Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1642689-A-Place-For-Freedom
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1642689
The story of a married lady with a child who struggles with daily abuse from her husband.
A Place For Freedom

    How come I can't escape? Zara asked herself. I want out of this life of misery just as much as I would love to have a million dollars. I think I would take my freedom first if I had a choice of the two. Jeff had fallen asleep around two A.M. She had always thought about trying to get out of bed, grab their daughter and leave with only the clothes on their back. What stops  me? she mused. Probably the fear of if he was to wake up. So here I am again, getting ready to start another long, tedious day. She sighed.

    The morning started as every other morning. The coffee was ready to pour when Jeff sat down at the table and the morning newspaper was sitting next to his plate, which better have nice and hot food on it. Zara knew the repercussions if it didn't. He would smack her viciously across the face or thrust her into his chair, grab the back of her neck and shove her face into the plate where nothing was but should have been.

    She had to keep everything running smoothly so her daughter Holly cold have some sort of peace. Holly had seen too much violence in her three short years of life. Zara had to come up with some sort of plan, while not leaving any hints to her intentions. The first thing she knew she had to do would be to find some place to store things that she would need for the road. Pleanty of money for gas, food and lodging until they got where they were going. As to where they were going, Zara wasn't sure about that yet. But one thing Zara did know was no matter what, they were soon to be long gone.

    As Zara and Holly entered the bank to take their first step towards independence, Zara had a strange feeling she was being followed. Every time she turned to look, there was no one who shouldn't be behind her. It must be just me, panicking and worrying over nothing. Zara thought to herself.

    There were several people in the bank and the wait to speak to someone was taking a little too long for Zara, but finally it was their turn. "Mrs. Hunter," the lady said."How can I help you today"? "I need a safe deposit box," Zara said. "Right this way ma'am, let me show you the different sizes." After a few moments, Zara picked one that was just big enough to store some important papers, money and maybe a few other necessities. After signing all of the necessary paperwork and getting the key, Zara thought to herself, -  One step closer but still many things left to do.

    Zara knew she had to get home before Jeff, because most days he came home for lunch and she wasn't there, the physical, emotional and mental damage he would do would only be worse than usual.

    Oh no, Zara thought, as she pulled in the driveway and saw Jeff's truck.He'd gotten home before her. Knowing what was coming next, she thought to herself, "You better kill me now Jeff, because this will be the last time it ever happens."

    Zara turned the door knob and stepped into the foyer. Although she had tried to prepare herself, the blow to her face came so fast and furious it was completely unexpected. Jeff must have put all of his six foot two, two hundred and eighteen pounds of himself into it. Zara fell backwards onto the concrete porch and wasn't sure if this time she would be getting up. Holly was screaming, "Stop, daddy! Leave mommy alone." "Go to your room Holly," Jeff hissed at her. "Get up Zara!" he screamed. Zara didn't get up fast enough for him, so he proceeded to drag her into the house by her feet. After ten minutes or so of correction time as Jeff called it,and the living room getting completely upended, the beating finally stopped.

    As he left the house, he told Zara, "Who wants to eat your slop anyways, and clean this mess up!"

    Zara did the best she could to get herself titied up and prepared herself and Holly to leave quickly. Now she had to make the final link to their escape, a phone call to a long absent friend, for a place to stay and a new beginning.

    Picking up the phone to call Becky, who Jeff didn't know nothing of; she realized just how much she was trembling. "Pick up Becky, pick up fast," She quietly said to herself. Finally after five rings, Zara heard a voice she had wanted to hear for some time. "Holly and I despartly need your help," Zara said.

    After ten minutes of explaining to Becky the situation, they had come to an agreement that Zara and Holly would grab what they needed and they would be on the road in no time

    Zara grabbed a bag she stored in Holly's closet, scooped up Holly and scurried out the door. When she reached the car, she quickly buckled Holly in and jumped in the driver seat.They were finally on the road but the first stop had to be the bank to take everything out of the safe deposit box. Her timing was quick and finally they were on the road to Becky's.

    The drive took around twenty-four hours and it was the longest twenty-four of Zara's life. At times she would turn around and make sure she wasn't being followed by Jeff. Once again she knew it was just her panicking. The journey had ended finally when they pulled into Becky's driveway. Becky ran out and greeted them and Zara knew she finally had a place for freedom that they could call home.
© Copyright 2010 tinaclay97 (tinaclay97 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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