Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1640978-Step-into-the-Night-Chapter-3
by Gurren
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Action/Adventure · #1640978
He knows it too well. His life is going to change forever. Full synopsis inside.
Hi, I'm back after a long break. School sucks I know. Anyway, the story is going to develop from this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it and I would be delighted if you would leave a comment after you read it.

Warning:The following story contains broken English. I need your help to fix me.

Synopsis:Henry Edgewhiteis a normal teenage boy with one disadvantage-he can't dream. Although it seemed an insignificant fact but that weakness is only a piece of the puzzle. There have been an outbreak in Malaysia. A disease called Acute Brain Activity Disorder (ABAD) kills people just by shuting down their brains. Little do the people of Malaysia know, that disease is not your ordinary disease. Rather, it was a tool to set up the stage for an evil plot. And Henry was right in the middle of it.

Step into the Night

Chapter 3: Encounter

Henry yawned. He nearly bumped into the electrical pole, again. “God, why am I so sleepy today?” said Henry with half-closed eyes. Not even a Mamak’s spicy sambal could wake him up. Usually that will do the trick. It was suprising it doesn’t work this time.

He adjusted his sling bag. “I really don’t need this. First period is Physics and Encik Nazeem is the Discipline Teacher.” The image of the 40 years old teacher flashed in his mind. With a cane in his hands and a weird, disturbing smile plastered at his face, he is one teacher you did not want to feel sleepy at. For some reason, Henry started to hear caning sound.

Tang! Henry felt the cold metal pole made contact with his forehead, hard. “Ouch!” Henry rubbed his forehead in pain. He realized he was walking with his eyes closed a few seconds ago. Henry massages his forehead to ease the pain. “I’m going to feel that in the morning. Wait, it is morning.” Unfortunately, his lame jokes didn’t manage to ease his pain. The good news is, he was wide awake.

Henry grumbles. “Who is the genius who builds electrical poles here? Well, he was definitely a practical joker.” Henry sighed. “All this laments are not good for my health.” He continues rubbing his red forehead and move forwards.

Before he knew it, he was at the station. It was a busy morning as always. People were chattering. Shoes made contact with the tiled floor. The screeching sound of LRT wheels against the rail. Yes, it was your everyday normal morning. Henry went to queue at ticket counter. There were three people in front of him so it won’t be a long wait. A minute passed at he arrived in front of the ticket counter. He was greeted by a bubbly female worker.

“Good Morning! Where will you be going today? Said the bubbly female worker with a huge smile plastered on her face.

“Er...Masjid Jamek station please.” Henry was slightly taken back by her cheerfulness.

“That would be two ringgit and thirty cents.” Henry gave her two blue notes and a few coins. She took the money and gave Henry an orange ticket.

“Here you go and enjoy our day! Oh yeah, good luck with the red forehead!” the female worker smiles again before greeting another customer. Henry walked away from the counter. He could hear her cheerful greeting among the footstep sounds. He made his way up to the platform.

Henry smiled. That woman’s cheerfulness made him forget how rotten his day was a few minutes ago. Henry concluded that cheerfulness is what the world need right now. “I think that woman just got employed. I never saw her around here before.”

Speaking of cheerfulness, he hasn’t seen Michelle yet. That girl’s bubbly personality is like Henry’s everyday cup of coffee, it just made his day. Her cheerfulness knew no bounds. It was really rare to see Michelle being gloomy in the morning. “Please don’t spoil my day now by showing up gloomy, Michelle.”

Just as Henry finished his train of thoughts he saw Michelle. “Hey Michelle!” He waved his hand. Michelle looks at his away but something was wrong. Droopy eyes, limp posture, and no smiles to be detected. “No, it can’t be! Please be bubbly! Please be bubbly!” Henry closed his eyes and hope for the best. “Hey Henry!” “Heh?” Henry opened his eyes. Michelle was a few metres in front of him, waving at him. Her eyes were wide open and she wore her signature smile. Michelle literally skipped her way towards Henry.

“Good morning!” Michelle did a little salute. “Er..Good...morning?” Henry was taken aback by the sudden change of character. Not that he is complaining but something smells fishy. “Hey, what is with that puzzled look? Do I look weird” asked Michelle. “Erm...no, I was just wondering about something.” Henry faked a smile. “Oh, you look so funny.” Michelle giggled but it was obviously fake.

“Er..Michelle, are you okay?” Henry asked with a hint of worry. “Heh? Of course I’m okay!” She flashes him a big smile. “Okay, seriously, is something wrong? You are not your usual self today.” Henry asked again. Michelle’s face faulted for a second but it was noticeable. She let her head down for a second and look at Henry again with a smile on her face. “There is nothing wrong with me. Please don’t ask me anymore.” Michelle said in a calm tone. Even so, Henry could detect something was not right with Michelle’s words.

