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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1635235
As Aiden and Jasiana's relationship intensifies, So does Gwen's plans to bring them apart
Confessions of a teenage girl- book three


"That's it Jasiana! You ruined everything for me!" She yelled. "May I remind you who was the one hurting for months!" I shot back. She smirked. "You deserved it. Your bitchy self did not deserve Aiden. I'm glad you were hurting." "Well if I'm bitchy and don't deserve Aiden, then you're worse than me bitch, because you don't even deserve to be in his presence!" No way was i going to let her take away everything that mattered to me. Including my self esteem and Aiden. The look on her face was deadly and dangerous. Oh God, was she planning to KILL me? She circled around me like a shark sizing up her prey. "You know Jasiana, it'd be a shame if after all you've guys been through, for Aiden to find out that you couldn't take it anymore. That you decided that instead of hurting him by breaking up, you decided to kill your self." My eyes widened in terror, but I didn't dare let her see. "Gwendolyn you're insane!" I spat. "What are you going to do? Kill me so that Aiden will come crying to your arms?" Gwen stopped right in front of me and looked me in the eye. She smiled devilishly, "precisely." Then there was darkness.....

-A month earlier-

I walked out the door of Morgan Park academy. As I walk down the stairs, Someone intercepts me. "hello beautiful!" Aiden Dilorenzo called, wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around until he sets my feet on the ground. I laugh. "hey Aiden." I reply smiling. "where have you been all my life?" he asks still smiling. "waiting for you love." I answer and then stretch onto my toes to reward him with a kiss. Aiden held my face and intensified our kiss. We parted. Aiden held me tightly by the waist. I had my arms wrapped around his Neck. He sighed happily. "what have I done to deserve you?" he asks himself while stroking my cheek. I blushed. "you were my best friend until you confessed that you loved me." I said softly. He smiled and leaned down to give me a quick kiss. "Come on. Let's go." He held on to my hand while I gripped his arm at the same time. Aiden and I had been friends for as long as i can remember, but ever since Last May, when he took me with him to the school's spring dance, he has been my boyfriend. Now it's September. I am a senior in high school while Aiden graduated in June. He comes for me everyday. Sometimes he goes into the school to substitute or to blend in with the crowd. We reached Aiden's trailblazer he had recently purchased. He opened my door and placed my things inside. I placed my leg on the little step to jump in but Aiden beat me to it by grabbing me by the waist and helping me in as I jumped slightly. I giggled. He was smiling as usual, then he jumped up onto the step and held on to the door for support. My heart jumped. He looked at me in an adoring way. He leaned in slowly, placing his arm on the headrest of my seat. Before he met my lips he whispered, "I love you Jasiana Hathaway." Then he pressed his lips on mine sweetly. Kissing me gently at first. his kiss grew more intense, confident. Just like our first kiss months earlier. He cupped my cheek with his free hand. I balled up my fists clutching his shirt. How I loved him. Aiden My Love. We parted our lips, breathing slightly faster than normal. I smiled at him. He smiled that heart stopping, breath taking smile of his. He still cupped my cheek. "Come on, we should go before your dad gets suspicious." He winked and climbed off the step and closing my door. I giggled. Aiden and I had been officially together for a while, but my dad had no idea. He was getting very suspicious though. Aiden jumped into his seat gracefully. He turned on the engine and then reversed out of his spot, so we could exit the now full lot. "So, what are you doing tonight?" Aiden asked, while reaching for my hand. "hmmm, nothing i believe. what do you have in mind?" I responded. "well... I was thinking on taking you out to a concert, or maybe the movies, or to dinner." I grinned. "all of them or just one? because i still have a curfew, even if you don't." i teased. "of course only one place love," he squeezed my hand. "tell you what, how about we go to navy pier. There's food there and we can get on the rides. How does that sound?" he glanced sideways at me and smiled. I smiled. "sounds perfect ." "good." he gave my cheek a quick peck.

