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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1639497
more of myst!! enjoy!!
Chapter 6
“You seem to be enjoying this,” I said in a sarcastic tone as I watched Paige glare up at me.
“I don't like you right now!” she said pushing herself up and reaching for her blade.
I stepped on the hilt then looked down at her. “No way am I going to allow you touch a pointy object when you don't like me.”
“Fine.” She reached into her converse, pulled out a pocket knife, flipped it open, then let it sail towards my head.
“Whoa!” I blocked it by using the blade I still held. “Wasn't expecting that one.”
“Don't piss me off, I have more,” she yawned, falling back onto the pad.
“Where?” I asked incredulous. Where was she hiding those things?
She stood, lifted her jean's leg, pulled out a knife that was inch from being a dagger with Gaelic engravings on the hilt. Then out of her shirt, she pulled out two Swiss army knives, and a throwing knife.
“Okay, that's all of them...that's on me.”
“Is practice over?”
“It was over an hour ago.” She reached for the dagger looking knife. “Um gotta go!” I took off then stopped when I heard her laugh.
I walked back to her and took the knives out of her hand. “No pointy objects for you.” Paige pouted. “Fine you can have the small one.”
The one I threw at you? She thought. I didn't go into her mind, I read it through her eyes.
“Nope, the big one. It's the easiest to hide.”
She pouted.
“Fine. You know I hate it when you do that. I have no control when you do that... but it is adorable.”
Paige grinned and took the knife. “Ha! I love using that one on guys. Conner does whatever I tell him to. Doesn't matter what.”
“Do you want me to kill him?”
“I didn't mean it like that!” she yelled, clamping both hands over her cute mouth.
“No, don't do that. Never block that mouth from me.”
She spread her fingers and stuck her tongue out. I raised one eyebrow at her and took one step. I caught her around the waist from behind and swung her around as she started to run. She laughed and kicked. My grip grew tighter and I threw her up and caught her on my shoulders.
Her legs locked around my torso in a way that made me almost lose my mind. I leaned my head back and she kissed me. I broke apart and then shimmered into her room knowing that Dimi was in there watching The Vampire Diaries.
“What the fuck!! How did you do that?” she asked.
“One of my specialties,” I said, setting her down so that I could kiss her properly like she deserved.
“I'll ask more later. This could be promising.” she took my hand and led me to her couch. Then she kissed me like no tomorrow.
I picked her up, shutting her Corgy into the bathroom, and took her to her bed. I lay her on the bed, following her down. She kicked off her shoes, never letting her gaze trail from mine. I kicked off mine.
“We shouldn't be doing this. It's wrong,” she said.
“No its not.”
“You don't love me.”
“And you know that how?”
“You don't, do you?” she asked, placing her hands on my neck.
“I was gonna tell you earlier but we got distracted.”
“Then I'm good with this,” she said, splaying her hands through my hair.
“You don't have to love the guy?”
“Yeah, I do. I love you.”
I kissed her, hard and long. I think she got tired of kissing because she pushed my jacket off my shoulder's and then started working on my shirt. I pulled the rubber band from her hair and spread it across the pillow. Savoring in its softness, I kissed her neck, grazing my fangs across it. My hunger spiked, I forgot that I hadn't had blood in three weeks. Before I had come here, me and Dimi had lived out in the middle of nowhere. I had given her blood and gone without for long periods of time.
I had gotten used to it actually and now only needed it once every two weeks, not twice every week. I shuddered and pulled back.
“No. I can't.” I said, sitting up and turning away. I could feel the change in my eye color, the pain in my jaw.
“It's okay. Here,” and before I knew it, I smelled blood. I turned to her and saw that she had slit her wrist and that her fangs were showing.
“We're not allowed to do that.”
“Once isn't gonna hurt anything, and who will tell. It's just you. And me.”
“You make that sound dirty.”
“Well, you'll see after you drink.”
“Only if you drink from me.”
“As long as you drink.”
I bit my forearm, where it'd be hard for people to see, and held it up to her. Her eyes changed from gray to silver and she breathed deeply. Then she took my hand and bit into it, moaning as she did. I moaned and bit her wrist, not hard, but hard en-ough to keep the blood flowing. I fed for a few minutes, and after I quit I noticed that she had stopped right after I had started.
