Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1644894-Ravens-Rhapsody
Rated: E · Poetry · Gothic · #1644894
Raven's are my favorite bird
Said Raven to the Wolf
As he passed under
The old Acacia tree
Did you think
You could escape me?

Wolf looked up
Through blood stained eyes
Gnashed his teeth and growled
Foolish bird
Tell me what it is
You think you know

Raven grinned
And continued his rant
I am the mirrored reflection
Of your tortured soul
I am what you wish you were
But can’t

Wolf responded
In a hellish voice
If I could only get up this tree
I would teach you
There is no one just like me

Raven laughed rudely
And then pressed on
I am the violence
That drives every battle
You fight
I am the she-wolf
Who does you in the night

I am every sin
You committed
Everything you ever hated
I AM the messenger
To bid you warning
Your time is coming

Wolf howled
Every hair up on his neck
Demon bird
From hell’s firey gate
It will be a cold day
When you decide my fate

Raven ignored him
And chattered still
I am the knowledge
I am the strength
I am your greatest song
But not your masterpiece

Wolf seethed
As he spoke
Spare me your wisdom
Spare me your taunts
It is life that made me
It is life that shaped me
Not some loud mouth
Feathered haunt

Raven nodded
You make a point
So for now I’ll take my leave
But not forever, you see
My departure is only temporary

I am death, black as my wings
I am the inevitable end
However it may come
I will be back
When your time is up
I will come for you
Once and for all
Little, lost pup

And with that
He flew away
Leaving Wolf to wonder
He beat it this time, however

Death has no time line
It has no favorites
It just sits and waits
Catches you off guard
When will it be your turn
To face your eternal doom
Hell only knows

© Copyright 2010 RavenEssence (ravenessence at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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