As we drove down my street, Aiden slowed down. "You know i wish we could just come out and tell your dad. You know, stop sneaking around and be able to be public." "Aiden... you know we can't," he looked at me sadly "for now we can't love. He'd never approve. And i don't want him to try to force me to break up with you. We have to wait just a little bit longer love." He sadly nodded. "ok. I mean I understand. But I just wish we could come out of hiding." He had parked the car now. "You have no idea how much i want that too." I whispered. I leaned over to him and kissed him. Hard. My hands cupped his face. He cupped the back of my neck. He smiled through our kiss. "boy do you know how to cheer me up Jas." he teased. I smiled widely. "comes with practice." I winked. "Oh i know." he covered my mouth with his once more. I pulled away. "I should go before my dad comes down." "he won't mind." Aiden teased. he winked. I laughed. I opened my door and climbed out. "I'll come get you around 7." he said. I nodded. "sure. I'll let the big man know." Aiden flashed a smile. "call if he tries to bite your head off. I'll come protect you." "ok. i will." I replied laughing. "I love you." he calls before i close the door. "Love you too." I reply. Then I close his door and walk up the steps to my building. Aiden didn't drive away until he saw that I was safely inside the building.

As I open the door to my apartment, my dad comes into the living room. "hey sweetie." "hi dad." I reply. "how'd you get here so fast?" "Aiden. I saw him and he offered me a ride." 'Not to mention that he asked me out tonight and we kissed- a lot.' I add internally. My dad's face turns sour. "Oh." He walks back into the kitchen. I sigh. "ugh, dad, why do you make such a fuss over me hanging out with Aiden?" "Because. It's unnatural." "how is it unnatural dad?" "well look you guys are almost adults. It's virtually impossible that you guys have gone this far without developing feelings for each other." "well dad it's possible it has happened before." "how can i be so sure that you're not going out with him behind my back?" "because I'm not!" i cry. Lie. He relaxes. "I trust you. I just want you to be careful. He's a man and he has hormones.." "oh dad." "just here me out. if he ever tries to pull a move.." "give him a good whack in the nose." yeah right. My dad smiles. "That's my girl." I roll my eyes and head to my room. I dump my stuff on my bed and reach for my phone. There was a text from Aiden.


I smiled.


I go to my closet to pick something out to wear. My phone vibrates.


I chuckle.

LOVE YOU *Heart*

I took a deep breath. "ok you can do this." I opened my door and stepped out to the hallway that led to the kitchen. My father was sitting at the table eating some leftover lasagna from yesterday's meal. "dad." He looks up at me. "hey kid." I smile "can I ask you something?" "sure. what's up?" "well, Jessica wants to go to the i Max at navy pier, and she invited me along. So could I go?" "what time?" "he i mean she said that she could pick me up at seven." "so the movie starts at seven thirty?" "Around there yeah." "well, it is a Friday. So, sure why not." I smiled wider. "thanks dad. I'll go tell her that you said yes. Oh and do you have a specific curfew time?" My dad actually looked shocked. "uh well. Friday night. eleven. eleven thirty the latest. You hear me?" I smiled wider. "yes dad 1 am it is." "Jasiana." "kidding. 11:30" I walked out of the kitchen laughing. I walked back to my room and found my phone.


His response came almost instantly.


I blushed. I dialed his number.I knew my dad he would be outside my door waiting for me to call "Jessica". Aiden answered in one ring.

"Jas I love you so much. I could kiss you if I were there." His voice sounded excited. "hey Jessica. I just asked my dad about going to i Max and he said yes." Aiden knew that I would have to disguise him as a girl in order to get my dad to say yes. "Jessica? I aint no Jessica. You dialed the wrong number Jas. It's me Aiden your BOYFRIEND." I giggled. "you know what i mean." "of course i do love. what time do I have to bring you back home?" "well my dad said eleven." "eleven!?" "actually, 11: 30 the latest." "11:30!!!!" "Yea I have to be back by that time. Is there a problem?" "no. no. No problem just,wow. That's the latest he's let you." I giggled again. "Yeah I know but It's a Friday and I've been good all week." "well, ok then. eleven thirty it is. because obviously we're just going to HAVE to stop by at my house before we bring you back." I could here the playful wink in his voice. "but of course." I answered back. "hey hey, don't sound like your flirting with me cause i think your dad could hear through the door, and besides I don't think he'd like to know that his daughter flirts with females. No matter how hot and attractive they are, thank you very much." I laughed. "Nice one. You're hilarious." "Why thank you. I should go. I have to organize my room if you're going to be here." "Ha ha." "ok well I'll see you later. I love you Jas." I smiled. "me too." "ok. see you in a bit. bye." "alright bye." I hung up. Boy I couldn't wait to see him. I checked my clock. it was now about to be four. '3 more hours to go.' I think.

