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Second installment of Cross Swords |
6. Sanction The character with this skill has the ability of Sanction there are also two different paths the character can follow, either Cover or Restore. every 10 levels the character will get a skill point to put toward the said skill in Sanction case it is Cover or Restore they can also mix and match, so if they choose one path they are not limited to just that single path. Starting out the character with Sanction gets Protect and Aura. Cover the character goes into a defensive stance and blocks non magical attacks 50% of the time. Aura character casts an aura of 10% defense on all party members except self aura lasts for 2 rounds after it is stopped. Level 10: Block and Accelerate Effect: Block if a character goes down this path Cover takes 10% less damage and has a 60% chance of blocking. Accelerate if a character goes down this path Aura causes 10% speed increase lasts 2 rounds after it is stopped. Description: Block, the characters armor glows a bit lighter toward a pale white. Accelerate, boots glow a faint blue, when used the other characters boots glow blue and theirs stops. Level 20: Healthy and Resistance Effect: Healthy if a character goes down this path they gain 5% health and 1% defense. Resistance if a character goes down this path Aura gives 25% damage reduction to specific element for lasts 1 round after it is stopped. Description: Healthy, characters armor changes to a light gray. Resistance, when aura is cast a aura matching the color of the element surrounds their allies. Level 30: Absorb and Include Self Effect: absorb character absorbs 10% of the damage taken to protected ally. Include self character is now effected by their aura spell Description: Absorb, the armor changes to a reddish white. Include Self, character is included with the aura cast Level 40: Wall and Damage Effect: Wall character has a 5% chance to negate all damage. Damage increases for all actions by 10% Description: Wall, character is surrounded by a wall of ice. Damage, the blades of the characters take a hot glow. D. Status Effects: This is a list of status effects that can afflict characters as they battle or wander the world, most status effects go away after battle though some do not. those that dont have a (W) next to the name. Poison (W): damage caused by poison is derived from 5% hp with a chance to run its course of 10% each round with a 2% increase each round after the first. Cures, Magic or antidote Bleeding: damage caused by bleeding varies depending on attack though it usually is 0-4% of hp and 0-4% of mana which can stack to a max of 7% health or mana loss per round, 20% chance to heal after 2 rounds, and increases 10% each round after. Cures, Magic or bandages Suffocation: damage caused by suffocation is derived from poison except each round after the second round its percent increases by 2% each round, chance to heal on own 5% with a 15 percent increase after the 3rd round. Cures, Magic or Air Orb Blind (W): causes accuracy to fall by 75%, with a 10% chance of attacking ally, lasts 10 rounds unless noted otherwise. Cure, Magic or eye drops Paralysis: can not attack or use items, still can cast spells lasts 5 rounds unless noted otherwise. Cures, Magic or Nars root Silenced : No skills or magic, can still attack and use items lasts 5 rounds unless noted otherwise. Cures, Magic or Music box Raged: Can only attack, 10% chance to attack ally, double damage. Cures, Magic or Sedative Burning: damage caused by burning is equal to 10% damage when attacking, or receiving attack, lasts for 6 rounds, Cures, Magic or Water globe Frozen: 50% chance to act or will shiver, attacker attacking something frozen takes 5% damage and has a 10% chance to receive Frozen effect, lasts for 6 rounds. Cures Magic or Hot stone Dead (W): character or npc is dead, not affected by status effects. Cures, Magic or revival seed Sleep : this affect causes the target to fall into a sleep, attacking target has a 50% chance of breaking sleep, character heals 5% mana while sleeping. Cures, Magic or Smelling salts Decay: This is a rusting effect causes a random part to become decayed, 50% less to specific targets effect, variation depends on spell. Cures, Magic or Restoration Slow: slowed targets speed goes down by 50%, variation depends on spell, Cures, Magic or Hour glass Stopped: Stopped targets can not act, duration depends on spell. Cures, Magic or Hour glass Confusion: this status causes target to lose control of actions 33% chance of attacking ally, 33% chance of attacking enemy and 33% chance to do nothing. 