“You needed energy and I have plenty of it to give.”
“I love you.”
♥ ♥ ♥
Those words made my day. I kissed him and pulled him down, tasting my blood on his tongue. He pulled away and trailed his tongue across my wrist, healing it. I followed suit but as I looked at mine, I saw he left scars. He had claimed me. I planned to claim him, in two ways.
He pushed me back and undressed me as I tried unsuccessfully to do the same. He laughed and pulled his own shirt off him as I worked on his pants. I got them undone and let him take lead from there. He finished unclothing us then kissed me down to my collar bone then back up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he reached for his wallet. He raised one hand at the door and the dead bolt clicked.
Then he put on the condom and.... I lost all track of thought. All I could feel was a sharp stab of pain then total pleasure. When I gasped he almost stopped and pulled away.
“You do that and this will be your last time, because I would castrate you.”
“Easy girl, I was only thinking of you.”
“Good cuz if you were thanking about any one else I would kill you.”
He laughed and the vibrations from that were enough to shut me up. I replaced my words with a moan. And I bit into his neck, making him moan, and once he did, I licked it and left the scars. Now I had claimed him twice.
Once with giving him my virtue, and the second by leaving my mark on his neck.
Chapter 7
I was sore as I rolled to my feet the next morning. Draco was softly snoring on my bed, a small smile on his lips. I rolled my eyes and headed to the shower. The second I turned on the water, I had a sexy guy standing behind me. His arms encircled my waist.
“We have school in an hour,” I whispered, leaning back against his chest and stroking his cheek.
“Yeah, Dimi's probably looking for me all over the place.”
“And a worried Dimi isn't good?”
“Not at all.”
I turned to face him, a smile on my lips.“Then you should leave... I don't want you to go, but Conner always walks me to my classes, he has the key to my room, and he should be here in a –”
“Babe! I'm here!”
“Hold on, Con! I'm a little busy at the moment!... Can you do that shimmy thingy?” I whispered to Draco, knowing that if Conner found out he'd tell Jase and somehow Keegan would find out.
And that wasn't an option.
“No, because Keegan can detect when I do it, but luckily last night he was out. He's back now.”
“Shit,” I moaned. I looked him over. “Your clothes are at the foot of my bed, aren't they?”
“''Fraid so.”
“Hey, why do you have Draco's jacket? And his... boxers? Please tell me you two didn't!”
I stuck an arm out the door, “Hand me my robe, and his clothes.”
“Zeus will have your head for this,” he said throwing my robe in my hand.
I walked out tying the sash tightly. I gathered Draco's clothes, seeing that Conner wouldn't do it for me.
“You tell Jase and I will kill you. I will tell her when I damn well want to, not when you have the whim to tell her everything I do.”
I walked into the bathroom and handed Draco his clothes. I kissed him long and slow. He dropped his clothes on the coun-ter, picked me up and set me beside them. I giggled and Conner groaned.
“You can leave now, Conner. I think I can walk her to first hour!” Draco called.
“No, no. Conner and you can walk me, I have to get dressed anyway.” I kissed his neck, the scars I had left. “Your gonna have to hide those,” I whispered watching him dress.
“How?” he asked.
“Damn, I wish I would have thought about that.”
He laughed, “You were thinking about one thing. And that was me.”
“I heard that! And you two had better used protection!!”
“We did!” we yelled.
I walked out and started flipping through my drawers. Settling for a plain white shirt and holy jeans, I grabbed my socks and shoes. Draco walked out and I walked in. When I came out, those two were toe to toe.
“Play nice,” I said.
“Conner, give me a minute with her, alone.”
“I leave in two minutes. With or without you.” he stomped out the door.
Draco took my hand, the one that had the scars on it, and slid his leather wrist band onto it. “Just to keep you out of trouble.”
I hugged his neck and kissed his marks. “Sorry I can't do the same for you.” But as I pulled away, my eyes searched for his scars. “Their gone.”
“That's probably your power. You can hide things.”
“That's not cool! You can shimmer! And make things move!”
“I can do a lot of things. Some that no one else can.”
“That comes along with the other part of my secret.”
