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current system of education does no seems effective for poor children of india |
One-third of indians live below poverty line,without proper food,shelter,cloths,health facilities and education.Onlly way of comming out of this seems to be education-'which is a rare thing for them'.Lack of education blocks all the aspects of their development and leaves them in darkness of slums.India being a democratic and welfare state is trying hard to provide education to them,but with marginal sucess.Literacy rate has indeed gone up but quality of education hd declined.with the emergence of private schools and colleges ,the quality of education in government schools have declined.This have resulted in widining of gap between rich an poor. Another problem in india is of child labour which is cloasly related to primary education.most of children don't go to school as they work in some small factory,resturant etc. If we think from point of view of parent of a hungry child who have nothing to give him to eat ,anyone would prefer their children to go to work rather than to go to school.Government had started mid day meal programs at schools to remove this problem.But the implementation of policy has not given desired results uue to improper way of implimentations and corruption at local level. India requires an educational system that not only teaches bookish knowledge to poor students but also trains them in some kind of work.Vocational courses will provide them with employment and nation with trained man power. vocational courses are avalible in india at collage level.There is an urgent need in india to make very basic education employment friendly .Students can be privided with small works like paper craft making etc which could be sold in local market and income could be distributed over students.Some elder ones can be trained in electronics and toy making which can be sold through cooperatives. There is also a requirement of making schools more efficient.There should be a grading for schools as there is for studunts.Salaries and allounces of teachers should depend on grades obtained be their schools. Effictive and efficient education is only way to reduce poverty in india and develop proper manpower for nation. |