Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1635216-Death-Ch-2-1st-half
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Death · #1635216
Ice and Zeik are in hiding, how long will it last...?
Chap 2

         We didn’t stop for anything. Zeik hadn’t spoken since we started driven. The black liquid that ran through my veins was leaking from ever visible part of my body. The twisting and turning of the road were endless abandoned streets. We’d been driving for hours when I stopped at a motel. Zeik was still quiet, even as we stepped into our motel room. The good thing about being an Angel of Death what you ask is what you get, most of the time anyway. He sat stiffly on the bed as I turned on the hot water and locked the door. I undressed and cleaned away the liquid from my open wounds and scratches. I wasn’t too bad. I soaked in the water a couple of minutes longer then got to my feet and grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around my body and looked into the mirror. My left cheek was badly bruised and my jaw was slightly swollen. I studied myself moments longer and got dressed. I could feel the soreness of my bones as I put on my pants and undershirt then my sweater. They were still damp but there wasn’t much I could do about that so. Zeik was still in shock when I sat down next to him.
         “Are you okay” I asked calmly. He just looked at me then looked at his hands.
         “What happened back there, Ice?” just the way he asked it made me fell like I had let him down somehow. I felt the tears well in my eyes. I looked down angry at myself for letting this happen.
         “What happened back there” I said swallowing hard letting the tears stream down my face, “was me saving you” I said unable to stop the tears from flowing down my face. “I’m sorry” I said crying now, he grabbed me and pulled me to his shoulders, “I’m so sorry” I said over and over again. He rocked me back and forth saying nothing for what is there to say when you’ve just witnessed two death angels in battle. He finally let go of me and I rubbed my eyes embarrassed.
         “Can I know” he asked still dazed. I nodded and moved to the back of the bed, crossing my legs and staring at him.
         “That guy that was back there, his name’s Jet. There are six of us in total-” I said looking at my folded hand in my lap.
         “Whoa” he said “who’s us” he asked so quietly I could barely hear him.
         “I’m an Angel of Death” he gasped and I thought he was going to run out of the motel but he just stood up and paced quickly in front of me. I continued now
         “There’s me, Jet, Christen, Angel, Def, and Fin. We are Death’s Angels of Death”.
         “And Death is?” asked Zeik stopping and looking at me.
         “You ever heard of the Grim Reaper” I asked him seriously. Holy shit, I heard him mutter from across the room. “well as you noticed I don’t exactly bleed blood” I said going to the kitchen and coming back with a knife “its ink” I said cutting myself on my forearm. He looked at me. I wiped it with a towel. “It keeps my wings died the color they are”.
         “Wing’s” he said staring at me in misbelief.
         “Yeah wings” I said taking of my sweater to where I was just in my undershirt. I turned around so he could see the scars. He came closer and slowly with his hand he traced the scars. They were seven inches long and almost two inches wide. It took almost all my strength to open them into slits and let my dark gray wings slide out. He backed away tripping over the bed.
         “Are you okay” I asked sliding my wings back into their scars.
         “How is this real” he asked shaking his head and getting up and sitting on the bed again.
         “I don’t know” I said soothingly, “but it is”. I was sitting on the bed moving closer to his back. I laid my head on his shoulder and we sat for I don’t know how long in silence.
         It was still thundering when I sat down in the lounge chair next to the window. The windows were shaded with a tan brown curtain. I flipped the fabric to where I could see out the window. My guess is that Jet still doesn’t know where I am but given time he will find me. After Zeik cleared up the whole truth mess he fell asleep while I watched the tv. I also took the car to a body shop. They said there was quite a bit of damage and that I’d take about a week. That would have to do. I handed him two hundred dollars and I came back. Zeik was awake and was in the middle of a bath when I walked into the room. There were black ink stains on the bed spread and towels sprawled across the room. I walked into the kitchen and searched through the cabinets and refrigerator. There were maybe a dozen eggs and a couple cans of soup. I chose the soup, they’re so much more comforting when you just found out the girl you wanted to be with is an angel of death. I shook my head and got out a pan. I turned on the hot water and ran the pan under it getting it clean. I poured two cans of soup into it turning on the oven. I turned around and took a breath leaning against the counter by the stove.
