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Marked For Death:The Bloody Siren Chronicles-Episode 4
MFD-The Bloody Siren Chronicles

Episode 4-The Brevehn City Bloodbath.

         The Bounty Hunter Damien the 3 Blades Stared down the Bloody Siren standing directly in front of him and Kenta standing off to the side. Immediately he began running towards Sukia.

“Well damn, somebody finally comes after me first for once!” Sukia said as she met the charge with her Vampire speed.

         Sukia ran towards the bounty hunter, leapt to the side, and tried to attack him from the side, but the warrior turned around with equally fast movements and used his swords to push her aside to the ground in the direction of her lunge. He took advantage of Sukia’s off-balance state to swing his blades in one upward motion, cutting and nearly severing her right arm. Kenta ran in, hoping to kill Damien while his back was turned when suddenly a third arm holding a blade thrusted from under his cloak and stabbed Kenta in the stomach quickly and pulled back to slash him again.

“And That’s Why I’m Called The Three Blades…My Legendary Weapon is the Black Arm Blade….a sword that comes with an extra arm to wield it!!!!” Damien Laughed.

         Sukia, enraged at seeing her brother lying on the ground bleeding leapt up to attack the bounty hunter, but his black arm blade swung around to stab her in the heart. “Sorry, Bloody Siren…the blade is made of silver, too.” Damien smirked as he twisted the blade. He brought his other two swords up to behead her when he was brought to the ground by a slash to the ankles.

“Rule 1 on fighting a Durahn......” a weakened, but still breathing Kenta said, “Never turn your back on one unless you’ve made sure he’s dead!”

“Rule 2 on fighting a Durahn” Sukia said, “Never fight two of us at the exact same time by yourself….regardless of how powerful you think your weapons are!” before bringing her blades across to cut the arm of the Black Arm Blade clean from Damien’s body.

“Rule 3 on fighting a Durahn” Kenta said “Never fight two of us at the exact same time by yourself….regardless of how powerful you think YOU are!” before summoning the Tornado power of the axe of storm and sending Damien flying high in the air.

“And the 4th and most important rule of fighting a Durahn……” Sukia said while using her telekinesis to slam Damien on the ground.

“…Is To Never Fight A Durahn in the First Damn Place, You Fuckin’ Idiot!!! Axe of the Storm....Ice Storm!!!” Kenta finished while freezing Damien’s body.

“If for some reason, you get confused; feel free to review rules 1-4 while burning in Hell!” Sukia said, kicking Damien’s frozen head clear from his body.

         Kenta managed to lift himself to sit upright, but couldn’t do much more. Sukia, who’s body had mostly healed up by then, struggled over to her brother’s side.

“Damn, K, you look fucked up. You look like you got stabbed in the gut.”

“Well we must truly be related, because you look pretty gutted your damn self, hahah…ouch, it hurts to laugh.”

         Sukia looked at the multitude of dead bodies around her, picked one and began to feed. As soon as the blood entered her system, the wound in her chest began to heal immediately. Thankfully, the sword missed her off-center positioned heart by millimeters. Afterwards she grabbed her brother and assisted him to his feet.

“Well, unfortunately, you’re no vampire, so we’re gonna have to get you patched up. “ Sukia said, “Problem is, who’s gonna heal you down here?”

A voice from behind a building said, “I will, if you will help me!”

“Who’s there?”  Kenta said defensively.

         A small boy walked out from the shadows. He appeared to be about 11 or 12 years old, with white hair. The boy had ripped and faded clothing, and he looked very desperate.

“I know you two are the Durahn siblings that everyone wants to kill, but my people need help, and you guys are the only ones strong enough to help!!! My name is Shirou, and I’m a healer!”

“How do we know this ain’t a set up?” Said Kenta

“Please!!! The bounty hunters have taken advantage of all the commotion caused by looking for you, and they’ve decided to loot all the houses in the name of “preparing for the battle with the Siren” and doing what they like. The guards and officials are condoning this.”

Kenta gripped his blade and said, “Heal me, Kid, and we’ll take care of this. This king idiot is so selfish that he’ll allow these money hungry fucks to hurt innocents….I’ll lop his shit off personally!!!”

         The small boy placed his hands over the open wound in the Champion’s stomach, and they began to glow a green reminiscent of leaves in direct light. Nearly immediately, Kenta’s wound began to get increasingly smaller until all that was left was some of the excess blood that had already spilled out. Kenta took a rag from his pocket and wiped himself off.

“Good job, kid. You don’t how close we came to the end of the road.” Kenta said, “Now to repay the deed, let’s go save Brevehn from these assholes.”

“Yeah, I agree” Sukia said, “Shit, we’ve already killed an official, about 2 dozen guards, an extra 20 Bounty Hunters, and wrecked some property. Might as well fuck some more shit up.”

