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Rated: E · Fiction · Family · #1639693
i don't know how the gang changed my life from a church going young man to a monster
I pulled on the black clothes that Mac handed me. I looked at myself in the morror. "You look good in black." A voice said to me in my head. The reflextion of Mac in the mirror made me jump. " Are you ready?" He asked in a deep straight voice. I looked down at my clothes. " yeah, I think I 'am"

I followed him out of the room. The other guys practicing the moves they went over that morning. " Get your worthless bodies out of my sight and into the van!" In a split second the warehouse was empty. We went down the stairs.! '"You have to be rough with these creeps. don't get nice with them they'll rob you blind, might even kill you. " he said as we went made our way through the warehouse. "Thakns for the warning."

The part of the city we went to was the poor part. There was no lights to see by. Countless of people was crowed around firebarrles and wrapped up in old rags to keep warm . At that moment you would have thought that I would had felt sorry for them, but I didnt. I was glade that it wasn't me out there freezing.

The van pulled into an alley. We exit the van and got into our postions. I was posted right the coner of a building. I looked around to see if anyone was coming. Mac walked up to me. " Since it's your first night you can watch, but whatever you do don't mess up." He said as he cocked his gun. My heart fell into my gut. I had no idea what I was getting into. Everyone was quiute. the only thing I could hear was the wind blowing leaves and my heart beating.

I must had closed my eye for a moment for wene I opened them I saw Mac and the others circling a man who looked he was in his early thirties.

" I dont want any trouble, ok" He said turning around trying to watch them all.

" Now what makes you think we will give you trouble?" Mac said as he stared down at the man. " I don't have any money." The man said. I could see the fear in his eyes.

Is that right?" Mac raised his arm and the men was on top of him. Punching and kicking him. I couldn't move, I just stood there and watched.

The man layed there out cold as one of the guys went through his pockets and handed Mac a wallet. He gave a little chuckle." He had no money." He said as he came up to me waving 300 dollare bills in my face. As the days went by I found myself getting use to " hunting" as Mac put it. I would leave the house at dusk and wouldn't come back till sunrise. Mac and me had become best buds, he even put me in secondn't in comande!

At first i was a little sqeamish about fighting, but I got so that I would fight for no resone at all. I was like a mad wolf attacking anything that moved.

The world that I once lived in was gone. My life was ruled by the gang, my new family.

The days turned into months and I turned into a diffrent person. My parents didnt seem to care at first, but that all changed wene I nearly choked a classmate to death.

Everyone was afraid of me and I fed off of it and used it to my advantage.

I didn't go to school often. Two days at the most in a month. I didn't care about anyone, but who i was involed with and that was Mac.

I enjoyed going out an killing people or just fighting. I liked the look on their faces as I pulled my gun on them. My whole life had changed from a church goer to a gangster.

Since I was second't in comande I could come and go wene ever I wanted.

I had left my parents house about 6 months after i had hooked up with Mac. I didnt leave a note or take any of my stuff.

I was walking down the main street of my home town waiting for the right person to jump. My hearing had gotten acute and I could almost hear anything.

Wene I heard footsteps behide me I spun around like a bull ready to charge.

I just stood there dumb struck as I looked into the eyes of my old girlfriend.

" Dereck? Is that you?" She asked. The name sounded forgin to me, it had been half a year since some one had called me by my birth name.

" Yeah it's me." I barley got the words out of my mouth wene she wrapped her arms around me. "Thank God that you'll alive! Every one thinks that your dead."

She said as tears rolled down from her blue eyes. The sobs didn't efect me any nether did her hug. " What have you done to yourself?" She asked as she stepped back and looked at me. I didn't know what to say. It was forbeadin to talk about the gang.

" I've been working out and stuff." I didnt see it as a lie. I did work out.

The look on her face told me that she didn't belive me.

" I can't wait to see the looks on your parents face wene I tell them that you are alive!

Come on lets go tell them!" She grabed my arm and tried to pull me down the street.

" NO!" I yelled out without thinking. She let goof my arm and stood there wide eyed.

" I'm not going home." I said. She shook her head in disbelefe. " You got to! Everyone has been worried sick about you! Please Dereck? Come home."

I had been tough with everything, but on that streetcorner that day my toughness faded away.Her voice was weak and her eyes filled up with more tears.

I wanted to put my arms around her and tell he everything was okay, but I couldn't.

" Why? everyone will be thrilled to see you." she said. " Everyone? They all hated me as far as i'm concerned. I always felt left out." SHe came closer to me and took my hand. " I never hated you. I can't force you to come back but please think about it?" Wene i looked into her eyes I saw the sorrow that I had brought her.

I felt a lump come in my throat. I was afraid to say anything for I might cry.

" I 'll think about it." I said. A smile lit up her face and she hugged me again. " I'll see you again. I know I will."

" NO!! PLEASE DON"T!!" The voice brought me out of a deep sleep.

I sat there in my bed sweat pouring down my face. That voice was like one I never heard before. The dream was so real, the eyes was full of tears and fear.

The image was so strong that I couldn't get it out of my head. I sat there listening to the rain and thunder. What was that dream about? I kept asking myself that for weeks.

I wanted to talk about it but I knew that they would think I went nuts.

Mac decided one night to move to a diffrent location. We loaded up the van with the stuff that we would need. The rain was heavy making it hard to see. By the time we got our spot for the night it had fallen to a steady sprinkle.

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