         “Oh, how did this happen” I asked rubbing my temples.
         “I don’t know” Zeik answered startling me out of my own thoughts. I stood there quiet staring at him. “What are you making?” he asked going around me and looking into the pan. “Chicken noodle”? I was still staring at him trying to regain my breath.
         “Oh my god, Ice, breathe” he said grabbing me as I swayed nearly knocking the pan off the stove. He held me as I tried desperately to go unconscious. I gave up fighting and gave into the deep slumber of darkness.
         It was like I was like I was unconscious but I could hear Zeik remotely in the back of my mind. I looked forward into the ominous green glow ahead of me. I stepped forward watching my step curious of what lie before me. Slowly a picture came into focus and I could see Jet and I speaking with Death. It was the memory of when we took Alex. By the bulging vein in Jet’s neck I could tell he was angry. With me…. It all makes sense. Death saying Jet couldn’t control me. Death tested me when he sent me on my mission with Jet. Jet couldn’t control me and that was it he knew it. He thought Jet could change my mind but… he couldn’t. The ground shifted below me and the ground fell through and I struggled to pull out my wings. Ah finally, my wings slid out easy and I landed gracefully on a bridge post nearly 40 ft up. There was a cool breeze and a full moon out. No stars were out and the stirring down on the road caught my attention. Was that me? I let my wings slip out and catch the breeze landing evenly on the road around 10 ft from me. It was me alright. I felt angrier than I’ve ever felt (I can feel what dream-me can feel cause she’s me). I felt absolute bloodlust (NOT like a vampire). I walked toward myself looking back at who I was staring at with such intensity that it sent a shiver down my spine. Jet. I looked at myself snarling and getting into my stance. Jet was ready. I ran forward stopping right before him ducking and punching deep into his gut. I heard his breath escape his lungs in a sound so familiar. While my arm retracted he brought his knee up hitting my chin so hard I flew backward into the air. I landed on the ground hard and struggled to get up. Don’t give up. I got up shakily and returned with my favorite mid-air scissor kick hitting him with more force than usual knocking him off his feet. I waited catching my breath waiting for him to charge me again. He stepped up then smiled grimly the fight was only beginning. He ran trying to punch me but I leaned to the side and kicked him hard in his ribs sending him yelling in and stumbling backward. He stood upright and kicked my side and I blocked it barely. I kicked my leg up trying to kick him in his chin but he caught my leg by my ankle and slamming against his knee. I screamed in as I hit the floor grabbing at my ankle to fix in the right place before it healed wrong. I felt the bones move and pop into place as I held it tightly. I took deep breathes as he laughed mockingly inching closer to me. He was only inches away and I could feel my body tense ready to strike. I couldn’t help but let the tears fall. His face was only inches away from mine now
         “Give up” he said whispering it to my face. I stopped crying instantly and swooped my feet hitting his knees, knocking him flat on his back. I got up and grabbed his neck before he could move. I gripped his neck hard and looked into his eyes. I was breathing hard and I felt my heart slow down little by little.
         “You’re lucky” I said through clenched teeth, “I don’t kill you” squeezing his neck till I felt his breathing just stop entirely. I let it go and went to the edge of the bridge. I looked at me and looked back at the sky. I jumped.
         A surge of alertness rushed through my body and I awoke gasping for air. Zeik pushed my body down trying to calm me. I looked around looking drastically for any sign that that was real. I lay still taking deep breaths.
         “Ice, Ice, Ice” Zeik’s voice sounded far away slowly getting louder.  “Ice” I looked at him my breathing back to normal now.
         “Ice are you okay” he asked. I nodded the whole dream still fresh on my memory. I looked around noticing we were still in the kitchen. I grabbed the counter and pulled myself up slowly. I felt a pang of fear shoot through my gut and I grabbed it gently.