I rush around my room and grab my stuff necessary to take a shower. As I open my door I notice my dad's in the living room. 'weird' I think. I leave my stuff in the bathroom and then go to the living room. "Dad, what are you doing?" "nothing kid." His voice sounded muffled. I saw him quickly close a thick book. "Oh dad." I say finally understanding. I sit next to him and pull the heavy photo album from his hands. I Hate seeing him in pain. I open the album titled 'our wedding'. The first thing I see, is my Mother. She looked a lot like me. She looked beautiful. I look at her photo. Elegantly dressed in a white dress. Her hair pulled out of her face and grasped together at the back, leaving some of her long hair draped over her shoulder. Her hair was brown and curled beautifully. Her brown eyes sparkled with happiness. Her smile was happy and honest. She was young. Young and alive, standing and holding her bouquet of flowers. Roses. She had loved roses, red ones. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. I turn the page and find some more photos of her. Posing and twirling in her white dress. I turn another page. She's walking down the aisle, arm in arm with my grandfather. The next thing I see, is my dad. Smiling that happy boyish smile. His eyes are happy and shining. The way he's looking at my mom, explains everything that was them. He loved her. And She loved him. Their love was pure and genuine. It was the way Aiden looked at me. I turn another page. Their Kiss. The First Dance. The cutting of the Cake. The pictures of them with the bride's maids and groom's men. It was to much for me. Tears were spilling now. I needed my mom. I closed the album. I couldn't bring myself to turn another page.

My mother had died when I was 13. Actually, she had been killed. Her supposed 'best friend' and maid of honor, had murdered her. The nest photo in the album was of her and my mother. I couldn't bring myself to look at it. My dad hugged me. We just sat there crying. We needed my mom. We both needed her very much. "If your mom were here, I'm sure she'd understand you and Aiden better than I do." he sobbed. "You're just doing what's right." I sobbed back. "Thanks kid." "I believe in you dad. Always have." One final hug and he let me go. I wiped my eyes and quickly retreated to my room. 'I need to shower get rid of all this tense.' I headed to the shower and calmed myself in the warm heat of the water.

When i stepped out of the shower I wrapped myself in a warm towel. I walked over to my room and got dressed. I towel dried my hair and then threw the towel on my bed. I felt my hair's wet tips against my shoulders, soaking my shirt. Aiden liked my hair when it was wet. He liked to play with the wet tips, soaking my face and his. Suddenly I remembered my mom. I remembered that when I was little I would do the same thing Aiden did, with her hair when it was wet. I felt my throat closing up. I quickly grabbed a rubber band and tied up my hair into a ponytail. I wiped my eyes. I zipped on my sweater and then slipped on my shoes. I decided to get some of my homework done. The hours went by quickly after that. I started to doze of on top of my Shakespeare book. My phone vibrated. I grabbed it and read the text message.


I smiled to myself. I pushed myself off my bed and picked up my bag. I stuffed my wallet in there and my phone. I pulled open my door and stepped into the hallway. "dad. " I walked over to the dining room. He knelt over the table sleeping. I smiled. I walked over and hugged him. "see you later dad, love you." I wrote a quick note and then walked out the door. I ran quickly down the stairs anxious and anticipating seeing Aiden. As I pushed open the door leading outside, I see the last person I ever wanted to run into. Gwen.

I stopped short in my tracks. Gwen froze. She wore a pink sweater and jeans. Her blond hair loose framing her face. She glared at me. Her piercing blue eyes cutting holes into my skin. "Gwen." I say indifferently. "Jasiana." She says through gritted teeth. I stare her down. My eyes on hers, I walk down onto the side walk. "so, you live here? Or is this Aiden's place?" I glared at her. I walked right up to her. "No, this is where I live. ok? And what's your problem with me anyways? Aiden chose me." "which is exactly why I have a problem with you. Because Aiden was supposed to be mine." "Was. Past tense Gwen. Just give up. I didn't take him from you. I didn't even know if he belonged to you at all. He chose me. I was his decision. Let it go. Your only hurting yourself Gwen." She stared me down. I was close enough to see Grey flecks in her blue eyes. "I'll get you Jasiana. One day you're going to pay for this." I glared at her. She kept walking. As she walked away, Aiden pulled into a parking space. He parked the car and got out. I glared after Gwen. "hey." he greeted, his gorgeous face was confused. I turned to him. He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. He grabbed my face gently and pressed his lips on mine gently. "I love you," he whispered. I smiled. "who were you arguing with just now?" he asked. "no one." i answered quickly. He raised his eyebrow. " didn't seem like no one to me. Really Jas tell me. Your acting just like when..." he stopped. "Gwen. You were arguing with Gwen." he stated confidently. I nodded. Aiden looked up in the direction Gwen had gone. I followed his gaze. Gwen was only about 30 feet away. His jaw tightened. She was obviously in earshot. She felt Aiden's gaze on her back. Blond beauty, turned to face us. "Hello Aiden." "Gwen." he said through a tight jaw. "nice seeing you." Aiden tensed even further. His grip on me growing tighter by the second.

