Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1643292-To-Chopz
Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1643292
this is about my relationship with a guy and how i messed everything up
I dont understand i cant belive that its all over in 10 min. Everything i thought we could have all over in one little lie i cant belive it im speechless all i can say is wow i wish i could go back in time to the day we met although i dont know if i would do it anyother way. im so sorry for lieing to you when i did i never thought we would be anything more than friends. little did i know at that time that you would be the one what woutd hurt me more than i thought i could take you would be the one that would take my feelings for you and crumble them in your words you were the one made me so happy one min. so mad the next so sad another so jelous one and so confused the next you were the one i had the strongest feelings for you took something of mine that you can never return to me we both regret it altho people tell me not to regret anythng it led to possably making my pride and joy to be i trusted you compleatly untill you lied to me you lied about having any intentions on telling me about your girl you said you talked to india about it and she said not to tell me because she didnt want me to get hurt and sadly you listened to her you told me that this girl was going to ask you and you dint know what you were going to say later i found out you had lied to me you told me things and i belived you although people told me that all guys are the same but i listened to you and i dint care whet everyone else had to say i stuck up for you because i knew you were different that all the other guys and i still belive that thats true but i realy screwed nu everything yes i lied to you and im sorry but age is just a number and i act older than 14 any way i hope with everything that you will get over this quickly and trust me once again and we can be friends and nothing more i hope you understand thingd from my point of view i told you i think your a great friend and i will try my hardest to keep you as a friend but i cant do any more but hope and wait that you are the person i learned yo to be 
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