50% attack 50% magic.. status variation depends on spell. Cures, Magic, or Smelling salts Mage Fury: Can only cast magic, 10% chance to attack ally, 150% damage. Cures, Magic or Rune Stone Charm: Target is under the control of the caster, if attack is done to self instant failure of spell after attack. lasts 3 rounds unless noted otherwise. Cures, Magic or Frog Kiss. E. Weapons: Growth all weapons at a 1/2 there base power per level unless otherwise noted Name: Weapon Name Level: Level obtained, or needed to use. Damage: this is a damage variable used to see damage. Stats: This is used to determine damage of skills and spells. Size: The size changes accuracy and if it can used with a shield or not. Tiny has higher accuracy, small and medium has normal accuracy, and large has low accuracy. Element: Each weapon has a different element on it that depends on type of the weapon. Base Power: 1. Dagger: Name: Bronze Knife Level: 1 Damage: 4-7 plus Dexterity x2 Stats: 2.5 weapon, 3.5 magic Size: Tiny Element: Metal Name: Bronze Dagger Level: 5 Damage: 19-36 plus Dexterity x2 Stats: 12.5 weapon, 17.5 magic Size: Tiny Element: Metal Name: Hot Knife Level: 10 Damage: 38-72 plus Dexterity x2 Stats: 30 weapon, 30 magic Size: Tiny Element: Fire 2. Short Sword: Name: Short Blade Level: 1 Damage: 8-12 plus strength Stats: 3 weapon, 2 magic Size: Small Element: Metal Name: Thin Blade Level: 5 Damage: 39-61 plus strength Stats: 15 weapon, 10 magic Size: Small Element: Metal Name: Crystal Blade Level: 10 Damage: 90-110 plus strength Stats: 30 weapon, 20 magic Size: Small Element: Ice 3. Long Sword: Name: Bronze Sword Level: 1 Damage: 10-16 plus strength Stats: 4 weapon, 1 magic Size: Medium Element: Metal Name: Iron Sword Level: 5 Damage: 49-81 plus strength Stats: 20 weapon, 5 magic Size: Medium Element: Metal Name: Wind Sword Level: 10 Damage: 100-160 plus strength Stats: 35 weapon, 15 magic Size: Element: 4. Two-Handed Blade: Name: Great Sword Level: 1 Damage: 6-23 plus strength Stats: 5 weapon, 0 magic Size: Large Element: Metal Name: Large Sword Level: 5 Damage: 29-116 plus strength Stats: 25 weapon, 0 magic Size: Large Element: Metal Name: Heavy Sword Level: 10 Damage: 60-230 plus strength Stats: 50 weapon, 0 magic Size: Large Element: Earth 5. Staff: Name: Wooden Staff Level: 1 Damage: 8-20 plus Dexterity Stats: 0 weapon, 25 magic Size: Large Element: Wood Name: Mage Staff Level: 5 Damage: 39-101 plus Intelligence Stats: 0 weapon, 25 magic Size: Large Element: Fire Name: Glowing Staff Level: 10 Damage: 80-200 plus Intelligence Stats: 0 weapon, 50 magic Size: Large Element: Lightning 6. Club: Name: Cudgel Level: 5 Damage: 9-11 plus strength Stats: 2.5 weapon, 2.5 magic Size: Small Element: Wood Name: Sap Level: 5 Damage: 44-56 plus strength Stats: 12.5 weapon, 12.5 magic Size: Small Element: Wood Name: Blue Club Level: 10 Damage: 80-120 Stats: 25 weapon, 25 Magic Size: Small Element: Water 7. Gun: Name: 22 pistol Level: 1 Damage: 6-13 plus Dexterity Stats: 1 weapon, 4 magic Size: Small Element: Metal Name: 9mm Level: 5 Damage: 29-76 plus Dexterity Stats: 5 weapon, 20 magic Size: Small Element: Metal Name: Hot Revolver Level: 10 Damage: 60-130 plus dexterity Stats: 10 weapon, 40 magic Size: Small Element: Fire 8. Thrown Items: Name: Needles Level: 1 Damage: 5-6 plus Dexterity x2 Stats: 3 weapon, 3 magic Size: Tiny Element: Metal Name: Throwing Daggers Level: 5 Damage: 24-31 plus Dexterity x2 Stats: 15 weapon, 15 magic Size: Tiny Element: Metal Name: Ice Needles Level: 10 Damage: 50-60 plus dexterity x2 Stats: 30 weapon, 30 magic Size: Tiny Element: Ice 9. Gauntlets: Name: Leather Gauntlets Level: 1 Damage: 2-8 plus Strength x2 Stats: 4 weapon, 2 magic Size: Tiny Element: Wood Name: Metal Plate Level: 5 Damage: 9-41 plus Strength x2 Stats: 20 weapon, 8 magic Size: Tiny Element: Metal Name: Earth Gauntlets Level: 10 Damage: 18-82 plus strength x2 Stats: 40 weapon, 20 magic Size: Tiny Element: Earth F. Monsters: Example Name: Creatures Name Type: Species of creature Level: associated level of creature if needed for spells Attacks: number of attacks as well as types and special abilities HP: Amount of HP creature has Mana: Amount of mana creature has Items: Usually dropped items, (Rare Drops), [Unique drops) Resistance: Types of damage for resistance Weakness: Types of damage for weaknes Name: Goblin Type: Humanoid Level: 1 Attacks: 8-18 Wood HP: 30 Mana: 0 Items: Ella Root, (Goblin Tooth) Resistance: Wood Weakness: None Name: Drakling Type: Dragon Level: 3 Attacks: 10-14 Fire, 30-40 Fire breath (15MP) HP: 130 Mana: 20 Items: Ella Root, (Drakling Scale) Resistance: Fire Weakness: Ice Name: Spliced Panther Type: Magical Creature Level: 10 Attacks: 2x 40-90 Earth Damage, Find Ally (60mp) HP: 300 Mana: 100 Items: Panther Fur, (Hi-Heal), [Magik Rune] Resistance: Ice, Wind Weakness: Fire, Water Name: Guard Type: Humanoid Level: 1 Attacks: 6-20 Metal Damage HP: 60 Mana: 30 Items: Guard Baton Resistance: Fire Weakness: None Name: Type: Level: Attacks: HP: Mana: Items: Resistance: Weakness: G. Gear: Items can add to Stats, Skills and Characteristics, most items can be used in both without a modification but items such as Eye Wear and boots would be to powerful if they matched each one so items that would be to powerful otherwise. Other items such as head and Shields can effect multiple