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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1638055
a fantasy tale of archangels, aerewolves (wolves that fly) and romance. :)
Part 10 of 18Title
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"NOW, I SUPPOSE YOU TWO WOULD BE MORE interested in what was going on in the throneroom at this time." Mallory's audience nodded eagerly. "That's what I thought. Well, according to Grandfather, the king flew into a rage not even his children had seen the likes of. The four others were afraid to be in the same room as him. No one had ever stood up to him like I had, pointed out the flaws that everyone knew were there. That probably was the true reason he didn't want Ash and I there. We were not influenced by his kingly powers, so we were free to speak as we liked. He ordered all the doors locked so I couldn't come back inside, not that it would have stopped me if I actually wanted to come back. Grandfather told me it was over an hour before he would even allow Makenzi and Lux out
"When they were finally released, Lux, Makenzi and Nichol all expressed an interest in meeting my brother and I again. Grandfather was more than happy to oblige. We had not strayed far; they found us beneath one of the arches lining the corridor outside the throneroom. I admit, it was the furthest away from the door, but we were afraid that we would never find anyone again if we went further.
"I was surprised to see the three of them. Lux, in the small time I had known him, seemed like a very proud and loyal person. I could only assume his sister was the same. And from what I knew of love, I thought Nichol would follow Makenzi anywhere. Since then, I have learned that all those things are true. So what surprised me most was the fact they had chosen to learn more about me than stay with their father.
"'Will you really be able to teach me to project a vision like you did back in the throneroom?' Lux asked excitedly, folding himself onto the tiles beside me.
"'If you pay attention.'
"Nichol chuckled. 'You may as well give up now, Lux.'
"Lux rolled his eyes as Makenzi asked, 'Is it true both of you were exiled from your village?'
"'Very true,' Ash said. 'All because I was a little different.'
"'That's horrible,' muttered Lux.
"'It's the only way they know how to act,' I said. 'There hasn't been anything other than Skiteriah, Jururgan and aerewolves for millennia. There isn't a higher authority in the village to go to for advice, so they solve the problem the only way they how. By getting rid of it.'
"'Don't you feel bitter at all?' Nichol pressed.
"Ash replied this time. 'People in the wilderness don't think like cityfolk do. We both have different ways of tackling our problems. I am part of a tragically rare variation of archangel, one that many have never even guessed at, let alone had one as a member of their village. I do not hold their decision against them, for I would have done the same in their position.'
"'Rare variation. . . ,' Makenzi murmured. Her eyes widened as she realised what he was saying. 'You mean there's more Jururgan with black wings?'
"Ash and I inclined our heads at the same moment. Silence fell for a moment as everyone digested our words. Then Lux shattered it by asking if we could start his magic training.
"'We could do it in secret,' he added when he saw my shocked expression. 'Father doesn't have to know.'
"I smiled. I liked the sound of that.
"So over the next four months, Lux spent every spare moment training with Ash and I. We were given rooms in the furthest wing away from the king's chambers and spent most of the day there, so we wouldn't run into anyone who may want our heads on a platter.
"We weren't lonely, though. Makenzi, Nichol and Lux visited every day, and we became good friends quickly. Of course, the king eventually found out about it, but he was too scared to do anything."
Mallory paused for a long time, as if she was trying to think of a way to word what she wanted to recount next. By now, they had finished the painting of the walls and were lounging on her bed.
"When we were about half-way though Lux's training, another girl came to the palace, one with blonde hair and the classic blue eyes. We watched her from a distance for the first few days and wondered at her presence. She met with the king frequently, more frequently than normal. Grandfather told us the king was trying to keep her as far away from the rest of us as possible.
"We were enlightened after a month and a half, when the novelty of having a new girl had finally worn off. Lux and I were walking through the corridors, on our way to meet Ash. As we turned a corner, we bumped into the unknown girl. She immediately began to apologize, until she saw her faces.
"It was obvious she had never seen us before, even though we had seen her. She knew who were, though. Her eyes went straight to Lux, wide and full of fright.
