Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1639764-A-Kid-A-Cookie-and-Donald-Trump
Rated: E · Other · Family · #1639764
This a real short story that happened to me one day while I was yard saling.
Last Friday I stopped at a yard sale. An adorable four or five year old girl was sitting at a child's card table covered with cookies and Kool-aid. She had little blonde pigtails and a huge smile as I approached and read her sign. Cookies . . . 50 cents . . . Kool-aid 50 cents . . . Napkins free! LOL I told her I better have a cookie and a free napkin. She hastily grabbed a large sugar cookie from the plastic container and held out her other hand for the money.

"How much do I owe you?" I smiled down at her innocent face as I fished out some change.

"$5.00 please." Her face exploded with a brilliant gap-toothed smile as she watched my face contorted in surprise at the price of what must be a solid gold cookie.

"Oh . . . I thought they were 50 cents?"

Then, an older woman's harsh voice rang out of the darkened garage, making both of us jump.

"Lindsey! I told you those were 50 cents, not $5.00!!" The child's smile quickly slid off her round face as she narrowed her eyes at the disembodied voice in the garage. She then turned her narrow glare back at me as if it had been me that had just spoken.

"Fifty cents, please." Her lips where thin and pulled back in a vampire-like smile as she remained obviously unhappy at the selling price.

"OK. Here you go." I put two new quarters in her puffy little outstretched hand and waited for my cookie. She leveled her fixed stare at me and then at the cookie she held in her hand. She swiftly snapped it cleanly in half and handed me my half. I had to hold back my laughter as I took the half cookie in silent surprise.

"I'd like a free napkin too, please." Her eyes remained locked on mine as she shook her little curls at the audacity of my request before she gruffly replied.

"I don't have any." She snapped the lid of her cash box shut, clearly letting me know she was now closed!

I laughed all the way home and can't stop laughing yet! That was one of the funniest things that's happened to me in a long time! I think Donald Trump better keep looking over his shoulder . . . this kid maybe on his heels soon!

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