areas as they grow in strength. Specific Items can add special effects, Glasses adds +1 Intelligence when worn. The effects of items can be extremely different all characters can wear all pieces, however Shields can only be used with one handed weapons if not dual wielding. The average stat ratio for an item is 2.4 per level, since the .4 can not be added to the stat it is rounded down until the next level 1. Head: Name: Leather Hat Level: 1 Effect: Stat: +2 Mana Name: Wizard Hat Level: 5 Effect: +5 Intelligence Stat: +12 Mana 2. Eye Wear: Name: Glasses Level: 5 Effect: +2 Intelligence Stat: +1 Critical / +12 Skills Name: Goggles Level: 10 Effect: +5 Accuracy Stat: +2 Critical / +24 Skills 3. Armor: Name: Leather Armor Level: 1 Effect: Stat: +2 Defense Name: Chest Plate Level: 5 Effect: 5% reduction to metal damage Stat: +12 Defense 4. Boots: Name: Leather Boots Level: 5 Effect: Stat: +1 Dodge / +12 Skills Name: Quick Boots Level: 10 Effect: Cast haste on wearer at start of battle, lasts for 4 rounds Stat: +1 Dodge / +18 Skills 5. Cloak: Name: Leather Cloak Level: 1 Effect: Stat: +2 Magic Defense Name: Red Cloak Level: 5 Effect: 15% reduced to fire damage Stat: +11 Magic Defense 6. Shield Name: Buckler Level: 1 Effect: Stat: +2 Hit Points Name: Small Shield Level: 5 Effect: Stat: +20 Hit Points H. Items: 1. Potions Potions are used to heal and cure statuses, though some potions can cause effects on certain enemies or even allow the player to escape from certain situations. Name: Ella Root Type: Healing Effect: heals 10-20 HP Max Amount: 20 Name: Potion Type: Healing Effect: Heals 100-150 Max Amount: 50 2. Crystals Crystals are found off particular creatures or created using specific Items found off monsters and going to an alchemist. Name: Small Red Crystal Type: Fire Damage Effect: 20-30 fire damage, 99% chance of breaking on use Creation: 2 Drakling scales + 10GC Max Amount: 5 Name: Crushed Red Crystal Type: Fire Damage Effect: 200-300 fire damage plus burning, 75% chance of breaking on use. Creation: 2 Drake Scales + 100GC Max Amount: 10 3. Domiciles Domiciles are used to Heal all characters or to pass time, from Night to Day or the other way around also some of the more powerful ones can have other effects depending on the type. Name: Tent Type: Basic Effect: Heals HP and mana of character. Max Amount: 10 Name: Tent: Item Shop Type: Shop Effect: Heals HP and Mana of characters. also gives access to buy 5 Items from a small Item shop... lesser items available only. Max Amounts: 5 4. Eggs Eggs are only found off particular monsters, they have a range of effects from nothing to the Grand Summon. However they are one time use items. Name: Drake Egg Type: Basic Spell Effect: Casts either Stone or Torch (level 10 version) Max Amount: 15 Name: Strange Egg Type: Random Status effect Effect: All characters and monsters gain a random status effect for the duration of the battle. Max Amount: 20 5. Food Food is well food, this is used to heal characters in a general way. However Feeding a character their favorite food can have special effects... See particular food for details. Name: Hamburger Type: Beef Effect: heals 25% Max HP, next battle 2x critical chance. Max Amount: 10 Name: Sushi Type: Fish Effect: heals 25% mana, Intelligence raised +15 for 2 battles or 20 rounds. Max Amount: 10 Name: Fried Chicken Type: Chicken Effect: heals 10% hp and mana, 25% chance of dodge all physical damage for 1 battle or 12 rounds Max Amount: 10 Name: Animal Blood Type: Blood Effect: Heals 15% hp, 5% regen for 10 rounds in next battle Max Amount: 20 Name: Garden Salad Type: Salad Effect: heals 10% mana, 6% regen of mana for 5 rounds in next battle Max Amount: 15 I. Transportation: These are the modes of transportation that are available to the player, ranging from Speed Boots to Teleportation. Characters can only have a couple modes of transportation with them, a list of what can be carried or summoned is listed after each one. Speed Boots These Boots allow the party to travel 2x faster over ground terrain but the downside is they have a 50% chance more likely to be surprised due to the speed. Can be always carried. Motorcycle This vehicle allows the party to travel 3x faster however it can not go through mountain passes or snow cap areas. May only be summoned in city or airport areas. Mountain Gear This gear is located close to the end of the game and give the party the ability of climbing over mountains that were unable to scale before however its only good for mountains or snow cap areas. Can be carried at all times Car This vehicle allows the party to travel 6x faster then normal on roads, however it can not go anywhere there is no road. May only be found in cities, at inns or airport areas Train Instant travel... but can only go to select destinations. Only found at train stations Ship Allows travel across the sea, can not go near reefs or beaches that do not contain docks. Found at docks places with docks, personal ship can be summoned