“And you won't tell me.” My chin dropped.
“No. I can't, baby. I wish I could. I really wish I could. But if I told you, it could get us all killed. You, me, Dimi, and Keegan.”
“Okay, if it's that important I'll let it rest.”
He grabbed my chin between his thumb and first finger, lifting my chin up until I met his gaze. “I love you.”
“Aw shit, that's exactly what I want to hear from you two.”
“Why, Keegan, is it that I can't have a private conversation with anyone with out you butting in?” I asked.
“Because I was wondering why that after I came in I could not find you anywhere, Draco.”
Something in him broke. His eyes went from his calm blue to a gray the color of the clouds before a tornado. His fists dropped to his sides, clenching and un-clenching.
“I didn't feel like going back to my dorm, and I sure as hell didn't want to have to deal with Dimitos. Do you know how long I have taken care of her, let her feed from me when we were running away from mom? I deserve a break!”
“That doesn't give you the excuse to go screw around with the girl that has a destiny that is supposed to save all of our asses.”
“Well, my bad if I fell in love with her! Screw you, Keegan. I'm leaving. Take care of Dimi.”
He shimmered out of the room and I gasped at the pain, physical pain, it caused me. The breath left me, and I hit my knees. Conner was the first to reach me and I wept onto his shoulder.
“What's wrong, Paige?” Conner asked panicked.
“I don't know!” I cried.
A burning sensation built up in my wrist, where Draco had bitten me. Then it spread down to my palm... and all the way up to my shoulder. The pain snaked up my arm as I jerked away from Conner. I removed Draco's wrist band and stared at my arm. Nestled in my palm was a Dragon head and snaking up my arm was its body. It was a fiery blue, the color of Draco's eyes. But the out line was gray the same color as mine. Keegan's breath hitched.
I stared up at him. “You know what this means, don't you?” A minute later he still hadn't answered. “DON'T YOU!” I yelled. “I hate you! I trusted you and you made him leave. I loved him! And I was sure of it!”
“I'm sorry. Paige,” his voice broke.
“Leave. She'll feel better later. Just let me calm her down.”
“Fine, you two are excused from class today. But I want her in sixth period tomorrow if none other. I still have to fulfill my duty to our kind.”
Without another word he turned and left. Conner picked me up and set me on the bed. I curled against him and wept. I cried until my eyes hurt, my head throbbed. Until I couldn't cry anymore. Conner lay there. Never once trying to tell me that everything would be okay, that tomorrow I would feel better. He just lay there saying things like that he shouldn't have left me like he did. That no one in the right would tell someone that they love them then walk out not ten minutes later.
Jase walked in after classes ended and curled up on my other side. Apparently Keegan had filled her in. Ten minutes after that Dimi came in squawking. I picked her up and hugged her to my chest. I noticed absentmindedly that Dimi had a Dragon tattooed to the back of her fist.
“I know baby. I'll take care of you. I swear, I will never leave you, Dimitos. I love you, bella bambina.” My father had been french so I knew the language pretty well, though no where near as well as I spoke Gaelic.
“Knock, knock.” That annoying voice made me look up to see Daniels standing in my doorway.
“Go away, I don't want to deal with your shit anymore!”
“Your wish is my command. Until tomorrow, sweet Paige.” then he left.
No. I will not crumble because of some guy. Yes, I love him. Yes, I want him back. No, this is not the end of the world. Life goes on, no matter what, and I will survive. I sat up and climbed out of bed.
“I'm going to the field. I won't give up training just because of Draco. Conner, can you help me. Jase can you watch Dimi?”
“Yeah, I'll watch the little squirt. Lets go get some ice cream, Dimitos.”
Dimi sniffled and climbed off the bed, she waddled to me and lifted her arms for me to pick her up. “Is it okay, Mamma?”
A tear slid down my cheek at the name, I picked her up and set her on my hip. “Yes, Dimi, its fine. Go ahead,” I kissed her hair then her forehead.
“Come on, Dimi. Lets go.”
“Are you sure your up to it?” Conner asked.
“Yeah, and I will take care of Dimi. I will be her mother. I will not let that little girl out of my sight for the next fourteen years. She is mine now.”
