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Rated: E · Lyrics · Dark · #1643010
4 songs I made long ago. The first four that were created
My most favorite song I wrote and my first.  It was meant for four people to sing.

On It Goes

[Starts of f soft singing, but no music playing yet]

As the sun begins to set
And the fire begins to die
The world shall start a-new.
But when the clouds cave in-
And the rain falls
The life stops living-
The clock stops ticking-
The earth quits spinning
Yet still the violin plays
Solemn in its beauty
And constant in its sound.

[Chorus.  Soft music starts up, and the singing is still soft and slow, but a little more upbeat than the last bit]

On it goes, the music plays
We hear the voice of angels
They sing upon the clouds above
To whom we give our praise.
And through our words the darkness fades
The shadows of the end erased
So hear our voices clear and strong
for this is our hearts song.

[Music falls dark, and the voice goes low to fit the mood, but the last two lines, not only does the music become upbeat, but the singing goes to a semi-high pitch]

As the days pass, and the nights roll
We see the lightning crack-
And hear the thunder roar
You know that the time has come
Past and present have been undone
But the future will always rise
For it is your solemn demise
But don’t be in doubt or shame
They shall rise to save us again!

[Regular tempo music, and a happy feeling in the singing]

On it goes, the music plays
We hear the voice of angels
They sing upon the clouds above
To whom we give our praise.
And through our words the darkness fades
The shadows of the end erased
So hear our voices clear and strong
for this is our hearts song.

[Music fades into a much darker, more evil sounding serious mood.  Vocals are lower than before until half way through where everything begins to pick up]

Your world has been engulfed by flame
The life that once was is now gone
Hope you’ve enjoyed this life of yours
For the darkness’s reign has finally come
Everything shall wither and die
And forever be lost in space and time
No matter how much you beg and plea
This darkness’s time was meant to be!

[Rock-like music and singing]

But on it goes, the music plays
We hear the voice of angels
They sing upon the clouds above
To whom we give our praise.
And through our words the darkness fades
The shadows of the end erased
So hear our voices clear and strong
for this is our hearts song.

[Up beat music and high-pitched voice]

They sing for you and they sing for me
Saving the world that was meant to be
So believe in them with all your heart
To stop our world from falling apart
If you don’t you shall sourly see
What a cruel world this has come to be!

[A moment of rock music alone, before it turned to a sad slower mood with a slow chorus]

Still on it goes, the music plays
We hear the voice of angels
They sing upon the clouds above
To whom we give our praise.
And through our words the darkness fades
The shadows of the end erased
So hear our voices clear and strong
for this is our hearts song.

[Not even a moment later, rock music bursts out again, and the chorus is sung as loudly as can be sung with still getting the tones right]

And on it goes, the music plays
We hear the voice of angels
They sing upon the clouds above
To whom we give our praise.
And through our words the darkness fades
The shadows of the end erased
So hear our voices clear and strong
for this is our hearts song.

[And everything stops with one last bang]

Other songs I also wrote:

Dancing Through The Darkness

[Soft music all the way through, and once you get the feel of the rhythm it stays that way too.]

In the night, I see the light
But I dance through the darkness
When the moon comes, I hear wolves sing
And that shall be my melody.

Dancing through the darkness
I loose myself in its song
It’s sung so well, it cuts through hell
And into me, as my melody.

So sleep my wolf
Dream of your song
For you too shall be
Apart of my dark melody.

Sing your song, loud and clear
For the rest of the darkness to hear
And I shall dance through the night
As the wolves sing there song tonight.

Dancing through the darkness
I loose myself in its song
It’s sung so well, it cuts through hell
And into me, as my melody.

As I dance through the darkness
The shooting stars; fly by
The moon glows a-silver
And the song this night, is complete.

So sing my wolves
To let them know
That my choice shall always be
The song of my dark melody.

Dancing through the darkness
I loose myself in its song
It’s sung so well, it cuts through hell
And into me, as my dark melody.