to current dock. Submarine Allows travel underwater, may access beaches or underwater docks. Personal submarine can be summoned to current beach or dock Dragon Allows travel through the sky, can only land in a clearing or beach type area, can not go over snow caps unless its a white dragon. A summoning horn is always available. Shadow Step This allows short jumps in areas available to them so it allows them to get across canyons, or rifts of sorts, also can be used to jump toward a destination, can not go through mountains or other forms of mountain region. Always on possession Teleportation Allows for instant access to any place previously visited, or have found the location of the place. Only found at the B.M.C. locations. Plane Can only be used at airport access, allows travel over all terrain but can only land at airports. Airship Allows access to almost any location that has a flat surface, can fly over mountains and can even travel in the sea, ultimate transportation found late in the game. Summoned with a cellphone J. Money: Money also known as Gold Coins (GC) most creatures have GC in one shape or another whether it be items that a character can't use that automatically becomes GC to save time and energy for the player. Characters have a few different ways to gain GC battles are the primary way however the system supports stocks, Gambling and other forms. 1. Battles Average money value is (A*N*3=GC) Average level of monsters x number of Enemies x 3 equals GC earned this is on the low bell curve so this effect works for all creatures under level 15 every 5 levels after 10 the multiplier goes up by one so level 20 would be (A*N*5=GC) Average level of monsters x number of Enemies x 5 equals GC. Certain enemies like bosses have their own set amount. 2. Stocks Stocks are a feature found later on in one of the bigger cities, this feature gives the character the opportunity to invest money into particular fields such as Armory, Medical, and Food. These stocks can only be slightly effected by the character which means, a character who buys a lot of medical supplies would make more money if he invested in Medical then Armory. Stock growth is a 50/50 chance so a character can gain or lose money, now depending on how much money they spend on a particular field may make it easier to make extra cash but does not guarantee that they will. Characters must also have their agent Sell their stock if they want the money back, or Buy stock if the market drops in a certain area. Every 1000 GC spent on particular Items in a stock gives a 1% toward that area but takes away 1% from the other stocks, also if a stock sky rockets, which is a 1/100 chance of happening store supplies increase, so certain items that were unavailable before become available. Mathematical increase in amount put in... So in the 50% chance listed here is the break down, 20% chance of a 10% increase in investment, 13% chance of a 15% increase in investment, 7% chance of a increase in investment, 5% chance of a 20% increase in investment, 3% chance of a 25% increase in investment, and a 2% chance of a 30% increase in investment. If a character invests more then 1 million GC and also puts them at a 99% chance of success meaning they much spend 49,000 they receive a 1% chance of doubling their investment. The mathematics go in reverse as well so other stocks go down by said amount if the stock fails. Also for stock purposes each 1% gained by the investment works its way up, so 1000 would just change 20% to 21%, 2000 would just change 20% to 21% and 13% to 14% and so on in that fashion. 3. Gambling Gambling, this is the easiest way to either gain or lose money, basic types are, Casino, and Arena. Casino, there are different type of card games ranging from black jack to slot machines, with an average turn out based on character luck and the average win ratio is 1/3 with a 1/37 of a good win, a 1/124 chance of winning big, and a 1/1545. Characters may participate in the Arena, at the risk of losing "Items", when a character goes up for to try for the arena they must wager an Item, the arena will then match the item's value with gold, or another item of equal value. if the character wins they keep both... if they lose they lose the item they were betting. Characters can bet as many Items as they want, but the more they bet the stronger the enemy. So... while 1 ella root might be 1 goblin, 10 crushed red crystals might be 2 Large Dragons. K. Growth: 1. Mana: There are 6 different scales for mana growth depending on the character path chosen; Fighter, Rogue, Mage, Battlemage, Ranger, and Monk Mage: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 110*level+variable Battlemage: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 100*level+variable Rogue: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 90*level+variable Monk: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 90*level+variable Ranger: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 