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This was an RPG I was actually working on, but I haven't found much time to work on it.
Cross Swords V.15

Table of Content:

1. Updates

A. Characters
1. Kelsarn
2. Desteration Brightblade
3. Kari Susashi
4. Makaria Susashi
5. Vincent VonCreed
6. Natalie

B. Spells
1. Player Specific
I. Stealth
II. Breath
III. Flight
IV. Pack
V. Transform
VI. Dive
2. Color
I. White
II. Black
III. Blue
3. Non-Color
I. Time
II. Barrier
III. Summon

C. Skill Sets
1. Dual Wield
2. Crushing Blow
3. Search
4. Stalk
5. Hypnosis
6. Sanction

D. Status Effects

E. Weapons
1. Dagger
2. Short Sword
3. Long Sword
4. Two-handed Sword
5. Staff
6. Club
7. Gun
8. Thrown Items
9. Gauntlet

F. Monsters

G. Gear
1. Head
2. Eye Wear
3. Armor
4. Boots
5. Cloak
6. Shield

H. Items
1. Potions
2. Crystals
3. Domiciles
4. Eggs
5. Food

I. Transportation

J. Money
1. Battle
2. Stocks
3. Gambling

K. Growth
1. Mana
2. Hit Points
3. Stats
4. Path
I. Fighter
II. Rogue
III. Mage
IV. Battlemage
V. Ranger
VI. Monk
5. Base Stats

L. Setting
1. Time Period
2. Technology
3. Magic & Monsters

M. Major Towns
1. Mavaria
2. Santaga
3. Lona
4. Veno

N. Character Biography
1. Kelsarn
2. Desteration
3. Kari
4. Makaria
5. Vincent
6. Natalie

O. Story
Act 1: The chance meeting
Act 2: Trip to Lona
Act 3: Curse of the woman
Act 4: Lost in Paradise

1. Updates

Finished Act 3: and the title of Act 4:
Added in extra Skill Sets and also added in more details with status effects.
Added spells to non-color and also added in another monster.
Added a little more detail to gambling, stocks, and setting.
Added a neat little table of contents, also added spells to the colored spells... and such.

A. Characters:

Name: Kelsarn
Sex: Male
Favorite Food: Beef
Animal Sign: Panther
Skill: Dual Wield
Spells: Stealth, Time (2nd), Blue (3rd)

Name: Desteration Brightblade
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Favorite Food: ?
Animal Sign: Dragon
Skill: Crushing Blow
Spells: Breath, Barrier (2nd), Summon (3rd)

Name: Kari Susashi
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Favorite Food: Fish
Animal Sign: Raven
Skill: Search
Spells: Flight, Summon (2nd), White (3rd)

Name: Makaria Susashi
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Favorite Food: Chicken
Animal Sign: Wolf
Skill: Stalk
Spells: Pack, Blue (2nd), Black (3rd)

Name: Vincent VonCreed
Age: 306
Sex: Male
Favorite Food: Blood
Animal Sign: Bat
Skill: Hypnosis
Spells: Transform, Black (2nd), Time (3rd)

Name: Natalie
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Favorite Food: Salad
Animal Sign: Dolphin
Skill: Sanction
Spells: Dive, White (2nd), Barrier (3rd)

B. Spells:
Characters can learn spells from everyone else except player specific, however they can not learn the expansions of each spell. Take Heal for example, the character can learn heal but can not learn the double damage to undead portion of the spell. or Emerald, & Sapphire the character can learn Emerald... but not Sapphire because it is not their specialty. All spells listed with (3rd) gives the player the ability to have Half of the spells in that category have the specialty. So taking from the Example above Heal could have double damage to undead but Cleanse does not have the Immunity part or Emerald, & Sapphire can be used but Saber, & Slash can only have Saber. This is used by if a character has 2 spells 1 of those must be selected, if a character has 3 spells one must be select, if a character has 4 spells 2 must be selected and so on and so forth in that fashion, so round down to the nearest whole number (I.E. 1/2, 1/3, 2/4, 2/5, 3/6)
Also, when spells reach above level 50, times the damage by 2 no damage cap to represent mastering of elemental properties.


Level 1: This is the level the spell is recieved
Effect: This is what the spell does (I.E. damage, status effect), also if there is a expansion listed for said spell
Description: description of the details of the spell.

1. Player specific:

Level 1: Shadow Cling, Level 50 plus Shadow Mimic
Effect: +10% dodge 5 rounds, Level 50 plus +25% dodge 10 rounds
Description: Shadows slowly obscure the Characters features. Character takes a step back as shadows consume their body.

Level 10: Double Image, Level 60 plus Doppleganger
Effect: 100% chance of critical hit weapon plus variable, Level 60 plus creates an exact copy for 2 rounds that matches your moves
Description: A shimmering secondary image of the character appears during an attack, one from behind and one from the front. A dark image forms behind the character as a exact replica steps out from behind.