"what do you want Gwen?" "you." she replied. I gritted my teeth together, hard enough, I was sure I heard a crunch. "you know that's not going to happen." he growled. "how are you so sure? You guys could be over by tomorrow." I could feel my self lurch in her direction. Aiden pulled me back by the waist and held me tightly. He pressed his lips on my hair. "it's ok. I'm here." he soothed. He looked back up again, "Gwen, that's NEVER going to happen. You and me are NEVER going to happen." Gwen's face that had been defiant, now turned severely hurt. For a moment my heart went out to her. I thought if I were in her place, how much it'd hurt to be rejected by someone so... right, like Aiden. I could see the moisture collecting in her eyes. Aiden still frowned. His voice grew softer, he knew he hurt her. He hated hurting girls, no matter how much they deserved it. He always felt bad afterward. "Gwen, please, just stay away from my Jas. Please just stay away from her and me." Gwen's face tightened. "you were right." she said to me. Then she simply turned around and walked away.

I watched her back as she retreated. Surprisingly, I felt bad for her. I kept watching her. Aiden grabbed my chin gently and pulled my face to look at him. "hey," he said softly "you okay?" I nodded. "say something please." he begged softly. his voice anxious and afraid. "I just... I just felt bad for her," he frowned confused. "I imagined if our roles were reversed, how much it'd hurt. I know how she feels. That's all." Aiden relaxed, "oh baby," he hugged me to his chest tightly. "that's never going to happen. You'll never be in that role. I promise you that. You'll be with me. I'll never ever hurt you like that. I can't bear it. It'd kill me if I hurt you in any way," He pulled away and grasped my shoulders he looked me in the eyes. "please understand that. I'll never hurt you the way I just hurt Gwen. I wont ever hurt you. Do you understand?" he asked softly. I nodded. Tears stung my eyes. The way he was looking at me. The way he promised me his love. It was too much for me, I remembered the pictures and my mom. Aiden could see my pain hidden in my eyes. "come here." he whispered. He brought my face to his. He kissed me in a sweet solemn way. Everything he had just said was reflecting in the way he kissed me. Our kiss was made up of fear, pain, promise, solemnity. "I'll never leave you." he whispered against my lips. "I know. I trust you" I whispered back. We parted, He cupped my cheek and looked me in the eyes. He smiled sweetly. "what would I ever do with out you?" I smiled sweetly at him. He wrapped his arm around me and we started to walk towards his car. "let's not let Gwen ruin our night. yes?" he suggested. "I smiled for real this time. "Great Idea."

Once in his car, we headed towards our destination... Navy pier. "So, how was your afternoon without me?" I grinned. "Well pretty Sad, literally. I took a shower-" "Man, missed it again." he joked. I laughed. "Um after that I did some homework. And I cried with my dad." "what?" now he was worried. "why? what happened?" he was extremely worried. "nothing, its just, my dad was looking at photos.... of my mom. The ones of their wedding." My voice cracked a little. Aiden laced his fingers with min and squeezed my hand. I let my tears fall silently. "He never got over her did he?" Aiden asked. "no he didn't," He reached over and wiped a tear from my face. "He loved her so much Aiden. There's one picture where he's watching her coming down the aisle, and well, the way he looked at her..." "What?" he asks gently "It's the same way you look at me." I turned to look at him. He looked at me. It was that look. The look that proved he loved me. He smiled warmly. "Now I know how he felt for your mom. A beautiful girl we hoped and wished would be ours finally is. A girl who loves you. who cares about you and Is there for you rain or shine, through the good times and the bad. Someone who not only is beautiful on the outside but is gorgeous on the inside as well. Made up of various qualities and personality traits that make you so special to our eyes. And although she has flaws, she works to overcome them. A girl who is loyal and trusting. The one girl that no other can measure up to." He turned to me and smiled. I blushed and smiled. "It's how I feel about you. And now I understand that, that's how your dad felt about your mother. It also helps me understand why he's so against you and me. He's not ready to see his daughter, the only thing he has left that connects him to that beautiful woman that was a part of him for so long, leave and find her own partner that will feel that powerful feeling for you." I smiled. "It makes sense." I reasoned. He chuckled "Yeah. It does make sense doesn't it." We hit a red light. He leaned over the arm rest and kissed me. I cupped his face. He pulled away just in time for the green light. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Jas." He admits "have I ever told you that?" "Not enough." I teased. he smiled widely.

