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Rated: 13+ · Article · Political · #1639157
Rant of an "independent".
Story of an independent. But is it? Surely every independent leans toward one party more than the other, as I do. So doesn't that make me a co-dependant? Independent to a degree till I need a sturdy position toward which to retreat to. I call myself independent for two reasons, It helps me avoid arguments with people who would attack the side I almost completely belong to, and I want to be able to vote either way without getting crap from the side I almost completely belong to. Not good reasons, not at all. But it's true.

In 2004, forty-two million Americans registered as independent, for what I'm pretty sure are similar reasons. Though there are thousands of reasons to be independent, the most popular.....

-Don't like being labeled as Republican or Democrat.

-Think it sounds cooler than Republican or Democrat.

-Don't know what any of the above meant but didn't want to sound stupid for not knowing the political parties but swear to god that one day they will Wiki them and find out.

These are stupid reasons but I've never believed in the over poetic reason most of us independents give.

-I'm my own man/woman, and don't have any pre-set values upon which any political party can prey. I'm also a spiritual agnostic who thinks the who and led zeppelin are equally good............ love me?

In all honesty I'm a family center democrat. I think gays should marry ( I have no loyalties to the church because I'm achiest), I'm starting to care about animal rights and I almost always disagree with what republicans think. That being said I've got some conservative views. I'm all for drilling into our own oil reserves and I'm for smaller government interaction as far as the economy goes. I'm also for smaller government which the republicans swear is part of the parties beliefs but those guys are always asking for the government to inject more Christianity into society and their last president passed a bunch of laws that allowed law enforcement to snoop wherever they want. So I think they're full of crap.

As far as one of the keyest key issues in America, that issue being abortion, I can't side with either. If someone is admittedly free thinking and is not automatically required to do what the bible asks of them because of loyalties to the book, than I think it should be almost impossible to have a side on the abortion debate. Because the key question is, and again not for the Christians they already have an answer on this, the key question is, is it wrong to stop a life before it has even begun?


That question is huge. Ask a stoner that question and it would blow they're MIND! Its philosophical in nature it would have rocked Plato. I don't believe any free thinker can honestly take a side without at least two years of serious never-ending contemplation. Otherwise you're just taking a side cause you've already registered with their party. I do fear one day coming to the conclusion that abortion is wrong because I always hate siding with crazy Christian people who claim science is making Jesus cry.

Whether such a scattershot set of issues makes me a true independent or not is irrelevant. In the long run if a republican runs that has such a good idea on how to run the economy, or what to do with our wars overseas comes along. I will vote for him or her (as long as her isn't Palin, I don't care for her). If I can go out for a drink with my friends from the service and actually be able to afford it, sorry gays your staying bachelors for at least four more years. It's an evil way to vote, but I am the product of the American electoral system.
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