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Rated: E · Script/Play · Other · #1640072
Based on the video game EARTHBOUND, this is a movie script.
[during opening credits camera slowly pans through the home of Ness. It starts outside the gate of the house’s yard, then, as it comes close to the front door, the door opens where the mom lets the dog out. As she stands in the doorway the camera passes her and moves to the staircase. The camera passes a couple of closed doors along the way before it reaches the end of the hallway where an open door is located. The room is clean but dark, and in the bed Ness is sleeping. The camera slowly comes to a stop beside Ness’s bed, looking upon him as he sleeps. Suddenly a loud explosion erupts and Ness falls out of the bed from the surprise.]
NESS: [from sitting position next to bed] Mom!! [silence answers. Ness stands up and flings his blankets back onto the bed, then he quickly enters the hallway where he sees his younger sister peeking out from her room, with the light on.
Sister: [softly]What’s going on? [she’s holding onto the door frame, the door opened just a crack.]
NESS: [standing in his own doorway] I don’t know. I’m going to go check it out. [police sirens are heard suddenly]
Sister: [softly]You sure that’s a good idea?
NESS: You worry too much. I’ll be fine.

[Downstairs Mom and the dog are back inside, and she closes the door to find Ness at the bottom of the stairs.]
Mom: [sighs] If I know you as well as I know I do, you want to go see what’s going on, don’t you?
NESS: Yes. The explosion sounded close by, what if Mr. Agerate was hurt?
Mom: Well, I saw your friend Pokey headed up the hillside after the police so I guess I should let you go check to make sure he’s ok at least. But you can’t leave until you change out of your pajamas. Oh, and take King with you, he would love to go for a walk. [she says as she pets the dog and calls him a “Good Boy”]

[Ness, accompanied by King, and fully dressed, is walking past a small shack. A sign in front says “Liar X. Agerate”, and a man is standing outside with messy hair.]
Mr. Agerate: You’re almost there Ness! You’re here to see the Meteor, right?
NESS: Is that what it was?
Mr. Agerate: Yea, your buddy Pokey is up there now. [becomes more excited than before] Hey, later on tomorrow do you mind stopping by? I’ve just made a discovery earlier today that I think you’ll find quite interesting! [in a more hushed voice as he looks around] I don’t want to talk about it right now because of all the people in the area. It’s a secret just for you and me to know about right now, ok?
NESS: Sure thing.
Mr. Agerate: [back to normal voice] I plan on selling it to make a fortune! That’s how great it is! Oh listen to me ramble! Go on up and see the Meteor. You have such a sense of adventure at such a young age, just like your father!
NESS: Ok Mr. Agerate, see you later on. [Ness and King continue up the hillside.]
King: [telepathically speaking with Ness.] /That guy creeps me out. I don’t know what you see in him./
NESS: King, Mr. Agerate is a good friend of my dad’s since they were kids. Since my dad always has his hands full at work, Mr. Agerate is often the only connection I have with him.
King: /But he’s a loony. Anyway, I think we’re almost there; look there’s the police now./
NESS: And there’s Pokey. The officers look a bit agitated that he’s there.
[Ness and King approach the blocked off area, where a police officer is on the other side of a traffic blockade structure, dealing with Pokey.]
Pokey: …will you just tell me please!? The world has a right to know what’s going on!
Officer: Go home already kid, will ya? Let us do our job.
NESS: Hi Pokey, did you find out anything?
Pokey: No not yet. Word is that it might be a Meteorite or something, but it could just be a prank from the Sharks. I think that’s why the cops are investigating. [He looks at the officer who eyes him.] I mean… officers. [Whispers to Ness] Look, I’m having a hard enough time trying to dig up information about what’s going on by myself. If you hang around, the cops will be even more reluctant to give me the scoop, you know what I mean? [Back to normal voice.] You’re just rubbernecking as it is, and, as you can see, there IS nothing to see.
NESS: Alright. I guess I have enough information to tell the girls back home, at least for now. Well, see you later.

[Back in bed, Ness wakes up to a banging on the door. He gets out of bed and follows his mother downstairs. King is looking out the window next to the door. He looks to Ness and telepathically speaks to him.]
Mom: What is that racket at this hour?
King: /It’s your buddy Pokey./
NESS: Don’t worry about it mom, I’ll get it. [He walks to the door and opens it up.]
Pokey: [pushes his way in.] Ness, you gotta help me!! Picky is missing!
NESS: Your brother?
Pokey: Yeah I brought him with me to the meteor site and he must have strayed off while I was talking to the cops. [He peers over Ness to see Ness’s mother by the stairs.] Oh, good evening Ma’am, you’re looking as splendid as ever. [Ness’s Mom just rolls her eyes.]
NESS: So what you’re saying is that you lost your brother and your parents are going to kill you if you don’t find him, right? Why didn’t you ask the police for help? You do know that is what they are there for, right? Helping?
Pokey: Well naturally I would have asked them for assistance in the matter, except they took off. It was a little weird, actually; like they just lost interest in the whole matter. That’s when I went up to see for myself what was going on. [he begins to grin.] it was really neat actually, it was a meteorite!!!
NESS: Ok ok, let me get this straight. You lost your brother, the cops left, and you were too chicken to look around for yourself, so you ran back here to get me to help you.
Pokey: Well sheesh, you make me out to sound like a coward. [Ness glares at him.] Ok yeah you’re pretty much right. So will you help me out? Buddy ol’ Pal? Good ol’ Friend of mine?
NESS: You’re such a pain sometimes. Fine, let me get dressed.