"'Lux,' she breathed. Quick as a flash, she turned on her heel and sprinted in the opposite direction. Lux and I glanced at each other in confusion, unsure if we should follow her. After a seconds hesitation, he ran off in pursuit while I turned back to tell the others of our discovery. They were all as confused as I was. Except for Grandfather, who looked like he knew something we didn't. When I pressed him to tell me what it was, he simply shook his head and told me I would find out soon.
"He was right. After a few hours, Lux returned and asked me to come outside with him. I could feel worry and reluctance rolling off him in waves. It took me a moment to realise the reluctance was to say whatever he wanted to in front of the rest of our friends, not me.
"Grandfather had a warning in his eyes as I exited the room. I wasn't sure what he was warning me about, though, so I dismissed it.
"Lux had his back to me when I found him in the corridor. I sat beside him and waited until he spoke. As I waited, I thought that it was odd he had chosen to speak to me about whatever he had discovered over his sister. It was obvious he was upset over something that was most likely to do with the new girl. Lux and I were close, but if I was distressed, nine times out of ten I would have gone to Ash for comfort.
"I don't know how long we sat there before he spoke. He started hesitantly, as if he was embarrassed, but by the end of his first sentence the shakiness was gone.
"'Well, I followed the girl all the way to my father's chamber. I wasn't really paying attention to where we were going, so I didn't realise until I burst into the room after her. Father was perched on one of his armchairs without a servant in sight. Like he had been expecting us.
"'So you've finally met Gwen,' he said, clapping his hands together. 'Now I can explain myself. You see, I've noticed you spending a lot of time with that female archangel lately, more than even Makenzi. So I decided to take matters into my own hands, by protecting the royal bloodline and our borders at the same time!'
"'I simply stared at him. He shrugged and continued. 'Gwen here is from the northernmost parts of Kurong, those on the brink of rebellion. I promised them peace and prosperity for even their grand children's children, if they just gave me a single daughter. I told them only one of theirs would do, for they were the most perfect specimens in the land. I'm sure you can understand why I wanted such a girl, son.'
"'I took me but a moment to realise what he meant. He wants to marry me off, Liss, like some pig off to slaughter.' He turned to face me for the first time since I had joined him. 'I don't want to get married. I'm only seventeen. I'm not ready.'
"He looked so sad and desolate that I couldn't help but lean into his side, as a comforting gesture. He put an arm around me after a moment. We remained that way for several minutes, watching the sunset, until Lux spoke again.
"'You know, it's my father's birthday next week. Would you like to go with me?'
"I didn't answer straight away. He seemed to take my silence as a response and added quickly, 'I mean, there aren't that many girls around here, and I can hardly take my sister. Plus you're- '
"I reached up and put my hand over his mouth to stop his next words. 'I would love to go with you, Lux. But wouldn't the king expect you to go with Gwen?'
"He grimaced. 'I suppose, but I would feel more comfortable with you. I know nothing of her but her name. Besides, you would be more likely to try and disguise my mistakes. Dancing has never been my strong point.'
"I laughed and pulled him to his feet as I stood. 'That's something we're going to have to change,' I said.
"'Here?' he asked, looking around nervously.
"I laughed again. 'Since when does Lux, prince of aerewolves, care what anyone thinks?'
"He frowned indignantly and came forward. Luckily dance had been taught from a very early age in my village, and by the time Ash and I were exiled, I was quite proficient.
"Lux proved to be a horrible dancer. I lost count of the amount of times he stood on my toes."
"Sounds like someone else we know," Lucien interceded, elbowing Jet in the ribs. Jet only rolled his eyes. Mallory opened her mouth to continue when Nate walked through the door.
"It's taking way too long to tell this story," he said, sitting beside Mallory. "You guys have been here for ages. So I've decided to tell you my summary of the rest and you can ask Mallory for details later. The Bonfire's on tonight."
"Oh, crap," Lucien said, clapping a hand against his forehead. "I totally forgot about that."
Nate grinned. "Okay, so we all go to the ball, Elissa fall in love with Lux and Gwen falls in love with me, which made the king really angry but he got killed in the massive war that happened because the Skiteriah killed the two aerewolves and the Jururgan kid, like in the vision Elissa and I conjured when we first came to the palace. So Lux was king and we all lived happily ever after. End of story. Let's go."
