Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1636499-Swallowed-Into-Darkness
Rated: E · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #1636499
A man's journey into the caverns.
Salveder crept deeper into the darkness of the cave, the light of his torch leading the way. He progressed slowly down the only avialable tunnel, leading into the caverns. The interior of the tunnel was wet, as humidity gushed out from all directions of the cramped space. The young man had heard that these caverns were a cursed place, that they were haunted by some unholy demon that took the shape of shadows. Salveder hadn't believed any of those words, until today.

He had traveled into the village's forrest to gather lumber. During his work, he had desided to take a brake and retreat from the ray of the sun. He spotted the cave and took the oppertunity for some shade. After guiding his horse in and laying down, he had fell asleap. He later awoke to the sound of loud, animalistic panting and moaning, only to witness his hourse to be violently dragged off deeper into the cave by something. He needed that horse, for the only place for thick, durable wood was far deep into the forrest, and returning to the village by foot was imposable. For any attempt would lead to doom, as the path was home to various beasts and theives.

So Salveder continued in. It had already been a hlf an hour into his search for the horse. The torch flickered as the only light source for miles now. Suddenly, he felt a very hot breath on the back of his neck. He spun around to his flank, but there was nothing there. He took a breath and tried to ease his nerves. Turning, Salveder continued down the tunnel.

He move foward for another minute until he felt the breath on him again, but this time it was acompanied by that horrible panting noise that was heard it the cave enterance. Salveder ran as fast as he could possable deeper into the cavern, away from whatever the creature was. He ran, there wasn't even enouhg air in the place to blow out the flame of the torch. Suddenly, Salveder felt the ground under him dissapear. He reached out and grabbed what he made out to be the ledge of a cliff. He saw the torch tumble down into the blackness. It fell so far that the light soon disapeared from sight. Salveder pulled himself up from the edge and leaned up against what he figured to be a wall. He huddled there, now completely swallowed bt the darkness of the caverns. He sat there in that spot for what seemed like forever, not dairing to move, less he fall down another drop or run into the beast. He sat and thought if he would ever go home again, and that's when it found him.

What would you have done in Salveder's place? And I meen what if you were inside the caverns yourself, not if you would have entered or not.
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