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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Entertainment · #1635633
An adventure in the Indian Nations
                                                                          How I Got My Indian Name

         After working for 50 years in the white man's world I moved to the Indian nations of Oklahoma. Finding myself

among Native Americans who have a little different way of naming I thought it best to obtain an Indian name. I

thought this would improve the process of assimilation and help me to see myself in the Native American way. I

visited several tribal elders but was not too well received. One medicine man said "you are a really goofy looking

Indian. Not just a pale face, your skin is so white I bet your ass glows in the dark. Go find a tribe  where the sun

don't shine!"  Another man said "you are too puny to be an Indian you do have brown eyes but that is probably due

to a dietary condition not Indian nature. . You must give a history of brave deeds, wild adventures and usefulness

to your tribe. Go find Three eyes maybe he can help you." I ask him  who is three eyes,

and how did he get his name? "Three eyes is a very very old medicine man who has always been able to see what

others cannot Everyone knows that is only possible if you have three eyes. As you know we are usually named

after things we see in nature. Most people get their name from something like, Red Cloud, Running Bear, or

Straight Feather. Some people get a name from something they do like Sitting Bull, Six Killer, or

Dances With Wolves. You are too puny to have any of those names so go find Three Eyes maybe he can see a

name for you."

         I finally found Three Eyes living in a cave. I knew I was on the right track because the sun don't shine in a

cave. I ask Three Eyes if he could help me find an Indian name but he didn't sound hopeful. He said he could not

see an Indian name for me. He said he would have to know my life story from birth to present then maybe he could

see my name. So I told him how I was born, breached, and during a heavy rain storm that prevented help from

coming for my mother. He was quiet for a while then ask if I was born outdoors or in my fathers hogan. When I told

him I was born inside he said " too bad. You could have been Rain in Face," then he said because I was breached

I should be called Pain in the Ass. I said I appreciated his efforts but I really needed some other name because

Pain in the Ass would be a social liability. I explained how my suckling gave comfort to my mother because of her

swollen breasts and difficult birth. I explained how at age three I opened and closed the door for my elders, how as

a kid I was keeper of the fire. I got up very early and made the house warm for my grandfather and all the family. I

was a good hunter and provided meat and fish for my family. I learned from my uncle who was a medic in the great

war to give medicine to man and beast. For some years I repaired engines and machinery and  how for many

years I helped old warriors be able to pee. I dressed their wounds and fed those who could not hold the spoon. I

helped them to find rest in the land of dreams and to walk on legs with wheels. I sat with them until the great white

buffalo came to lead them to the happy hunting ground.  The old man was quiet for a very long time. Finally he

said "you can not be named for things that can be seen. You must be named for what you have done and what

you continue to do. Since you comforted your unfortunate mother as a first act of your life she might have called

you  Little One Who Makes Things Better but that is a really long name. Your grandfather recognized you made

hings better by opening nd closing doors and tending the fire. The men and beasts were made better when you

gave them medicine. No doubt many things were made better when you repaired motors and machines and

certainly you made better the lives of many great warriors and their families." It was very dark

and quiet in the cave. Finally Three Eyes said "you can never be Indian because you are too puny , your ass

glows in the dark  and your ancestors came from the land of little sun. Unlike me you do not possess three eyes

you do have long hair on your chin and the toughness of the goat so I will give you a between name. Your name

will be between pail face and Indian. Respecting your good medicine and to allow all Native Americans can

understand you I will give you the between name of Makes Better. You will never be a good Indian but your are

working hard to make yourself better so you shall be called Makes Better". and that is how I got my Indian name.

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