the marble hall of the Discoveriterium, where his new apprentice will be discovered and consigned to him. It was a beautiful building. Its white walls signify power and its intricate carvings of ancient history and runes stood out against the morning sun. The Discoveriterium had a rectangular architecture and a dome shaped finish at the south end of the building. There was a great hall inside filled with more carvings of indecipherable languages and runes. Towards the south of the hall a huge gray door made of marble stone. It was where the apprentices were called to be discovered. He remembered his own discovery. He was 15 then and like every other newbie graduate, anxious of what to expect. They were all lined together in front of the main opening of the Discoveriterium. They were called in by a mage, an elderly chap with the usual features of a wizard; long white beard, long white hair, flowing robes, a withered cane and a pointed hat. However, one thing about him wasn’t usual. Rahjen remembered his eyes. As old as he was, he still had bright and caring blue eyes. His eyes showed the experience of a true master. Rahjen wished he had eyes like those, the ones that could narrate a story or provide warmth. Indeed, his eyes were one of a kind but they were nowhere near bright and caring. His eyes were dubbed as “soul-piercers” for his deep purple eyes were painful to stare at. His white hair color, lean yet strong appearance didn’t help his cause for it only exenterated his eyes. These eyes were the reason why he did not have friends, they were all afraid of him except for four people. Best friends that he found during his school years. These friends were his comfort while they were waiting to be called. All four of them were huddled in the corner of the hall trying to ease each other when Rahjen was called. He stood up jerkily and almost ran towards the old mage. He remembered his soothing voice, “Relax my boy, this would be the most memorable experience you would look back to.” With that he led him inside the solid door and instructed him to stand in the middle of the room. It was a dimly lit room and a panel of elders surrounded him. Also in the middle was a silver stand crafted into a shape of a dragon’s head. In its mouth was a glowing orb that changed hues spontaneously. “Rahjen” an old husky voice called, “we have observed you through the years and your profile reads that you are very observant, empathic and secretive. These attributes are affiliated with the aqua family, however, that is all that we can tell you. You would have to discover your true abilities on your own with the guidance of you master, Mistress Lynia. But to give you a clue on your path as an Aquanian, touch the Discorb in front of you.” Rahjen hesitantly reached for the orb as it changed from a murky green to bright neon blue. His fingers touched the cool surface of the orb and…

Heavy footsteps echoed in the hall and approached him.

Breaking the memory Rahjen smiled, “Prine.”

“What do we have here? Nostalgic of your discovery?” Prine jokingly said.

“Indeed. I feel as if it was just yesterday that we were here having ourselves discovered. Now here we are, renowned masters of the four arts waiting for our apprentices.” Rahjen replied casually.

“Ya got that right. Hope I get a hot-head, it sure would spice things up!” Prine laughed.

“Dream on Prine, hot-heads are Pyranians. I’m a Pyranian and therefore, those kinds should be assigned to me.” Tyѐ interrupted from nowhere.

“Whoa. A Pyranian you are, no doubt about that.” Prine rolled his eyes.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Tyѐ glared at him.

Prine and Tyѐ. Prine was a Gaean and Tyѐ was a Pyranian. Based on Rahjen’s experience with them as friends, it suited them perfectly. Prine was a huge, muscular guy. He had broad shoulders, thick arms and legs and a chiseled face. His chesnut brown hair was short and spiky. Contrary to his intimidating appearance, he had a very friendly face. Being stubborn, enduring and loyal made him a Gaean. Tyѐ was a whole different story. She was a lean, fragile looking kind of girl. She had deep red, short, pixie-like hair and a soft face. What she lacked in appearance, she made up for her personality. She figuratively and literally lights the room up when she enters a room. She could also easily charm and attract people with her grace for she was a great dancer. Classifying her in another family other than the Pyranians would be heresy.

Rahjen looked at them with fondness as they argued about, well almost about anything. They were an odd group of friends. Families often make bonds with similar descents but never there was a deep inter-family friendship between the Aquanians, Gaeans, Pyranians and Galeins.