Level 20: Shadow Rush, Level 70 plus Death by Darkness
Effect: 200-800 plus weapon and variable induces sleep, Level 70 plus 840-2940 plus weapon and variable times 2, 33% Poison, 33% bleeding 6%hp and 2% mana, 33% sleep and silence , 1% Death.
Description: Character holds up a Chakra sign as shadows surround the target, all the shadows and the character attack the target with a piercing slice. Character begins to mumble under his breath as the surrounds become dark and turn to pitch black, eyes begin to appear from all sides as slicing sounds come from the darkness and the eyes disappear slowly as the attack happens.

Level 30: Shadow Dagger, Level 80 plus Reapers Daggers
Effect: Right hand is replaced with a Shadow Dagger, non-elemental weapon, with poison damage lasts for 6 rounds., Level 80 plus both right and left hand are replaced with the Reapers Daggers. 2 elements chosen by player, also 2 status effects chosen by player, has a +10% chance of critical lasts till the end of battle.
Description: Character tosses his current weapon behind him and holds out his hand as a shadow consumes it revealing a dark dagger. Character turns their wrist and drops their weapons, a shadow in the color of the elements chosen consumes their hands as a curved dagger appears in each hand.

Level 40: Deaths Revenge, Level 90 plus Call of the Reaper
Effect: Returns all damage recieved to attack and adds poison for 3 rounds, level 90 plus attempts to kill all enemies, if unsuccessful 900-3600 plus all status effects, plus weapon and variable x2.
Description: A Mirror like object falls infront of the character showing an image of the reaper in the mirror. The characters skin turns black and decays away as black robes cover the character a large scythe rises from the ground covered in maggots, as the character slashes the enemies.

Level 1: Water Shot, Level 50 plus Water Cannon
Effect: 20-34 water damage plus head gear and variable, Level 50 plus 1000-1700 plus head gear and variable times 3, 50% chance suffocation
Description: Characters head transforms into a dragon and launches a sphere of water. Character transform into a Demigod dragon and breaths a wall of water onto the enemy.

Level 10: Fire Breath, Level 60 plus Inferno's Rage
Effect: 200-340 fire plus head gear and variable, Level 60 plus 1200-1900 fire damage plus head gear and variable times 2, burning, extra 100-200 damage for 2 rounds of fire damage to all creatures with cloth or fur.
Description: Character's arms fly out as everything darkens behind them and a dragon head appears behind them letting out a blaze of fire. Character snaps their fingers as a large dragon flies down from the skies and scorches the enemy and the ground

Level 20: Royal Breath, Level 70 plus Changing Breath
Effect: 400-700, 134-234 Fire, 134-234 Earth, and 134-234 Lightning, plus head gear and variable, fire causes 50% chance burning, earth causes 50% chance Paralysis, lightning causes 50% chance blindness, Level 70 plus 1750-2520 divided by 3, plus head gear and variable x2, depending on element chosen, fire causes 50% chance burning, earth causes 50% chance Paralysis, lightning causes 50% chance blindness, Ice causes 50% chance Frozen, Wind causes 50% chance Silence, Water causes 50% chance Suffocation
Description: Character snaps wrist as three orbs red, green and yellow appear in his hand swallowing all of them the character changes into a small dragon matching the colors. and lets out a tri-beam of color at the target. Character flings open his cloak to reveal a set of orbs, selecting the ones that are associated with his special ability, Green(earth), Red(fire), Yellow(lightning), White(ice), Blue(water), Gray(wind) the character then swallows the selected orbs and turns into a giant dragon matching the selected colors, as he opens his mouth swirling light matching the selected colors pours out as a wave of breath consumes the target.

Level 30: Unique Breath, Level 80 plus Breath of the Ancients
Effect: 500-1220 non-elemental damage plus head gear and variable, poison and decay damage, Level 80 plus 1333-3253 non-elemental damage plus head gear and variable times 3, ignores all magic resistance, also causes mass decay on targets, upgraded Venom and sleep.
Description: Character grabs an hour glass and turns it upside down as a undead dragon partially forms and lets lose a breath of deadly proportion. The ground rattles and shakes cracking below the characters as a dragon made of bones rises from the grounds and spews out a green mist of venom.

Level 40: Guardian Breath, Level 90 plus Bahamuts Rain
Effect: Casts haste, regeneration, and Hero's call on caster, level 90 plus 2250-4500 damage to targets weakness, plus weapon and variable x2.
Description: A large armored dragon raises their head as water falls over the caster. Bahamut flies down from the skies and lands next to the targets, before letting out a beam of light that hits all targets.

Level 1: Raven Soar, Level 50 plus Dark Flight
Effect: 16-46 plus weapon and variable attack happens next round, Level 50 plus 800-2300 (weapon and variable times 3) attack happens either same or next round player choice.
Description: Character leaps in the air and disappears. Character is surrounded by dark wings, and flies into the sky.