         “Ah” I whispered “don’t feel” I screamed at the top of my lungs crying. I grabbed the ledge of the counter steadying myself. Zeik looked alarmed and relaxed after a second and I felt that agonizing feeling slip away. I cried letting go of the edge and slipped hugging my knees and rocking back and forth. I felt Zeik’s arms slip around my back and under my knees. I didn’t resist as he carried me to the bed and set me down. He sat down next to me holding my hand gingerly and looking at my eyes never looking away. I stared at him deciphering his face. It was… like nothing I’d ever known. I felt a feeling that didn’t hurt me but made me catch my breath. Love. I loved him. I couldn’t let him go, I didn’t want to let him go, I squeezed his hand tears welling in my eyes. He lay down next to me and we laid in bed looking into each others eyes endlessly.
         “What happened” he asked me slowly.
         “I didn’t” I stopped and took a breath “I didn’t tell you everything” I said lying on my back now.
         “Oh” he said still looking at me. I looked at him again and turned on my side so I could speak to him directly.
         “That stuff I told. It was all true but there’s more to it than that. You know when I told you, don’t feel?” I asked. He nodded. “Well that was my power. I have empathy. I don’t know what happened exactly but I’m guessing when I fell unconscious my power went out of wack” I said shrugging my shoulders.
         “One question” he asked quietly. It sent a shiver down my spine and I felt my fingertips tingle. “Are they after me?” I grabbed his hand for he already knew that answer.
         The days passed slowly and all I could think about was that dream I guess you could call it. It was Friday; Zeik was on the news as MISSING.
         “Why aren’t you on the news?” asked Zeik looking back at me on the bed where I sat counting the money we had.
         “Once I leave a certain place for a period of time. It’s like I never existed”. I said shrugging. He gave me a look that made me smile. We had to go shopping there wasn’t much we could do. We’d been wearing the same clothes for almost six days. Ewe, I know but we have to do what we’ve got to do.
         “Okay” I said clapping my hand and jumping off the bed “get up we are going shopping and picking up your car” I said putting my sweater over my undershirt and slipping on my boots. He put on his jacket and shoes and we walked out the motel door.
         The auto repair shop was just around the corner.
         “So…?” I asked “do you miss anything”?
         “Honestly” he said sighing “no”. I looked at him puzzled. He kicked the rubble and we walked in silence the rest of the way. The guys at the repair shop looked at me then at Zeik. Zeik put his hand out and Rob (that’s what his name tag said) dropped the keys in his hand. Zeik took them happily and threw the keys to me. He said thanks as I revved the engine. Zeik got in the car and I put it in reverse and drove out of the garage.
         Zeik grabbed the dashboard.
         “Slow down” he said looking at me as if I were crazy. I laughed and slowed down to a little over 90 mph. “Uh, more” he said. I slowed down to 75 mph.
         “There you happy” I asked him mockingly. He smiled. Whatever this town was called was seriously ghost town material. The streets were abandoned and we had to travel out of town to find a Wall-Mart.
         “Okay you get your stuff, I’ll get mine. Oh right and we’ll meet back there” I said pointing at the cell phones. He smiled at me as I handed over one hundred sixty-nine dollars.
         “Okay at one point if I this did happen we weren’t gonna go off broke ok”. He laughed and grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I smiled still a little confused. Why was that funny I was being serious. I shrugged and went to the women’s isle. I grabbed a basket on my way over. I got several pairs of jeans, shirts, sweaters, underwear, and bras. I looked at my stock, now for shoes. These boots were killing me. I rolled the cart to the rows of shoes.
         “Let’s see seven and a half” I said searching “ah, here” I said looking at the various selection. I decided on two pairs of sneaker and a pair of running shoes. I threw them into my basket and rolled to the cell phone isle where Zeik was standing looking at the cell phones. I rolled the basket next to his. I guess he’d grabbed one on his way also.
         “So which one you want” I asked him. He pointed to an apple iPhone. “Nice” I said grabbing two.
         “They cost like two hundred bucks each” he said exaggerating a bit.
         “Look at me” I said “when you’re an angel of death you don’t worry about cost. I’ll get these just pay for your clothes, kay” I said hugging him.
         “Okay” he said a little unsure of himself. I walked to a register with a woman clerk. He went to a different one.
         “Hi” I said smiling warmly.
         “Hi” she said scanning the items quickly. My total was two hundred four dollars and sixty-seven cents. I paid full in cash and she handed me my change dully.
