Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1640716-Transformation
by Flip
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Fantasy · #1640716
Small excerpt from a story I was working on.
I ran furiously while tears streamed down my face, sadness still gripping tight on my torn heart. Breathing was a workout all by itself, after seeing my mother dead before my very eyes focusing on anything else was difficult. I felt my body react in pain at the thought of my mother’s beautiful smile being taken away by some sick freak. I couldn’t stop to grieve for her now it would do neither of us any good, the sirens were already closing in on my direction before I got to the end of my street. Any issues I had before were only amplified now, I knew I couldn’t control my temper long enough to talk to the authorities, my body heated further with rage. I tried to focus momentarily so I could decide on the best place to go. I didn’t want to put Jen through anything so traumatic so I quickly ditched the idea of seeing her.

My breathing was eratic, I had been running fast but I hadn't even left my street so my heart shouldn't be beating so out of control. I quickly decided to take the back road out of my small and somehow insignificant feeling neighborhood. If I took the back way it lead straight to a small forest, nothing extreme but more then enough trees to keep me concealed until I decided upon my next course of action. I turned my body and ran through a neighbor’s yard at the end of the road, without stopping I jumped his huge fence with ease and kept going. I startled myself when I looked back at the fence I just hopped over so easily, I might have been athletic but last I checked I couldn’t do anything quite like that. I decided adrenaline alone was probably the cause and forced myself to run faster toward the forest I didn’t care to think anymore I just wanted to get the hell away from everything.

I kept running for hours at full speed, I never stopped to consider how far I was going or how far I was from civilization. The pain that burned in my body seemed to intensify as I ran. The burning in my lungs and body helped keep my mind off of the cloaked man’s dagger or my mother’s lifeless body, my sick masochistic version of morphine. I tripped over a huge log and hit the ground hard, my knee smashed itself hard on a nearby rock and I felt myself tumbling down a ravine. I landed with all my weight on the knee I had just busted. I screamed out in agony and leaped off of my knee to avoid any further pain. Great job Blake, you’ve gotten yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere and now you’re too injured to get back you win the idiot award of the year, I thought to myself. My body was bruised and battered; I realized my father didn’t hold anything back when I touched my stomach. I had been running on several broken ribs courtesy of dad and had no idea, the mental pain was so excruciating I didn’t even notice my physical injuries. I did my best to think before my mind became just as worn out as my body. I took off my blue shirt and wrapped my knee with it tightly, I knew it was pointless to try and brace it. I had shattered my knee cap and dark red blood oozed out of the wound staining my jeans, I was screwed. I would let both Lily and Jen down and not be there for them like I needed to be…the thought triggered my emotions and I quickly saw my mother’s pained expression in my mind. My anger literally exploded and the burning sensation returned with a vengeance it felt like someone had raised my temperature to one thousand degrees. I tried to yell out and shift my body but the heat was so intense my muscles refused to budge; I tried to scream again and only heard a small whine escape my lips. My blood boiled with the sudden wave of heat washing over me, my body shook violently and I thought I may be having some kind of seizure.

I finally gave in to my anger and pain, screaming my mother’s name furiously into the night and cursing at my father. I didn’t understand where all the fury came from but it came fast and poured out of me seemingly never satisfied. I quickly grew more bothered by my father then my mother’s killer, if It hadn’t of been for him I could of avenged her myself. My injured knee suddenly started moving on its own, shaking worse then the rest of my body and then started to snap itself back together. I felt myself scream in terror but I couldn’t hear anything, the pain was so intense my senses seemed to blur in self defense to help my body deal with so much intense pain at once. The anger was stronger then any other feeling or emotion, I couldn’t help but feel extremely pissed off the entire time I went through this nightmare. My body shot up by itself and I ran for a tree to help brace myself, hoping if I squeezed the tree with all my might it would keep my mind off the pain. Before I could reach the tree the bones in my leg literally snapped and broke, the pain was indescribable and caused me to fall down on my chest with a hard thud causing me to gasp for air. My whole body began to twist and snap, bones breaking constantly sometimes two or three at once and my muscles expanded. I felt like a voodoo doll being stuck with needles as some sick freak tortured me, I tried to scream out in pain but I was exhuasted and felt helpless against the immense feeling of fear. I felt my body lurch forward as the rest of my ribs snapped and my ribcage expanded. I tried to scream out in pain…but a furious animal-like roar escaped my chest in its place. I made up my mind I was getting to that damn tree or I’d die trying, I ran forward with twice the speed I ever had in my life. I grabbed the tree with all my might and saw huge beast like arms grab the tree, I turned to try and find the animal that the giant arms belonged to. I turned and saw nothing but the small ravine I was in thick with trees, a small river and the rocky part of the ground I currently stood on. My view seemed more elevated then normal. Had I grown taller in such a short amount of time? How would that make any sense whatsoever I thought to myself? Looking down at my hands shock and disgust overwhelmed me; in their place were two huge hairy animal’s hands --- claws extending from each finger. I closed my eyes tight hoping what I saw would dissappear and turned to grab the tree, I squeezed tightly and heard a loud crushing sound…the tree exploded into splinters and crashed to the rocky ground a few feet away from me. Had I really just caused that? I heard the loud howl escape my body again, this time I had the sound down and knew exactly what it was…A wolf’s howl was coming from my lungs, a sickening roar of bitter ferocity. My body continued to sickeningly morph and change itself after I collapsed next to the stream with a loud thud, my last thought was of pure insanity. Could I really be changing into some kind monster? My eyes finally began to shut and I felt death's embrace upon me...

© Copyright 2010 Flip (flipprince at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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