Mallory laughed. "I think you guys just heard a description of the first Immortal War in less than twenty words. That is a gift in itself." [A/N: i counted the less than twenty words thing MY WAY so if you can be bother counting the words and get something different that I did... WHO GIVES A DAMN?]
"I try," Nate said with a shrug.
Lucien looked at his watch. "Shoot, guys, we've gotta go. Bonfire's in fifteen minutes."
"What's this Bonfire?" Mallory asked as she magicked a coat out of thin air and hurried after them.
"Our school assembly," Lucien said.
"Only ten times less boring," added Jet.
"You'll see when we get there," supplied Nate.
"I hope Yasmyn saved us seats," Lucien muttered as the joined the end of a long line of other students.
"She told me she was going to," said Nate.
For such a lengthy queue, it moved surprisingly quickly. Once they were through the door, Mallory gasped when she saw the size of the bonfire in the courtyard outside. It stood at least five metres into the air, its orange flames licking the night sky. She hadn't realised it had grown so dark outside. She, Jet and Lucien must have been talking for hours.
They saw Yasmyn waving frantically from one of the tall stands set up around the fire. Immediately Mallory headed toward her, but Nate grabbed her wrist.
"It's customary for everyone attending the Bonfire to add some wood to the fire," he murmured, nodding to the pile of short logs beside the flames.
Once the four had added their log to the bonfire, they joined Yasmyn, Aleisha, Jack and Lilian. Nate pulled Aleisha onto his lap when the seat proved too small for all eight of them. Mallory smiled at the familiar sight.
A hush fell of the collected student body as Markus appeared in front of the bonfire.
"Children of Himatan!" he called into the silence. "Today we are gathered not just in an informative meeting, but a celebration of our ancestors, those who made it possible for us to live the way we do. All of you will have been born in the Aboveland, so cannot appreciate how similar life is to the way it was in the Belowland, Kurong, true homeland of both the aerewolf and the archangel."
A low hiss of distaste carried through the crowd at the mention of 'archangel'. Both Nate and Mallory flinched slightly at the noise.
Markus' eyes flicked to them for a moment. To Jet his expression was almost as if he shared their pain. "But we are not here to be dragged down by thoughts of our enemies. We are here to enjoy the pleasure of our cousins, however distant they might be. But, as always, we must first defer to Professor Harke, who has the usual informative pieces he presents."
There was a brief span of talk as Professor Harke came forward, but when he stood in position it died away almost as quickly as it had for Markus.
Mallory found her attention wandering as lots of meaningless dates and payments were spoken of. Her mind eventually wandered to the story she had been telling this afternoon. Deep down she was glad Nate came when he did, because she wasn't sure of how she would have told Jet and Lucien about her and Lux first announcing their love without bursting into tears or throwing herself at Jet, the more unlikely outcome. But she knew better than to question it. Nate had probably been waiting outside the door since the bell had rung, just so he could intervene before she reached touchy subjects. They weren't twins for nothing.
She was drawn back to the present by Markus' voice filling the air once more. "And now we have come o the end of the more formal part of our meet. Now it is time to do what those of your age do best. Have fun!"
Almost immediately after he had finished speaking, music was playing through large, expensive-looking speakers. Mallory recognised the song; it was something by the Black Eyed Peas. She found herself nodding in time with the beat, which surprised her. She had been lingering far too much on depressing thoughts today. So much, in fact, that she found it hard to believe she had room for having fun amongst all the sadness.
Jet appeared in front of her, proving an effective distraction.
"May I have this dance?" he asked, with a bow that mismatched the circumstances so much it made her laugh.
She took his offered hand. "Of course you may."


Abilities Learned Are
Not Always Useful

The next day, Jet was shocked to find Mallory waiting outside the room he and Markus used for his magic training. No one knew where it was but the two of them, so Markus must have set this up. Jet wasn't complaining, however. It's not every day you get to train with a Jururgan god.
"Are you ready?" Mallory asked.
Jet nodded. He had no idea how to prepare for whatever she was going to throw at him, anyway.
"Good. Defend yourself."
Before he even had time to think, Mallory threw a ball of her orange magic at him. He tried to throw up a barrier but he didn't have enough time before the magic was upon him. he braced himself for the impact, but was still tossed across the room by the force.