“Okay, come on, mon petit guerrier.” My little warrior.
Chapter 8
As I walked onto the field, I came up behind a tall guy that I knew from somewhere. It took me a moment to recognize him. He had dark brown hair that was probably mid neck, his pants were worn and the old leather jacket that he wore looked older than Keegan.
“Oh my gods.”
He turned around from staring up at the big Canadian sky. “Well hello, Paige.”
“Uncle Morgan!” I said jumping into his arms.
“Well, have you ever grown, my little lass. You've grown so much since I've last seen you.”
“I was thirteen last time. And I'm eighteen now.”
“You look like hell, lassie,” he said setting me on my own feet. His big thumb traced the line of my jaw and then the bags under my eyes. “What's wrong? Tell Uncle Morgan what's wrong. Who's ass am I kicking?”
It had been two weeks since Draco had left. It was hell and I guess the signs showed on my face. I put on a fake smile and sighed. I loved Morgan, he was the sweetest thing in the world, next to Dimitos.
“I'm fine. He left and I guess I'm just taking it harder than I should.”
“Mamma!” I looked around Morgan's shoulder and saw that my little ward.
Morgan turned and looked at the little girl. Then back at me. The eyebrows went up. Then the fists clenched. “Why'd she called you Mamma?”
“Hey, Dimi,” I said swinging her up into my arms. “She's his little sister, and now she's my daughter. Dimi this is Uncle Morgan. Uncle Morgan, this is Dimitos. Dimi.”
He released a sigh of relief. Then he reached for her. She went to him and studied him with this look that would have scared an Italian to death. But not a Scottish Highlander. Morgan returned the look.
“Hey! That's my thing!”
Morgan burst out laughing. “You are a cute little lass, aren't you?”
“That's what Draco said, except he called me his piccola sorella,” she sniffled.
“It's okay, neonata. Shh, shh,” I whispered taking her from Morgan.
“I'm taking it that Draco is the guy that has caused my lassie to feel and look like this?”
“Yes,” I said, bouncing Dimi up and down on my hip. “I don't blame him though. He'd been taking care of her since he was eight.”
“But she's his little sister. He's responsible for her. And you fell in love with him. He had no right, lassie.” Morgan was starting to get mad. Uncle Morgan was not the nicest person he got mad. He thought that no one had the right to make me or his little sister, my mother, cry and if they did he would make them pay.
“It's alright, Uncle,” I said, setting my daughter by forfeit down. I scratched my arm where the Dragon lay. It was a really rare warm day in Vancouver day and all I was wearing a long sleeved tee shirt, my holy blue jeans, and my hiking boots. I was on my way to the brook up in the woods with my Ipod and book. It was Saturday and I intended to use it to help knock off the feeling of Draco being with me every moment of the day. I liked the feeling at nights when I couldn't sleep because of the memories the room held, I liked it period. But at those times it was like he could see into my head and see when I was having troubles with something.
I felt him when I was in the field, in fifth period and whenever I had a chance to think about him.
“He's not worth your tears, little one,” he said in Gaelic.
“Yes he is, more than you know,” I responded in the same tongue, noticing that my cheeks were wet from my tears.
“I don't like seeing you like this, lassie.”
“If he would just come back I would feel a lot better. I wish you could not met him. He was amazing.”
“You say his name is Draco? Di Morte?”
I nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Stay away from him.”
“Why?” I asked confused.
“He's bad news, stay away from him.”
“No, if he comes back I will be as close to him as I want to. I'll love him mentally and physically. I love and respect you but,” I stopped and shook my head. “He has my heart. I know he still loves me.”
“She doesn't listen to any one,” Keegan said, coming from behind of me.
“Zeus, help my soul. You know that conversation we had two weeks ago?” I asked, seething. “Well my uncle counts in that, too.”
“I am your headmaster and you will not tell me what to do, little girl.”
“You made him leave! You caused me this pain! Your the one that barged into my room and yelled at us!”
“Keegan, leave her alone. I will kill you over her, she's all I have left of Maggie. And if I have to kill you to keep my niece, then hand me a dagger and I'll slit your throat.”
“McKillian, don't threaten me on my school grounds,” Keegan said.