We finally arrived to Navy Pier. As we walked out from the parking lot we walked over to the entrance hand in hand. Once inside Aiden pulled me in the direction of the food court. I laughed, "You're hungry?" I asked. Aiden chuckled "yeah, I'm starving." We walked over to the food court. Aiden ordered 2 slices of pizza, and an order of fries which we shared. "mmmm, I haven't had this pizza in a long time." he said while digging in to his second slice of pepperoni pizza. I laughed "can I get a bite?" "no," He snatched away his slice playfully. We started laughing. "I'm kidding of course you can have some." I smiled. He handed over the slice. I took a bite and then gave it back, wiping my mouth with a napkin. My mouth burned. Hot spice burned my throat, I started to gag. Aiden laughed. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that i put crushed peppers on it." "You jerk." I replied through the inferno that was my mouth. I coughed. "wow that stuff's spicy." Aiden chuckled. "Are you okay?" "no." I choked "I'm sorry really." he apologized. He reached next to him a handed me a bottle of soda, he had been carrying. I took the bottle gratefully. I quickly took a big gulp. The soda's coolness put out the fire. I swallowed and then shook my head. "uhhgg. Wow, remind me never to eat pizza with you again." I said. "sorry baby." I smiled "it's okay." "I'll make it up to you." he promised. I grinned. I scooted out of my booth and walked over to his side. I sat down next to him and scooted closer. I pulled his face to mine. I felt him smile. "Apology accepted." I soothed after I had pulled away.

After our pizza fiasco, Aiden and I walked through the crowded hallways. We passed by all the small merchandise booths. "hey look." Aiden pointed. I followed his gaze. He was pointing at the build-a-bear workshop store. "come. I want to buy you a bear." Aiden grabbed my hand and pulled me into the store. "Aiden" I protested. "c'mon Jas, this will be fun. Seriously choose a bear." "seriously?" He nodded excited. "yeah." I smiled "okay." I held his hand as we walked over to the wall where all the empty bear skins were. There were bears and other animals. I finally chose a cute looking Husky dog. Aiden walked over to fill him up with cotton. I followed him. He handed me the dog and then guided me over to where they were sewing up the stuffed toys. "Hello you two." the woman said. I smiled, "hi." Can you sew up our dog?" The woman nodded, "of course I can. It's what I do." She smiled and I handed her the dog. "Now pick out a heart to place inside him." She instructed kindly. She handed me a small bowl filled with tiny plush hearts. I selected a pretty simple red one. "this one." I said as i handed it to her. "no, no. Your not done yet. Make a wish." I frowned puzzled. Then I turned to Aiden, "here, you make the wish." Aiden raised his eyebrow and nodded. "okay." He took the small heart from my hand. The woman nodded. Aiden closed his eyes and made his wish. "okay, done." He handed the woman the heart. She smiled and placed it inside my dog. Aiden smiled and then looked at me. I noticed. "what?" I asked. He shook his head, "nothing." He kept smiling. "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked curiously. "you'll see." The woman smiled and finished sewing up the dog. "There you go. All done." "thank you very much." Aiden grinned. He took my hand and then took me over to the computers to give our dog a 'birth certificate'.

