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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Dark · #1637114
Word is out that the Underground wants the biship's head, and people are interested.
-Selisilia, east side. 2 hours ealier...

  'The streets here smell like blood and sex. I saw a man skip out on a payment at a tavern, and a swordsman took his head. I saw a beggar, the kid was only seven, and had a makeshift eye patch over a rotten eye socket. He came out of the dark and asked for some money. A man came by and took the kid, just like that, right infront of me, and headed into a blood-bar.'

  Karsan Selsaren walked through the streets of the east district. He was a foreghner to this place, but had heard there was a lot of money on the table, just sitting there for any assassin to take. He wore a black robe, and used his Mythic to appear as a fragile old man. To his side was Natalie Adderl, also a foreghner to the city. She wasn't visable to the human eye. It too was the power of her own Mythic. A Mythic is a power bestowed by the gods to act as their instruments; to them. Really, it was a brain tumer, so small that it would be undetectable with even modern equipment. Really, they were all dying if they had the "power." The tumer however did acess locked portions of the brain. Sometimes it granted intellegance. Most offen it made you extremely suseptable to cancer. And sometimes it granted you unhuman abilities, but that was rare.

  "In here?" asked a feminine vioce. Karsan nodded to what must have been Natalie. He turned to face The Red Dragon, a well known blood-bar to the locals, and entered. Inside, the smell of vomit and smoke filled the nostrals. The assassin looked out at the room filled with tables. A single bar was seen with a single bartendar. At the end of the room was a stage, and a skinny man dragged a small, bloodied corpse back stage. Its skin was peeled off.

  "Ten ude," a man, the manager said, "two ude or you're out." Karsan handed him the money without a word, and continued inside.

  "Next we have a young boy," anounced another man, much fatter, on the stage, "only ten years old! And we have a second boy, eleven! We are going to bring out the box-" he couldn't finish as the crowd roured with excitement. Karsan didn't want to know what was "the box," or why they needed two victoms. So he continued on into the back of the establishment. He passed by a dozen of people, all heavily drunk and laughing. Several men were so drunk that they vomited onto their table.

  At the end of the blood-bar was seated a man, very plain with shaved down hair and a scar running from his right cheak to the bottom of the eye under it. Karsan sat at the table, and the man glared at him.

  "Almore Sett?" asked Karsan, still appearing as an old man. He did his best to sound like one.

  "I'm working. move your damn head." On the stage the two boys were brought out and placed at opposite ends of a makeshift areana. They had no shirts on and each held a dagger. Karsan ignore it, "I hear that you're hiring for a job to kill the biship."

  "Ya," he laughed, obviously not caring who would hear the plot, "do you have a son or something to do it?" He laughed again, and then suddenly got serious, "Get the fuck out of my bar, old man."

  "Your bar?" came a vioce behind Almore. He turned a shade of white and looked behind him. A large man with a brown tunic and a shaven head stood there, clearly not amused. "what the hell do you mean by 'your' bar?" Karsan figure the man to be the actual owner.

  "Oh," stuttered Almore, "you see I was telling my friend here-" the large man slammed his fist into Almore's face, and he flew from his chair. The larger man than drew out a short sword.

  "Wait," Almore stammerd on the ground, holding his bloody nose.

  "I don't like it when people lie," the bigger man said.

  "Help!" cried Almore. Karsan figured that this was a good time to litteraly show off. If he seemed like the greatest killer in the world, then he was garentied to be hired. Of course Natalie would yell at him for not sticking to the original plan, but he'd deal with that later. Karsan kicked the table up foward, sending it shattering against Almore's attacker. The big man stumbled back and into the wall, and even the now blood stained  boy on the stage looked to see what was happening.

  Karson stood and let the robe fall, with it the disguise vanished. Under the rode was a lining of throwing knifes strapped to his body. With those were two scimar blades and a belt covered with various pouches. He charged at his target and the oppenent swung his blade. Karson ducked to the right and grabbed the man's free hand, turning it with him as he placed himself behind the man. The guy tried to turn and stab Karsan, but the assassin placed his hand on the shoulder of the arm he gripped, and used both assets to guide the arm into the path of the blade.

  The man cried out in his hoarse vioce as the blade pierced through his arm. Karsan spun right, drawing his blade as he did so, and swung, beheading the man. Blood squirted into the air and the head tumbled down to Almore's feet. The body stood for two more seconds until it came down with a thud.

  It wasn't over, as the bouncers, three of them, charged in to kill Karsan. Halfway across the room, they stopped in surprise as a young women appeared out of thin air in front of them. It was Natalie, her dark brown hair tied in a pony tail. she wore a dark black stealth suit on, similiar to that of a ninja's, and had drawn a thin, lighter version of the broadsword. She prefered this custome made weapon because of the speed it provided, and she quickly proved it.

  Natalie slashed the neck of the nearest bouncer, and dodged a horizontal strick from the regular broadsword of another bouncer. She went left, slashing a cut into the man's ribs, and then following it with another slash up his back. Both wounds were deep, and the man fell dead as his spine was damaged. The third man came at her with a stab. Natalie vanished into nothing, and the man stumble as his momentum carried him foward. He looked left and right, then the sound of crunching bone let out as a hole appeared in his head. The man fell, and Natalie appeared infront of the body, blood staining her pretty face.

  Almore was picked up off the ground by Karsan, and he brushed him off. Karsan was good at what he did, and hadn't had a single drop of blood on him. Almore looked shocked, but relieved, and Karsan sat him in the now tableless chair, then sat himself in the other.

  He rubbed his eyes and looked at Almore as Natalie joined his side, looking slightly annoyed. "Now about that job..."

              -Part three expected tomarrow.
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