“Don't make my lass be sad and you won't have to worry about it.”
I slipped off in one direction as Dimi ran to Jase and Conner. In an hours time I was sitting on a rock beside the brook. My eyes were puffy and my heart hurt. I wanted him. And I wanted him now. I could feel him as if he were with me.
Don't cry, Paige. Draco's voice drifted to me through my head.
Why'd you leave me? I thought and to my surprise he answered.
I had something I had to do. It's over now and I'll be home in a week.
I have a Dragon on my left arm. It's the same color of your eyes. I think it and your secret have something to do with each other. I was so confused but happy now that he would be back from his disappearing act in a week.
They do. And have the same Dragon on my arm, except it's the opposite color scheme of yours. I love you but I have to go. It causes me enough energy to stay with you during the days.
Okay, just explain next week. I love you. Bye.
Love you more. Bye. And like that he was gone.
I smiled and lay back on the rocks. Now that I knew he would be back and that he really was with me, I was able to smile and relax. Not spending my time crying, I could tell Dimi that her fratella would be back soon. A little after that I fell asleep, dreaming of Draco. When I woke up there was a cell phone on my stomach and a note that said;
Here, now we can talk, and be with each other in some shape, form, or fashion. My numbers already in it. I love you, Paige.
Love always.
I smiled and the phone rang. “Hey, babe.”
“Hey, are you still beside that brook?” he sounded like he was amused.
“Maybe. Can you explain the whole I'm in your head thing?”
“I'm still a little patchy on it, but its a bond thing. My dad's still not done elaborating on it,” he said. I could practically see him rubbing the back of his neck, pacing the ground. “Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing,” he laughed.
“Your dad? Where are you?” I asked.
“You went to Italy?”
“Well at first I went to Quebec. Then I noticed the Dragon on my arm. And the one on my shoulder is glowing.”
“How many Dragon tattoos do you have?” What is he?
He sighed then counted under his breath. “Six... now.”
“How did I not see those?” I said more to myself than to him. But he answered any way.
“You were pretty preoccupied,” he chuckled.
“Hey, you wanted me as much as I wanted you so don't even go there.”
“Never denied it, now did I?” He was still laughing.
I held the phone away from my ear and stuck my tongue out at it.
“Don't make me bite it off.”
“If it means your hear, come along. Bite it off.”
“A week, babe. Two tops... do not pout at me!”
“Why, does it work?”
“Some times.”
“Okay, all the time,” he muttered.
“Keegan might not be alive when you get here.” Remembering my big uncle threatening Keegan was enough to make any one laugh.
“What he do?”
“He butted into my conversation with my Uncle Morgan and almost made me cry. Uncle Morgan doesn't like it when I cry. Not at all. He threatened to cut Keegan's throat.”
“I would have done the same thing.”
“Mamma!” I looked to my left and saw Dimi running up the hill Conner and Jase behind her.
“Was that Dimitos?”
“Who'd she call mamma?”
“Sant'inferno. How long has she called you that?” he asked, stopping his pacing.
“The night you left.”
“Can you tell her I'm sorry?”
I stood, picked up Dimi, and whispered into the phone. “Tell her your self. She misses her fratella.”
“Dimi, your big brother wants to talk to you.”
“Draco!” she clutched the phone to her ear and started speaking in Italian really (like, really) fast.
“Whoa, baby girl. Slow down. My ears don't work that fast,” I heard him laugh as I sat Dimi down.
“When did you get a cell phone?” Conner asked.
“Fell asleep, woke up, hello phone, what are you doing on my stomach?... Draco left it for me so that we could talk.”
“Where is he?” Jase asked.
“How'd he get here then be back to Italy so fast?” Conner asked.
“He has his ways,” Jase answered for me.
“The shimmer thing, you saw how he did it a couple weeks back.”
“Dude! That's cool.”
“You think I'm cool,” I said.
“You are!”
“Mamma, Draco wants to talk to you,” the little tyke whispered looking up at me.
“'Kay,” I said, taking the phone. “Hey, Draco.”
“God, I love the sound of my name on your lips.”
“I love the feel of your lips on mine.”
“EWW!! Gross!! Little ears!!” Conner yelled.