Level 10: Levitate, Level 60 plus Flight
Effect: Character takes 0 damage from earth for 5 rounds 2 times more damage from air, 150% damage to earth creatures. Level 60 plus All characters take 0 damage for 5 rounds, 175% damage to earth
Description: Little eatheral feathers appear around the feet of the character causing them to rise from the ground. Giant wings surround all the characters and then opens up with a large gusts of wind causing them all to rise.

Level 20: Raven Call, Level 70 plus Phoenix call
Effect: +10% damage, 5% damage dealt healed, and 10% damage reduction from physical, until end of battle or death, Level 70 plus resurrects allies when summoned, 75% damage increase element changed to fire 5% chance of burning, 15% damage dealt healed, weapon induces silence, lasts 4 rounds, at the end, phoenix explodes 875-1260 fire with a 20% chance of burning
Description: Character lets out a whistle that calls a raven from the skies above to sit on the characters shoulder. Character throws a small orb of fire into the sky as a twinkle appears and the Phoenix swoops down flaps its wings around the character, causing a fire to consume the character, the phoenix lands and sits behind the character.

Level 30: Throw, Level 80 plus Astral Toss
Effect: Throws target into the sky will land next round damage taken is 510-1350 earth plus weapon and variable, Level 80 plus 1440-3600 fire damage plus weapon and variable times 2 will land next round , 50% chance of not being able to act for 2 rounds
Description: Character Judo throws the target into the sky, Character performs the same judo throw but a Giant Roc flies the target into the heavens before dropping them.

Level 40: Leap, Level 90 plus Flight of the Angels
Effect: 480-2000 Wind damage to target, also causes bleeding 4%hp and 1%mp. Level 90 Plus 1080-4500 non-elemental damage plus boots and variable x2, Casts Revive, Regen, and Hero's Call
Description: Character Leaps into the target feet first. The character grows white wings flies into the sky before a ray of light covers the field and the character flies down spreading white light over everything.

Level 1: Rat Feast, Level 50 plus Vermin Swarm
Effect: 1-3 dmg plus eye wear and variable x 5 attacks, Level 50 plus 75-100 plus eye wear and variable x 8 attacks, 40% chance of no action each round for 3 rounds
Description: Character flings their arm out as a swarm of rats rush up the enemies biting and scratching. Character lets out a vicious howl as the moon slices through the skies, Vermin run forth covering the enemy.

Level 10: Ants, Level 60 plus Insect Swarm
Effect: 150-280 plus eye wear and variable, 50% chance to silence for 5 rounds. Level 60 plus 900-1700 plus eye wear and variable times 2, 50% chance of critical, 50% chance to paralysis and silence for 5 rounds.
Description: A quick zoom into the grass reveals an army of ants crawling along the ground and up the enemy, (flying enemies means flying ants). Flying, hopping and crawling insects cover the enemies buzzing, stinging, biting,and pinching.

Level 20: Night Creatures, Level 70 plus Evils' Intent
Effect: 400-600 plus eye wear and variable, 50% chance of Rage or Confusion, Level 70 plus 1610-1820 plus eye wear and variable x 2, 50% chance of poison and rage or Mage fury and Bleeding 1%hp and 5% mana
Description: the character lets out a whistle as bats fly from behind the character into the target covering their entire body. The character raises his hands to the skies as a Giant bat swoops down from the skies above knocking the target over as little bats bite away at the target.

Level 30: Wolves, Level 80 plus Hell Hounds
Effect: 450-840 earth damage plus eye wear and variable, bleeding damage 4% hp, 2%mana for 5 rounds, Level 80 plus 1200-2240 fire damage plus eye wear and variable times 2, also causes bleeding 7%hp and 7% mana for 5 rounds, also 50% chance of burning.
Description: Character throws a pouch of dust at the target as they rub their eyes wolves begin to tear at their body, Character slices open a rift in front of them as a set of fire breathing dogs step out from the rift and lunge at the target.

Level 40: Elephants, Level 90 plus Ancient Spirits
Effect: 600-1120 wood damage also causes confusion, 25% chance for a second attack plus eyewear and variable x2, Level 90 plus 1440-2610 Fire Damage 5% chance of death, burning and blind, 30% chance of a second attack plus eyewear and variable x3.
Description: Sound begins to go dead as large elephants charge from the side of the targets trampling them. The character rises high into the sky as a ring appears begin them, fire begins to spit out from it and fire spirits fly out from behind and pelt the target.

Level 1: Grey Bats, Level 50 plus Vampire Bat
Effect: +7% damage back to health, +2% dodge for 5 rounds, Level 50 plus +15% health and mana based on damage, plus +6% dodge for 8 rounds
Description: Character begins to fall apart into small bats flying. Character folds out their cloak dissipates into the shadows, eyes glowing through the shadows as the bat emerges from the darkness.