But the time is soon, the sun shall rise
Forcing me to sleep again
But have no fear, have no doubt
The day will fall, to make way for me.

And I shall dance once again
To the melody that beckons me
As the lightning strikes, it glows upon
The world in which I dance upon.

And you shall, dance for thee
Even though you curse my melody
But I shall always be
For I am immortal still.

Dancing through the darkness
I loose myself in its song
It’s sung so well, it cuts through hell
And into me, as my darkest melody.

On Angel Wings

[Spoken, no music]

There once was a time long ago,
When both Demons and Angels fought,
But now, only there ideals remain,
And we, are on the Angels wings.

[Softly sung, light music, gets deeper after the last comma]

On the wings of an angel we soar
And on the wings of an angel we’ll stay
We’ll be together for all of time
And the light from Heaven, shall be our guide.

[Voices pick up and the drums start, medium music, last 2 lines are slow and get softer]

We are as the angels that came before us
We shall see the ages change with time
You may never see us, you may never hear us
But are always fighting by your side
And even when the darkness comes to claim you
We shall see to it that you get through
Because we are on
The angels wings.

[Medium again]

And even when you feel lost in doubt
Or feel that chour all alone
We can bring you to the light
All you have to do is hold on tight
Because you are on, our angel wings.

We are as the angels that came before us
We shall see the ages change with time
You may never see us, you may never hear us
But are always fighting by your side
And even when the darkness comes to claim you
We shall see to it that you get through
Because we are on
The angels wings.

[Loud singing, almost talking, high pitched, low music.  Last line gets deeper]

We fly for your survival
We shall fly until your free
Just don’t loose your faith
Or your future will be erased
For we carry you, on our angel wings.

[High pitched again]

Just believe in yourself
Don’t let the pain get you down
For we shall always find you
And to you we will be true
Because you are on, our wings.

[Heavy music]

We are as the angels that came before us
We shall see the ages change with time
You may never see us, you may never hear us
But are always fighting by your side
And even when the darkness comes to claim you
We shall see to it that you get through
Because we are always on
The angels wings.

Eternal Nights End

I wrote this one in memory of my uncles dog Shylo, she will always be well remembered and loved.  One of the most well behaved and loveable dog you could ever meet.  May she rest in peace.  Remember that I was upset and not in the best of living conditions at the time.

[Light voice and little music]

I wish that I could’ve seen you, for one last time
Just take one moment to see your face
And never turn away.

[All out just pounding, even with the music]

But no you left me in the dark
You left me to fall apart
But still no matter where I turn
Your face is everything I’ve learned

But then it begins to rot
Rot and then it disipears
These memories of you I hide
Are fading ‘cause of your demise

So why did you leave me here?
Did you think that I would never care?
But you are so wrong my friend
Like this darkness that never ends

But you shall soon see that I
Am an angel from the great blue sky
And I shall find you once again
For this time with you should never end

So listen to me here and now
For this is my final vow
I shall return you too this place
Either that or I shall be erased
So wait for me where you are
For you are my star  [This line only, light, and high pitched]

[Then it starts all over again]

If only you had never left
Then this light would’ve never died
I would’ve never cried these tears
And this hunt of mine would never be
But the only thing that I
Can rely on is my own mind

But still you leave me in the dark
You leave me to fall apart
Even though no matter where I turn
Your face is on everything I see

And it never fails to rot
Then it always disappears
And you make these memories of you I have
Fade away in the dead of night

So you left me here once again
But my care for you shall never end
I just pray that you know this
For it is the only thing I have

But even if I must break through hell
And take you through this time and space
You shall be on earth again
Here with all of your friends

[Last phrase is outta wack]

So listen carefully to me
For this could be the end of me
Summon me with all your soul
So I may find you wherever
You linger in the darkness
And we shall soon see, this eternal nights end.
© Copyright 2010 ♥ Lady Lish (lish-sheru at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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