"Was that really necessary?" Nate asked as he emerged from the shadows in one corner. "Markus told us where he was up to."
"Your criticism is not appreciated, brother," she said. "Don't be bitter because you chose to sit out."
Nate only rolled his eyes in response.
Jet was prepared when Mallory turned to face him again. She found her next bolt of magic blocked, and the following, and the one after that. She frowned. He was closer to reaching his full strength than she'd realised.
"Enough," she said. "You seem to be an accomplished defender. Let's see if your offence is as up to standard."
She beckoned to him, and Jet smiled a little as he attacked her. He threw a quick succession of different magics at Mallory, hoping to get her back for knocking him down earlier. He wasn't going to let her be better that him at magic as well.
He watched in amazement as she deflected each of his blows, flowing through each pose with a grace that rendered him speechless.
She grinned when the air in front of her was clear. "I'm not that easy to take revenge on, am I?"
Jet rolled his eyes. "You're sure full of yourself, though."
Both he and Nate laughed at her mortified expression.
"It seems someone isn't afraid of gods," Nate called, earning himself a glare from Mallory.
Soon she turned back to Jet, but there was still anger in her eyes.
Great, Jet thought. I'm in trouble now.
"You're good at the basic principles of attacking and defending," she began, smiling a little. "This has allowed you to use more complex spells and hexes. But I assume you have yet to use these in a battle environment."
Jet opened his mouth to protest that he had used his powers in such an environment, but realised she could probably sense when being lied to. Mallory, however, had taken his silence as an answer.
"i didn't think so," she murmured to herself. Raising her voice, she added, "I found that the easiest way to learn how to attack and defend was to be put in a situation that makes you do exactly that."
"Wait. . . now?" Jet asked, in a tone that told Mallory he was more tired that he had let on.
"Now," she confirmed. Her smile widened. "Nate, you can watch for mistakes. From either of us."
That made Jet grin as they both moved into position. They stood staring at each other for a long time, each waiting for the other to make a move. Then, in a sudden rush of movement, Jet and Mallory attacked. The room lit up in fantastic oranges and blues as the two balls of magic collided in the centre.
Mallory reacted faster when the air cleared. Before Jet could concentrate upon her again, he found himself unable to move. He cursed under his breath.
"Try and get out of that one, Jet," Mallory teased.
Closing his eyes, Jet moulded a large amount of magic into a small ball inside him. After a moment he let it explode outward, shattering Mallory's spell. She froze with surprise.
He took advantage of her shock by firing another attack at her immediately. It looked as if it was going to hit her, but with a swipe of her hand she deflected it at the last moment.
They continued on in this manner for quite some time, long enough for Jet to think Mallory never tired, or she was invincible.
Eventually, Mallory faltered. Jet leaped upon the opportunity and threw the strongest ball of magic he could muster at her. But instead of knocking her down, like both he and Nate had expected, she straightened and caught the ball before it could hit her.
She span away with the momentum of the magic, raising into the air slightly as she did so. When she faced him again, she threw it at Jet, who was too shocked to defend himself. Yet again he sailed through the air, crashing into the floorboards ten feet away from where he had been standing.
A flash of white-hot anger flowed through him, raw and undiluted. She was meant to be teaching him, not trying to see how many times she could knock him down. Markus made a mistake in making Mallory his teacher. She was only concerned with showing how almighty she was, all because she was a goddess.
All these thoughts and more flooded Jet's mind, crushing the rational thoughts until he thought there was no way Mallory could have other motives. It was not possible.
He rose to his feet, stalking back to his position. He watched Mallory take an involuntary step backward, away from the burning rage he was sure was blazing in his eyes. Her gaze flicked to Nate for a second. That was all Jet needed to attack.
He drew some strange words from the bottom of his mind, ones he didn't remember learning. He muttered them under his breath and six arrows constructed of black fire leapt into existence before him. Mallory and Mate gaped at him, recognition flaring in both their faces.
"Jet. . ." Mallory began. Jet released his arrows before she could finish.