“Ha ha. Change of plans. I can't be there until the day of the prom,” Draco said, sadly.
I took a deep breath. Exhaled. “Okay. But remember you said that you were gonna be my date.”
“I haven't forgotten. I will be there. I promise.”
I could feel the conviction in his words and I knew something would go wrong, but he would try and try to keep that promise.
“Okay, but don't let anything hurt you.”
“I won't put you through that pain, Paige. I love you too much.”
That made me smile. “I gotta go. My uncle will be wondering where I ran off to... Why does he say your bad news?”
“What's your uncles last name?”
“Morgan McKillian.”
“Hell! Ask him what I am since I'm not allowed to tell you.”
“Okay. Love you.”
“Love you more, bye.”
“Nope, bye.” click!
“And where have you been, young lady?” another strangely familiar voice asked as o tried to sneak past the cameras just before curfew.
I spun, knocking into my other uncle, Max. “Max! Oh my god! When did you get here, you big oaf!” I yelled, launching myself into his arms.
“An hour after Morgan did. He left at the airport. On purpose.”
“I said I was sorry,” Morgan laughed.
“You are my twin, I know you too well!”
“Wow. . . Um, Morgan, what is Draco, exactly?”
Chapter 9
“Di Morte?” Max asked, raising one eyebrow.
“Our little girl's boyfriend,” he said, nodding.
“What? Her boyfriend?” he turned to me. “Care to explain?”
“I fought my feelings, lost, kissed him, fell in love, made love, he left, broke my heart. Leaving me with the mystery, what is he?”
“YOU WHAT?!” they shouted, making the birds around them flee, and almost making school tremble.
I realized my mistake. “I fell in love.”
“No after that,” they growled.
“Um, got a broken heart.”
“Before that.”
“Oh, that. Made love?” I blushed but with my head held high.
“With a Dragon ?”
“A Dragon ?” I swallowed. It couldn't be true.
But it is, the rational part of my brain screamed.
I pulled out my cell phone and looked for Draco's number. “That's why you were so preoccupied that day in the field. Your one of them.”
“So, Morgan told you, did he.”
“No, Max did.”
“Do you have an entire family of Demon slayers?” he gasped.
“Apparently so. Though they didn't tell me that,” I glared at the two huge highlanders. They glared at my cell. “Though your a Dragon not a Demon.”
“But Dimi is. She's not my full little sister. She knows what she is. My mother fell in love with a Dhampir and she's a Dragon along with my father.”
“Oh, that's not good.”
“Can you do me a favor?” he asked.
“Yes, you know I still love you.”
“Dimi isn't four, she's fifteen. Tomorrow she turns sixteen and she'll show it. Keegan knows this and so does Jase. But can you take care of her, keep her safe for me?”
“Okay,” I whispered. “I will. I love you, but I gotta go.”
“”Kay. Love you, bye.”
I put up my phone and headed past my uncles, only to be caught around the waist by two strong arms.
“You have been in contact with him?”
“Yes, I have been.”
“Let me see your arm,” Morgan said.
I pushed up my sleeve and showed him the Dragon ... but as I did I got that burning sensation on my shoulder. I gasped and scratched at it, knowing instinctively that I now had a Dragon on my left shoulder blade. The one on my arm glowed bright. They muttered something in Gaelic, so old that I couldn't understand what they were saying.
“Okay guys, y'all are seriously creeping me out. What did you say, Max?” I asked, taking a step back, away from them.
“Damn meddling Dragon should be shot,” he answered smoothly.
“In what? Saxon?”
“Exactly, you've been doing well in your studies of the ancient languages.” Pride shown in his dark gray eyes. They were almost black, they were so dark.
“Don't change the subject, Max. Why haven't you and Morgan told me that other than mother that every guy in out family is a Dragon hunters?!”
“We didn't know that you would fall in love with one and now we have to teach you how to kill your boyfriend.”
I staggered back as if they had punched me in the chest. “NO! I will never kill Draco! I trust him! And he trusts me, I won't betray him like that even if your my uncles!”
“Paige, this isn't the time to discuss this.”
“Go to bed.”
My uncles spoke at the same time, voices stern and commanding.
