Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1642468-The-Quartet-Vampire-Huntress-Ch-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Supernatural · #1642468
Normal girl, normal issues,right? WRONG! Anya is beyond normal and doesn't know it....
Chapter One: New School.....
The chattering of kids in the schoolyard was heard around the whole place. Girls were chatting on their cell phones to girls in other cities while boys were flirting with some of the girls. The chattering stopped when a midnight black SUV pulled up to the gates. One of the doors flew open and a girl stepped out.

She looked around seventeen and had model-worthy looks: sharp and high cheekbones, a nose that was neither too big or small, full lips, and eyes that weren't too wide or narrow. Her skin was pale, like she was a ghost, and her hair was jet-black. The most striking feature was her eyes: deep pools of blood red that would darken or lighten depending on her mood. The kids started to walk towards her, but one look told them to back off.

"Have a nice day, sweetie!" The girl turned her gaze at the woman in the car, who looked nothing like her, and gave her a very forced smile. "Will do, mom......" She took out her bag, slammed the door in the woman's face, and started to walk to the school's entrance as the car drove away.

"Hey there, sexy....." "Come on over here, baby!" The calls and wolf whistles continued until she was in the building. She muttered something about men and their hormones and walked up to the front desk. The receptionist was busy typing until she spotted her through her side vision.

"Oh, sorry, dear!...... You're the new student, right? Anya, am I correct?" She gave the receptionist a curt nod.

"Hmm....... oh, such a lovely girl. You're from........ hmm...... what was it again?" Anya had to mentally smack her forehead. 'She has my file in her hands and doesn't have the BRAINS to look in it..... my, god......'

She cleared her throat as the blonde continued to speak, causing her to stop. "I have been living in Salem, Massachusetts with my father for the past..... sixteen years and most recently moved here because my mother thought this school was better suited for me." she said in a slightly bitter tone.

"Oh, right...... Oh!.... I had your file in my hand the whole time!" 'No, duh.......' "All right. Here's your schedule and a list describing all the courses and how the school works."

"Let me stop you there. How does this place work?"

"Well, you get two separate weeks..... one is an academic week where you go to classes starting as early as 5 A.M and ending at 6 P.M for dinner." "So this school has 13-hours?" "12 if you count lunch, which is an hour out." "Sounds interesting. What's the other week?" "The other week is arts, ranging from drawing, drama, singing..... anything. And this week is art and classes started an hour ago, so it's second period."

Anya muttered a thank-you and proceeded to walk to her second period, but paused. "So...... based on the schedule....... are we allowed to eat breakfast in class?" "Your second period, dear." "Again, thank you." "You're welcome, honey."

Anya headed to her second period, which was Theatre Arts. 'I think I might like this place.' she thought with a smirk. She then frowned. 'Of course..... it would be better if this was a place near my dad rather than mom.'

She had nothing against her mother personally, but she didn't really care for the fact that she was so.... clingy and overprotective.

She stepped into her class and a single wolf whistle was heard.

"She's hot!" "Thank you for that, Michael. You're the transfer student?" "Yes, sir."

He looked over her schedule. "Very well. You can sit next to Daisuke. Boy, raise your hand." Anya looked over and her heart literally doubled in its pace. 'Oh....... my........ god....... he is........ hot!.......' The boy looked at her with a small smile, his hand raised.

His hair was the same jet black as hers and was similar to the hairstyle from Backstreet boy Nick Carter, but it looked a lot better on him because it wasn't exactly like that guy's. His skin was pale like hers and his eyes were a liquid golden amber in color.

She sat next to him, partially tripping on her own feet, resulting in him catching her.

"First day?" "Uh..... yeah..... just a little nervous and all......." she muttered, sitting next to him. "What's your name?" "Anya." "Daisuke." He shook her hand and a slight shudder ran up her spinal cord.

'God,...... I feel like one of those schoolgirls who drool over the hottest guy in school......' "Daisuke, why don't you and young Anya work on the play we are going to perform.... I see her as a young Juliet...... seeing as you are Romeo, what do you think?" He smiled at Anya and looked at the teacher. "I think she'd be perfect, but it's better she's understudy for now.... I could practice with her until Naomi comes back." "Good."

Anya gulped, a bit fidgety. "Don't be nervous. Here, start with this line."

He pointed out a line to her and she nodded.

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."

Daisuke smiled and glanced over her shoulder. "Magnificent. I think you would be better suited as Juliet. Carry on." The teacher looked on at everyone else working while she hid her face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" "I wanted the teacher to hear you. You would make a fairer Juliet." Anya sighed, but blushed when he gently held her hand.

"You...... I'm just not into acting......" He leaned forward and lightly started to whisper the first few lines or so, as she recalled, from the same scene they just did. "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks....... it is the east........ and Juliet is the sun."

"Hey, Daisuke! Quit manhandling my roommate!"

