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The second of three journals of a scientist. |
Phase 2 Year 1 week 3 He has regained consciousness, though he seems to be a bit dazed yet. On initial testing it seems that his hearing range has increased as has his sight, and strangely enough the sensitivity of his feet. He wouldn't say anything of the matter but it's to an extent where he can feel the vibrations of the staff walking the hall. Which has some rather interesting applications; how we'll end up using it I'm not sure. Kisen sees to be leaning toward reconnaissance and assassination. Which I'm not certain I would want him doing either, not at the level of control we have yet. There would simply be far too many risks. Year 1 week 4 He has been installed wit ha vr jack, which will make training much simpler as we will have complete control of the environment. It will no doubt take some time for him to adjust to his new state. Then to adjust to the modifications that will happen. Year 1 week 4 day 3 That was a rather complete disaster, after the so called simple producer to install the vr jack it short circuited when we tried to test it. The only thing that stopped him from causing any real damage was the commands that w have drilled into him. I just hope this doesn’t create a pattern as I was right when I thought he still had some ability to resist commands. Another cause of concern is that admits the nonsense he was spouting he asked where his mother was. Why can’t he simply understand that there is no escape. It would be so much simpler. And I wouldn’t feel like Kisen thought me a failure. Year 1 month 1 week 3 After the disaster of our first attempt to use a vr jack a seconded more specialized one was made. In the meanwhile the changes to this body have been further analyzed. Most of which had to be done while he was unconscious as he had become rather unruly, and the verbal commands are barely enough to keep him in check. This will need to be rectified. What the analysis did yield was that the normal healing rate has increased, and could possibly be accelerated with some focus. It has also become obvious that whatever we use him for it should make use of his sensitive sense. But before we can do much of anything with him we need to have much finer control. Year one month 2 A rather large asset had been discovered. We have access to his sub-consciousness if he is in an unconscious state when attached to the vr generator. This should not only make conditioning him easier but may also make it far easier for us to train him mentally. What type of factors we’ll need him to be able to handle I’m not certain, though there have been hints toward both assassination and recon. Beyond that Kisn seems indecisive on the matter. Year one month 3 The effect of our manipulation of his subconscious is rather dramatic, in a very positive manner. The conscious mind is far les powerful then the subconscious, so the subconscious triggers should be fully effective. How much effect the meddling will have on the rest of his mind is yet to be seen, though a change in his sleeping pattern. That could of course be an after effect of the virus. Year one month 3 week 2 Stealth reconnaissance and possibly assassination are what I am to make him ideal for. The physical should be simple enough, some mechanical parts to increase his sight and make better use of his hearing, as well as creating a kind of memory bank that we will be able accesses. The physical training, mostly combat and situation training will be simple enough as it can all be conducted in vr, and will be where the greatest amount of time will be spent. Year 1 month 3 week 4 Though some rather basic exercises we have him familiar with his current configuration, meaning we haven’t done any real modifications yet. It seemed logical to have him adapted to both the vr and the feel of his body, as it would be even more disorientating for him when we begin to do major modifications. My hope is that because we are doing this the time between each modification will be smaller. The first thing to be modified will be the eyes which will be done tomorrow. The implants have normal vision, enhanced of course, thermal imaging as well as being able to record memory which will be easily accessible. There is also a possibility of making a sort of sonar vision possible. How well that will work outside an enclosed room I cannot be certain. Year 1 month 5 Both the sight and hearing went well though his ability to see with the sonar will be limited as more then a few sound sources makes it confusing though perhaps that can be dealt with, and the Doppler effect of moving vehicles plays havoc on it. The ability he has of feeling vibrations on a floor seem to be making up for that how ever. If we can still utilize this with footwear I am not certain, but I do hope so. The techs seem to be confident of their ability of making something of that will allow for that. Year 1 month 9 I’ve been having less and less to do on this project as the last two months have been focused on the retuning or rather reconstruction of his body. The process purpose was to mechanically enhance his body which is far more possible since the virus makes it since his body won’t reject the mechanical implants that were used. The skeletal structure was reinforced or even replaced by a metal alloy to be able to handle the power he will now have available. The metal alloy is roughly fifty percent heavier then bone, over all he will be significantly heavier then someone his size should be. Tendons and the like have been replaced by a mechanical equivalent, which will make injuries such as strains all but impossible, as well as making him far stronger then any human can get naturally while not looking particularly remarkable. I do find the idea of him rampaging rather fearful, as I have no doubt he bears anything but ill will towards us. Especially since it seems the change has made him all but immune to drugs. Throughout all the surgery we have been heaving depending on the rest command that was created. How much of the procedures he’ll actually remember I can not even begin to guess. Year 1 Month 11 So far his adaptation to change has gone at a decent speed, though a little slower then I would like. However I am not entirely certain it is the subject fault as the installed parts don not seem to be completely compatible. This could prove troublesome as replacing the mechanics would take a good two months behind. I am hoping the virus will solve the compatibility issue. Year 1 Month 11 week 2 My fear of having to replace everything was for not it seems. It really shouldn’t have surprised me that it would take some time for him to adjust to it. Not just simply moving but the virus or the after effect of it made it fuse far better then any connection that we’ve achieved with a human. Looking at the scans now compare to two weeks ago it’s as if the virus is creating a kind of bridge material between nerves and the mechanical controls. If the rate remains the same it will be about two weeks before the merge is complete. Year 1 month 11 week 4 The merge is complete, at least as far as the scans are showing. This perhaps better then we though, it seems that at least with this strain anything that we place will have to be fairly permanent, and resemble how a human body would work. Which means that built in weapons will be limited if they are even an option. As far as combat is concerned he shouldn’t need it, there aren’t many weapons he’s not at least apt with and he has become incredibly skilled at close quarter combat. There is also a hope to make him all but impervious to lower caliber weapons. Of course no matter how well thought out the reconstruction is there will still be weak points. Without some change the vr jack will be one such weak point, if it were to take a direct or solid hit it would have drastic and possibly fatal effect. Though that may be for the best as if he ever does get out of control we will need some way to shut down. Though really how that could happen I am not sure as he can no longer resist basic commands, how ever if he ever lost auditory input then there could be the possibility. |