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Rated: E · Essay · Emotional · #1642301
Getting back to the basics of "Old school" values while living in a "New Aged" society
Gone are the days

Gone are the days when being nice to one another was something that just came naturally. Gone are the days when respect was something that was given whether or not a person was deserving of it. What happened to the world? What happened to The United States of America? The land of milk and honey, land of the free home of the brave, umph don’t make me laugh. This nation has become a nation of hatred and deceit, of prejudice and defeat; we hate one another not just because of the color of skin, but because it has become just the natural thing to do. We have become a nation of angry people who are unhappy with our lives therefore; we project that anger at those we love and those who love us causing them to project the anger we give to them towards their co-workers, their children, friends, and spouses it then becomes a domino effect. Murder and suicide is at an all time high, people are coming to their places of employment killing their co-workers because the pressures of this world has become too much for them to bear.
The economy is bad; fathers are becoming discouraged feeling the pressures of providing for their families because it seems he just cannot get ahead. All the while they are becoming more distant from the wives who love them and the children who adore him. Soon, there becomes a break down in the marriage ultimately the family falls apart. Why is that? Why do we turn against others when the goals we set for ourselves become out of our reach? Has society placed too much pressure on us, causing us to feel as if we must look a certain way, own a certain automobile, and live in a particular neighborhood to be accepted? Has society caused us to hate one another because someone has more than what someone else has? I have never seen so much anger, so much hatred and sadly my spirit has become broken. A woman who was once so vibrant and so happy has now become withdrawn, sad and discouraged. I have become a victim of hate because of the clothes I wear, the way I wear my hair, because of whom I befriend. I have been a target and why?
Why do I get hate? I use to feel as if I was the easiest person to get along with. I was once told that I could tame the devil because of my warm friendly demeanor and now things have changed. Where does this hate come from? Do we get it from our parents; is it the atmospheres that we grew up in? I am a strong believer in choices. If we chose to hate we will hate, if we chose to make a difference we can make a difference, we must become aware and step outside of ourselves to focus on others. Once we allow ourselves to become compassionate to others we will see that by enhancing their lives our own lives will be enhanced. We as a people will have to stop being angry at ourselves for not being where we feel we should be in life, instead realize that where we are in life is for a reason and we should glorify in it regardless of the outcome. Until we stop hating ourselves we will not learn to appreciate the good in others, we will continue to judge others, and dislike others simply because of who they are and for what they may or may not have. I become sadden when I watch the news; to take some ones life has become as natural as going to the grocery store. Soldiers are not only dying on the war battle field, they are dying on friendly ground. What are they fighting for anyway? I have the same dream as the late great Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.…. I too pray that this nation will rise to the full potential of its creed. I pray that we may come together as one to realize how beautiful this nation could be if we worked together. As a group of individuals we are striving to reach the same ultimate goal….Freedom.
Freedom to be who we are without worrying about being judged, freedom to go where we want to go without being stared at because only a certain race is known to eat there or shop there, freedom to befriend who we want to befriend without worrying about others disliking us because of it. Freedom to love without worrying about being loved in return because the love you give is from the heart and not based on the behavior of those that you chose to share it with. I could go on and on with the blessings that we could achieve if we could come together to realize God created all of us. He made us all unique and different and there are reasons for that, he created each of us in his own image he did not separate the races we did. The hatred and anger that we carry in our hearts was not placed there by God nor was it there when God created us, we made a choice to place it there, and we make the choice to hold on to it until it destroys our families and friendships. I look forward to the day when we as a nation will decide to make the right choice… the choice to release it.
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