Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1640936-Compassion-Drove-A-Cab-Today
Rated: E · Poetry · Relationship · #1640936
A bitter, angry man blinded by selfishness, takes a cab ride he'll never forget.
Disclaimer: Clip art isn't mine.

© Copyright 2010 DJ. Venson
Compassion Drove A Cab Today

The Cabbie.

By DJ. Venson

In the rain he stood one night,
fresh from a senseless fight.
He was right - she was wrong,
the Devil sang to him that song.

On that corner he spoke out loud,
drawing near a curious crowd.
Yelling his manly rights,
how he works day and night.

An old cab from a time gone by
rolled down its window just as he
started to cry.

It's brakes squealed as it pulled to the curb.
"Do you need a ride?" the angry man heard.

"I haven't any money on me."

"In this rain is no place to be.
It's okay, this ride will be free."

Inside the cab the man did go,
his destination he did not know.

Asked the cabby, "Where do you live?"

"With a woman I can't forgive."

"Things cannot be that bad,
with this woman that made you mad."

"Mister, you just don't know
how tonight she's hurt me so."

"I've plenty of time and I'd like to know."

"I came home... no dinner ready.
Tells me there's leftover spaghetti.
Said the kids been driving her crazy.
I told her, she's being lazy.

I work all day into the night,
no dinner for me that just ain't right!
She takes a class, watches the kids.
Take care of me... God forbid!"

"I see your problem, there is a solution.
This resolution takes much constitution.
Listen to me while there is still time,
and a wife at home for you to find.

A compassionate heart you have not,
for God's gift at home that you have got.
For them you work, is what you've mentioned.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I told you this ride is free,
home is where you should be.
Tell her that you love her still,
for that's against the Devil's will."

Inside the cab the man did cry.
Those truthful words he couldn't deny.

"Take me home before she's gone.
God is right, the Devil's wrong
are the words in my new song.

To my wife, I'll respectfully say,
Compassion drove a cab today."

© Copyright 2010 DJ. Venson (helenjoyce at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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