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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #1645038
what happens to this girl?does she get what she really deserves?
"why can't people get over thereselves move on!get the fuck on with life really, seriously why can't they just..........

"carry."Mandy yelled at the top of her lungs"get your ass out side...NOW"

"fine calm down, i'll be out when i feel like."she yelled back

"No now get out here NOw."she screamed

"god your not my mother."she replied

"what did you say missy, I am so your mother, your dad married me, so get outside NOw.............."mandy yelled madly

"fine bitch."carry yelled back

"what did you say."mandy said sternly

"nothing......."carry lied

............see what I mean."she wrote in her book. Carry shuffled her feetas she forced herslef to go out in the sunblight."oh joy." she thought to herself.

"what do you want."she said in a bored voice

"we find you spend too much time in your room and hiding out so were sending you to a boarding school."mandy said

"Nooooooooooo!!"carry yelled"theres no wayy!"

"well tough."she said

"well i guess the good thing is I don't have to see your nausiating face no more!"she said pleasurably

"go pack your bags carry." her father yelled as mandy cried in his arms."NOW!"he screamed. Carry marched up to her room and grabbed her black and white suitcas t the one with all the bloodied skulls on it! "god atleast i get to leave this hell hole."she said to herslef. she threw a bunch of black leggings and black punky skirts into her suitcase, followed by black jeans and black band tees. she packed her laptob, cell phone, ipod touch and her colourfull hair extentions and walked back down the stairs. On her way out she grabbed her makeup kit and walked outside.

"so when are you taking me." she asked

"right now." her father announced she jumped in the back of his car and started writing in her journal.....

so when will people grow up really, a bording school and im really going to attend classes. they think wrong those bitches won't know whats hitting them. People need to let me be and get over the fact of contolling me. I will show them all eventually hah! stupid people.....

she looked up from her sheet of paper too see trees and forest and that is when she saw them pull into an empty lot.

"get out" he said."this is our stop." carry's face turned cold and pale her beuty faded into an image of horror.

"what.."she asked

"get out, your on your own, have fun." he told her

"no."she said nowing not to defy him but still defying him anyways.

"get out of the car now, carry, NOw." He yelled

"ok." she answered and she stepped out of the car and watched it speed away. not for one moment did she even want to pick up her phone he wanted her gone so here she was gone, with her suitcase in the middle of no where, and she had no clue what to do next.


Carry stood alone and silent on the open road and for the first time she criend she actually criend. Before that she never criend before never. She leaned over her suitcase and criend untill something caught her attention and envolope in the front of her suitcase. Carry carefully opened it up and read aloud, tears streaming from her face.


I am sorry, but you are tough I know your tough and mandy just couldn't deal with you. she has never criend this much in her life ever. I thought about the boarding school but I knew you were tough and could handle yourself. You are so much better than me in that way. I can't even deal with your moms death. I thought you would be better without those constant reminders so I thought a fresh start. In the envolope I left 10,000 dollars in cash. Make a new start. I know you you'll do ok.

Love dad"she stared at this letter in disbeleivment."better off, How is this better off."she yelled and let the wind carry it away. she thought to herself"how could he have the adasity to sighn it love this was not love and how could he think she was over moms death how could she be it was horrible." But she shook it off. Shook it completley off and stared at her suitcase.

"I am sorry babe"she said to it as she opened it up and grabbed her backpack out of it. Filling everything in her backpack she mumbled"I love you charlie"to her suitcase. She through the suitcase on her back and walked in the distant of nowhere. In the sirection of fresh trees and wildlife in the direction of something better. Maybe. She let her feet hit the gravel road and kick rocks outof sight. A thought came to her, her ipod she had her ipod!

"brillant thinking."she thought as she ripped open her bag and realized her ipod wasn't there, she left it in her suitcase. Her legs raced her heart was with her as she sprinted as fast as her body would take her. Back to her suitcase she searched through her whole suitcase and discovered there it was shining in distaste, like it hated her. she grabbed it and kissd it behind her ipod she found her phone and snatched it up in her arms.