In the beginning, the families were one. As legends have it, the gods have endowed all mortals with dominion over the elements. This gifts lead humanity to one of its glorious years in history. Many have created various inventions and disciplines that rivaled even that of the gods. Peace and prosperity flourished…for a while. However, the gods have trusted mere mortals too much of their power. Weapons to conquer were created as well. Wars waged and a struggle for the ultimate power drove mortals to the brink of destruction. Unable to retrieve their blessings, the gods decided to restrain the blessings instead. Only one element that complemented the mortal’s individuality was allowed. In addition, powers would not come naturally to all; it must be discovered though meticulous reflection of oneself for a wrong elucidation may cost one’s life. Also, a guardian to commune with would be placed to guard the mortal from harm and from himself. Thus, power was limited and held back ill intentions. Nevertheless, the world was never the same.

The floor of the Discoviterium gleamed with the rising of the sun. Anxious and excited murmurs came from the front entrance. Rahjen walked towards the whispers and motioned the two to follow him

“They’re here.” Rahjen said.

Upon reaching the entrance, a number of freshly chosen graduates greeted them with tense faces. Jardien was among them, tailing the group of students. He was in charge of the group this season. His friendly features and soothing voice was perfect for the job. Tyѐ waved hello to the Galein. Jardien nodded in reply and ordered the students to go inside the building.

“The usual bunch,” Jardien said as he joined the three, “rowdy and noisy kids…”

“Well they look anxious now, no one dares speak anymore.” Tyѐ replied.

True enough everyone fell silent as they entered the Discoveriterium. Students marveled at the intricate symbols and deigns of the interior. Jardien once again addressed the students.

“Wait for your names to be called and please don’t wander about. I will lead you inside the great door. There is no need for you to feel scared or vulnerable. This is an experience you’d never forget. Any questions?” Receiving no reply he turned to the masters accompanying him and whispered, “Please wait inside.”

The masters promptly left him and walked to where the Discorb lay. It still flashed different hues spontaneously. The masters joined their comrades and took their places behind the elders. They sat and waited for the discovery to start. Jardien came in with a panic-stricken boy. He was trembling all-over and couldn’t even look up to the elders. He was a small guy, had spiked black hair, a regular nose, regular eyebrows and round black eyes. He also had a mole on his cheek and the tip of his nose. When he spoke his canines showed, reminiscent of a vampire.

“Leard?” One of the elders asked him.

“Y-e-e-es-s-ss-i-i-ii-r?” he said weakly.

A muffled chuckle came from the elder.

“There is no need to worry child. Calm down. Your profile says that you are secretive, persuasive and stubborn. Under meticulous scrutiny, we believe that you are fit for a Gaean. You are to train under Master Prine. But for now let the Discorb guide you.” The elder said in a light tone.

He undecidedly approached the Discorb and flinched as it changed from an inviting blue to a malicious red. His fingers quivered as it touched the surface of the Discorb. Almost instantly, his features relaxed. He stood there, with closed eyes and seemed to enjoy what he was seeing. When he opened his eyes, he looked more confident and sure of himself. He faced the elders with a curious face. Reading his features correctly, the elder quickly called for his master.

“Master Prine, please introduce yourself to your new apprentice.”

Prine sighed in disappointment. He wanted an apprentice like him, the one who he thinks can keep up with him when they sparr. He got up and flashed his friendly smile towards Leard. Leard looked at his new master with both enthusiasm and intimidation. Prine and his new novice exited side by side the spherical room through the back door behind the masters’ seats. Rahjen and Tyѐ looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

Well, this looks interesting. They both seemed to think.

The discovery dragged on and it seemed to Rahjen that it would take forever. As time went by each and every master met their apprentices. Tyѐ got an easily enraged tall boy with chinky blue eyes, a pale complexion and platinum hair. Hein was his name. Jardien’s novice was a girl called Mayen. She had big round caring eyes, short deep burgundy hair and a perky personality. Personally, he thought it suited them both.

Rahjen was the only master left. He stood from his seat and stood close to the Discorb waiting. Finally, the last apprentice went inside. His apprentice also had chinky eyes but his eyes were an inviting combination of black and light brown. He had flat midnight black hair that was combed to the left. His defining feature was the circular scar on his right cheek. He had a mischievous appearance and a playful smile plastered on his face.

“So you’ll be my master?” he inquired rather loudly.

“Apparently” Rahjen whispered. Rahjen looked deep into his eyes. Surprisingly, he didn’t recoil from the ‘soul-piercing’ stare.

A woman’s voice came from the circle of elders, “Master Rahjen meet your new apprentice, Xaner.”
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