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Character Profile of Magiatha |
Character Profiles Magiatha Magiatha- An ancient wolf Norean who was the first true ruler of Nore ever. She was the one who created the Oricasta and stood her own against the Demon Lonekill. Magiathas name is widely known throughout all who know of Nore. But due to the time that has passed, not much detail is left to know about her reign. Even though Noreans can speak to there dead through a sacred lake, but it’s only to be used when necessary. This is how it was found out that Trin had Eric murder Marmoona and Kizuki. It has been written in texts that Magiathas power reached that far beyond what she would normally be capable of. Within the castle that Lonekill built, a large center room in the public area has been solely dedicated to Magiatha. A statue was raised of her when she was young when she defeated Lonekill, then behind it, a older version of the same position. Above, high hanging from the ceiling, hangs a replica of the Oricasta. One shard of the real Oricasta makes the whole glass replica glow light blue, like the real one. Within this chamber, the statues are surrounded by an ever flowing fountain filled with sparkles so it looks like a starry night sky. Here, Noreans gather to show there gratitude to the ancient warrior queen, and pay there respects to there peace keeping guardian; the Oricasta. This is not mandatory what so ever, its only there incase you seek wisdom that you cannot find, or if you wish to show your thanks for what has been achieved. Some ritualistic parties and gatherings are held within this one room, it’s that large. And yes, it is true that the first event and names recorded was Magiathas tale. All history before then is unknown to all but the ones who’ve passed, for they learn from listening from each other; after all, they do have the rest of eternity. Magiatha, I needed it to sound ancient and young, and if you haven’t knowticed, most of my original character names start with an S or an M. Well this one fell in the same way ^^; |