Level 10: Howl, Level 60 plus Demon Wolves
Effect: Turns character into a wolf +5% damage, half damage from ice and earth, 200% damage from fire and Light, regen 2%, lasts 4 rounds. Level 60 plus, party turns into a pack of wolves, pack attack on first round melee damage done from all characters added together heal 15% hp and mana whole party, +10% damage, no damage from dark, half damage from ice and earth, triple damage from light, double damage from fire, regen 5% each round, lasts 6 rounds
Description: Character gets on all fours and begins to howl at the moon, teeth cracking out as they extend and back hunching has fur covers all armor and materials. Shadows cover the party as the sound of tearing flesh begins to resound through the air as the darkness begins to subside the eyes burn hot through the darkness and the attack begins.

Level 20: Viper, Level 70 plus Grand Viper
Effect: +20% damage, 5% defense and dodge, 20% chance to poison, can not cast spells lasts 6 rounds. Level 70 plus 75% damage, 2 attacks, 30% chance to poison, can not cast spells lasts 6 rounds
Description: the character's arms slowly pull into the body, legs begin to conjoin into a type of tail, the character lets out a loud hiss as the transformation completes. A wall of earth surrounds the character and loud hissing and biting sounds come from the inside before cracking open and a large snake 2x the size of the character appears.

Level 30: Demon, Level 80 plus Hells' Guardian
Effect: attack changes to Lightning ball 300-750 plus variable, also gains a 1% chance of death for 8 rounds, Level 80 plus character turns AI control, 75% chance of attacking with Lightning ball with paralysis effect, 24% chance to Cast Hells Gate 528-1733 plus every status effect on the enemies, except Death, 1% chance to cast death lasts for 10 rounds
Description: The camera zooms in on the character his skin begins to grow pale and gain a dark reddish color. Quick zoom the the characters eye as a fire can be seen deep inside as the sounds of chains breaking causes the character to let out a loud roar and A large Demon appears where the character is. Hells Gate- character reaches into the ground and pulls out a locked gate that opens it up and a gray mist begins to pour out from the gate.

Level 40: Dragon, Level 90 plus Vampire
Effect: 400-1000 metal damage plus variable, bleeding, fire breath usable once for 600-1200 damge plus variable, for 8 rounds. Level 90 plus 1012-2475 non elemental damage plus weapon and variable, Life drain does damage equal to health missing, heals health and adds 10% to damage their after character will not die if they hit 0 hp until transformation ends, lasts for 4 rounds
Description: Character drops to the ground as large wings sprout from thier back, their hands turning into sharp metal like claws, face slowly distorting into a shape like a dragon, armor gets absorbed into the body and the transformation is complete showing a red dragon where the character once was. Character lets out a sinister laugh as the area around the character shatters like a mirror the characters eyes glow bright red and their skin turns a pale gray as the world shifts to night (if it was not night fall already) large fangs begin to petrude from the characters mouth, and their hands become claw like.

Level 1: Earth Sink, Level 50 plus Earth Rend
Effect: 10-25 dmg plus boots and variable +7% defense , Level 50 plus 1000-1500 plus boot and variable, no damage until next turn, then 50% dmg then, 25% dmg, unless wind attack used then full damage and loss of damage reduction.
Description: Character sinks into the earth and strikes from below the enemy. Character Dives into the earth with the ground shattering up in a triangular split Slashing the enemy with razor like fins on their back, covered in diamond dust from the ground below.

Level 10: Spin Dive, Level 60 plus Deep Sea Skewer
Effect: 180-280 metal damage plus weapon, boots and variable, bleeding 2% health for 3 rounds. Level 60 plus 1080-1750 water damage plus weapon, boots and variable, 50% chance blind and slowed for 4 rounds, 50% chance suffocation and decay for 4 rounds.
Description: Character leaps toward the enemy and spins into them. The area fills up with water as the character attacks from 4 different sides in the water (already water filled areas will not change)

Level 20: Harpoon, Level 70 plus Charge
Effect: 400-540 metal damage plus weapon and variable 15% chance of staying for an extra round, Level 70 plus 1400-1890 plus weapon and variable x2 burning with 15% chance of staying an extra round, or shrapnel 200-300 for 2 rounds
Description: Character reaches and grabs their walkie-talkie and speaks into it a moment later a harpoon flies from nowhere striking the target. Character reaches for their walkie-talkie and speaks into it, a moment later a red dot appears on the target as a small missile flies into the target.

Level 30: Water Way, Level 80 plus Old World
Effect: weapon damage changes to water also a wall of water that add 20% physical and magical defense for 4 rounds, Level 80 plus party weapon change to water based also enemy weakness changed to water for 4 rounds
Description: Character holds up their weapon as a pool of water pours out of it covering it in a liquid sheen the pool of water turns into a solid wall in front of the character. Character holds up a old rune with markings of Magik on it, white water pours down on the characters and the enemies.

Level 40: Ancient Water, Level 90 plus Pool of Life
Effect: Revives target at full health also ives a 10% increase to defense for 6 rounds, Level 90 plus Revives all characters at full health, characters not dead get a 50% chance to revive if they are killed, also hp is increased by 15% on all characters with immunity to status effects for 8 rounds all water damage is also null.
Description: Character reaches into their pocket and pulls out a small crystal and feeds it to the target. Character closes their eyes as old Magik runes encase the character a pure white liquid pours over the party encasing them in a white film of pure water.