         Shirou led the siblings through some buildings and they all seen multiple armor clad figures walking out of houses saying things like “We’re taking this to help kill the Bloody Siren. Got a problem?” and “The guards will arrest you if you try to stop me!” Sukia walked in the middle of the street, and stood on top of a rail and looked at the scene before her; people getting beaten on, women being raped, kids getting killed, all due to the multiple bounty hunters who were in town to collect on the bounty.

Sukia got up and yelled from the top of her lungs, “Attention all of you so called Warriors!!!! I see you all trying to take advantage of the people in the name of killing me. Here I am. Put down the shit you’re stealing and earn your keep. If you’re too afraid, then turn tail and run!!!”

“Like the Bitches you are!” Kenta added.

         The majority of the bounty hunters, shocked by Sukia’s sudden appearance, dropped whatever they were doing and ran. The remaining hunters, numbering in the mid teens, all slowly approached the Bloody Siren, weapons drawn. Sukia gracefully leapt from the rail she was standing on and stuck one of her blades in the foremost bounty hunter’s head down to the handle. She viciously took one bite out of the warrior’s throat killing him instantly before ripping her blade out of his head. The removal of the knife ripped his skull open like a piece of paper, allowing his brain to roll out of his head. Sukia stepped on the brain and gazed out at the bounty hunters who were now even more frightened of the Bloody Siren.

“What’s wrong tough guys? You sit here and plunder the people and hide under avenging the prince, but when your chance comes, you’re all too pussy to do anything!!!”

One civilian hiding in a house yelled out, “She’s damn right!!!! You slapped my grandmother down in the name of killing the bloody siren but you all are cowards!!!”

         People from all over peeked out of their houses and yelled similar sentiments, all of them feeling personally insulted by the cowardice and lack of skill of the bounty hunters.

“You all sicken me” Kenta barked at the bounty hunters, “You swoop in like scavengers to kill my sister and to drain these people, but when shit hits the fan you all are scared. If I were you, I’d run. Run far away from Brevehn Outpost, and never return for any reason. Do it now!!!!”

         The bounty hunters immediately attempted to follow Kenta’s directions but Sukia yelled out, “Fuck that shit, cowards like them don’t deserve to breathe the same air we do…they die today!!!! BLOOD BATH!!!!!” and then began to run after the bounty hunter and proceeded to rip them apart with her bare hands. When Sukia was done, there wasn’t a single body left that was in one piece.

         Kenta then turned to the people and said, “It is safe here, no one will bother you again. You can all come out.” No one chose to came out. Even Shirou looked afraid of Sukia, trembling in fear. Kenta, insulted began to reprimand the civilians, but Sukia raised her hand.

“Don’t bother, Kenta. They just seen me rip about 20 bodies open. They aren’t gonna be eager to shake my hand. Let’s just go.” She said.

         As the Durahn Siblings began to turn to continue their journey, Shirou ran up to them, and said “Excuse me, M-M-Miss Sukia, can I come with you? They killed my parents for resisting and I have nowhere to go or nothing to offer but a healer.”

“I don’t really need healing, but Kenta may need one.” Sukia said

“Naw, kid, where we’re going is some tough shit, and we really don’t need a weak link. Plus there will be plenty more fucked up fights like that.” Kenta said

“Please, Mr. Kenta? If you don’t want me as a healer, then take me on as your apprentice so I can be strong!” Shirou said.

         The siblings smiled and continued walking. Shirou grabbed a sword from the ground and ran in front of Kenta, and yelled “I want to see that my city is protected, so let me join you or I’ll kill you and claim the bounty myself.”

“Are you serious?” said Sukia, “Kid, I can kill you by looking at you hard enough. Now step aside before I”

“Fuck yoooou” Shirou said before running at Sukia with the sword.

         Kenta grabbed Shirou by the collar and lifted him up, and looked in the kid’s eyes and said, “You’re afraid of Sukia and I, and you obviously know killing you would be nobody’s hard work. But you still seriously had the balls to run up on somebody who just killed a bunch of bounty hunters barehandedly. I respect you for that one. Fine, so be it, kid, I’ll take you on as my apprentice. I advise that you learn how to fight as soon as possible, because our enemies will use you against us if given the chance. I will work the shit out of you, too. Before this shit is over, you’ll be a healer, fighter, cook, and anything else I’m too lazy to do. I might smack you for the hell of it, too. Welcome to team Kenta.”

“Team Kenta?” Said Sukia, “You’re a conceited one.”

Down the road, a group of bow wielding warriors rode on horseback towards the Brevehn Outpost. The leader of the group, a woman clad head to toe and armor turned to her subordinates and said, “Okay Southern Kindom Rangers, The Bloody Siren should be coming down this road when we see her, fire on sight!!! These silver arrows blessed with Holy water should do the trick!!”

Next Episode of the Bloody Siren Chronicles- The Siren and The Shooters: The Bloody Siren Gang has to deal with Diphelia, the Captain of the Southern Kingdom Rangers, The Deadliest Group of Archers in the world, armed with weapons specifically made to kill the Bloody Siren.

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