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Global Warming Causes Kidney Stones
Global Warming and Kidney Stones

         In 2002, I experienced the agony of kidney stones. In the medical dark ages before Obama/Pelosi healthcare, my doctor was not certain how, or why kidney stones developed.

         Now the answer has been revealed, kidney stones are yet another consequence of global warming!

         University of Texas researchers have “compelling science” linking climate change to the steady increase in the U.S. incidence of kidney stones.  (TIME Magazine July 15, 2008). Urologists working with the compelling science have talked about a quote “kidney stone belt”, a potential high-risk zone running across the southern United States. (Note: Miami residents, you will be shielded from the enveloping kidney stone belt, by  promised twenty inches, or twenty feet?, of glacier runoff water resulting from man-made global warming).

         Philosophers and poets claim we reap what we sow.

My wife and I confess, we have sown much, our contributions to man-made global, (MGW), warming are many.

And egregious. 

Our carbon footprint, (whatever the hell a carbon footprint is!) is undoubtedly large. Although without a clue how to determine our carbon footprint, even the High Priest and MGW Profit Vice President Al Gore must grant us some absolution for our carbon based sins.

I drive a full size gas-guzzling Chrysler 300; my wife drives a smaller, but still CO2 producing Ford Escort.

We heat our home with fossil fuel oil.

We purchase electricity from a coal-fired generator, owned by a greedy, profit grubbing, Wall Street owned, card carrying member of James Carville’s pollution lobby. Despite contributing to the pollution lobby, we continue to leave the driveway lights on overnight; I knowingly and willingly leave my laptop PC idling in energy wasting sleep mode for hours.

We, (shamefully) admit to operating our horribly selfish central air conditioning; although we surely earn a partial carbon indulgence by running a whole house fan on all but summer’s hottest, and most humid nights.

I ride a commuter railroad, (also powered by pollution lobby electricity), and openly acknowledge my personal shortcomings of refusing to either walk, bicycle or Segue the mere 30 kilometers,  each way, to my office.

I must bear two scoops of blame.

First, I’m an engineer, and should be using the latest, albeit most expense and least reliable, energy technology.  Unfortunately, where I live, it gets dark nearly every day making solar panels rather impractical; the wind doesn’t blow hard enough to consistently spin a wind mill turbine; there are no hot springs under my back yard, (at least none I know about); and I live too far inland to utilize ocean wave power. 

Second, I hold a Master of Science Degree, in the arcane subject of energy economics.  I failed or missed entirely, the branch of mathematics used by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi where massive deficit spending, plus huge energy taxes equals “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.”

Al Gore is living, and wealthy, proof that extraordinary claims do not always require extraordinary evidence.

Where is the evidence that our grand children will never see a live polar bear?

Where is the evidence that Miami will be under 20 inches, 20 feet or 20 meters of sea water in five, 10, or even 20 years.

Why has former Vice President Gore, the self anointed inventor of the internet, resolutely refused to subject his award winning MGW Power Point slideshow to rigorous scientific scrutiny.  A possible answer comes from a 20th century physicist of some renown.  “A million correct observations cannot prove me right, one wrong observation will prove me wrong”. (Albert Einstein made this statement while defending his Theory of Relativity).

To all Manmade Global Warming offenders, take warning. Either permanently park your automobiles, irrevocably disable your central heating and air conditioning, immediately swap your electric lights for whale oil lamps, or risk suffer the agony of global warming produced kidney stones.

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