They split the air between the two of them with an ease that was clearly beyond even normal magic. She threw up multiple barriers in a last desperate bid to stop them, but they all seemed to know there was no stopping them now. All three of them held their breath as the arrows slid through Mallory's barriers and embedded them in several places around her body. She gasped and stumbled backward, scratching at the places the arrows had passed into her. She seemed to look at Jet with an accusing expression before she collapsed.
All of Jet's anger disappeared as Mallory's limp form hit the ground. He stepped forward to help her, but Nate was at her side before his foot hit the ground again.
He lowered his head to her chest, listening for her heartbeat, then gathered her into his arms. He glared at jet with a mixture of anger and disgust that rendered him speechless, even when Nate asked, "What have you done?"
With a hateful toss of his head, Nate released his wings and sprung from the ground, soaring through the open skylight above. Jet remained frozen where he was. A single question repeated itself again and again in his mind; what had he done?
Where had such powerful magic come from? Why were those words even in his mind to begin with? There was no way he had learnt them in class, or with Markus, so the only logical explanation was that his incredible anger had shaken them loose from a memory of one of his past lives.
That brought him back to the rage. He had never felt an emotion so strongly before. Why had Mallory caused it? There was definitely more to it than being jealous of her abilities, or annoyed that he wasn't learning anything.
Jet thought of the night before, when he and Mallory had danced and talked like they had known each other for years. They had gotten along so well it was almost impossible he had released the magic he had against her. But it had happened. Mallory was unconscious somewhere to prove it.
Laying down on the floorboards, he looked through the skylight without actually seeing. His mind was too busy reliving the past few minutes. Or, perhaps a better explanation, searching for them. All he could recollect for the past five minutes was nothing. It was as if another person had come into his mind and controlled him for a time, leaving no memory behind. Of course, Nate would never believe such a theory, and he was bound to question him about the attack. Unless one of them asked Yasmyn to check his memory. Jet smiled, happy with his solution.
The sun was low in the sky, plunging the room into near-darkness when Jet finally sat up again. He realised he had fallen asleep, and wondered what had woken him.
His head flicked toward the door when there was a thump and a muttered curse, followed by the giggling of two girls. Jet had a good idea who it would be, but he wasn't looking forward to the encounter. If they were here, it meant they had spoken to Nate and probably seen Mallory. He wounded idly if she was conscious yet.
Light suddenly flooded the room, making Jet blink as his eyes adjusted. As he had predicted, Lucien, Yasmyn and Aleisha stood in the doorway.
Jet rose, dusting himself off. "What do you want?"
"Are you okay, Jet?" Yasmyn asked.
"You should probably be asking Mallory that question," he snapped. "Or isn't she awake yet?"
"You shouldn't talk to your sister like that," said Aleisha. "Besides, Mallory is very awake and it was she who asked us to come down here."
That roused Jet's interest, but he made his face remain passive. "Do whatever you're here to do, then."
"We're here to talk to you," Lucien said. "Nate wanted to come as well, but Mallory knew as well as the rest of us that wasn't a good idea. She seemed to know it wasn't your fault, and she doesn't blame you at all."
"Did she tell you that?"
"Yes, but we couldn't doubt she spoke the truth." Yasmyn glanced desperately at Lucien and Aleisha. "But we're not meant to be talking."
Jet raised one eyebrow sceptically. "And what am I supposed to be talking about?"
The others simply looked at him.
"Okay, okay. How about I don't remember?"
"Have you tried to remember?" Lucien asked.
"What do you think I've been doing for the past however many hours? Nothing. Absolutely nothing."
"Come here," Yasmyn commanded. Jet rolled his eyes, but came forward with his hand outstretched. She took it, her eyes glazing over for a moment before she released him.
"He's right," she murmured. "It's as if someone's been in there and erased it all. But I've never met anyone else who could do it but me."
"Happy?" Jet asked, pushing through them to get to the door. He turned when no one answered. "Well?"
"Mallory told us to take you to her if you said what you did," said Yasmyn reluctantly.
Jet looked at their faces and said, "Nate's there, isn't he?"
"I'm not afraid of a god."
"It's not the god you should be afraid of, but the god's anger," Aleisha murmured.


Memories Are
Sometimes A Talisman

The first thing Jet saw when he turned into the corridor of Mallory's room was Nate's fist. It blocked his view for a fraction of a second before it collided with his nose. There was an audible snap as Jet staggered a few steps with the force of the blow. When he recovered, he held his hand over his nose, trying to keep it straight as blood poured from it.