2. Color:

Level 1: Heal
Effect: heals 17-28 dmg plus weapon and variable., level 15 plus double damage when used on undead and cures bleeding
Description: Sparks of gold light sprinkle down.

Level 5: Cleanse
Effect: Cures poison and suffocation, Level 20 plus immunity for 4 rounds for status effect
Description: Prism like bubbles float and burst around the target

Level 10: Regeneration
Effect: 5% health back every round based off max HP for 8 rounds, Level 25 plus increases to 9% health back every round based off max HP for 8 rounds
Description: A faint aura of white envelopes the character causing them to glow slightly for the duration

Level 15: Revive
Effect: Brings target back to life, at 5%hp and mana, level 30 plus still revives but at 50% hp and mana (unless mana was less upon death)
Description: Characters hand glows white as the touch the fallen target bringing them back to life.

Level 20: Divine Strike
Effect: 250-590 non-elemental damage plus weapon and variable, Level 35 plus 15% chance to charm.
Description: White needles fly into the target.

Level 1: Rock
Effect: 15-28 earth damage plus weapon and variable, Level 15 plus paralysis 50% for 3 rounds
Description: Character conjures up a small rock that shoots forth from their hands hitting the target.

Level 5: Torch
Effect: 100-110 fire damage plus weapon and variable and Burning status effect, level 20 plus 30-40 fire damage for 4 rounds
Description: A cone of fire emanates off the wielders finger as it is flung off at the target.

Level 10: Ice Orb
Effect: 180-250 Ice damage plus weapon and variable and Frozen status effect, Level 25 plus Decay for 5 rounds
Description: Character reaches up to the sky as snow begins to fall in the shape of an orb, the orb then bursts into shards cutting apart the target. Ice encases around he decayed object

Level 15: Lightning
Effect: 150-495 lightning damage plus weapon and variable also chance of paralysis effect, Level 30 plus 15% + critical chance of striking twice.
Description: Character calls down a bolt of lightning from the skies

Level 20: Wind Slice
Effect: 260-600 wind damage plus weapon and variable, Level 35 plus Causes bleeding 3%hp
Description: Large wind made blades fly down cutting the target.

Level 1: Grenade
Effect: 12-22 fire damage, plus 1-3 dmg for 3 rounds plus eye wear and variable, Level 15 plus elemental selection available
Description: Character reaches in a back pouch and pulls out a grenade, tossing it at their enemies causing damage and shrapnel

Level 5: Multistrike
Effect: 2 hit attack each doing 75% damage at 80% of accuracy, level 20 plus 4 attacks 50% each at 75% accuracy, level 40 plus 6 attacks 50% at 70% accuracy
Description: Weapon glows a faint color of dark red. Weapon glows a crimson red. Weapon glows multicolor.

Level 10: Venom
Effect: Target is afflicted with Poison, level 25 plus character heals equal to the damage given to the target via poison for 3 rounds or cured
Description: Character reaches from behind and throws a Venomous creature at the target. A thin thread connects the target with the victim that glows red each round for healing

Level 15: Hero's call
Effect: +15% damage and defense but controlled by AI for 6 rounds, Level 30 plus character no longer under AI control
Description: A ghostly set of armor sets around the character.

Level 20: Princess Kiss
Effect: 200-560 plus variable to mana, also causes charm 15%
Description: Character blows a kiss at target.

3. Non-Color:

Level 1: Shadow
Effect: +5% to dodge for 5 rounds, Level 15 plus +10% accuracy
Description: A basic shadow is formed in the shape of the character, The shadow becomes more real and has a look closer to the character.

Level 5: Decay
Effect: Target specific points, boot down 50% dodge, chest down 50% defense, hat down 50% int, weapon down 50% damage for 4 rounds. Level 20 plus all areas 20% down.
Description: character throws a pocket watch at target point, time slows for everything else as the watch spins rapidly around the target. A large clock appears in front of the target and spins around rapidly.

Level 10: Haste
Effect: Character receives one extra action per turn, but it can no be the same action for 4 rounds (I.E. Attack and Item, Attack and Magic, but not Item and Item, Attack and Attack, Magic and Magic.), Level 25 plus Character Receives group version of spell for 4 rounds.
Description: The target closes his eyes as the ticking of a clock slows down, Character opens their eyes as everyone else is moving slower.

Level 15: Time roulette
Effect: 15% chance to haste character, 15% chance to slow enemy, 15% chance to shadow enemy, 15% chance to slow character, 15% chance to haste enemy, 15% chance to shadow character, 10% chance to stop enemy, Level 30 plus 20% chance to haste character, 20% chance to slow enemy, 20% chance to shadow character, 20% chance to stop enemy, 10% chance to Haste party and slow enemy, 5% chance to Haste enemy and slow party, 5% chance to Decay and stop enemy.
Description: A clock with little images appears in front of the character and spins.