"you tried to fool me."she yelled as she searched her suitcase and found nothing else so she kicked it off the clift and laughed as tears fell from her eyes. she fixed the earbuds in her ears and started listening to cobra starship as she walked and walked and walked

"stupid walking I hate it."she yelled. she moved slowly and quitely passing trees and her legs started to move faster, her lips moved to protest but for once she shut up and ran.

I’m the last man standin yeah And I aint never scared Smash it up smash it up I’m gonna kick it down Be cool tonight Don’t wanna start a fight Smash it up smash it up Tonight we kickin it down Ahhhhh 1 2 3 go! I’m not street but I do what I gotta do she ran and felt the thrill pleasure, the fresh wind against her face. the slight out of breathness that came to her the feeling in her stomach the pain in her legs. She ran harder she pushed herself farther and for once she forgot. she forgot she didn't remember her moms brutal death her problems she just knew the wind and this new pleasure. She was happy for once she was happy.

Her happiness faded soon it faded as she woke up on the ground pain surrounding her body, blood pouring out of her head. all she could remember was a flash of light a bright light and yelling.

"was I hit by a car."she thought"Is there even cars out here." she sat in shock in totall shock as she saw a girl around her age run out.

"Oh my god, are you okay, I have no time too talk, gina help her in the car and check her out back there we have to go now!" she yelled as another girl with dirty blond hair and ripped up clothes. Behind all that she was beutiful she looked around 22. Carry watched as gina and the unknown lifted her and her backpack into the brand new sivic accord.

"my names Joey By the wayy." she announced

"ok, mines carry."carry said as Gina tended to her wounds. as Gina worked over her she noticed how truly beutiful ginas eyes where they were this bright, sparkly blue that made your heart stop. Her hair was just as beutiful behind the dirt there was this beach blond colour that was straight and medium cut. she blew carry out of the water with her beuty. Carry's hair was a dark brown colour and her eyes were the same, carry, so not dazzling. She watched in jealousy as gina outshown her.

"gina, are you a nurse?"she asked

"NO but I went to medical school, its a long story id rather not get into it."she answered

"ok."carry replied as she sat up and the ackward silence got to her.

"Joey what are you running for."she asked

"a gang." Joey replied

"Oh."carry respeonded as she sat in silence forever. the open air was cold and gave her chills up her spine.

"can I get out."Carry asked anxiously"i am good not."

"No you can't they know you now they will kill you so your stuck with us."

"oh." carry said. As the darkeness inside of her came out and devoured her in silence.


The car drove silently the ackwardness swallowing everyone up. the darkness the shadows creeping in waiting to get each of them. But the shadows were really just secrets. consumable, eat you up secrets that will always haunt you, and as they sat in silence the shadows settled closer waiting to attack.

"that's it I can't take this anymore, this silence this running, stop this. Why do we need to run?"carry yelled

"well, that's a long horrible story, and I don't know if I should trust you. Just yet."joey said slowly and quieltly

"I just cannot take this silence, lets play a game or something."carry pleaded

"kay we will play truth."Joey laughed

"yeah ill go first."gina said cooly"Carry why are you out here in nowhere?"

"my dad left me here."she answered"Joey whats with the gang."she asked

"I used to roll with them, a few years ago and Jade the leader was my boyfriend for quite a while. They kindof killed a man a while back by accident and I was there...Yeah so."she answered"carry whats the most tragic thing that happened to you?"she asked

"umm my mom died."she answered"JOey why is the gang after you, whats that story."

"well ummm like I said I new they killed a man and all there deals, drug deals. I got tired of it all of it so I broke up with Jade and went to leave but...the other members attacked me and pushed me to the ground tell in me I knew too much that they'd kill me. Jade walked in and said guys not yet let me do something first. He had that perverted grin on his face that always makes my heart stop, he approached me and forced me to the ground overpowering me and kissing me. I tried to fight him off but he had a knife to my neck and i was scared.......................ummmmmmmmmmmmm he pressed himself hard against me and started to rape me.............He left me bleed ing and dying in the alley way. that is when Gina found me she seemed to have been running from something and came to my ade she saved my life. But soon they heard I was alive and set out for me." the room got silent "kay how did your mom die?"Joey asked

"ummmmmmmm I was with her in a parking lot at the market we were getting food for dinner, mom was planning a special anniversery dinner so I came with her, In the parking lot a man popped out with a knife and told my mom to give him her purse. She was strong and tough she resisted and he attacked. Stabbed her 11 times in the ribs and smashed in her head with his foot, He them came after me and somehow she was able to reach in her purse and grab her gun and shoot him before he got to me after that moment she died and I lay over her trying to make her breathe I was 8." The room went quiet and the shadows layed off of them but were soon back as they hit a nail in the road and outof the window they could see a dark faced individual........


