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this is a chapter out of a book that I'm writing, enjoy! |
CHAPTER ONE The rain fell softly over the town drenching the passersby that decided to take a calming walk in the England town. Chandra sighed and watched them. It was funny to watch all of the couples and families walk in and out of the shops and restaurants. Chandra looked around her room in the orphanage that she was dropped off in when she was still a little baby. She got off of the seat in the window that she had and walked over to the trunk at the end of her bed, pulling out a bound sketchbook with her name printed in gold cursive on the spine of the black book and a set of charcoal and graphite pencils complete with a sharpener, black eraser, and a blending tortillion. She sat down at the window and started to sketch the church tower that was across the street from where her window was. The tower stood forty feet tall with a clock and a bell that echoed over the small town. She hummed her favorite song as she drew, periodically looking up to see if she was on the right track. Everything she was doing looking good so far. As she was putting the final additions on the bell (shading it at the appropriate places), the door swung open and she heard the chorus of kids laughing. She looked at one girl, medium height with olive skin and long brown hair and blue eyes, as she entered the room and closed the door. She forgot that they were allowed to go into town for something. “Chandra,” she said sitting down on the bed next to hers, “you should’ve come with us. It would’ve been fun; we went in the stores and made fun of the old nobles trying on some clothes.” She continued. Chandra shook her head and laughed. “No, you are not getting me in trouble with Roger over that stupid mess. Besides, I didn’t feel like going.” She said putting her charcoal pencil down and closing the book. The girl sighed and looked at her friend. “Chan, you really like that book you got for your birthday, don’t you?” “I guess so, even if I don’t know who sent it to me,” she said walking over to her trunk. “Ray,” she started. “What?” the brown-haired girl asked sitting up. “Why’re we being kept in the orphanage for ‘special’ children? Why are they classifying us as special just because we don’t like the things that usual kids like?” she asked looking in the chestnut trunk. She pulled out an amethyst stone that was on a silver necklace. Ray shrugged and looked at the sepia skinned girl. “Why’re you asking me? Only thing I know is that they’re keeping us here because we have to go somewhere else special soon.” Chandra regarded the girl with a raised eyebrow. “How did you find that out?” “I overheard Roger,” she paused when Chandra still had a skeptical look on her face, and then sighed. “Alright, I sort of morphed the door-knob into an ear horn and listened to him talk to some dude over the phone; David, I think his name was that.” Ray explained. “You officially need help, Raven.” She chuckled as she put the necklace back in the chest. She sat up and looked at her. “You sure that he said he was going to send us to wherever he said he was going to send us to, you know how you mishear things sometimes.” Raven nodded her head lifted up her bracelet with the sapphire stone in it. “I wonder why they gave us this jewelry with these stones in them.” Raven asked. “Maybe to match our eyes,” Chandra joked earning a flick in the ear from Raven. “Ow!” she exclaimed holding her ear as she laughed. “Be serious about this,” “I am. You didn’t notice that almost every stone that we the ‘special’ children have match our eyes.” Raven blushed and went to punch the girl who just ducked and went back to the window seat. “Almost everyone here has one that matches their eyes; except for Jason, but his eyes change every two minutes.” “Shut up, Chan,” she mumbled. Raven went over to her dresser and pulled out her nightclothes. “Let’s get to bed before Roger throws a fit when we don’t get up in the morning to meet that man.” Chandra sighed and nodded, getting up and getting her nightclothes. Chandra tossed and turned as dreams of things that could not be real plagued her subconscious. She started up in her sleep, beads of sweat falling down her face. She searched her surroundings making sure that she was still in her room. After taking a couple of deep breaths before she fell back down and rolled over. Chandra awoke in a dark room, a low light emitted from the few candles placed around the perimeter of the room. She looked around the room and saw human beings dressed in black hooded cloaks. They stood on small pillars ascending into a point from the left and right. The person who was on the top- and centermost pillar spoke out; his voice filled the room and bounced off the walls. She gulped and stood up when he called out to her. “Where am I? Who’re you?” Chandra asked. A strong wind blew putting out the flames. She looked at the scenery that changed when the candles went out. Now they were in an all white room. The hooded members sat in throne-like chairs on top of the pillars. Without a sound, the leader raised his hand in a sweeping motion. “We are only a dream of what is yet to come,” he said his deep voice ringing throughout the room. “Why am I dreaming this?” she asked. “Being one of the Seven gives you something special that nobody else has; even if they have a Gift.” “Whaddya mean something special?” she asked. His chuckle sounded like rolling thunder. “You shall see.” Chandra’s question had already formed in her mouth but she awoke before she had a chance to voice it. She sat up and rubbed her eyes stretching briefly before standing up. The sun shined through the clouds from the day before, which was probably only going to last for a few minutes of the day. She groaned as she went to go get ready. That David man was probably going to arrive at noon. That only gave her three hours to get dressed, eat, and do whatever she wanted to do in between now and then. After her shower, she got dressed in a bluish purple top fashioned to match a man-darin top that had lavender accents to it, a pair of dark blue Capri’s, and matching flat shoes. Raven made fun of her and Chandra replied with mentioning that Raven resembled a doll with the frilly white dress and pigtails she decided to sport. Raven rolled her eyes at her friend as they went downstairs to hear Roger tell the rest of the “special” kids that some unknown man was going to see how they acted. Chandra voiced the thought and made her laugh. They walked into the living room and saw that everybody else had dressed in their nicest clothes. These were the clothes that Roger’s oldest daughter, Miranda, had brought them from her trips all around the world. It was funny how the man that was put in charge of them couldn’t care less if they didn’t have food or clothes but if they weren’t in the greatest care that he wouldn’t get paid when the inspector came by for their monthly visits. His daughter was nice and paid more attention to them when she would visit them every few months after she comes home from trips that she always takes. They were lucky because she was standing in the hallway looking at the pictures that he hung up every time someone painted one that looked halfway decent. Now she was looking at the painting of the children sitting in the living room that Chandra did a few weeks ago. Miranda turned around and smiled at them. “Hey girls,” she said. “I see you like the new outfits I bought you guys.” “Yeah, Miranda,” Raven said. “Looks like you like Chan’s picture.” Miranda raised an eyebrow when she looked down at Chandra. “You painted that?” Chandra nodded and smiled. “Wow, I thought my dad decided to have someone come in and paint you guys.” “Do you really think that Roger would have spent any type of money on us?” Chandra asked walking into the living room. Miranda looked at Raven who just shrugged and followed her friend into the room with Miranda following behind them. |