Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1641140-Lust-Emperors-Wand-5
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Adult · #1641140
A long, informative chapter of the story. Don't read if you're easily bored.
However fun it all was, Greg decided that these constant sessions were getting repetitive. He needed some questions to be answered, and decided to ask Pecca Tum. He opened the front door to find he was already standing there. ‘Uh, Pecca. Can I ask you a few questions?’ ‘Uh, sure, I guess. You did a pretty good job with that Wand today, so…’

Greg took the Wand out from his pocket and looked at it. ‘Can you tell me about the history of this time? Like, the whole history?’ ‘Huh. Well, that’ll take quite a while. I suppose we can sit down. I hope you have a lot of time on your hands,’ he answered with some doubt. Greg nodded and waited for him to begin.

‘Well, about a 1000 years ago, a man came with an interesting theory… he said that every power should be convertible to magic power. It so happened he was certain that desire, lust, sexuality… could all be concentrated into immense magical power. He went and studied for 200 years before making notable progress.

‘Shortly before the 200 year mark, he decided to take a few students to try and learn his theoretical methods to. In a few years, two of them started to show mysterious signs. Upon bringing in a female test subject, these two boys seemed to be able to influence her in strange ways.

‘With two test subjects, the results were much the same. Increased breast size, wider hips, rounder buttocks and increased sexual desire, all caused by the mere presence of the two students. The man documented all evidence and considered his theory proven. He let the two students go with a large amount of money and warned them not to tell anyone.

‘Needless to say, mayhem soon ensued. In a span of a single month, the average breast size in the city grew from B-cup to E-cup. Later, even cases of rape were reported, with the victims shamefully admitting they had not been completely unwilling for reasons unexplained. Upon hearing this, the man responsible quickly reported who the two culprits had to be.

‘They were soon captured by the magic police. They had all their magic power removed and were jailed for several years. One of the two students showed sincere remorse for his deeds; and even under the influence of truth potion, denied to have raped anyone. He was released long before the other student and faded from history shortly thereafter.

‘The other student hardly moved at all. He merely sat in his cell, with a psychopathic grin frozen on his face. Sometimes he would mutter that his ‘master plan had been set in motion’. The police found this fairly disturbing, and attempted to gather information. Upon completely stuffing him with truth potion, they finally found out.

‘He had magically impregnated hundreds of women… with children, who were blessed with the magic of lust from their birth. He could honestly not even tell their locations; over the mere month he had walked free, he had travelled around quite a bit. The government decided to wait and see, but to take action whenever mysterious things would occur.

‘Their initial plan had been to examine all pregnant women, but the criminal revealed that he had sped up all their pregnancies, and that most of “his children” already drank milk and began to learn. The government lengthened the criminal’s sentence to eternal, and prepared search teams to take action whenever anything suspicious would occur.

‘Now, with their concerns on what happened in many places, the government made a fatal mistake in underestimating their prisoner. You see, it is a fairy well known fact that having family increases your magic power. The government supposed the first “Lust Mage” had lost all his magic forever, but they had merely stunned it.

‘One day, not long after his questioning, the prisoner was guarded by a female. He only snapped his fingers, and she quickly released him and escorted him outside without being seen. The government attempted to find him, but in vain. His “master plan” had been rather more of a master plan than the government had anticipated.

‘A huge silence over the whole case fell for 15 long years, when suddenly many cases came up at once. Hundreds of schools found all students of the female gender to have g-cups and be rather horny quite suddenly. The government search teams ran from area to area, questioning all male students; but each seemed as clueless as the other.

‘Questioning the female students did not seem to result in any leads, either. All politicians grinded their teeth and hoped for a chance to catch anything. No such chance came up, and things only got worse and worse. Female politicians began disappearing one by one. Finally, the actions were explained.

‘All world leaders received a mail from the first “lust mage” himself, stating that he was going to do whatever he pleased with this world and that no one had better come in his way. Most of the world laughed about this typical “the world is mine” letter, but the laughing all faded as whole cities began to be claimed by the Lust Magicians.

‘It was when even whole countries had fallen to their enormous armies of obedient females, that the first lust mage began to call himself “The Lust Emperor”. He had no fear he would be stopped, but he wanted a back up plan just in case… so he created a Wand with the ability to do anything he could. He hid it deeply in a palace he stole.

‘It should be noted that there were far more types of human back then. There were thousands of types of Elf. So, the world leaders were clutching on to their last strength, but quickly deployed a plan. An extremely rare breed of Elf, the Serene Elves, were known to be immune to all magic. They armed one with a deadly knife and sent her to the Lust Emperor.

‘Upon reaching him, she bowed down and offered herself to him. He chuckled and walked at her- soon to be puzzled by the fact that she wasn’t changing according to his desire. He grabbed her shoulder rather roughly, and asked ‘why aren’t you changing?’ With her free arm, she quickly grabbed the concealed knife and cut the Lust Emperor’s throat.

‘That ended his reign. With the element of surprise on their side, the world leaders fiercely attacked all known remaining lust magicians and cruelly murdered them. With that bloody battle, the world was free. Many Lust Magicians were never found, and indeed, events fitting to the presence of Lust Magicians still occur in many places.

‘Now, some random archeologist searched an old palace and happened to come across the Lust Emperor’s Wand… thus beginning a lot of new trouble for the world… trouble that YOU are now turning to good,’ Pecca Tum finished.

‘And that’s the end of it. I see you’re half asleep,’ Pecca chuckled. Greg shook his head. He had been thinking about the whole thing. He was surprised to hear magicians with power that matched up to this odd Wand’s still existed… somewhere, in small numbers. Then a thought struck him. ‘Pecca… are you a Lust Magician?’

Pecca started. ‘Well… are, are… you might say that I, well, was,’ he stammered. ‘You were? Then why AREN’T you?’ Greg asked, quite surprised himself. ‘Well, they kinda took all my magic power away… they couldn’t prove anything about me, nothing at all… they just did it out of spite,’ he said with sorrow in his voice.

‘Well can’t you do what the Lust Emperor did? Like, have a lot of kids?’ ‘Uh, Greg? You know that would kind of be considered evil? Something I was trying to avoid?’ ‘Well… you could always use it as a punishment to those who bothered you so? You are a vigilante on principal, so why not?’ Greg said.

Pecca seemed to consider the spoken words. ‘That’s not a very bad idea. I did swear vengeance on a certain judge. Can I see the Wand for a moment?’ he asked suddenly. Greg gave it to him. ‘Yes!’ he called out of nowhere. He pointed at a gold heart somehow carved into the Wand. ‘The Goddess of Justice, she was given her blessing to the Wand…’

‘Well then, Greg, thank you very much. Can I borrow the Wand for… an evening, or so? I have considered and accepted your plan; with the Goddess of Justice’s blessing, the Wand’s power has doubled,’ he said with a diabolical grin. ‘Sure!’ said Greg. ‘Have fun.’
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