The darkness surrounded the car and the shadows re-emerged from hiding. The shadows were prepared to eat up the happiness, the car got cold and the shadows rested around making them unfleeable and strong. The shadows never stopped never. The darkness was an unstoppable force it could kill you if you let it and here it was lurking finding its wayy into there car again but this time there was no sense of fleeing for the mysterious source of hate was outside and the darkness settled around him waiting for the girls to set out in the darnesses trap and strike. The silence was getting akward, settling in, getting ready for the presence of death.eyes were searching around trying to find the one brave enough to go change the tire, a task that noone wanted to do.

"i will do it, change the tire."Carry announced

"you sure hun."Gina asked not really wanting her to say no.

"yes, if it is Jade out there he wants Joey the most and I have nothing to lose plus I want Gina around shes to mysterious for her own good sooo...."

"kay."joey said

"so if it is jade ill say darkness and you run!"

"ok Joey agreed...Darkness!" the darkness seemed to draw in more at the sound of it's name and wait, camly and suerly as Carry sucked in a breathe of air and climbed over the suits to get the spare tire. she breathed in slowly and walked out of the window watching her breathe in the fog.

"one step, two steps, three steps, four steps."she counted quietly as she walked to the back end of the car and slowly removed the tire spreading grease all over her clean shirt. As she worked she heard the breathing of someone else or was it her breathing.

"JOey...............Gina."she yelled in horror

"no answer."she thought to herself. she worked dilligently rushing maybe and as she stood up she saw the dark man towering over her staring right at her. For that one moment she was scared, terrified even. This was the same sensation she felt in the parking lot. She laughed at the fact she lied to the others about how her mom died. She really had a gun she always carried it with her and the mugger attacked her she shot him but missed ,killing her mother and she wasn't 8 she was 14. that was 3 years ago. At this exact moment she felt the same fear the same relization there was something wrong here something terribly wrong. Why wasn't Jade running to the car where he could kill Joey?why did it seem he wanted to kill her instead? her eyes grew shocked as Joey emerged from the car looking cool as ever.

"Joey, run...he is here."she screamed in terror erging her away.

"ha silly gulible girl, he doesnt want me dead he wants you.!"she said in a vicious tone

"what do you mean?"she asked

"you know that man that mugged your mother, that you killed yeah he was part of this gang, jades been looking for you ever since and I went on a trip to look for you and when i found you I texted Jade so goodbye hunni."she said laughing as Jade pounced at carry forcing her too the ground. The shadows wrapped around carry's neck and carried her to her doom.


Gina stood watching Joeys handy work that she made happen she watched the dispare of Carry her tears falling from her eyes. Gina felt sad felt horrible. But she had helped with this and couldnt go against Joey, Joey helped her through everything. Joey got her off the streets, helped her so she no longer was a prostitute how could she betray her. but......................she couldn't leave carry there carry had everything to live for gina had nothing. Gina bent down and felt for a sharp jagged object on the ground, slowly picked it up and wind up, her mind went back to her baseball days "batter up" she thought to herself as she rose her arm and let it fly forward.

"Carry run." she yelled as Ginas legs moved upwards and she jusmped to the top of the car and flew away. Gina was as fast as lightning. Carry got up, following Ginas command, her legs started to move and she new what she needed to do, she reached in her pocket and grabbed her ipod, turned in on, and ran away. She switched her ipod to her song and started to run as fast as she could.

[i]Music's up

Listen hot stuff

I'm in love

With this song

So just hush

Baby shut up

Heard enough [/i]

the wind blew against her face, her breath was hott and her arms struggled to move.

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
© Copyright 2010 Jackles (paramore-csi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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