Level 20: Stop
Effect: Stops target for 3 rounds, character can not act.
Description: An hourglass stops above the targets head as the sand is falling and gradually stops.

Level 30: Time Stop

Level 1: Shield
Effect: 10% damage reduction to Physical for 5 rounds, level 15 plus 10% damage reduction for 5 rounds party effect, level 20 plus increases to 15% damage reduction to Physical for 5 rounds
Description: Character gets a ethereal shield attached to their arm. All party members get a ethereal shield attached to their arm.

Level 5: Magic imp, Magic box
Effect: 15% less damage from magic for 4 rounds, level 15 plus 15% all party less damage from magic 4 rounds, level 20 plus 7% less damage from magic absorbs 8% of magic damage reduced split between health and mana
Description: A magical imp is conjured that sways behind the character. A small little box rattles in front of the character.

Level 10: Guardian
Effect: 5% damage reduction for both magic and Physical for 8 rounds, Level 20 plus 5% damage reduction from both Magic and Physical for 8 rounds, level 25 plus 10% damage return for both magic and Physical added to current status for 8 rounds.
Description: A guardian spirit rests above the character, when attacked the spirit goes in front to block the partial damage. Level 25 plus the spirit slashes back at the enemy.

Level 15: Deflect, Reflect
Effect: 50% chance to take no damage from spells, Level 25 plus group version of deflect, Level 30 plus Reflect all damage back on caster, level 40 plus group version of reflect
Description: A triangular pillar of Glass lands in front of the character. A mirror like image shimmers around the character.

Level 20: Damage Shield
Effect: 100-300 metal damage to attacker.
Description: Character is surrounded by spinning blades.

Level 1: Emerald, & Sapphire
Effect: heals 20-30 plus hat and variable, also cures poison, level 15 plus adds cure decay and burning, Ice damage enemy for 450-765 plus hat and variable
Description: A creature emerges from the clouds and spreads a healing mist over the party. Two creatures emerge from the clouds as a wall of water washes over the party, and freezes on the enemies.

Level 10: Saber, & Slash
Effect: 300-510 metal damage to one target plus hat and variable, Level 25 and up all targets hit plus bleeding damage 4% health and 1% mana over 3 rounds
Description: A tiger with metal claws and a mount on his back tear through the background above the characters like a canvas and bites and claws the enemy. Characters fade out as the single slice splits the background behind the characters the tiger is being ridden by a suit of armor with a large sword, a large whirlwind swallows up the tiger and man and large metal blades spin inside as it consumes the enemies.

Level 20: Mimic, & Match
Effect: A Mimic of the Target is created and does the same action as the target equal to half the power for 6 rounds, except summons, If target was the enemy AI will take over and act on behalf of the target to best help the party. Level 35 plus Match causes the Mimic to perform at full power for the duration of the summon.
Description: A small Yellow creature appears from the background and walks toward the target and begins to examine them before transforming into a shadow of the target. A little fireball walks out after Mimic and looks at the target and Mimic then enchants mimic with colored ribbons matching the creatures colors.

Level 30: Apprentice, & Master
Effect: 700-800 elemental damage random, plus regeneration on caster, Level 45 plus element chosen to match weakness of target casts Haste, Regen and Guardian on the party.
Description: A cloaked man with a book walks from the side screen and reads from a book, then casts a spell. Walking with the Apprentice is another man with a long beard who does the same as the apprentice.

Level 40: Warrior, & War party
Effect: 1400-1840 Metal damage plus hat and variable. Level 55 plus Changes to 2 attacks instead of one.
Description: A large Knight points at the target before charging into them with their giant cleaver. Same as the first except a Archer behind the Knight Launches a large arrow into the target.

Magic damage:
The damages of both skills and magic are based off level so every level a spell gets stronger, to get base damage divide the base level by the base damage and increase the damage each level based off the one level increments hold half point damage till the next level (Example: Level 5 torch 100-110 fire damage plus weapon and variable, level 20 plus 30-40 fire damage for 4 rounds. So take torch divide the 100-110 by 5 equals 20-22, and the expansion 30-40 by 20 equals 1.5-2 so a level 23 version of the spell would be 460-506 and the expansion 34(.5)-46.

Elemental Details:
There are 8 different categories Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Metal, Water, Wind, and Wood.

Normal weakness Details

Earth <---> Wind
Fire <---> Ice
Lightning<---> Water
Metal <---> Wood

Though this can change slightly depending on creature weakness and where they are located (I.E. A creature from the plains will be more resistant to wind, earth and water but less resistant to ice, fire and lightning) specific details for creatures and characters will be listed.

C. Skill sets:

Dual Wield
The character with this skill has the ability of using two weapons there are also two different paths the character can follow, either finesse or strength. every 10 levels the character will get a skill point to put toward the said skill in dual wields case it is finesse or strength they can also mix and match, so if they choose one path they are not limited to just that single path. Starting out the character is limited to small daggers in both hands weapons deal half damage.