"Okay Jas, what do you want to name the dog?" He asked. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I'm not sure." I admitted. He smiled. "Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" he asked softly. I thought for a moment. "A boy," I answered, "And, I want him to be named... Jonah." I finished. Aiden smiled, "perfect." He kissed my cheek softly and then waited for me to type in the facts about our dog. Once we were done and had the certificate printed we payed for the dog. We asked if we could have a bag instead of a box for the stuffed dog. Once everything was done, we headed up for the greenhouse. “I've heard this is the best place for couples” Aiden joked. I smiled. As I walked into the greenhouse, I let the warm humidity of the room engulf me in a wonderful fragrance. I took a deep breath of the warm wet air. “It's so relaxing up here.” I commented. Aiden smiled and wrapped his arm around me. I leaned against him. I reached my arm up and placed my hand on his cheek. I felt Aiden smile under my touch. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” I asked. I turned to look at him. Aiden smiled warmly and lovingly at me. “Yeah... You tell me all the time.” I grinned and reached up to kiss him. “What would I do with out you?” I asked myself. “I don't know you tell me.” he replied. I laughed. We untwisted and walked up hand in hand to the outer area where the fer-is wheel and other rides were located. It was already dark out and the city had put on her evening makeup to illuminate the night. “Wow.” I breathed. I leaned against the rail. Aiden walked up next to me. “Breath taking isn't it.” “Yeah.” I looked at him. His hair was blowing in the soft evening breeze. Behind him the fer-is wheel was brought to life with the help of lights.

Aiden suddenly turned to me. “Jas, what exactly is your life plan?” he asked seriously. “My life plan?” I asked frowning in thought. “Yeah, your life plan,” he nodded, “You know, what do you plan on doing in life. Do you want to go to college? Start a career? Get married? Have a family? What?” he finished. I thought for a moment. “Well... I have thought about that. A lot, recently actually. And well, I do want to go to college. But, not for a long time you know. And well Marriage... I've thought about it and yeah. I'd like to get married too.” I blushed. I had often day dreamed of walking down the aisle arm and arm with my father. And as I'd look ahead, I'd see Aiden waiting for me. My blush deepened as I thought about it. Aiden smiled and nodded. “What about you? College? Marriage? Work?” Aiden chuckled. “Yeah, I want to get married too. And I'd like to go to college for a year or two. Then, well. I'll see what I want to do after that, when the time comes.” I nodded taking this in. Aiden reached for my hand and played with the ring on my finger, He had given it to me back when he was 14 and I was 13. It was a friendship gift. “Do you know what it is I'm looking for in a marriage partner though?” he asked. I shook my head, “no. what?” “well, First of all, I have to love her. Second, I have to trust her and know that she'll always be there. Third I want her to care about me and about others. I want her to be a girl with beautiful qualities and a personality like no other. I want to be able to know that she loves me and only me. I want to be able to tell her everything. I want her to acknowledge the flaws she has and work with them not let them overcome her, you know. I want her to be a hard working person. I want her to be a caring, loving, fun person. I want to be able to call her my best friend.” His eyes had drifted to mine. I chuckled, “well... I certainly don't fit that description.” Aiden chuckled tenderheartedly, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Do you want to dance with me?” he asked looking straight at my eyes. “There's no music.” I protested. “So?” he answered grinning. I laughed “okay then lets dance.” He smiled widely and took me in his arms. We swayed in a small pattern imagining there was music.

Aiden twirled me towards him and we continued to dance. I laughed. Aiden smiled broadly. “So. Have you gotten any ideas for a future groom?” He asked dubiously. I turned crimson and avoided his gaze. Aiden's smile disappeared, patiently waiting for my response. “Yeah, I have had ideas.” I answered. “really. Who have you considered?” he asked raising his eyebrow. I blushed deeper, “you'll see.” Aiden grinned his heart stopping smile and raised his eyebrow. “Come on Kiddo, tell me.” I smiled reminiscing all the good memories that came with that one nick name. I shook my head. “I'll tell you one day.” Aiden pouted adorably. I laughed. “Fine, fine I won't ask anymore.” He winked. I shook my head grinning. “Always curious and outgoing.” I muttered. “Yes I am.” He whispered in my ear. He stayed silent for a moment, thinking. We just danced. He looked straight at my eyes again. His expression was different. His eyes seemed to be reading me all the way to my soul. I lost myself, starring at his warm loving eyes that could read me so easily. “Jas, I love you more than anything.” He smiled and winked, “I quote 'You are my life now.' If you're hurt, I'm hurt. If you're sad, I'm sad. If you're happy, I'm happy.” he leaned his forehead on mine, “If you're in love, I'm in love.” He spun me softly once more. Then he let me go and knelt down on one knee. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. Oh my God I thought. Aiden reached into his pocket and brought out a small black velvet bag. My eyes widened. He undid the small tie, and the velvet flaps fell back like an exotic flower opening up, revealing a beautiful ring. The ring was made up of a flower like design that went around the entire ring, giving it a look similar to that of a flower crown. I gasped, my hand flying up to my lips. My eyes began to water. “Jasiana Hathaway, I love you more than my life, and I want to spend a lifetime and more by your side. Will you marry me?”