80*level+variable Fighter: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 70*level+variable 2. Hit Points (HP): There are 6 different scales for HP growth depending on the character path chosen; Fighter, Rogue, Mage, Battlemage, Ranger, and Monk Fighter: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 110*level+variable Ranger: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 100*level+variable Monk: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 90*level+variable Rogue: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 90*level+variable Battlemage: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 80*level+variable Mage: Characters using this growth grow at a rate of 70*level+variable 3. Stats: Stat growth is decided by the player every 10 levels; Fighter, Rogue, Mage, Battlemage, Ranger, and Monk Every level the player gets to add 1 point to their stats they get to choose where it goes This level grid puts each character at a 5.2 increase per stat grid Strength: Strength is added to damage 1 strength equals 1 damage Dexterity: Dexterity is added to accuracy 1 dexterity equals 1 accuracy added to base accuracy + Item and dodge stat every 10 points is equal to 1% dodge factor added to the base dodge + Item Vitality: Vitality is added to HP 1 Vitality equals 1 health and every 2 points equals 1 defense added to the base defense + Item Intelligence: Intelligence is added to Magic 1 Intelligence equals 1 mana and 1 damage, and every 2 points equals 1 magic defense added to the base defense + Item Luck: Luck is added to critical chance every 25 points equals 1% which is added to the base Critical + Item 4. Path I. Fighter Strength:7 Dexterity:4 Vitality:6 Intelligence:3 Luck:5 II. Rogue Strength:4 Dexterity:7 Vitality:4 Intelligence:4 Luck:6 III. Mage Strength:3 Dexterity:6 Vitality:4 Intelligence:7 Luck:5 IV. Battlemage Strength:6 Dexterity:4 Vitality:5 Intelligence:6 Luck:4 V. Ranger Strength:6 Dexterity:6 Vitality:4 Intelligence:5 Luck:4 VI. Monk Strength:5 Dexterity:5 Vitality:5 Intelligence:5 Luck:5 5. Base Stats: Here is how the base stats are calculated when checking character stats, some items that will be found may add to different. Accuracy: Dexterity + Item Critical: 2% + Luck + Item Damage: strength + Item Defense: Vitality + Item Dodge: Dexterity + Item Hit Points: Growth + Vitality + Item Mana: Growth + Intelligence + Item Magic Damage: Intelligence + spell Magic Defense: Intelligence + Item L. Setting: 1. Time Period This game takes place 25 A.L. (After Liftoff) in where the first ship had sailed into the skies, 2. Technology This is the era when most cybernetic enhancements are taking place, meaning that most people are still relatively human and less robotic. Average human life is 150 years with most reaching their peak at around 40. Medical fields have expanded in great bounds nanites are now the best way to cure anything including the common cold. Wars don't take place on the ground anymore since A.L. happened now huge flying frigates do battle in the skies. Since technology has advanced housing has moved to teleportation, no more doors, places are now teleport only type entrances with doors only used inside and escape exits. Main modes of transportation is Magik powered trains, and planes. Though for those who are rich Teleportation is by far much faster. Airships, this was achieved by combining current ship technology with Magik runes to form a anti gravity field to lift the said ship off the ground. Weapons have gone beyond just normal, most weapons used now are based off ancient artifacts of battle each Item is made up of base minarals and then forged with Rune presses to make them stronger. 3. Magic & Monsters In the year 250 B.L. a scientist named Uskar Reflin founded a theory on Magik which used electrically charged ions in a small rune that could be stored and used at a later date these runes had different effects depending on the electrical charge and the material the rune was made of, some of the most prized were that made of etheralite which had the strongest effect. as time went on Magik became more then just a theory it became common knowledge most everyone had a type, 30 years later Uskar had found that the runes eventually conjoined with their host, almost like a symbiotic relationship. Most people were not really affected except those with etheralite runes, something in these runes had caused a chain reaction where the rune would metamorphosis the human body into a creature. Scientists looked into this and found that the effect was more rapid when attached to animals, the only problem is that the animals would breed and their offspring became feral and destroyed the research facility they were located in, causing Monsters to be born. About 25 B.L. humans began being able to cast Magik without the assistance of runes, people called this Magic because it was just like what they used only runes were not required, some humans were even known to be able to summon Monsters