Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1642386-Wimble-World-Tales---The-Ice-Giants
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1642386
On a magical planet, far away Modo Floppy-feet has a very strange morning.
One morning Modo Floppy-feet felt something cold hit him. It made his furry shoulder ache and gave Modo a very funny feeling so off he went to see Berryda Hatchett who was very magical. It was a warm morning and a nice walk up through the woodland to Berryda's cabin.

"Could you check my shoulder Mistress Berryda, please?” he asked “I feel like a piece of ice hit me.”

"Ice? Hmm, I wondered why my shoulder ached when I saw you; let me look." Berryda closed her eyes and was quiet for a moment. "Yep, definitely ice in your left shoulder." Berryda always closed her eyes to see magical things, it made Modo giggle whenever he thought about it.

"Gosh, I'm good." Modo giggled, pleased he was right.

"It's not a bad thing; it's glowing almost blue-white."

"So where is it from?" Modo asked, it was a strange thing to have in your shoulder after all.

"Ice giants I think. Look there’s something attached far away.” Berryda peered up into the sky.

"Like a white rectangle? Shall I pull it in? Modo asked.

"It looks like a letter flapping about. Pull it down while I call Charnite Barbecoal." Berryda smiled grimly, reading bothered her, she often made up the words and hoped things would turn out all right. That was often a mistake.

Charnite was a large red dragon with a tufty beard and kindly eyes. He landed on a tree, making it bend oddly to one side; and watched the Snarf-laffles. It was funny to see them reeling in a yeti with a white fluffy ribbon which seemed to be made of energy until it suddenly vanished.

Modo looked at his paws, the sky and then his paws again, he felt all tickley as if someone was messing it up.
"There's a yeti behind you honey.” Berryda smiled. “He's an ice giant and he's trying to turn your head."

Looking up and then up some more Modo saw a big white furry creature. He looked very snuggley except for the big teeth. They were very white and glistening and sharp looking and... Well mainly long and sharp.

"He's trying to lead you into the mountains. Want me to come?" Berryda asked, "He's an ancient life-force, my Chewy-kat will come too." Modo nodded slowly, still looking at the big, big teeth, he hoped the yeti was smiling.

Holding hands and with Beryla's cat firmly on her shoulder, Beryla muttered a few magical words. Then with a stumble they were no longer in the woods but in a rounded cavern made of cold icy walls with a ledge round them like a seat.

“You’re getting better at that.” Modo told Beryla who grinned proudly clapping her hands as if to remove some dust.

Modo picked a lantern from a wall bracket as it was quite dark and the Ice Giant waved a large paw beckoning them to follow him down a passage to a tunnel in the darkness and cold. Modo was glad of his long leather coat and thickly lined boots.

"He's letting me follow you. Don't worry I'm just a way back." Berryla called.

Modo saw an opening up ahead and walked out into the light of a huge cavern. It was full of big furry guys all looking at him expectantly.

"Erm, hello.” Modo muttered passing his lantern into the hands of a very large white furry yeti.

"HELLO MODO!" They all shouted back at once, the noise echoed and rebounding around the cavern until Modo felt quite certain it would collapse on them all and then trailing gently away.

Berryla caught up.

"Oh, boy trolls. You need to talk to them,"

"I think they want something but I have no idea what I can do."

"What would a beast master do?" Berryla asked quietly.

"Lead them out of the darkness. I feel so cold it tingles. I think they are preparing for battle, look at all the stuff in here." It did appear that either they were having a meeting in the stores or the walls had been packed with sacks, shields and weapons for a reason.

An old Ice Giant came forwards, shuffling a little. Modo could hear snatched phrases in his head and knew that the old one needed him to guide and protect them.

"Welcome Beast Master. I am Garamanesh, your familiar yeti." He said loudly and the crowd echoed his name, a few muttered yeti and giggled.

"Thank-you." Modo was not really sure what was expected of him but his mind raced, and words came from his mouth in a way that made him try to see his lips just to be sure it was him saying them.

"Sunlight - you need sunlight."

"Why." Berryla asked.

"To thrive, to be really alive, to be what they have to be. I have to keep their world alive with sunlight. Oh, I see a big tree."

"Ah." there are nods and mutters from the assembled Ice giants

"This is something I should know, like a legend. The Ancient Tree of the cosmos?"

"Norse trees." Berryla whispered at his side and the assembled creatures, big and small nod to one another. "You do know this." she says.

"The magical tree from the sagas of the old world, the tree of life and creation that the universe grew on.” Modo struggled to think.

"Well done. Now ask how you may help them." Berryla prompted.

"You are all so cold, how may I help you?" Modo asks

"They need warmth they are hiding from man."

"Look after the trees. Plant more green spaces for them to hide in so they can see sunlight again" Garamanesh said.