"What the hell?" he demanded as he used the collar of his shirt to wipe away to worst of the mess.
"You deserve it!" Nate snarled. Aleisha hurried to his side and tried to calm him down.
"If you want to throw a punch, do it. I don't care. But maybe you should wait until you have enough courage to face me, rather than hide behind corners."
With a growl, Nate leapt forward before Aleisha could stop him. Jet smiled wryly as he swung his clenched hand into Nate's stomach, causing him to double over unwillingly.
But Jet didn't realise he was faking. So he crashed into the ground when Nate pulled his feet out from under him.
All Aleisha, Lucien and Yasmyn could do was watch for fear of being hit themselves. The fight only went on for a few minutes, however, before Jet pinned Nate against the wall.
"And now the roles are reversed," Jet murmured. "It wasn't too long ago that you were doing this to me."
With that, he released Nate and stalked to Mallory's door.
"What do you think you're doing?" Nate called after him.
"I'm going to see your sister, just like she asked." Jet answered before he walked through the door, but he didn't turn around.

Mallory glanced up when Jet entered. She was sitting up, which was a good sign to him. The fact that the many pillows around her seemed to be the only thing that was holding her up wasn't so fantastic. She gasped when she saw the dried blood all over his face.
"Let me fix that for you," she said when he came closer.
Jet shook his head with a smile.
"Please, Jet."
"No. I don't need magic to solve all my problems. Plus, it'll serve as a reminder not to get on your brother's bad side again. But I am surprised he didn't come after me again."
"That's because Aleisha probably made him see you turning and walking back the other way."
Jet only looked at her, his eyes begging for an explanation.
She sighed. "Aleisha can make you see things that aren't really there. It's an ability of hers, like Yasmyn can see your thoughts."
Mallory chuckled softly. "I don't think you're going to forget the lesson Nate taught you today any time soon, broken nose or no broken nose."
Jet laughed with her for a little while, before she begged him to let her heal his nose.
His eyes drifted to the bandages wrapped around one of her shoulders. "No. You're too weak to be performing miracles, at least for today."
She followed his gaze. "Jet. . ."
"Tell me, Mallory," he murmured, giving no indication he had heard her. "What did I do?"
"Jet, it was only an accident- "
"No, it wasn't." Jet's words were slow and deliberate. "I meant to do it, whatever I did. And I want you to tell me exactly what it was."
"I'm sure you've guessed most of it. There's a reason the others haven't been able to find you for hours. . ."
Jet closed his eyes and pressed the two forefingers of both hands to his temples, like he was trying to calm himself. "Stop trying to avoid the question, Mallory. Same as I've had hours to try and work out what happened, you've had hours to prepare for me coming to ask you this very question. Sometimes you seem to know me better than I know myself."
"Fine. Just let me at least get rid of some of that blood."
He saw that she wouldn't relax and answer his questions until she had done something, so he allowed her to wet a hand towel and wipe the dried blood off his face. When she had settled back into the pillows, it was obvious even that small movement had tired her.
"Maybe we should leave this for tomorrow. . ." Jet began, half-rising from his seat on the edge of the bed. It put him off balance, seeing her so frail. Yesterday, after her memories had returned, she had seemed invincible.
"No, Jet," came her whispered reply. "If you are left to stew over this for a whole night, I have no idea what damage you could do to yourself. I have seen the after-effects of those who poke and play with the blank spots in their minds. Either their mind collapses or they are turned mad by the memories suppressed behind the blank space. The things a mind does subconsciously are always done for a reason. Nothing can know a mind better than itself, and only it can know what will cause it irreparable harm."
Jet simply stared at her for a moment, his mouth open as if he was about to speak. But nothing escaped his lips. A thousand questions burned in the front of his mind, clamouring to be spoken, but he couldn't decide which to begin with. Finally he said, "How did you know I couldn't remember the- the attack?"
Mallory smiled. "Let's just say I am well learned on the subject, and I had a feeling such an event would cause your mind to create a block like the one you have experienced."
"But. . . how?"
