Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1641276-The-Storm
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1641276
Two committed gay men live through a violent storm.
by Diane Blanchard

Devon was frantic.  He paced the living room over and over, praying for the phone to ring, but it stayed silent. Outside the storm raged and when he opened the front door the wind and rain forced him back into the house.

He and James had a huge fight that morning before he left for his meeting in Albany and Devon was afraid.  What if he didn’t come back?  What if all the things they said to each other were the death knell to their relationship?  They had been together for four years now and mostly it was great; they were in sync with each other, their love binding them together and keeping them safe. But things change and Devon knew all too well how fragile gay relationships were but he always thought they were safe from all that, now he wasn’t too sure. And he hated it; he wanted to be confident that they would always be together, but this morning was really bad and he was worried.

The local TV channel was talking about the storm, saying that it was the worst in many years, trees were down everywhere and warning their audience to stay home and get out the candles because it was possible the electric would go out very soon. 

Devon was terrified of storms like this and many a night he buried himself in James and tried to will away the terror.  James always told him that if he wasn’t with him when a storm like this came up, he should get into bed and pull the covers over his head until it was over.  But James had always been there and now he wasn’t, and Devon was consumed with fear.

The TV went out as well as the lights and along with them, the phone. He stood in the dark and shivered, trying not to panic.

James was on the NYS Thruway on his way home.  The storm had started that morning, just rain at first, then it came over the loudspeaker at the meeting that everything was cancelled and everyone should head on home as quickly as possible, the wind was building and the roads were slick and dangerous. 

He had been on the road for two hours already and he wasn’t even halfway home.  He didn’t have his cell with him, left it at home on the dresser, but he called Devon from the hotel where the meeting was and told him that he was starting out, would call him when he got to a Rest Stop and call him again.  They didn’t speak of their fight this morning and James was grateful for that; there would be plenty of time to make up later, right now he had to get out of there.

The traffic was moving slowly and he had time to think.  His thoughts went back to the morning.  Andre. 

They met at the breakfast buffet provided by his company, started to talk and before he knew it, they were sitting together, eating and exchanging names.  James knew all the signs, he was not new at this, and he hated himself for it.  After a while, he excused himself and went to the Men’s Room.  It didn’t take long for Andre to follow him and he found himself face to face with his latest indiscretion.  Sex in a bathroom stall was not his favorite thing, but Andre was good-looking and willing and he was as weak as ever. 

‘Devon will kill me,’ he thought. ‘Maybe I won’t have to tell him; I’ll just forget about it and it’ll just go away.’  But he knew himself.  Along with doing the deed, he was also the remorseful type and he knew eventually it would come out and once more he would risk his relationship. All he needed was some alcohol to loosen his tongue.

Devon had always forgiven him, but he knew there would come a day when he’d have enough and he’d leave him for good.  And he had nobody to thank but himself and his weakness.  He loved Devon to distraction, but there was something in him that just couldn’t resist a good-looking man. To make matters worse, he was the one who insisted on a monogamous relationship.  He didn’t even want to think about sharing Devon with anyone else, anonymous or not. And now here he was, cheater extrodinaire once again.

“Damn!” He pounded the wheel with frustration as he thought of Devon at home, waiting for him, afraid for him traveling in this storm, praying he would be safe. He thought of him, frightened and alone, having to face his worst fears by himself and his eyes filled with tears and he hated himself for what he had done.  Again.

The afternoon light was fading, headlights getting brighter as the darkness descended quickly, and James felt his mouth become dry as he realized how hard it was to see the road.  He stayed in his lane, giving up all hope of pulling off to find a phone as he crept in the night with the other cars all around him.  The lights from the cars and the overhead lights of the roadway caused colorful reflections in front of him, blinding him as he tried to stay on course.  But he wasn’t sure where he was; the lines in the road disappeared, and he was in a hell of bouncing lights, blinding rain and whistling wind.  All he could do was stay behind the car in front of him, praying that the driver could see better than he could. He was becoming disoriented in a nightmare world of color and sound, and James had a fleeting thought that this must be what Hell looks like.  He was not afraid of much, but this was frightening and his whole body clenched with the effort of staying in line. 

Suddenly there was the sickening crunch of metal on metal and he felt his car veer into the lane next to him, more metal on metal sounds as his car lurched, and he was hurled forward into the wheel.  The airbag hit him in the face and he couldn’t breathe; then there was nothing as unconsciousness claimed him and he felt himself hurled down into darkness.   