"They feel so sad." Modo whispered to Berryla

"Yep, they do, where can they go and be safe?"

"We want to pass on tree knowledge." Garamanesh continued, "Look, you."

Modo saw visions of jungles, woods and green places. Visions from the human world of bulldozers in green places, trees and earth torn up, creatures loosing their homes and a great sadness. He felt a need to remember the old ways and respect them.

"They are dying out." Berryla whispered as she was seeing the visions too.

"I'm getting nice places but so much sadness. It’s like the fae, they moved away because of mans’ roughness, they are gentle folks.”

Garamanesh took Modos' hand between his two giant paws and looked at him expectantly.
"I know what you have to do." Berryla said out loud making Modo jump.

"I need to take them to a new world where they can be safe and happy; I need to save their green places. Excuse us a moment Garamanesh please," Modo replied quietly shaking his head. Garamanesh nodded and reluctantly let go of Modos' hand.

Modo and Berryla shuffled into the corridor for a muffled conversation. In the silent hall there was the occasional shuffle of large feet but that was all as everyone watched patiently.

"They feel so tired and cold, they are so sad,"

"Yes it is time for them to evolve into beings of light,"

"Can we do this?"

"We will have help.” Modo walked back to Garamanesh.

"Garamanesh do you really want to leave earth, are you sure it is the right thing for your kind to do?"

"Yes. We are greatly saddened but there's little option and we may return when humans learn more." He shook his head sadly, "We have discussed this much and require your help to transport us to your world or one of our own!" Modo turned to look at the crowded cavern.

"Everyone that wants to come is welcome but we must go outside to meet the dragon, who will transport you." Modo called out over the crowd's excited chatter. "Is Wilcomb, around?" He asked Berryla.

"He's not big enough for this lot, Help me call Lobelia Hardbottle, she’s big enough to carry them all."

Holding hands Beast Master Modo and Berryla called Lobelia with their minds and knew that she would soon be outside awaiting her quest.

When they went out of the back of the huge cavern and all the Ice Giants things had been taken outside Lobelia was waiting but she was in spirit and had opened the side of her tummy like a soft pink aeroplane hold. All the Ice giants clambered in with much chattering, laughter and excitement.

"OK, make sure they're all in, it’d be a shame to get left behind accidentally." Berryla said. Lobelia nuzzled the friends, it was like being an ice-cream licked by a giant tongue and Modo laughed pushing her away.

Garamanesh, the old one came closer as the last Ice Giants were seated and tapped Modo smartly on the forehead with his staff. It was a good staff, tall and white with a large red stone trapped in the top, Modo felt he had a large red mark on his forehead and put his hand up gingerly exploring with his fingers, half expecting to find a jewel there too.

"You know have the knowledge you need to help us move and to help man with Earth."

"Thank-you but I am worried that someone will be left behind. Are they all in?"

"Checking now." Berryla said running around the other side of Lobelia just in case anyone was feeling nervous.

"I will stay as keeper." Garamanesh said, "its ok, I will be able to visit both worlds but we need to leave a gate so maybe one day we can return." Modo felt sad, this old one had a hard and lonely path before him.

"Look up into the sky!" Berryla yelled and 500 eyes swivelled upwards inside Lobelias tummy to see their new home through her. "Can you see your new world? Aww it's between the World of Unicorns and the World of Dragons, how wonderful!"

The new world simply glowed; it was full of green, trees, streams, mountains and enough sunshine for everything to be wonderfully healthy.

"OK, time to go!" Modo shouted to Lobelia and watched everyone turn forwards, some waving, some taking a last look at the human world rather like children on their first school trip. Modo felt worried for them and a little proud too.

"I feel sad, it is an ending." Berryla sighed, wiping her eye. Her cat wiped his too and sobbed openly cuddling her leg.

"It is a beginning too! Modo pointed out gently.

"Mans world is so broken, they should feel ashamed, there are not many of the old peoples left now." Cat said sagely.


They watched Lobelia flying the Ice Giants to their new world.

"OK, looks like they are there. They look cautious do you think the sunlight hurts their eyes?” Berryla whispered through her tears.

"They are starting to explore. They will be fine.”

"Garamanesh will you be ok?"

"Yes, the old one is looking back, he will guide them, and he is a good father.”

"Your father Garamanesh?"

"Yes Agamanesh, and now my dear friends it is time to return to your Wimble World."

Wilcomb bumped Berryla with his nose and Elementalia, Modos' dragon known as Ellie lands while Berryla’s’ Cat salutes Garamanesh from his perch between Wilcombs’ ears.

With a last look at the new world and the lonely figure stood on the human mountain the friends head for home, it's a good day to fly.

The End or Maybe a Beginning....
© Copyright 2010 Emeralda Bramble (emeraldab at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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