Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1643939-my-survival-journal
by Joey
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1643939
i survive through the wild for 5 days
My Survival Journal

Day 1

I was walking in the forest one day looking for some animals when I realized that I didn’t know where I was. I had passed many animals while walking, some where deer, birds, and squirrels by a river. I only took a short walk in the woods so I didn’t bring many supplies with me. All I had was a bottle of water, a pocket knife, some matches, and some string. With precious little supplies I decided to look for the river. I searched for many hours and with no results, so I decided to look for a shelter from the approaching night. I walked looking for a shelter but couldn’t find one that would go good for my tall body so I continued looking for one. As I continued looking for a suitable shelter I thought about grabbing some firewood for a fire so I wouldn’t have to do it later. I grabbed some wood for the fire while I continued the search.
About half an hour later I had enough firewood to last through the night. Minutes later I found a tree that grew so close to another tree they looked like Siamese twins. I placed the firewood beside the trees and made the shelter of rock, leaves and branches. In the shelter I made a bed from moss, pine needles and leaves. I then began making my fire.
I cleared the ground of its inhabitants and started the fire. I stayed up an hour after the sun went down thinking about what to do. I laid down thinking about it, but when I had an idea I passed out without dinner

Day 2.
I woke up starving. Looking around I had seen no animals at all. It was as if all the animals had left the forest. The rays of the sun prevented me from seeing to my fullest. Getting up I peed on the remains of my fire to put it out. I tried to get my bearings, but it was hopeless, I was lost. Freaking out I remembered the first survival rule “Positive Mental Attitude” and I calmed down thinking I might die if I don’t stay in control. To get food I decided to build some traps so I wouldn’t starve and look for the river to have a water source. I built traps by my camp. I marked the trees so I knew where the traps were. I went looking for the river next. I spent half the day searching for it. I kept building traps from vines, rocks, wood, and string when I found the supplies for them. My strength was fading, I was ready to give up looking for water so I stopped and took a deep breath. I drank a little bit of my bottle water. It was nearly empty. I was thinking of what to do next when I heard the faint sound of water running. I walked towards the noise and I found a stream that lead into a crystal clear lake. I seen fish jumping out of the lake I was ready to jump into the lake but my stomach reminded me that I was hungry and I remembered my traps and so I ran to check them. Marking my way to find my way back I checked all the traps. There was ten traps total. All the traps were tripped but only two had animals on them. One was an adult pheasant and the other was a squirrel. Resetting all the traps I left in haste back to the lake. I set up camp a few yards from the lake made my shelter and bed then I made my fire. I was so starving that I was ready to eat my kill the way it was bones, skin and everything else. I skinned my food and cooked it over the fire then I devoured my food within minutes unaware that I burned my tongue in many places. I turned in afterwards with my full belly hoping I would be found the next day.
Day 3
I awoke before the sun. It was gray and dull out. It looked like rain was on its way to me. Thinking about food I started my fire again and put enough firewood on it to last all day. I got a good sturdy long branch and sharpened the tip of one end to make a spear. I was going fishing before it rained so I had food. I undressed until I was as bear as a newborn baby. I walked into the ultra clear lake. It was cold. I got use to the water then set out for fish. I would have been able to see the bottom of the lake if the sun had been out. I could see the amazing looking fish and how beautiful the lake was. I saw many fish swim by so I got close to one. I jabbed at it with the spear but it sped away. I tried again with four other fish but missed them all and I got frustrated. I went and took more breaths as I continued fishing. I was going to catch at least one fish today. I continued fishing until about midday and got out. I had three fish, all was by luck. Two were big and I got a small one. I put more wood on the fire that was going out and I dried off and put back on my clothes and strung up my fish. I went to the traps and found that all my food had been eaten except a baby deer. What a lucky day I thought as I got the baby deer. I fixed the traps and left with my kill. As midday arrived and I got close to camp it started raining. A little at first then it poured. I stuffed my food in the shelter then used the deer for a pillow. I put my water bottle which by now was empty in the rain to collect rain water. I had my food and sticks and string in the shelter so I spent the rest of the day trying my hardest to make a bow and arrows. I was unsuccessful in making the bow. I was starving again but couldn’t cook due to the weather so I decided to cook all my food then store it in case of rain again. My bottle filled pretty quickly so I brought it in and drank it all. I didn’t know I was thirsty this much. I replaced it outside to refill then I went to bed for the night.