Listen to them for once, Paige. Don't worry. I'll stay with you tonight just like always. I'll help comfort you, my darling beauty. I heard Draco's voice, whispering on the wind.
I smiled and walked past my annoying uncles. This time they didn't stop me, fortunately. Are you following me, Draco? I laughed, silently.
Maybe. . . but then again, maybe not. He was laughing, I knew.
Well thank you, Dragon .
Your welcome, my love.
I grinned. I'll talk to you in the morning. I am so tired.
Okay text me when you wake up.
Will do.
He broke the connection and I sighed. Draco was almost entirely perfect. He had the looks, the brains, the muscles, the whole package. Except he's a Dragon . I had to keep Dimi safe, keep my studies up, train, and hide both of our secrets. Damn.
I slept like a dream that night.
I was strong, I had nothing to worry about. I was walking away from a broken form. It lay face down and bleeding. It's blood was on my hands, my body was sore, and I had a cut from my shoulder to my wrist. The Dragon on it was gone, no longer existing. I shot a glance over my shoulder when there was rustling. I recognized the broken form as soon as I saw his face.
“No,” I screamed, sitting straight up in my bed. Tears flooded my face and I didn't recognize the arms that instantly enveloped me until Dimi called my name, sounding different.
“Paige. It's okay. It me, Dimi! Mama!” she finally yelled.
“Sorry, Dimi. I lost my bearings. Damn, I'm glad your here, Dim,” I said, whipping the tears from my face.
“Dragon told you I'm guessing?”
“Well . . . no. Not exactly. My uncles did. You gotta stay away from them now, 'kay?”
“I'll go by my first name if it helps.”
“Okay, good. Don't call me Mama now, unless we're alone.”
“Okay. Don't answer to it,” she laughed with a grin.
“What is your first name?”
“Destiny. Dessi.”
“'Kay 'kay.” I said the name over and over in my head until finally I looked at Dimi and thought Dessi.
“Okay, good, got it.” In the waist band of my pajama bottoms, my cell vibrated. “Well, hello, Draco.” I said flipping my phone open to read the text.
Hey baby!! Its just after midnight, why r u awake?? By midnight he meant noon.
My mind flooded back to the dream. Bad dream , I thought u would know that.
Our bond isn't that strong yet. . . emphases on the yet.
Ha ha. Why are you awake?? I mean you don't have to go to school and its a Sunday so I don't either, but I thought you would be asleep.
Its 6 over here. I haven't been able 2 sleep since that night.
I could see him rolling his eyes. Yes, Paige, P.M. I'm in Italy remember??
Yes. . . Unfortunately. =..O
Don't even THINK about crying, Luna Paige!! I will be back soon enough. . .
How do you know my first name?? He thought the word as I did. Bond. Oh, that would make since... Alec?? that is sexy.
-_- You don't seriously think that do you. . . Yep, you do. >_<
What did you have to check?? Don't you trust me??
You can put me on my ass. . . I like to check these things.
I have never lied to you. And I never will. I typed in Gaelic.
You know that's confusing. Switching from English to Gaelic.
Sorry... I won't do it again, I typed in English.
I grinned. Maybe.
Dad's up. I got to go, he doesn't like the fact that I'm in love with a Dhampir. Love you.
'Kay, love you.
“What's he putting out?” Dessi asked, now sitting on the foot of my bed looking at her arm.
“He was worried, he knew I woke up, but didn't know why.”
“Oh. . .” she sounded disappointed. She scratched her arm.
“What's that?” I asked and I crawled to the end of the bed to see.
“It's my Demon scar, it's bigger now.”
“What is a Demon scar?” I asked. “And you've got to explain the whole age thing.”
“Okay. Did you notice the little butterfly on the inside of my wrist?”
“Yeah, but I assumed that it was a birth mark.”
“It's not. It's my Demon Scar. All Demons have it, you just have to look for it. When a Demon hits its maturation point at sixteen, they become darker and we can't hide who we are. I was able to do that age thing was because I needed to be a four year old because of something that I don't need now. I can fight now with out hurting myself.”
“Okay, that makes since. . . I think.”
“Its still confusing to me to so don't worry.”
© Copyright 2010 colton lea (coltonlea at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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