"As you remember from the story of my and Nate's first life, we are prone to small glimpses of the future at any time. This was probably just one of those."
"Right. Well, what did happen? The last thing I remember is you throwing my own magic back at me, then you unconscious on the ground."
So Mallory told him in clipped tones what had happened. Her eyes remained on Jet's face, hoping that the recount would not awaken memories his mind wanted hidden. But his expression only grew more and more horrified.
"It was Skiteriah magic, wasn't it?" he asked in a small voice. She nodded slightly, afraid of his reaction.
With a low snarl, he leapt up and away from the bed. She flinched as he curled his hands into fists. His shoulders began to shudder, and soon his whole body was shaking. After a moment, Mallory could see black fur flashing in and out of existence on his arms and back. She was suddenly very aware of the danger she was in. If an aerewolf made their change because it was angry, it was well known it wouldn't recognise anyone. It was not uncommon to hear of a child filled with rage over a punishment ripping his own mother apart.
"Jet!" she cried. "Calm down!"
"I almost killed you, Mallory!" he yelled back. "With Skiteriah magic of all things! How the hell did I learn Skiteriah magic?"
The same way I learnt it, she thought. Her eyes widened as she saw a thick, black substance curling in the air behind Jet's head, like liquid darkness. It was too thick to be smoke, too dark to be simple shadows. No, something much more frightening happening to Jet at the moment.
The liquid darkness was sucking the light from the room slowly, like a patient snake waiting for it's prey to tire. In this case, she was the prey. Once all the light was gone, she would only have her senses to rely on. And they had annoyingly dull ever since the accident. She would have no way of knowing where Jet was if he did make the change, or anything else that followed the liquid darkness.
Jet met her gaze and she instantly recoiled from the shadows the passed over his eyes. She had seen enough aerewolf transformations to know that wasn't part of the process. What she had fear since she had regained her memories yesterday had come to pass.
The Skiteriah had found out that Lux didn't remember. Oh, how that must have pleased them, Mallory thought bitterly.
Now they were using him to worm their way into the centre of the Institute. They knew he would be trusted, no matter what; there was no way Mallory could leave him out, and neither could Nate, though he would never admit it. The bonds of godliness ran deep between the three of them.
Before she could call out for help from Nate or any of the others in the corridor, a strangely familiar, hissing voice came out of the liquid darkness.
"Kill," it whispered, evil leaking from its voice like butter dripping from a knife. "Kill. Kill. "Kill."
The voice repeated the word over and over as the darkness reached forward to caress Jet's head, always dangerously low and filled with venom. Mallory suddenly realised she was in the presence of whoever had sent the rygian. Whoever had launched the first attacks of the next Immortal War.
She opened her mouth, ready to call for Nate, when the voice spoke again. But its words were different again.
"What has happened since she came? Nothing but trouble for you. First the rygian, and now this. Do you expect things to change? Do you think these events were just chance? You're wrong! Gods only ever look out for themselves! She wishes to take over your position in the Institute, to be the one they send out on missions to kill the Skiteriah they find. Do you want that to happen? Do you want to just sit around with other members of the High Council, growing fat and lazy, believing the lies people like Mitchell Jakoby and Markus Gregor? Kill. Kill!"
While these words floated in the air, the liquid darkness began moving, shifting, forming something. After a moment Mallory gasped as it became a Skiteriah.
I shouldn't have been surprised, Mallory thought grimly as she watched the Skiteriah continue to whisper in Jet's ear. Only a Skiteriah would have devised a magic to turn themselves into something as lifeless and horrible as that strange liquid darkness.
But as she watched, something occurred to her. She, Nate and Markus had assumed it was her and Nate's father that was behind the rygian attack. But the Skiteriah here wasn't anything like her father. Either there was mixed intentions among the Skiteriah or her father had not had anything to do with it all along! It was just as she had promised Nate in the last life; there was no way he could return.
Then who was this in front of her? She studied him, for she had realised it was a he, more closely. His black, leathery wings were spread wide, and the dark scales that rippled over his shoulder and down his back shone in the dim light. His hair was the same shade as Jet's, but cropped much shorter. On the side of his neck she could see, a tattoo curled, forming evil looking shapes. His chest was bare, his skin strangely olive for the usually pasty Skiteriah race. He wore straight black pants, but what material they were made of, she couldn't tell.