The tears clouding my vision escaped and trailed down my cheeks. Aiden smiled and waited. I nodded. Yes. Yes of course I wanted to marry him!!! “Yes! I'll marry you Aiden!” Aiden smiled like I've never seen him smile before. He slid the ring onto my hand, Perfect fit! Then he stood up. I was gushing rivers of joy now. “come here.” He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. “oh my God.” I breathed. Aiden looked at me from arms length. His eyes were shiny with moisture. He was so happy I had said yes. “I've known you all my life...” I whispered “ ...And now I can finally have you forever.” he finished I nodded. “yes.” Aiden smiled happily and then brought my face to his. I kissed him, under the light of the moon and stars.... and it felt perfect. Saying yes to Aiden seemed like the best decision I've ever made in my life. I loved him and he loved me. As he pulled back, he looked me in the eyes. He gave me his special look. The look that proved that he meant it when he asked me to marry him. I smiled. “what?” he asked softly. “you meant it.” I answered. He Understood what I meant, and smiled in return. He never wanted to lose me.... and it was true.

As We drove back to my house together, Aiden kept his fingers laced with mine. “So, what are we going to do now?” Aiden asked. I turned to him, “I don't know, do you have a plan in mind?” Aiden grinned, “Well, I was thinking... that we tell your dad,” I tensed. He squeezed my hand “And then well, we have a wedding, you buy your white dress, your dad a black tux, your friends as your bride's maids, Your maid of honor-” I froze, “Okay scratch that, No maid of honor,” he smiled reassuringly. “ And well, have a beautiful reception, have you looking like a princess or empress, Have a big wedding cake, have my grooms men, our families, and everything, you know. Have the wedding of our dreams. Well, mostly your dreams.” He smiled and winked at me. I smiled. “Well, it all sounds... amazing Aiden, really. But what I am worried about most... is my dad. And well, I think personally that my dad won't take it well,” Aiden looked down frowning. “And I love you Aiden, more than anything and I want to marry you. I don't want him to tear that special bond between us. I love you. I don't want anything to separate us. So, Although, the dream of a wedding, is amazing, I don't think that we'll be able to.” I looked up at him sadly. Aiden's jaw unclenched he let go of my hand and pulled over. “You know what. We'll make this a long engagement. We'll wait a year or two as long as it takes, so your dad can see that he can trust giving you to me. So that he can accept us.” His voice was full of determination. He turned to look at me. All the determination was evident in his eyes. I couldn't help myself. I grabbed his face and pulled him to me.

I caught him by surprise, but he immediately kissed me back. He Held my face in his hands, he held my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him to me. “mmmm Jas, stop.” He pulled away, unwillingly. We were breathing hard. He looked at me and then began to smile slowly. I smiled “what?” “Forget the long engagement.” he breathed and the pressed his lips softly on mine. I smiled, “works every time.” “ha ha.” I giggled. And sat straight. “Sooo, now what?” “well, we could still do the wedding, or we can just get married legally.” “How do we get my dad to sign the license?” He leaned in to kiss me again, “we'll find a way. Your good at persuasion, just look at how fast you got me to change my mind.” I felt my face flush. “obviously I'm not gonna convince him like that.” “Obviously not, that strategy was reserved for me.” I laughed. “you got that right.” Aiden shook his head grinning and looking at me as if I were the most adoring thing in the world. He gave me a quick kiss, “Come on, lets get you home.” “Would you like to come in?” Aiden thought it through, “Sure why not?” I beamed.

