Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1644979-Calling
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1644979
A story about love, and its boundaries.
It was the first day of my last year of high school. I had lost weight over the summer and at the risk of sounding vain, I was looking good. I stepped on the bus feeling good about the year. I noticed some girls checking me out as I walked down the aisle. I blushed shyly and sat alone, I was not the most popular kid in the world. I got off the bus and went right to the gymnasium to get my schedule for the year. I looked it over and was happy I got all the courses I wanted and need to go to university. I headed to my locker, and then I was off to my first class which luckily for me was study hall. I took my seat at the back of the class in the corner; all the desks were in groups of four and all facing each other. I sat down, opened my books and pulled out my iPod and started listening to some of the stranger music I owned. The teacher started to talk but I ignored him and decided to write some poetry

I sit here

My last year

I'm scared to start my life

It feels like it will never start

Life is laced with ambition

Mine have all but died.

I scrawled senselessly not even trying to form a theme, I was just writing. As I scratched out my last line I heard a muffled voice. I took off my ear buds and looked up. It started out as a feeling, which then grew into a hope, which then turned into a quiet thought, then into a quiet word.

"Hello" barely escaped my lips.

"I asked what you were writing." she said cheerfully

I looked down at the page and saw my hand shaking. I quickly stopped it and she must have noticed because she started giggling.

"It's nothing I just write random little poems." I said to her.

"Oh? Mind if I read it?" she asked as she grabbed my binder from my hands. She read the last line out loud.

Angels always sit at dawn

"That's weird." she said

"What is?" I asked her

"Why did you write about me?"

"I didn't." I replied half embarrassed by the coincidence.

"So you think I’m an angel?" she smiled

"I didn't write that about you, how could I know your name?"

"The teacher introduced me to the class."

"I wasn't paying attention." I admitted

Deciding to change the subject I asked to see her schedule, she handed it over.

"Oh wow that's odd, we have all the same classes" I told her

She looked at me.

"Really?" she asked holding out her hands.

I put the schedules into her hands and let her look them over.

"That’s not very surprising actually." she giggled

Whys that?" I asked confused

"You seem very creative, and these are all creative courses."

"Oh aha." I replied blushing a bit.

We kept talking the rest of class until the bell rang. We gathered out books together and before we got up she looked at me, smiled, and asked me.

"Will you carry my books to class?"

My heart raced.

"Of course dawn" I smiled and picked up her light books.

As we made our way to the next class the linked her arm to mine.

"Since your my only friend here, I’m gonna need you to show me around and help me out." she said rather happily.

"There is not much to show but id is happy too."

When we got to art class we found two empty seats next to each other.

That's how it all started, we fell in love.

This is where her story ends.

"Watch out!" I screamed

"I'm free! I'm finally free!" she said as her body soared off the top of the school.

"NOOO!" I yelled running trying to hold her back.

She arced through the sky, yelling one long sorry, and then she landed. By the time the ambulance got there it was too late, it was too late by the time she hit the ground.

I was a wreck, for months her ghost haunted my every waking moment. I always sat in her seat at school; I wore her sweater to sleep. Everyone could see it; I was starting to lose it. I was a zombie, barely functioning, and my eyes constantly red and puffy. As the weeks went by, school was coming to a close and we had to clean our lockers, I morbidly decided to clean dawn’s locker. I opened the locker, and it was empty save one note falling to the ground. I bent over to pick it up, and read it.

I'm sorry.

But just because everything is changing, doesn't mean it’s never been this way before. All you can do is know who your friends are, before you head off to the war. Call my name, and ill come back to you. This isn't the first or last or worst time this has happened.

I cried, constantly for hours and hours. I never showed anyone the note. What did she mean? How many times had I screamed out her name? I woke up early one morning at around 4 o'clock, I couldn't fall back asleep, and so I decided to go visit her. I went to the school and climbed up to the place she jumped from. I sat there until I noticed dawn threatening to break.

It started out as a feeling, which then turned into a hope, which then turned into a quiet thought, then into a quiet word.

"Dawn?" I said, whispering...nothing.

"Dawn?" I repeated...nothing

The sun was going to break soon.

"Dawn!" I yelled out tears streaming down my face.

"DAWN" I screamed her name out over and over until I was breathless...nothing.

"If you don't come back to me, then I'm coming to you dawn!" I screamed at the sun.

I backed up from the edge of the school roof, about twenty feet. I took in a deep breath, and ran. I ran to the edge and as I screamed her name, leaped from the edge, sailing through the sky, I shut my eyes, and continued to scream her name past my lips.

I was shaking, I was so nervous, so confused. I quickly looked down and wrote some words across my page. She sat down across from me, staring at me. When she saw I finished writing, she asked to see it. I pushed my binder over to her.

"Read it out loud please." I asked her.

"Now where back to the beginning

It's just a feeling and no one knows yet

But just because they can feel it too

It doesn't mean you have to forget

Let your memory grow stronger

Till I'm before your eyes

You came back

When I called you." she finished slowly looking up.

"William?" she asked not sure of herself.

I smiled as wide as possible.

"I'm here dawn."

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