Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1643359-THE-INTERNET-CAFE
by annis
Rated: · Other · Other · #1643359
story about internet dating....
I have always heard about the dangers of online dating...You tell yourself it could never happen to you....Youd smart...I know how to protect my self...I'll set up my own guidelines...and if he doesn't follow them...I'll walk out....Hey, no love lost right!!!

So, I decided my own fate....instead of listening to popular advice and warning....I chose to do things my way....So one night...I went into one of the chatrooms hoping to meet someone nice...just talk and get to know a person....as a person...after all , I wasn't going to use my real name...or any personal information about myself....so, what's the harm....Well to my suprise, I met a man named Keith... age 40 a black belt in karate part time and full time student living in Stone Mt. Ga....he had never been married except to his books ....and no current relationship at the moment....he was interested in getting to know an independent woman who had dreams and aspirations of being large in the future....

I told him my name was Dee short for Deidra and described my self and a strong woman whose independent with strong family morals and convictions....who is striving to be a top editor in broadcasting....mistake number 1... I also described my self ...as single 42 year old female whose living in the Atlanta area looking for someone special to spend time with a possbility of a sincere relationship....Mistake 2....

Well, we liked each others goals, and profiles so much we decided after several months of chatting several times a day we decided to up the stakes by exchanging telephone numbers...We talked day and night...I was beginning to let my guard down...instead of a causcious internet chat room buddy, I started seeing him as a potential Mr. Right.....wrong....wrong...wrong...wrong...wrong...mistake 3....Everything was going so well.... conversations were getting better and better....so 3 months later we decided to me in person...Since we didn't know what each other looked like...I agreed eagerly....I told myself if he's not what, I thought he would be I would just leave without him knowing , I was there....and so, We decided to meet at the Internet Cafe a place I often go for a cup of coffee and bagels.... before work....

Our first date was Oct 10th....I'll never for get it...We had already told each other what we would have on...He said he would be wearing jeans....with blue turtle neck and black leather coat with matching black leather hat and gloves....and that he wore glasses....He described himself and 6'1 slender ....

I told him I was 5'4 short and stout....short hair cut...I would also be wearing jeans a red sweater and black trench coat with a red scarf around my kneck....when, I arrived at the Cafe he was already there....he was sitting in a booth facing the door and dress exactly as he said....me on the other hand wore an entire different outfit....just in case he wasn't what, I hoped are thought he would be...But he was true to his word...so, I walked up and asked was he Keith....smiling...he got up...smiling....taking my coat....motioning for me to have a seat....At last we finally meet....would you like something to drink or eat he offered...so, I ordered....my usual coffee and bagels...and we sat and talked for hours...getting to know each other....caution went out the window...stupid me let my guard down again....

After our first date...we promised to meet again....then he offered to take me home...I refused and told him...I had some errands to run...and that we would most definetly meet again...and we went our separte ways...That was what, I thought...instead of doing errands , I went directly home...walking a block to catch the train home...I thought about Keith the entire time...I enjoyed his conversation...his good looks...his white sparkling teeth, and his winning smile....he had a wonderful personality....and he made me feel...as if , I had known him all of my life....I really felt at ease with him....smiling to my self.... and humming to myself..."THE FIRST TIME EVER, I SAW YOUR FACE" by Roberta Flack....
not noticing that Keith was behind me watching me....He was becoming a predator and , I was his prey....so nonchantely, I made my exit and began walking home....as happy as could be...still not noticing , I was being stalked....I grabbed the mail from the mailbox before going in... after sifting through it , I tossed it on the kitchen table...flopping down on the couch to watch tv....

A couple of hours had passed before....I recieved a phone call from Keith....hey what's up he asked nothing...just watching tv...I really enjoyed our date...didn't you....he asked....hey, it was really nice....just what the doctor ordered...You made it home already....yeah...the drive wasn't bad at all....now , Now that, I have a reason to come to Atlanta now...I'll get use to it quick....So whens our next date...he asked eagerly....slow your roll....soon....alright...don't keep me waiting too long...You know, I won't....Well, I'll call you later...just wanted to hear your voice again....take care...I could almost see him smiling through the phone...I smiled to myself...before saying bye...and blurted out...I'm looking forward to our second date....he said me too....talk to you later before hanging up....

I yelled thank you God....thank you God....he is the one... wow what a silly rabbit I was....Keith called again before bedtime...and we talked until the wee hours of the morning....I was really feeling this guy....and began thinking that he was the most considerate person, I had ever met...His game was spot on...he was good...too good to be true...

I still had not told him where , I worked then out the blue one day...he shows up on my job....with lunch and flowers...everyone teased me about having a boyfriend, and being secretive about him...but, I was livid...because, I never told him where I worked...I just told him...I wanted to be top editor in broadcasting one day....a red flag went up...When, he presented me with flowers and lunch...I asked how did you know , I worked here....You said you were a top editor...and this in the largest tv station in Atlanta....I just put 2 and 2 together....why all the questions aren't you happy to see me...I come with gifts...with his dazzling smile...I let it ride....after lunch...I told him that, I was going out of town for a few days ....for work...that, I would call him when, I got back...he looked disappointed, but reluctantly said okay....Actually...I was trying to put some space between us...he was becoming domineering....and demanding...

The next night, I noticed someone who fits he profile standing in front of my house...."WTF", I screamed...running to make sure the door was locked...turning off all the lights making sure...I was seeing who and what, I thought, I saw and sure enough it was him....I asked myself what in hell have, I done...now he knows where, I live...oh Sh**t... I thought, I was having a bad dream...until he went directly to my mail box, and started reading my mail...then he stuffed it in his coat...looking back at my window....and left...Sitting down on the sofa in front of the tv...I tried to piece together the pieces first my job...now my home...how did he know....unless he had been following me...all along...I started trembling....wiping tears from my eyes ....