Suddenly a wave of warm energy flooded through her. She slipped from under the bed covers, but the Skiteriah wouldn't have noticed even if she beat a drum as she did so. She crept to the wall and edged along it.
The amount of dark magic the unknown Skiteriah was using formed a thick, almost impenetrable wall that no one by a Jururgan would notice. Mallory managed to push through, however. She couldn't bear the sight of Jet being under the Skiteriah's spell any longer, and the thought gave her strength.
She was only a metre or so away from the pair now. Jet's fur was flickering wildly now, all over his body. If she didn't get the Skiteriah away from him now, he would change, intent on her death.
Mallory bent her head a little and sent a prayer to her mother above as she jumped forward, wings and talons outstretched.
She managed to bring the Skiteriah to the ground with a loud thump through sheer surprise. He was much larger than he had looked from the bed.
The sound awakened Jet from his trance. With the Skiteriah's attention diverted, the spell making him angry had ceased to affect him.
"Call Nate," Mallory gasped as she battled with the Skiteriah.
Jet wrenched open the door, allowing a single column of light into the room. The others had drifted away, it seemed, for the corridor was deserted. He plunged out of the door in pursuit.
Mallory's thoughts drifted with him for just a moment, but that was all the Skiteriah needed. He grabbed and flung her into the wall on the other side of the room with all his strength, which proved to be vaster that Mallory could have ever imagined. She knew now that, in hand to hand combat, alone and as weak as she was, she could never defeat him. Maybe if Nate or even Jet returned soon they could help her banish him from the Institute, at least for now.
The Skiteriah was across the room in just an instant, not even waiting for her to recover.
"Ah, Goddess," he murmured as he picked her up by the throat and let her dangle. "How long I have waited to meet you. Of course, I have heard the legends of your power that are told to all Skiteriah children, to make sure we behave. I thought you would at least live up to the mildest of the tales."
Mallory smiled, a very wicked-looking smile. Then in a blaze of orange light, the Skiteriah was across the room, in a similar fashion as Mallory had been just minutes ago.
"That's more like it!" the Skiteriah exclaimed as he staggered upright. "It has been a long time since I have met anyone who could knock me to the ground with magic, surprised or otherwise."
"I'm glad you're impressed," said Mallory. "Feel free to come back for a second round."
"Feisty as well! You are a fine catch indeed. If only. . ."
Mallory rolled her eyes. "If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that."
The Skiteriah laughed. "Ah, it will be a shame to kill you. You would make a fine Skiteriah, I think. One I would like in my army, at the very least."
"You have an army?" she asked, playing for time. She had an idea, but it would take time and luck for it to work. She sent her thoughts on a search for Nate as the Skiteriah answered.
"Oh yes. Very fearsome. But I thought you would have guessed that already."
"I did. I just wanted to hear it from the mouth of its general. I suppose that is what you call yourself?"
"What if I am lying?" he asked with a smile.
Now he is stalling too! Mallory thought desperately. But all the better for her. Nate was only around the corner now.
"And what if I am too? You have just given a valuable piece of information to your enemy."
"Not so valuable, I think. It is obvious I would eventually need one, if I wish to truly defeat you and your brother and. . . the other one."
She nodded. Three, two, one. . .
With a roar, Nate ran through the open door. The Skiteriah had been so involved with Mallory he had failed to notice the sounds of approach. So he turned in surprise at Nate's entrance. While his back was turned, Mallory leaped onto his back, kicking him once in the back of each knee, so he would fall.
Just before he hit the ground, she climbed around until she was on his chest, so he was trapped under her weight.
"Who are you?" she demanded as Jet, Yasmyn, Lucien and Aleisha arrived at the door.
The Skiteriah smiled when he caught sight of them. "And now the whole troops here." He nodded to Jet. "Hello prince."
Mallory slapped him hard across one cheek to bring his attention back to her, hard enough for a red handprint to form there.
"Answer me!" she snarled.
"Who am I? Why, I am Irani!"
And with that, he was gone.
© Copyright 2010 TiannaJaneMorrison (x.tjm.x at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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