“Screeeeeech!” The LRT made it stop at the platform. People started flowing in and out of the carriages as sounds of footsteps fill the air. “Our train has arrived. Shall we go?” Michelle said without looking at him. “Ah...Hm...”Henry nodded. They entered the train together. Michelle maintained a certain distance from Henry even though it was crowded.

The train started to move forward. People staggered for a second at the momentum before regaining their balance. Henry grab holds of the metal railings to maintain his balance. He stole a glance at Michelle who was looking at the floor. “What is wrong with her? Why is she suddenly treats me like some kind of disease?” Michelle swayed slightly as the train picks up speed. She was not smiling nor frowning. It was stale. No emotions were present at her face. No happiness, no sadness, no anger. Just a blank stare at the floor.

“This is bad. Something is disturbing her but I didn’t know how to make her tell me!” Henry screams in frustration in his mind. “I wish I read Dad’s How to Make Friends and Influence People. That will help.” Henry glances at Michelle once more. She was empty. “Damn it! I need to cheer her up!” Henry inhaled. He puts on his best smile. “Hey, did you see the cute cat you saw yesterday on your way to the station today?” Henry said with all the cheerfulness he could musters. His attempt was an epic fail. Michelle looked at his face. “No, I didn’t.” She replied with a flat tone. “That didn’t work.”

“Woi, weirdo!” Henry heard a familiar voice. Yes, it was his nemesis. Wait, maybe not to the level of nemesis but close enough. Zati walk towards him with a sinister grin on her face. She saw Michelle’s expressionless face and looked at Henry. She frowns. “You freak! You harassed the school idol!” She points her index finger at him accusingly. “What? No I didn’t!” Henry tries to defend himself. Everyone around him are staring him with disgust. “Liar! Come Michelle, let us go away from this freak.” Zati took Michelle’s hand and tries to pull her away. Michelle pulls her hand back, resisting Zati’s tug. “Please, would you leave me alone?” Michelle gave Zati a big smile. “I’m in no mood today.” It was obvious Michelle was serious despite her smile.

Zati was taken aback by Michelle’s action. “Psh, whatever! Go with your freak friend.” Zati turns around and walk away. Everyone was definitely staring at them. At the corner of Henry’s eyes he could see people murmuring to each other but Henry couldn’t care less about them. Michelle is acting really weird. There is got to be something wrong with her. Henry just watched his best friend’s expressionless gaze at the floor as the ride continues.


School today was terrible. He got scolded for not concentrating in class. His assignment was rejected and he had to do it all over again. He was late for lunch thus all of the food was finished when he arrived at the canteen. All that plus Michelle didn’t said a single word at him the whole day. It was officially his worst day ever.

Henry walks out from the school compound. He let out a sigh. “Today was hell.” He leans at lamp post. “Well, I hope things got better after this.” Students flow out through the school gate, happily chatting with each other. Then, Henry spotted Michelle, still with her expressionless face. Henry exhaled. “Here goes nothing.” Henry inhaled.

“Hey Michelle, over here!” Henry calls out for her. Michelle broke from her expressionless gaze and glanced at the origin of the voice. A small smile appears on her face. She moves toward Henry. “Hey, you were waiting for me?” Michelle asked with a slight concern in her voice. “That was an improvement.” “Well, I was just looking for you because maybe you want to go to the Shopping District again?” Michelle looked at Henry in the eyes. She smiles. “Okay, but I have some business to attend to first.” “Okay, I’m cool with that.” Michelle turns around and glanced back at Henry. “Then, shall we?” Henry simply nods. “Yes, she is returning to the normal Michelle!” Henry cheered from inside of his mind.

They walked towards the shopping district without any exchange of words. Henry was afraid to say anything because he didn’t want to worsen the situation. Michelle didn’t wear the expressionless face anymore. She looks a little nervous. Whatever, it is still emotions right? Why is Michelle nervous? Henry didn’t dare to ask. The scene in the LRT flashed through his mind. It was scary and creepy seeing Michelle acting like that.

“Hey, can we stop at the Video Store?” Michelle said, still with her monotonous voice.

         “Erhm..okay but what business you have there?” Henry asked her. It was weird for Michelle, someone who seldomly watch DVDs to have some sort of business at the video store. “Oh well, this might be a good opportunity to search for a new anime.”

         They arrive in front of a small video store situated along the road towards Pak Ismail's Ice Store. Various posters of latest DVDs were plastered on the display window. Above the entrance was a sign that says: Classic's Video Store. A weird name for a video store but it works. Michelle went inside the store followed by Henry.