Devon was curled in the fetal position on the couch, a big quilt covering him, when he heard the phone ring and he jumped up.  The morning light was coming in the windows; the rain had stopped and all the lights in the house were blazing.  The TV was on, the commentator reporting the news of the aftermath of the storm.

He stumbled to the phone and picked it up, practically screaming into the phone.  “James, are you ok?”

“Is this Devon Carmichael?”  The disembodied voice was calm and businesslike.

“Yes, yes.  Who is this?”

“This is Nyack Hospital, Mr. Carmichael.  We have James Carson here.  He asked us to call you.  Can you come and pick him up?  All the cars in the accident were towed and he has no way to get home.”

“Accident?  What accident?”

“There was a ten car pileup in West Nyack.  Mr. Carson was brought here along with several others.  Can you come for him?”

Of course I’ll come.  Tell him I’ll be there in just a few minutes.”

“I will. Thank you Mr. Carmichael.”  She hung up and Devon stood holding the phone with a shaking hand.  James was all right.  James was ok.  James wanted him to pick him up and bring him home.  He ran for his coat and was out the door in a few seconds, a big smile on his handsome face.

It only took a few minutes to get to the hospital.  He parked the car and ran to the Emergency Room entrance.  He stood inside the door looking around the crowded waiting room for James.  And then he saw him as he stood slowly and carefully as if every bone in his body hurt. 

He started toward Devon, a slight smile on his face, his hand reaching out for him.  His neck was black and blue, his dress shirt filthy and bloody, the right sleeve of his overcoat torn and hanging.  There was a large tear at the knee of his business suit and he was missing his shoes.

Devon reached him and put his arms around him and closed his eyes.  Everything would be all right now; James was back in his arms, they were together.  He looked up into James’ eyes.

“Devon, I…….”

“It’s ok, babe, let’s get you home. Come on, let me help you.”

James leaned on him as they left the hospital; nothing had ever felt so good as Devon’s body close to his as they made their way to the car. He was so grateful, so blessed, and so stupid at the same time, that he had to close his eyes for a minute to get himself together.

Once home, Devon undressed him slowly, afraid he might hurt him and indeed, he gasped when James’ shirt came off.  From his neck to his waist he was almost totally black.  The seatbelt had held so firmly that it had caused terrible bruising and Devon was careful as he helped him into pajamas, first the top, then the bottom, being careful of his knee that was swollen and red. 

James sank gratefully into bed as Devon covered him and turned down the light.

“Can I get you anything?  Coffee?  A cold drink?  Are you in pain?  Did they give you anything for it?  Are you hungry?”  He stopped and laughed at himself as James smiled.

“Nothing.  I’m fine.  I just need some sleep.  Will you lie down with me for a minute?  I need some Devon, that’s what I need.”

“I think that can be arranged,” he smiled and climbed into bed next to James, taking care not to hurt him.  He turned and put his hand on his arm, stroking him, quieting his nerves.  “I was so afraid for you.  The news kept saying how bad it was and I was a wreck.  Was it awful?”

“I can’t describe it.  I’ve never driven in anything like that before.  I kept thinking that Hell must be like this; it was horrible.  And then the accident happened and I don’t remember anything after that until I woke up in the hospital.  God, I’m so glad you weren’t in that car with me; you would have freaked out for sure.  How did you make out, by the way?  You must have been scared out of your mind.  Did you do what I told you?”

“Yeah, I did.  Once the phone and the TV and the lights went out, I just lay down on the couch with the quilt and hid there until the phone rang this morning.  I was ok; I kept thinking about you and how much I loved you and it got me through.  So even if you weren’t here, you really were, see?”  He laughed at his foolishness and James had to smile.

“Devon, we have to talk.” 

No. “No, we don’t.  You have to sleep now; there’s plenty of time to talk tomorrow.  You just sleep all you want and I’ll make us some dinner later and we can watch some TV right in here so you won’t have to move much.  Now close your eyes; I’m right here and if you wake up and I’m not here, just call me and I will be.”  He bent and kissed James’ lips, hoping he could feel his love in the kiss.  “Love you, babe.”

James did as he was told and was asleep in seconds.  Devon stayed for a while until he was sure he was sound asleep then he got up and started to putter around the house.

Yes sir, plenty of time to talk later.

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