Level 10: Heavy Weapon (Right) and Ambidexterity
Effect: Heavy Weapon (Right) if a character goes down this path they can use small weapons such as short swords, small clubs, small guns, and sickles in their right hand only. Ambidexterity if a character goes down this path +10% accuracy and +5% defense
Description: Heavy Weapon (Right), character loses right wrist pieces of armor and gains a leather glove. Ambidexterity, character gains metal wrist guards which character uses during blocking.

Level 20: Heavy Weapon (Left) and Deftness
Effect: Heavy Weapon (Left) if a character goes down this path they can use small weapons such as short swords, small clubs, small guns, and sickles in their left hand only. Deftness if a character goes down this path they are able to add dexterity and strength into their damage (I.E. Dagger, Damage: 4-7 plus Dexterity, Strength. or Short sword Damage: 8-12 plus Strength, Dexterity) Secondary weapon gains half of the added stat (I.E. Dagger, Damage: 4-7 plus Dexterity, 1/2 Strength. or Short sword Damage: 2-5 plus Strength, 1/2 Dexterity)
Description: Heavy Weapon (Left), character loses left wrist pieces of armor and gains leather gloves with blue runes on them. Deftness, Character flips their right blade upside down.

Level 30: Extra Attack and Sharp Blades
Effect: Extra Attack 20% chance of getting an extra attack with the right hand or Sharp Blades Critical increases by 2% and critical increases to times 3
Description: Extra attack, a second attack happens if it succeeds. Sharp Blades, weapons take on a black look to them.

Level 40: Parry and Counter
Effect: Parry +10% chance to dodge attack or Counter 5% chance to counter non-magical attack
Description: Parry, Character blocks attack with crossed weapons if successful. Counter, Character lashes back at the target after the attack

Crushing Blow
The character with this skill has the ability to do extra damage there are also two different paths the character can follow, either critical or damage. every 10 levels the character will get a skill point to put toward the said skill in Crushing Blows case it is critical or damage they can also mix and match, so if they choose one path they are not limited to just that single path. Starting out the character can use crushing blow to do 1.5x damage at a 50% accuracy, critical during crushing blow is 3x

Level 10: Vital Points and Weapon Mastery
Effect: Vital Points if a character goes down this path crushing blow goes to 2x damage at 50% accuracy, critical goes to 3x unless during Crushing blow then its 4x. Weapon Mastery if a character goes down this path crushing blow goes up 15% accuracy, + 5% accuracy to normal attacks and +1% to critical
Description: Vital Points, Character gets a small visor with a targeting retical over the left eye, that displays vital points on target. Weapon Mastery, characters weapons gain a blue edge that glows faintly, character also gains leather bound gloves

Level 20: Pressure Points and Sharpened Blade
Effect: Pressure Points if a character goes down this path they get the choice of 2.5x damage at 50% accuracy or 3.5x damage, normal accuracy gains +5% and critical goes up +2%. Sharpened Blade if a character goes down this path the Crushing blows goes up +5% accuracy, +10% normal damage.
Description: Pressure Points, Character presses specific points on his right arm before going into battle. Sharpened Blade, Character's weapon becomes shiny like a mirror.

Level 30: Element and Added Effect
Effect: Element allows the character to choose the type of damage for crushing blow or Added Effect adds on one random status effect to crushing blow and a 15% chance to a normal attack
Description: Element, character pours a glowing liquid on the weapon before attacking. Added Effect, Weapon goes black on attack if successful.

Level 40: Mental Focus and Rend
Effect: Mental Focus Spell and magic critical goes up to x4 or Rend strength stat is double for damage with weapon 50% of the time and quadruple during crushing blow.
Description: Mental Focus, Character wears a head band with a third eye on it. Rend, Characters Muscles bulge when they attack

Damage based off game hours...

The character with this skill has the ability to do find things there are also two different paths the character can follow, either self or enemies. every 10 levels the character will get a skill point to put toward the said skill in searches case it is them selves or enemies they can also mix and match, so if they choose one path they are not limited to just that single path. Starting out the character with search gets Analysis and Spot, Analysis spots Enemy HP, excluding bosses. Spot finds useful items, Mundane (I.E. potions, tents, food). based off eye wear and variable

Level 10: Encyclopedia and Pet Raven
Effect: Encyclopedia if a character goes down this path Analysis is able to spot mana, elemental alignment, and species. Pet Raven if a character goes down this path Spot can find better items, Rare (half elixirs, H-mana potions, revives, and multiples of the mundane) 25% chance rare 75% chance normal
Description: Encyclopedia, Character has a leather bound tome hanging from their side that they read from when Analysis is cast. Pet raven, A small raven flies up into the air when Spot is cast, and lets out a loud squawk when items are found.