to assist them in battle. Those who embrace their Magik past have been known to do what is called "Splicing" which brings out the animalistic nature of the person. M. Major Towns: 1. Mavaria This town is the largest town on Galatega, it is made up of 75% human and 25% robot. Most of the people living here live an okay life... with very little poverty. this is also where the Tactical Force of Mavaria is located at. This town has a governor which is voted on once every 10 years, currently it is being led by Bakara Vustar. It is located in the Deep plains of Marr. Almost anything can be found here... if you know where to look. Currently at war with Santaga. This place contains a Casino, and the Bureau of Magical Control. Shops: Weapon(south City with permit) Armor (north City) Pharmacy(south City) B.M.C. (Upper City) Market (North City 2. Santaga This town is the second largest, made up of 50% splicers, 25% monsters,20% human, and 5% robot. Life here is hard for the humans who don't seem to liked by the splicers. The town is kept in order by their current ruler which is chosen once ever 50 years during the great fight of generals. Two years ago the leadership changed to that of Delasta of the Demon clan. This city is hidden away in the high hills of Magik. An abundance of crystals and eggs can be found in this city. Currently at war with Mavaria. This place contains a Arena 3. Lona This town is a business town, it is no faction it stays out of the war and goes on its own business, 25% splicers, 25% monsters, 25% humans, and 25% robots it is by far the most diverse of all towns, it is lead by a board of leaders each selected from a section of town, there are a total of 8 counselors with a 9th that only votes in ties. Law is very key to this town, every crime has a penalty so getting away with things is very hard in this town, this place also contains the Stock Market, and also is the location for the Medical stock. 4. Veno This town is a contruction town, it is a war torn town with factions standing on both sides, life is tough for everyone here, since the splicers control half the city and the humans controll the other half. 35% human, 15% robot, 30%splicer, and 20% monster. It is lead by two factions from the same family two sisters who govern the city one who is a splicer the other a Grand Summoner. This town is by no means poor since it produces vehicles and advanced weaponery to both sides of the war, it stays pretty calm unless someone stirs up the town then war breaks out. This place contains a construction site, which is used to build the parties air ship that will take a long time to build, it also has a stock market for Armory that is not available when the characters first visit. Vehicles can be used and rented here also purchased if characters have enough money (Mountain gear is obtained here later on.) N. Character Biography: 1. Kelsarn This young man was the top of his class in athletics always able to keep one step ahead of his enemies, he was more of a loner growing up because his father was a general in the Tactical Force of Mavara, when he turned 18 his father commissioned him to the Special Assassination Unit, his training had just begun before the unit was decommissioned due to the failure rate. Ever since then he has been working a normal job as a delivery specialist. 2. Desteration This man is a part of the Spliced Army, he commands the respect of his whole platoon with his intelligence. His main enemy is the Tactical Force of Mavara which is trying to destroy all spliced beings and bring the world back under the control of humans. Two years before the present his life was turned upside down, his commander branded him a traitor and stripped him of his power and exiled him to the Frozen Mountain 3. Kari This girl always was an A student and went to Law school, after 3 years of College she was pulled out by the Bureau of Magical Control. Since she has joined the Bureau she was given access to special Magic, with her association with them she has gained the mark of the raven which signifies that she is a part of them. She currently lives in Mavara. She also has a twin Makaria 4. Makaria This girl was a bully through high school, and never went to college. She decided to serve her city and join in the military, she is now a Tactical Assistant in the T.F.M. Unlike her sister, she was never accepted into society. She has not seen her sister in 3 years since they graduated high school, life has taken its toll her, she has spliced her genes so she can become more dominant, nobody knows that the operation has taken place, not even those who did it... 5. Vincent This man has been around far longer then possible, during the time of Magik, he had a etheralite rune attached to him, and was slightly formed into an immortal, it does not bother him that he will never age because his wife was afflicted with the same affect... except she is far less human then himself. Over the years he has become wealthy which his