         Henry was greeted by cool air. Air conditioning is always a treat during a hot day. That is the reason why he loves going inside air-conditioned shops for no reason. The video store was packed with rows of DVDs and Blue-rays arranged neatly on shelves. DVDs from blockbusters,drama,soap opera,anime, indie movies, you name it. This particular video store have it all despite of its small size. The service was great too which definitely suprises him as it is hard to get good service nowdays.

         Henry watch Michelle browse through some Korean drama DVDs. She still has her blank look plastered on her face. Is she acting? Henry decide to just leave her alone for a while. He walk towards the anime section. His eyes browse through the titles. “Naruto,Bleach,Gintama,Toradora...Argh! This is the same stock as last week!” Henry sighed. “Well at least I save this week's DVD budget for other things.”

         “Hello, Henry. Browsing through DVDs again?” he heard a familiar voice. He turns to the origin of the voice to see a familiar grinning face. The man's face was tanned. There were traces of acnes on his face. He wore a yellow shirt and cap with the store's logo on it. “Hey Amir. It was your shift today?” The Malay man crossed his arms and frowns. “The newbie that was supposed to work today call in sick so I decided to take his shift.”

         “Oh I see. One question, why the stock is still the same as last week?” Henry asked.

         “Oh about that.” Amir face faulted. “Our stocks were delayed because our manager just passed away.” “Heh? Seriously?” Henry was shocked to hear his favourite video store manager jjust passed away.” “Yes, he passed away this morning. He fell in a coma yesterday and passed away. His family said he died because of the new unknown disease. What it is called again?” Amir rubbed his temple, trying to think. “ABAD?” Henry recall the news he watch last night. “Yes, ABAD. He passed away because of ABAD.” “Oh,that was a sad ending for him. Send my regards to his family.” Henry replied gloomily. “Of course.” There was a pause. “Anyway, did you came here alone?” Amir asked in his usual cheerful voice, in hope to lighten up the mood. “No, I came with me friend,Michelle.” “Oh, that chinese girl? Didn't she just left?” “Really?” Henry said in disbelief. “Yes, she left before I found you-” “Do you know where she went?” Henry cut Amir off.” “Er..she turn to the left and walk away. That is all I know.” Amir was slightly intidimated by Henry's sudden change of character. “Thanks for your information!” Henry said before running off. “Henry, wai-” Henry left the store. Amir sighed. “What's up with him?”


         Henry turn left from the video store and run. “How could she leave without telling me? Does she wanted to go to the Video Store just to leave me there” Henry was confused. Michelle was  acting really weird today. He was worried of his friend's sudden change of behavior. Henry ran while dodging people who was in his way. His eyes scan the area in front of him for traces of a certain Chinese school girl.

         Then, he saw her. About 50 meters in front of him was Michelle. Her ponytail and slim figure confirmed it. Henry stop running. “Michelle!” Henry call her name. Michelle didn't turn around at him. She didn't hear him. Henry call for her again. This time she stop walking but she turn left into an alley. “Wait, why is she going into an alley? There are gangsters in there!” Many unwanted senarios flashed through his mind. “Damn it, what is with you today?” Henry continues his running. He stop at the entrance of the alley Michelle entered just now.

         For some reason, he was nervous. He took a deep breath and enter the alley. The smell was horrible. Foul odour attack his smell receptors, sending unwanted messages to his brains. Graffiti decorated the alley walls. Rats, dead or alive are everywhere. Henry was slightly shaken. The alley had a sinister aura around it. Why would Michelle go to a place like this? Considering her personality, she would curse this alley and leave as soon as her foot touch the filthy grounds.

         Suddenly, he heard a cry. It was Michelle's. Henry run towards the origin of the cry as fast as his feet could carry him. When he arrived, he couldn't believe what he saw.

         There was Michelle,pinned by a huge bald man in ragged clothes to the wall. The man's right hand was on her forehead while his huge left hand pinned both of Michell's hands to the wall. Michelle's face was frowning in pain. Tears flows down her red cheeks. Anger well up instantly inside Henry. Someone is molesting his best friend! Unforgivable!

         Henry clenched his fist and charged towards the bald man. “Get off her, bastard!”  Henry pull back his fist, ready to punch the bald man's shinning head. The bald man noticed Henry's gallant charge and release Michelle. Michelle dropped to her knees,sobbing uncontrollably.

         “Ahhh!” Henry launched his fist towards the man's face. The man just grabbed Henry's wrist, effectively block his attack. The bald man shoved Henry to the dumpster. Henry's back connected with the dumpster. Pain surged through his back as he fell on his knees. “Bastard, that hurts!” Henry cursed the man and stood up again,ignoring the pain on his back. The bald man smirked. “You think you are so gallant protecting a girl? You made me laugh!” The man provoke his anger. “Why you-” Henry charged again towards the bald man. Before his fist could connect with the bald man's face, Henry feel air being knock out of him as the man's huge fist connects with his stomach. The bald man then grab Henry by the collar and threw him back at the dumpster. Pain surges through his body once again.