Day 4
I awoke in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. The rain had stopped and I had diahrria. I cleaned up by the river using leaves. I lay back down and slept. I spent half the day sleeping. I woke up every so often to get some water, and use the bathroom. I finally got up around early evening. The rain stopped and I felt better. I wouldn’t do to much today but I still needed to work. I skinned my deer and made a blanket out of it to keep me warm. It took awhile but I had finally got the fire going that took most of the day. While there was still some light I decided to check my traps. It took a lot of strength but I made it to my traps as I checked the traps I found out that they had been destroyed by the rain. I snapped that was my major food supplier and without it I would die. I kept thinking that I would die in these woods and no one would find me. I was freaking out for what might have been an hour when I heard a voice. The voice was barely noticeable but it got loud enough to understand. It told me to think about what I am suppose to do. It told me to get a grip or I would die, and then it faded away telling me to think. The voice was right. I needed to think. I thought about what I needed to do and how to do it. after I was satisfied with what I thought was right. I got up and gathered all the supplies from the traps. I collected my things and got ready to leave, but stopped. I turned around because I thought I seen something move in the bushes behind a tree. I was going to go near it but remembered horror movies, how someone dies because they heard a sound and looked to see what it was. I turned away from the source of the noise and walked. I didn’t let my guard down incase something came out to get me. I got back to camp and added some more wood to the fire and cooked my fish. I devoured them and was still hungry so I cooked half of the deer and ate it. Tired I went to bed early.
Day 5
I was sleeping when a growl that was almost a roar woke me. I was shaking uncontrollably. I was scared of the noise. I was scared of what it might be. I wanted to know what the noise was but didn’t want to know what it came from. I tried listening to where it was coming from but I couldn’t hear it over the sound of my teeth chattering. I took deep breaths to calm down and I was thinking happy thoughts but even that wouldn’t help me. I didn’t hear it for awhile and calmed down thinking it was gone from here. I started to go back to sleep when I heard the roar again but it was closer this time. I almost screamed. Pulling out my knife I held it ready to cut anyone that came in the shelter. I was hoping it would pop its head in so I could kill it. Suddenly everything went dead silent. I walked out of the shelter to see what happened and there in front of me was a huge adult bobcat. It had scratches on its face so I concluded that it got into a fight with other bobcats. I held the knife in front of it and started backing up. He came towards me and roared. My blood froze and a shiver went down my spine. I backed a little bit more to put some distance between us and he dropped his tail ready to pounce. I stopped and froze again. The bobcat lowered himself and was ready to pounce. I was shaking unable to stop. The bobcat pounced at me mouth open and claws outstretched. I ducked out of fear and when he was over me I stabbed him in the exposed underbelly. He dropped to the ground howling in pain. The blood was squirting so much from its stomach that it seemed endless. The cut was deeper than I thought. The adrenaline was rushing so much I couldn’t control myself and I ran over to the bobcat and leaped on it’s back raised its head and slit his throat. As the bobcat died I sat and the adrenaline wore off I got really lightheaded and felt a pool of liquid under me. I looked and seen that I had a deep gash in my arm gushing blood. Getting up I headed to the shelter so I could stop the blood from gushing out. I fell on the ground at the entrance. I looked reaching for the vine in my shelter. Not now I was so close I kept thinking. My vision flickered and faded I passed out. I awoke in the hospital days later my friends and family there waiting for me to awake. Crying that I made it.
“Your alive I can’t believe it” cried mom. “Nurse he’s awake” and the nurse walked in and told me not to move. I had received a nasty gash in my arm and lost lots of blood. I told her I was fine and sat up.
“How did I get here?” I asked to anyone willing to answer.
They told me a pilot was flying by and seen the smoke from my fire. I was unconscious and that there was a dead bobcat by me so he flew me to the hospital. I was asked what happened and I thus I told them everything that happened.
© Copyright 2010 Joey (ryuujinjakka at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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