generous donations to charities and organizations has secured his standing in the town of Lona. He doesn't work, but instead has a large sum of money in Stocks. He once knew the great man who invented Magik, but he is far less likely to speak about it. 6. Natalie No body knows who this girl is or where she came from, but she was found in the B.M.C. Locked away in a giant Isis crystal where she had been for hundreds of years. Some say she may be the source of all Magik, or maybe why the runes began to change. O. Story: Outline: Act 1: The chance meeting Kelsarn is taking riding the train roof to deliver his package to a client in upper city Mavaria, when a Security Droid spots him, enter battle scenario. After the battle Kelsarn jumps off the train and lands flawlessly on the ground and walks away from the train toward the inner city. Walking down the streets he begins to notice that everything seems to quite for the mid-day. Moments later a loud boom can be heard as a explosion cracks the foundation of a building near the Upper city... Kelsarn notices a firetruck pulling out from one of the nearby stations, he runs along side it and jumps on to catch a ride to the situation... After arriving the T.F.M. has already arrived on the scene as people are trying to dig out the rubble to get to the people who may be alive. Enter Makaria, she is commanding everyone at the scene. Kelsarn helps move a bit of the rubble before discovering the source of he explosion. T.F.M.'s special unit moves in and throws Kelsarn back as they secure the area. Kelsarn shakes his head and continues to upper town. Kelsarn drops off his package at the clients house and then is invited in for a drink, the person who he was delivering to was his father. he went inside and talked with his father regarding what had just happened. his father tried persuading him to join T.F.M. but Kelsarn turns him down politely. After the cup of coffee Kelsarn goes to leave, but his stopped by his father and given a crystal that is said to be special (Isis Crystal). Kelsarn returns to his delivery shop to find he has another job the next morning... (players can either rest and save, or run around town and do things there.) The next morning a package is given to Kelsarn by a member of the T.F.M. and was told to deliver it to the B.M.C. Kelsarn tosses the small box in his bag and heads off. Kelsarn again takes the train... to north city (player controls to head to upper city and to B.M.C.) After reaching B.M.C. Kelsarn is stopped and asked what business he has, Kelsarn pulls out the package and shows it to the brutes, he is allowed to enter and speak with the receptionist, Kelsarn is then told to wait for the person to come for the package, he is instructed to sit on the couch (player controls either walk around and investigate closed doors, 1 door of interest, causes the crystal to glow Security asks the player to step back. after the player sits down the next part happens.) Enter Kari, Kari walks down the stairs from behind receptionist and walks over to Kelsarn, she tips up her glasses and asks why he is here, the package is explained and she then takes the package tipping him 2GC for his service.(Exit, player has control and can roam around the town, the explosive area has been cleaned up like nothing has happened, after returning home there is another job waiting for Kelsarn however he doesn't feel like looking at it and goes straight to sleep.) Kelsarn dreams of a young girl talking to him like they have known each other forever as the sit back and watch the stars loom over the city, She fades away and Kelsarn wakes up in a shock as dawn hits the city. Act 2: Trip to Lona Kelsarn is given an electronic delivery that must go to the council in Lona. After griping about the job Kelsarn has 2 options, either go by train which will be faster, or by foot which will be slower. Train: Kelsarn gets on the train as it heads toward Lona, which will take a few hours to reach its destination, Kelsarn decides to take a nap, and dreams ends up dreaming about a odd world (Kelsarn ends up in his own dream, battle encounters here count for experience.) near the end of the dungeon he runs into the girl he saw in his dream, but a darkness consumes the area and a rune can be seen in the ground as a large shadow monster attacks Kelsarn. After defeating the monster the girl reappears and hands him a necklace, and speaks in a foreign language. Kelsarn then wakes up clasping his hand, when he opens it its empty, he scoffs and shakes his head he then gets up and notices he has arrived at his destination. Foot: This travel will take a bit more time (Random encounters associated with the area.) Kelsarn goes to rest... scenario like above takes place Kelsarn reacts the same except he is in a sleeping bag, he goes back to sleep and wakes up the next up a few hours later and continues on with his journey Once reaching Lona (player is free to explore but must go to the council hall before leaving) once