Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1644045-Dragon-and-Swan-Draco-and-Cassie-Part-1
Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #1644045
Draco and Cassie are falling for each other, but can they be together?
* = Speaking () = Thinking


I lay awake in bed staring at my ceiling trying to ignore the alarm. *Cassie, CASSIE, Get up! you don't want to be late do you?* Mum yelled up the stairs. *I'm up!* I yelled back. It was my last morning at home with Mum and Sirius, I was off to Hogwarts in a few hours. I rolled out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror (Come on Cass, wake up, you look like a zombie) I showerd and came down stairs and was in a bear hug from Sirius before I was off the first step. *Goodmorrow to you too* I said. *I just wanted to give my favorite niece something to remember me by while shes off driving her teachers insane* he smiled. *I'm your only niece* I remarked *Exactly* He smirked. *Alright you two, we best be off to the train station, Cassie can't miss her train, and we need to say goodbye to Harry as well.* Mum waved us through the door as Sirius carried my trunk to the car.
We pass onto the platform and are greeted by the sound of the train whistle. Sirius gives me my trunk and I run off to find a compartment while he and Mum say goodbye to Harry. I find one and start my way back to Mum to say goodbye. I step into the sun and start down the stairs when I trip and fall, I brace myself for a hard fall when something catches me.
I look up into shockingly silver eyes and feel as if i'm paralyzed. He helps me up and i stammer a thanks. *Such a klutz aren't you?* He remarks. I blush and walk away, (God Cass, get it in your head, Malfoy won't ever like you, so stop blushing like your a nervous first year) I look over my sholder and see him smirking at me. I turn away and walk towords Mum and Sirius. I hug them goodbye and listen to Mums long lecture that she goes through every year. *Don't worrie Isabell, she'll be fine, she always is* Sirius assures her. The last whistle blows and i turn to board.


*Yes mother* Draco hugged his mother and shook his fathers hand. He walked to the train and just as he was going to step on something came flying at him, his first instinct was to catch it. It turned out to be Cassie Swan. (O My God) Draco just stared at her. *Your such a klutz arn't you?* It was the first thing you of his mouth and he instantly regreted it. She lowered her head and mumbled a thanks. ( Her eyes are beautiful, No Draco No, not her, shes Gryffendor, think of Pansy.) He turned his thoughts to Pansy, she wasn't as pretty as Cassie, but she wasn't awful either. *Draco. What exactly was that.* He truned to find Pansy glaring. *That Cassie girl fell on me* He said. He stood there and listened to Pansy rant. *Shes staring at you* Draco turned to look where Pansy was pointing and say Cassie, (Even from far away shes still prettier than Pansy) he sneered at the thought, but Cassie must have thought he was sneering at her becasue she turned her back to him. (Nice Draco, nice.)


*ANYTHING FROM THE TROLLY?* *Cass? You want anything from the trolly?* Stacie asked me *No thanks stace, thanks though* *No prob* And with that she was gone and I was alone. I stared at the window and watched the trees pass, I guess I zoned out because I didn't hear when Stacie and Amber came back in. stacie and amber are my best friends, I've known them since our first year at Hogwarts. Stacie is one of the prettiest girls at Hogwarts, she has golden blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes and a dazzling smile. Amber is shy, but just as pretty. I guess it runs in the family, seeing that their cousins. Amber has sandy blonde hair and the same eyes. I must have fallen asleep because i woke up to Amber shaking me. *Wake up silly, we're almost their and you still havn't changed.* I get up and dig for my robes. Just as I come back the train starts to slow down. (Almost home) I smile to my self.

The train slowed to a stop and we stepped off. I make my way to a coach with Amber while Stacie scouts out potential flirt material. *Every year, I swear Cassie, every year she just gets worse.* Amber remarked. *I think you might be right* I said as I stepped up into an empty coach. Stacie jumps up with us and starts chatting with Amber about the new boys shes found. I hear a high shrilly voice and a velvety reply. I turn to see the back of a blonde head. I snap my head back to Stacie and Amber. The coach lurches forward and I can see lights in the distance.
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