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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1640362
the place i work is darker than it seems
Chapter 2

The drip of the blood hits the floor, the world seems to have slowed down, my vision hazy at best, and a faint echoing boom plays within my ears, what is this, this radiating red light around me, I look down to my feet, this is incredible, what is it, a large radiating red light surrounds me arising from the floor, a strange symbol lights up under my feet, what is this? What’s happening to me? I feel weak like my life source has been drained, I fall to my knees in utter weakness and reach one hand out towards the fading light coming from the door way, but I’m so weak I cannot move. My eyes glaze over my vision becomes more blurred by the second until my body hits the ground then darkness.

Oh my head, I grip my head as it throbs with pain, I look around to adjust my bearings, where am I? My flash light was still on lighting up the room and the symbol on the floor, only now it wasn’t pulsing with light. What is this symbol? Did I just imagine that light? I shake my head in disbelief and pick up my torch before leaving the room and ascending the stairs slowly. I gaze around the great hall, everything looks well it looks greyer than usual a lot more dull, I wipe my eyes. No still dull, I walk to the other of the hall still a little dazed from all the happenings wondering how long I was on the floor.
Maybe I had imagined it still passing out and imagining a bright light wasn’t a good thing, after I finish work, I best go to the hospital to get checked.

A few hours later I walk out of the preschool still a little shaken but feeling better, the walk from each building was rather eerie it seemed quiet, well it’s always quiet but this time it was just too quiet. Oh well nothing to it, I scramble out of the dark play ground and through the gate locking it up as I go, I get into my car and turn the ignition, nothing not even an attempted starter noise, what the hell? Not now you piece of shit! I bang my hand on the steering wheel furiously and rummage my pockets for my phone, I begin to type in the number of an operator but now my phone is dead, I’m having some terrible luck today. I get out of the car and look up at the old cathedral clock, hmm strange the cathedral clock isn’t lit up, I squint to see the time clearly over the houses ahead to make out “12:45” great I can still get the last train.

I pull my hood up because the winter chill seems unusually cold tonight and begin walking to the train station, even the streets look dull, just a few more minutes and I’ll be out of this lightless streets and into a more populated area, or so I hope.
A few minutes later I approached the streets near the main high street, but no the street lights aren’t lit, maybe the grid is out? My luck just gets worse, well at least I can see still, it’s dark and dull but more with a faint strange greyness than a pitch black.
I walk into the train station minutes later; it’s also pitch black, god I hope the train won’t be affected by this, better yet I hope I don’t lose my bearing and fall on the track, what an end to such a pitiful life, I sniggered to myself lightly.

Thirsty minutes later and no train, no lights, no anything, it looks like I’m stuck; I suppose I could go back and sleep in my car. I step out of the train station and trail my way back, the whole way back I felt as if I was being watched; maybe I’m just being paranoid. A mist seems to have descended into the greyness only making it a lot harder to see.

I make it back to my car and settle in for the night, of course locking myself in, I relax as much as I can in the back seat and close my eyes, a few minutes later tap tap tap, something knocking at the window, I open my eyes and look at each window to see nothing but mist outside, maybe a cat, I lean back and close my eyes again, tap tap tap, again I look out the windows and nothing, damn cat, yeah sure that’s what it is.

I lean back and close my eyes and again the tapping, “hey! If someone thinks that’s funny they won’t find it so funny when I stick my boot up there ass!”

I shout making sure I could be heard, but no luck the tapping persists, I sit up and look closely out the window to see who my harasser is, only to see nothing, I squint my eyes some and look harder seeing a faint outline in the distance, I wind down my window and call out “Hey! Did you need something?!” no reply but the outline just stands there, get a grip Sam you’re probably yelling at a damn mail box. I notice a slight twitch on the outlined figure now I know it’s there, “hey! Are you ok? Or are you just messing with me?” I call out. I decide to emerge from the car and get a better look at who was harassing me, partially to stop it but partially out of curiosity, to see what they wanted.

I tuck my hand into my pocket and slide my pen knife open inside my pocket in case they mean me harm, I approach wearily “hey?” this doesn’t feel right, what am I doing? But yet I continue my approach, the outline becomes more clear it seems to be that of a woman, as the vision becomes clearer the mist reveals she has her back to me and long black her and to my surprise no clothing, had she been attacked? Or is she a mentally ill escapee? “Um, excuse me? Miss what happened?” I approach now more cautiously than before, this could all be some plot picking on a good Samaritan, god knows there may be 5 guys waiting to jump me, they would only get my phone but still, then I’d be wishing I had more to pay them off with after the beating.

As I get close to the woman, a cold chill rushes and surges through my body, as I reach out to touch the woman’s wrist carefully, she turns at a speed like I had never seen, and her face bloodied her eyes black, god wait no she has no eyes, those are just sockets, her body is a slashed and cut open her intestines could be seen through the cuts, what kind of horror is this, this must be a dream.
I find myself backing away in fear like I’ve never felt before, I felt like I was looking the devil in the eye, only it’s eyes had been gouged out!, I back slowly towards my car, and the woman she starts walking towards me slowly and lifts up her limp lifeless arms and gestures with her fingers as if trying to beckon me, I reach my car door and fumble around for the handle and the woman breaks into a run moving at an amazing speed. Before she reaches me I dive into my car and slam the door shut and the woman’s hand slams against the window of the car as I jolt back in my seat and watch the horror. The woman’s face so close to the glass, she smashes her head and hands violently against the window trying to break it blood smearing and splattering from her face against my window, what does she want with me, why can’t I look away, close your eyes Sam, close your damn eyes, I close my eyes tight listening to the repeating smashing of the woman’s hand on my car window as she begins to scream a horrible squeal of what sounds like anger.

Then all is quiet.
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