Kelsarn has reached the council hall he is asked to speak with one of the council members to give the parcel and electronic information to. He is directed to wait in a back office (player can look around noticing some old photos of people who are no longer around) a man enters shortly after greeting Kelsarn with great vigor, Kelsarn hands over a small box with a envelope on top of it. The man skews a look of confusion as he takes the package, he thanks Kelsarn for his service and hands him his business card. As he is leaving he is asked a question by the man. "Which is more important in life, remembering what it is like to live or knowing the path you walk?" Remembering what it is like to live Kelsarn responds with this answer the old man nods and agrees with him then goes back to analyzing the box. Knowing the path you walk Kelsarn responds with this answer the old man qwerks an eye and says "you are a very stable man" then goes back to analyzing the box. As Kelsarn leaves the building he is given a box and is told not to open it until he has arrived back home, confused at the gesture of the person giving it to him, he tosses it in his courier bag and heads back home (its to late to leave town by foot train is the only option) on the way back home Kelsarn nods off slightly and sees a large snow covered peak in his dream. Moments later the train screeches to a stop flying Kelsarn forward in the seat in front of him. A gang of splicers has stopped the train, the security guard and the Marshall on the train advise the passengers to head to the back, and orders the security guard to follow them to make sure they stay safe. Kelsarn is no where to be seen, he used his stealth ability to blend in with the shadows, he then follows the marshal to the front of the car to check on the train conductor, who is being attacked by 2 splicers the marshal charges in Kelsarn also appears from the shadow (treat as level 3 guard with white and blue magic, Kelsarn is also in this battle) After the battle the marshal thanks him for his help as they get the train moving again, Kelsarn examines the bodies of the dead splicers and notices the symbol of Santaga on them. After arriving back home Kelsarn notices 2 new delivery messages on his board, he just kinda looks at it and heads to his bedroom. Kelsarn then remembers the box and when he opens it he finds a pair of boots (speed boots). Kelsarn lays back and stares at his ceiling, before deciding to go walk around town. (player controled) Act 3: Curse of the woman After returning back home Kelsarn sleeps until the next morning, when he wakes up he is located in a room with a large crystal, with a sealed door leading out, the crystal is kind of hazy, it begins to glow brightly as he walks toward it, upon examination he notices a girl. He jumps back and lands on the ground as the crystal shatters in thousands of pieces. The girl falls to the ground as Kelsarn runs to her aid the sealed door opens up and two armored guard rush in. Enter battle, Kelsarn and fallen girl on one side and the 2 guards on the other (treat as level 5 guards with one black mage and one white mage). After the battle Kelsarn checks on the girl as an alarm sounds and more guards rush in. Kelsarn says "aww shit..." as the guards run in a bright light surrounds him and the girl and they are transported elsewhere. The guards speak on the radio and say "She has been awakened, shall we persue?" a mysterious voice responds "No that will not be required." Kelsarn and the girl arrive underground in a abandoned train station Kelsarn slowly looks around as it almost pitch black out the only thing he can see is from the aura the girl is letting out. Noticing a derailed train car and a collapsed stair case. The girl begins to wake up and screams out "Koyota!!!" and gets up and slowly walks away from Kelsarn. Kelsarn slowly walks toward the girl with his palms up and empty "Its ok, I wont hurt you." The girl quirks a look before drawing her gun from behind her back and pointing it at Kelsarn "Koyota! Niogo" she repeats multiple times pointing at the ground. Kelsarn shakes his head before stepping back into the shadows and disappears before appearing behind the girl, how ever the girl was ready for him and catchs him before throwing him to the ground and pointing the gun at his face. "OK OK!" Kelsarn exclaims holding his hands up, the girl helps him to his feet. A loud noise almost like the sound of a train makes the floor tremble. The girl runs back as Kelsarn stands there looking down the tunnel, the noise stops and the floor below Kelsarn crushes as he flies back next to the girl (Enter Large serpent) After the battle the girl laughs and says with a smile "Ko-yo-ta" perplexed by what the girl means, she points at Kelsarn at this point he is already nervous of what this girl can do. The girl grabs his hand and shakes it. (Natelie has joined the party. player can now explore the Abandoned train station. Act 4: Lost in Paradise |