Needless to say...I didn't sleep a wink all night....I was tired, scared and cranky....I didn't want to go to work... didn't want to leave my house, but had to go ...had a big production scheduled....I was on edge all day ...after work...I went straight home...this time, I got my mail...unlocked the door...and when, I entered there were flowers, and dinner on the table....I dropped everything on the floor...as, I stood there trembling,...I could see a puddle where, I urinated on myself.... I grabbed for the phone almsot snatching the phone out of it's socket....trying frantically to dial 911...but instead kept dailing 411 ....Alright girl...calm down...think....911....When they answere...I screamed help....help someone he broke into my house...the operator kept telling me to calm down....but , I lost it....again.....to the point I was stuttering and sobbing uncontrollably...I stayed on the line until the cops arrived...I told them all about Keith the man whom, I met over the internet....how I thought he was stalking me...stealing my mail....and now this....I ran thru the house...checking doors and windows trying to find out how he got into my house.... but we could not find and illegal entry...all windows and doors were locked...

The cops suggested I go down to the station to take out an order of protection...to keep him away from me and any premises that , I may be on....because, I could not prove it was him...because he left no finger prints or an illegal entry...that was all they could do at this time...not until...he produce something they could use against him legally....and they also suggested that , I change my locks and put a lock on the mail box or use a postal box......They warned me to stay in crowded areas....never be alone...get a dog... have a family member move in...so , I thanked them and they left...A hour later...Keith called...my cell number....I asked why are you doing this to me....What do you want...What am , I doing, he asked...just showing you how much, I love you and want to be with you....Love me...I yelled you don't even know me....we only went out on one date....are you crazy, I asked...no Deee just crazy in love with you....oh and by the way...How did you like the flowers and dinner....sorry love , I only brought enough for you ....not the police...Deee your mine....and you will always be mine....and there is no cop, judge, or anyone else for that matter will keep us from being together ...you feel me...I screamed....F**CK You....all in good time my love; all in good time...I plan to give you the best that I got...hanging up .....I stood there holding the phone motionless...Asking God to help me out of this mess....that, I brought upon myself....

I threw the flowers and dinner outside in the trash....I didn't want it in my house...I decided to go to the police station tommarrow since it was so late. I immediately found a company who could come and change my locks...after they left ...I set the alarm...drank a couple of glasses of wine to calm my nerves...than ran a hot bath... relaxing...I thought, I heard a noise...jumping straight out of the tub...I ran butt naked into my bedroom locking the door...I strained intensely to hear anymore noises but all , I could hear was the sound of my pounding heart beat....Dee get a grip...your safe...encouraging myself....new locks...the alarm is set...tommarrow your getting a dog...the police are probably partrolling the streets...so, I drank another glass of wine...I ate a lite dinner...watched a little tv and feel asleep on the sofa...

The phone rung...I started trembling...again....but refuse to answere it...I dressed quickly so, I could go to the police station and take out a protection order against Keith...then it occurred to me ...Keith my not be his real name...he probably gave me fictacious information...dam...all, I could do was tell the police the information that, and give them a description of him....and as of Dec15 he wasn't allowed within a 100 feet of me...and, I felt at ease...until Keith called me on my cell...stating...that a protection order would never keep him from me...I started trembling again...saying to myself he knows every move, I am making...so, I started doing what the police advised....always in groups....on my way home from work...I got a dog, and named him Buddy...and that night , I felt calm and relaxed...everything was going so well...I stopped riding the train and started driving to work thinking that would be safer...until I met me in the parking lot grabbed me from behind...knocked me out and put me in the trunk...

I was there for hours...screaming and pounding hoping someone would hear me...I felt the car stop....my heart sank...then he openned the trunk and lifted me out...smiling...See Dee, I told you we were going to be together...Welcome home...this is your new home...then he yelled kids your moma's home...I screamed let me go...I promise not to turn you into the police....let me go....Go where Deeee , your my wife...until death do us part...he said...I screamed until death do us part....I don't even know you...I said....but you will....he smiled ...you will....shall, I carry you over the threshold...get your hands off me...Psycho....now Deeee....this is our honey moon...it wouldn't be proper unless , I carry you over it...get your hand off me...I yelled...but swooped me up and carried me in side....

Let me show you the place...this is the living room...here is our bedroom...here's the bathroom...you have a large spacious kitchen to cook my meals....here is the pantry...to my suprise...he had everything stock...for aleast a year...He took me inside the bedroom...here is your closet...it was filled with women clothes all in my size...Oh , I got your size from your closet at home...I had to find out what kind of taste you had...Now upstairs there are 2 other bedrooms... and a bathroom...So Deeee what do you think about the place...Take me home...I yelled...Deeee honey you are home...now come outside and meet the kids...I know you will be happy to see one in particuliar....he walked ahead of me talking....I just took off running but he caught me...Deee were are you going...you don't even know where you are...you can't ran away here...the nearest town away is 5 hours...just woods and swamps....and you don't want to be messing around in a swamp especially not out here anyway....and back to the kids....I could hear dogs barking as we got closer to his hideaway...walking me over to Buddy...I screamed Buddy...he yelped...and jumped because he was so happy to see me...How did you get him...We'll talk later....I know you want to freshing up and eat because of the long rode trip....

© Copyright 2010 annis (annisw1064 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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