Level 20: Monsterpedia and Treasure map
Effect: Monsterpedia if a character goes down this path Analysis is able to get weakness and one special attack. Treasure map if a character goes down this path increased chance to find items eye wear and variable x2.
Description: Monsterpedia, the Encyclopedia changes into a steel bound tome with a monster on its side. Treasure map character pulls this out of their pocket when they go to use Spot.

Level 30: Laptop and Item Guide
Effect: Laptop character can see full weakness and attack details of target. Item Guide this increases the chance of rare items to 49% chance and 50% chance normal with a 1% chance to find unique items (Full Elixers, Special Weapons, special armor)
Description: Laptop, Monsterpedia disappears and a laptop appears on their side. Item Guide, a large book replaces the Treasure Map.

Level 40: Magic Gauntlet and Item Detector
Effect: Magic Gauntlet Allows the character to see bosses as well. Detector increases chance of finding items, eye weare and variable x3
Description: Magic Gauntles, Replaces the laptop and they get a gauntlet on their arm. Detector, character gets a small detecting device that replaces the Item guide.

The character with this skill has the ability to do Stalk the enemy there are also two different paths the character can follow, either Concealment or befriend. every 10 levels the character will get a skill point to put toward the said skill in Stalks case it is Concealment or befriend they can also mix and match, so if they choose one path they are not limited to just that single path. Starting out the character with stalk gets Cover and Find Ally. Cover gives character 25% chance of finding cover, the cover will add 5% defense and 5% dodge for 3 rounds. Find Ally character disappears and returns the next round, with a 50% chance to find a ally 1/2 level, animal only for 4 rounds

Level 10: Chameleon and Beasts
Effect: Chameleon if a character goes down this path Cover increases chance of hiding to 50% and increases to 7% defense and 7% dodge for 4 rounds. Beasts character can now also get creatures from the beast class
Description: Chameleon, Characters clothing slightly changes to match the tone of the area they are in. Character gets a leather pouch on their hip that has the picture of a beast on it.

Level 20: Hide and Dragon
Effect: Hide if a character goes down this path Cover increases chance of hiding to 60% and increases to 10% defense and 10% dodge for 5 rounds. Dragon if a character goes down this path dragons are available for ally.
Description: Hide Character gains a mask of the fox on their head which they pull down when they use Cover. Dragon character gains a patch on their arm in the dragon symbol shape.

Level 30: Perfect Cover and Strong Ally
Effect: Perfect Cover 5% chance of giving 100% defense and dodge increase for 4 rounds, Strong Ally allows player to choose a stronger ally (same level as character) for half the amount of rounds.
Description: Perfect cover, if successful characters fox mask glows black and turns character into a shadow fox for duration. Strong Ally, no difference except a larger creature arrives.

Level 40: Party Cover and Magical Beasts
Effect: Party cover gives the whole party a base version of Cover, Magical beasts allows the character to summon magical beasts as a ally.
Description: Party cover, Character throws up a cloud of dust and leaves that covers the party. Magical beast, Character gains a wrist piece in the shape of a serpent.

The character with this skill has the ability to use hypnosis there are also two different paths the character can follow, either Ally or Enemy. every 10 levels the character will get a skill point to put toward the said skill in Hypnosis case it is Ally or Enemy they can also mix and match, so if they choose one path they are not limited to just that single path. Starting out the character with Hypnosis gets Suggestion and Trance. Suggestion the character can suggest 3 options cast spell, attack, and run. but can only affect humanoid creatures 15% chance of working. Trance sends ally into a trance, status effects will not land and any on character currently will not affect them until its over, lasts 5 rounds.

Level 10: Creatures and Restore
Effect: Creatures if a character goes down this path it expands the control field of suggestion to all non-magical creatures. Restore if a character goes down this path their ally heals 5% health and 1% mana for duration of the trance
Description: Creatures, a gold Medallion with a lion on the front of it used during suggestion. Restore, a pouch around the upper thigh appears with a red cross on it.

Level 20: Magical Creatures and Anger
Effect: Magical Creatures if a character goes down this path Suggestion is expanded to Magical creatures also increases by 5% chance of success. Anger if a character goes down this path they gain 50% damage and 10% defense but can not cast spells and takes double damage from magic for the duration plus 1 round.
Description: Magical creatures, the character gains a glowing ring with the picture of a beast on it. Anger, the pouch on the upper thigh gains a black skull under the cross.

Level 30: Greater Suggestion and Keen Eye
Effect: Greater suggestion chance of working increases to 30% and can do Drop Item. Keen Eye increases critical chance increases to 50% for duration of trance
Description: Greater Suggestion, character keeps eye contact with target while casting suggestion. Keen Eye, the skull on the pouch changes to one large eye.

Level 40: Dragons and Ignore Death
Effect: Dragons, Character can use suggestion on dragons. Ignore Death, Character will not end until end of trace even if they are supposed to
Description: Dragons, nothing changes. Ignore Death, target's eyes grow white almost like a zombie.

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