Twenty minutes later, I ran to answer the door, before my dad did. “Who is it?” my dad asked. “Aiden.” I answered. “humph.” “Dad, please, behave your self.” “yeah yeah.” I glared at him. I opened the door to let Aiden in. “Hey.” “Hello.” He hugged me. He let me go, “hello Mr. Hathaway.” “Hi Aiden!” He called from the kitchen. Aiden and I were barely able to suppress our laughter. We headed to the living room. Once in the hallway away from sight of my dad I reached up, and wrapped my arms around Aiden's neck. I kissed him slowly and deliberately. I could feel him smiling. “your dad's gonna catch us...” he muttered against my lips. I giggled and pulled away from him. “You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.” I whispered. He smiled and hugged me before letting me go and holding my hand on our way to the living room. Once there I pulled out some board games, just to play appearances. Then Aiden picked out a movie we could watch. He surprised me by putting in Titanic. I stared at him with an amused, confused expression. “Aiden. Why Titanic?” He was squatted down by the DVD player and placing in the disc. He turned slightly and looked up at me, with an innocent expression that made my heart melt. "Hey, It's good to have a soft side here and then." he protested adorably. I laughed. “You're so weird.” I managed to say. He smiled hugely and stood walking over to where I was. “Apparently that's why you love me.” He murmured softly, cupping my face and giving me a quick kiss just in case my father was around. I smiled. “I think you're right.” He gave me that heart stopping smile and then sat down next to me. Our knees brushed and my heart jumped. It happened every time he touched me. He rested his hand on my knee. I placed my hand over his. We heard footsteps as the opening credits began. Aiden pulled his hand free and slid away slightly. I shoved my hand wearing the ring under my leg. My dad walked in a minute later. We both turned around to look at him. “Wanna join us?” Aiden asked. I widened my eyes and looked at him. Aiden gave me a thumbs up on the couch. I calmed down slightly. I turned to look at my dad. He seemed to be thinking it over; but I knew him too well, I knew he was aching to stay with us.

He finally nodded and walked into the living room. He came to the couch that Aiden and I were seated on. He wedged between us. Aiden and I squeezed out of his way slightly. Awkward city. Aiden had his arms pulled tightly towards his body. I glanced at him quickly sadly. If it hurt being a foot away from him, how was I going to make it through the night now? The following 3 hours were very, very, very, uncomfortable and awkward. For starters I had my hand with a ring shoved under my leg the entire time! When the movie finally ended( my hand was numb), Aiden looked at his watch and stood up from the couch. I wedged myself free and stood up as well. My father had just fallen asleep, and I walked with Aiden away from the living room quickly to take advantage of the little time we had alone. We went towards my room. We entered it silently and I closed the door behind us. “whew, I thought he'd never fall asleep.” Aiden breathed. He sat on my bed casually. I smiled and locked the door. I walked over and sat down next to him. Aiden wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head against his chest. He rubbed my arm softly. I could hear his breathing and the faint sound of his heart beating on the opposite side of his chest. “I love you Kiddo.” He whispered I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. Aiden rested his head on top of mine.

“So. Do you want me to stay? Or should I go home?” Aiden asked. “hmmm. I don't know. Whatever you'd like.” I answered. Aiden chuckled. “I'll stay for a little while longer and then I'll leave.” I thought it over. “Sure why not.” I answered. He chuckled again, then let himself drop backwards on my bed. His legs dangled off the side. I smiled and sat Indian style facing him. “I'm so sleepy.” he murmured, closing his eyes. I grinned wider. His hand found my knee. “Are you happy?” he asked all of a sudden. “Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?” I looked down at his beautiful face. “I mean, I just agreed to spend the rest of my life with the one person I love. The man of my dreams,” I added “Are you happy?” He looked up at me, and sat up. “I've never been more happier in my entire life. Knowing that I will always have you and that nothing can take you away from me, is more than enough happiness to last me a life time.” He responded. I smiled. “I love you more than anything Jas.” he said softly. “I love you too.” I whispered back. He squeezed my shoulders and placed a kiss on my head. He stood up. “I think I should go. It's late.” I looked up at him with sadness. “I miss you already.” He smiled “I do too.” He leaned down and kissed me sweetly. His hands cupped my face and I held his shirt. We pulled away and he sighed. “I'll see you tomorrow. Yes?” he asked. I nodded. “Of course.” “Good. Good night Love.” “Goodnight. I love you.” “And I love you.” Aiden answered smiling. I stood up and kissed him quickly before he escaped out the window and down the fire escape. I looked out the window and when he landed he looked up at me and waved good bye. Then he disappeared into the night. I sighed and then retreated from the window to my bed. I let my self drop in the same spot Aiden had been lying. I rolled over on to my stomach. I smiled to myself. My sheets smelled just like him. I breathed in his scent and then rolled onto my back satisfied with the days events. It all seemed so... surreal. It started off like any other day. I went to school. Aiden picked me up. We went together on a date to navy pier. But then everything else was... amazing. Aiden proposed to me and I said 'yes.' I kept pondering the thought over and over in my head. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. “I'm engaged.” I told myself quietly. With that I slowly drifted to sleep imagining what my life would be like married to Aiden Dilorenzo.

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