Daisuke frowned at the brunette in front of them and sighed. "Sorry..... wasn't aware of that......" "Anya!" "Son of a...... oof!" She was soon crushed with a death hug by some old friends, to her dismay, didn't remember that she wasn't really big on friends.

"Damon, Sylvia........ Erik, and Sasha....... nice to see you guys again." she murmured. They let go of her and grinned. "It's good to see you!" "I guess..... I miss my dad though......." "Yeah, but you'll love this school...."  "I guess......." Erik picked up Anya's sketchbook and started to flip through it. "Erik, you have ten seconds before I shove your bag down your throat." "Damn, Anya, no need to be so testy. By the way, great sketches as always."

"Great, Great..... well, Daisuke are you gonna introduce me to my roommate?" The goth looked at the atmosphere around the brunette and Daisuke.

'It's like they're two different species or something....' "This is Fumiko, your roommate when we actually have to go back to rooms. Fumiko, this is Anya."

Fumiko smiled at her, who just acknowledged her with a short 'hn'. "Forgive Anya. She's not really happy to be here since her mother forced her." The brunette smiled. "It's all right..... I didn't like this place, either."

The bell rang and Anya was the first one out of the room.

"Hey! Wait up!" said about almost every boy in the class, except for Erik, Damon, and Daisuke, as they followed after her.

"Okay, that's just disturbing." Erik said with a sweat drop. "Tell me about it." Daisuke muttered.

They followed after the crowd and Anya.

"Anya, I love you!" "That's nice......" "Will you go out with me?" "Don't think so." "I want to marry you!" "Dream on....." "Please go out with me!" "No, me!" "Me!"

Anya sighed and made it to her next class. "What the heck..... am I that popular already?" She sat down in one of the seats as her friends, her roommate, and Daisuke stepped in.

The teacher came in and placed a small object, what looked like a small figurine, onto the table in the middle of everyone. "Art starts with a silhouette of yourself and your likes. It's about adding to a still form and make it life-like and pure."

She glanced at Anya and smiled. "Start by drawing the figurine in front of you and add your style. But first, let's get acquainted with our new student. Stand, please, dear." "I'd rather not......" she muttered, but was nudged by Fumiko. She rubbed her arm and stood up. "Now, start with your name, where you live or lived, what you like and dislike...... and that should be it for now."

There was a silence and one wolf whistle before she started to speak.

"My name is Anya and I had lived in Salem, Massachusetts until this upcoming school year when my mother pulled me out of my school and enrolled me here. I like to draw and sketch....... singing and dancing........ to be by myself sometimes, when I'm overloaded with stuff. I hate, absolutely hate, snobs, jocks, and conceited, egotistical, and chauvinistic people. That's it."

She sat back down and sighed while starting on her sketch. "Uh...... very good, dear."

Everyone else followed Anya's example, starting on their sketches. Daisuke lightly tapped her shoulder and showed her his sketch.

"Wow...... that's pretty cool......." "Not as cool as yours." She blushed. "Thanks....."

Time flied by and Fumiko literally dragged her out of class. "What the hell?!" "Stay away from Daisuke. He's trouble." "I can watch out for myself, thank you. But thanks for your concern anyway......"

She walked away from the brunette as she went into her next class. Time flied by for the rest of the classes and she went back up to her room thirty minutes before going to dinner. She set up her things and noticed the other side of the room was really...... wild.

"Like it?" "It's a bit weird, but whatever." 

The raven looked over her shoulder to look at Fumiko.

"What are you looking at me for?" Fumiko said with a sharp tone.

"I know you don't really care for me...... I can somehow sense it....... and you don't care for Daisuke either........" "Not really for Daisuke and some others in this school....... but I don't have a clear perspective of you."

Anya walked past her and she followed. "Mind not being my shadow?" "Sorry........" the brunette said in a sarcastic tone.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she was tailed by her roommate. When she felt she was somewhere else, she relaxed and sat down.

"You don't eat as much, do you?" said a boy. "Nothing here looks..... appetizing....."

There was a silence before the boy spoke again."Dinner is off-campus, too..... but we need to be back by eight or nine...." "No thank you....... some other time, kid." "Sorry for asking, but you're just so....... hot......" 

She stood up and pushed the boy away, forcing him back really far.

"Hey! Get back here!......" Her eyes locked with the teacher's eyes as they changed to black.

The woman fell to her knees, cold sweat falling from her face. Anya was shaking, literally shaking. She looked at her hands, which were shaking even more than herself.

She bolted off, tears streaming out of her eyes as fast as she was running. 'What was that?! What am I?!' she thought before running into a very warm chest. "Whoa....... are you all right, my dear?" said a very soft and soothing voice. She lifter her head to see the owner of the voice.

© Copyright 2010 Amaya K. (amayakinachi16 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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