[Ness, Pokey, and King are walking past Mr. Agerate’s house.]
Pokey: He’s got to be around here somewhere.
King: /Maybe he went to the meteor site?/
NESS: Yeah, maybe.
Pokey: What?
NESS: Oh, I was just thinking that he may have gone to the Meteor itself after you and the police left to see it for himself. We should probably start there.
Pokey: Well ok, it’s not too much further from here.
[There’s a sudden growling sound and all of them freeze.]
King: /I can smell a stray dog around here./
Stray Dog: /Attack the boy… Attack the boy…Get out of my head!/ [The dog makes an appearance ahead of them. It’s shaking it’s head violently. It sees Ness and his companions and begins to growl again.] /ATTACK!!!/ [The dog charges at them, and Ness grabs the handle of a baseball bat that was sticking out of his backpack, and pulls it out, standing ready. Pokey hides behind him. Then King jumps at the dog, but he can’t hold it off before it attacks for Ness. Ness swings his baseball bat and knocks the dog back. The dog lies down on its stomach. /I’m sorry… I don’t know what came over me./
Pokey: Well that was easy. Let’s get going.

[Ness and his companions step up to the Meteor. King whimpers.]
King: /This is way too creepy. I’m going home./ [Runs off.]
Pokey: Hey where you going you good for nothing dog?
NESS: He knows his way back. Hey, is that your brother over by that stump right there? [Points at the stump.]
Pokey: Yeah I think it is! Hey Picky! [They walk up to him and Picky stands up yawning.]
Picky: There you are Pokey. Why’d you ditch me?
Pokey: Hey do you hear that?
Picky: Don’t change the subject.
Pokey: No I hear something, like a buzzing sound. Do you hear it Ness? [the Meteor behind them is getting brighter.]
Ness: [Listening carefully.] Actually… now that I think about it, I think I do. [They all turn to face the Meteor, and their eyes widen as a small opening appears, and a large insect, that looks like a bee, comes out of it and starts to fly above their heads.
Pokey: It’s a Space Bee! Watch out!
Bee: A Bee I am … NOT. For simplicity’s sake you may call me Buzz Buzz, but I am a traveler from the Future.
NESS: The future? How is that possible?
Buzz Buzz: It is possible, but you must believe me when I tell you this. Your future, and the future of Earth, is dark due to the influence of an unseen creature called Gygas. Already there are forces at work here that are trying to taint your world with evil. But there is a prophesy that a young boy and three others who possess great skills join forces to fight back the evil, and put a stop to Gygas’s plans. Ness I came to Onett in search of you, for it is my greatest belief that you are the boy of prophesy. Let us return to your home however so that I can talk to you in greater detail, it’s very cold out here.
Ness: Ok then. [they all start to walk back]
Pokey: [whispers] You don’t find it odd that a bug is talking to us? [Ness chuckles]
NESS: You could say I’m used to it. I can speak to the animals.
Pokey: Pshh, right. Hey… That Bee said three friends. I hope I’m not one of them… this whole saving the earth thing isn’t my thing…

[Ness and the group are coming closer to their homes, as they are neighbors they live next to each other. Suddenly a Starman appears in front of them with a loud zapping noise.

[Ness and the group walk up to the home of Pokey and Picky. Pokey opens the door quietly and peeks inside.]
Pokey: Shh… looks like we’re in the clear. [The lights in the room turn on.]
Pokey’s Dad: Hello Boys come on in. You too Ness. [they all enter and close the door behind them.] You two are in so much trouble. [The brothers run up the stairs and the dad runs up after them and gives them a piece of his mind.] What you did was completely irresponsible, you’re grounded for the rest of the week, end of story. [He comes back downstairs] I’m sorry my boys gave you so much trouble.
NESS: No trouble, Sir.
The Dad: Hey is your family moving away any time soon?
NESS: What?
The Dad: We’ve lent your father so much money that my family is now on the brink of Poverty!
The Mom: [walks into the room] Quit harassing the boy. [The Father leaves the room grumbling] Please excuse him; he’s been really stressed out lately at work. [She opens the door for him.] Well it’s late.
NESS: Yeah… [he looks confused as he leaves, but as he’s walking past her, Buzz Buzz flutters up to her face.
The Mom: AAAH! A DUNG BEETLE! [She slaps Buzz Buzz down
© Copyright 2010 Krish D. (krishna_defier at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1640072-EarthBound-Part-1-based-on-the-Game