         “Crap...” Henry muttered under his breath. He tries to gather the energy to charge towards the perverted man again but his body was screaming at him to stop. “Damn it...” He pant heavily. The pain at his gut and back intensified. He gritted his teeth to withstand the pain. He never been to a streetfight before. How the hell should he knows how to beat the crap of a guy who is litteraly twice his size.

         Bald man laughed. “Pitiful brat.” He turn towards the sobbing Michelle. “Now, where were we?” Michelle look at the man with fear in her eyes. “No.Please no more!” Michelle cried as more tears falls down her even redder cheeks. She held her hands in front of her defensively. “Go away! Don't touch me!” She scream again. “But I have complete the ritual.” The bald man grab Michelle's hands. “Let go of me yo-” The man pull Michelle up and slam her to the wall. He grab her throat,choking her. Michelle open her mouth to scream but no sounds came out. The man grab her forehead again. Michelle eyes widen as a huge surge of pain entered her.

         “Aaahhhh!” She screamed. Her eyes were widen and filled with pain. She tries to break away from the man's grasp but it was futile. The man is too strong for a girl like her. The man grab her forehead tighter making Michelle scream louder.

         Henry watch the scene in disbelief. Anger welled up inside him but his body won't hear his orders. He gritted his teeth to control his rage and fury. His face was so hot, he swore he saw steam rising from it. He scan the area around him. He saw a wooden stick not far from him. He crawl towards the stick and grab hold of it. He forces his body to stand up. He readies his weapon and charge once more towards the man. The bald man was so busy doing his so called ritual that he didn't notice Henry's charge towards him. Henry lift the stick above his head. “Take this bastard!” He swung the stick down at the man's head. The man staggered forwards and let go of Michelle. Michelle stop screaming and slid down to the ground. Her eyes were still wide and filled with fear. Her breath was laboured and more tears fall down her cheeks.

         Henry's victory was short lived when the bald man turn towards Henry, black void eyes filled with rage. “You insolent brat!” He grabbed Henry by the collar. Henry's feet left the ground. The wooden stick fell down to the ground. “You are going to pay for that!” The man swung Henry and threw him at the wall. Henry's back made contact. His vision was distorted for a while. He became dizzy of the pain surging through his body. The man's strenght was incredible. To lift a high schooler with one hand and throw him to the wall with such force was super-human indeed. Who is this guy?

         Henry feel the huge hands at his collar again. His feet leave the ground once more.The bald man stare at him with his dark eyes. “W..W..What do y..y..you want w..w..with Michelle.” Henry said. Fear is making him harder to speak. The man smile. “She will be an important person of the future.” “The f..f..future?” “Yes, she will change the world as we know it.” The man said,smirking. The man's eyes scans him and he smiles. “I have been searching for someone like you. I thought I need to search far and wide for someone like you but you came for me.” He chuckles. “How lucky am I.”

         This man is making Henry sick to the stomach. All the thing he says was disturbing. He was a total lunatic! Before Henry could reply, the man's right hand slammed into his forehead. “Go and keep it for me.” Instantly after the man finished his sentence, pain surges through him. The pain he felt before was overwriten by even more excrutiating pain. A flood of emotions ran through his head. His brain feels like it have been struck by a train. The side of his head were pounding. He saw a myriad of colours,swirling and dancing, obscuring his vision. His body feels like it was being ripped apart hundreds of times.

         Suddenly, the pain stops. His vision came back at him. He saw the man again but this time, his eyes were red. Before he could gasp of the horror, the pain returns. Weird images and sounds attacks his mind.

         “Will you be my friend?” “Henry, they are just being playful” “We are moving to Malaysia!” “Weirdo! Freak!” “Hey, I'm Michelle.” “Hello,good day to you.” “Open your text book to page five.” “King of Ice-cream!” “Manager had passed away.” “ABAD is killing people.” “Please,No more!” “AAAHHHH!”

         Henry was disoriented. All of his memories flashes through his eyes. Is he going to die? Henry gritted his teeth as the pain intensified. He let out a painful scream. His brain feels like it had been squished and juiced. He was exhausted. Then, he heard a gun shot.

         The pain stopped. He fell down on his butt. He heard the bald man's scream with several other voices. “Stop, we are the police!” He heard footsteps and more gunshots. His vision was still distorted. Weird colours obscured his vision. He tries to look at Michelle but his vision was too distorted. He feel a presence near him. “Hey kid, are you okay?” said the presence. Henry tries to reply but no sound would come out of his mouth. His energy were rapidly drained. Soon, his vision gradually turns black. Before he passed out, he heard an unfamilliar voice. “What a weakling.”
© Copyright 2010 Gurren (nazran456 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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