         “Thanks” I said going to Zeik who was waiting for me.
         “Did you get them” he asked me coolly.
         “No” I said, “Hold on I’ll be back” I grinned deviously. I walked toward a male clerk at the checkout desk.
         “Hi” I said catching his full attention and sending him in a trance “scan these and hand them to us” I said handing over the iPhones.  He scanned them and handed them to us and without another word Zeik and I walked out.
         “What was that” he asked with enthusiasm.
         “Well all of us have a voice that can put people in a trance. We can make them do what we want. It’s not a power because all the angels of death can do it but Christen has a power much more powerful than this. She can make you do whatever you want with even the slightest words. No one else can do that. We can put people to sleep and make them do certain things but nothing compared to Christens power” I said honestly. I threw him his iPhone and he caught it and got in the car. We put our stuff in the back and headed back to the motel.
         We unloaded the stuff out of the car and sat down on the bed opening our new phones. They were really nice. After toying with our phones a little we had to turn them on.
         “Give me your phone” I said reaching for Zeik’s phone. He handed it over and I took the battery out and toyed with a couple wire.
         “There” I said handing the phone back to him. He gawked at me.
         “It’s a little a trick I picked up from Fin, he’s a technology genius plus the calls are untraceable” I smiled smugly as I toyed with mine. I dialed in Zeik’s number making a note to save him as one of my contacts. The ringing of Zeik’s phone made us both laugh.
         “Hello” he said jokingly.
         “Hi, how do you like you’re new phone?” I asked him smiling. He hung up and looked at me
         “I love it” he said then looked around. “Um how much longer we gonna stay in this motel” he asked throwing me a suitcase he’d managed to buy.
         “Um, I really don’t know I haven’t really thought about it” I said scratching my head. “We can leave today” I said surprisingly comfortable with that idea.
         “You sure, it’s your call”.
         “Yeah” I said nodding my head. “Okay well if we’re leaving I’d better get packing” I said smiling.  He smiled also.
         Almost two hours later we put everything in the back of his car.
         “Ready to jet” he asked. I scowled him for a second then nodded. He threw me the car keys and as I got into the car. I revved the engine a sign for him to hurry up. He got in the car and buckled his seatbelt. I looked at him then put the car in drive and slammed onto the gas looking straight ahead now.
         “Where are we going” he asked yelling over the wind. I was going about 90 mph.
         “Well” I said slowing down to around 60 “I was thinking we’d go to my safe house”.
         “Safe house” he asked surprised.
         “Yeah” I said taking a breath, “when I don’t want anyone to find me or if anything bad happens I go to my safe house. By where I live only it’s on a secluded island that hardly anybody knows exists” I said shooting a quick glance his way. “But,” I continued, “we’ll have to ditch the car”.
         “Whoa, ditch the car” he asked doubtfully.
         “Yeah, I could car you and the luggage but not the car sorry” I said looking at him. He took a deep breath. “Well hide it” I said looking at the road again. The road was unwinding before us as we got nearer to the shore. He looked at me as if I had just saved his life.
         “I know a place nobody’d ever think to look” I said taking a right and going off road following a path unfamiliar to the rest of the world. I’d explored every inch of these wood. I knew them inside and out. The rocks and dirt skidded under the tire and the dark dreary woods. The trees were a dark brown some even black with black leaves falling off the limbs. I stopped the car as felt a dark shade fall over us almost like a cloak. I stepped out onto the soft dirt, crushing dead black leaves. I looked all around me. It was beautiful. Surrounded by dark shattering trees as they grow old, wither, and fall to the ground. Zeik stepped out of the car also grabbing both our suitcases.
         “Hey,” he said throwing me my suitcase. I caught it and set out walking opposite the car. Zeik walked with me in silence. Looking at the black bark of the trees as he passed them.
         I stopped walking and looked at him.
         “Why are we stopping” he asked stopping a couple inches in front of me. I took a deep breath and unbuckled the tan jacket I was wearing. I flexed my muscles and slowly my wings opened matching our atmosphere. Oddly this time he didn’t back up, run, he didn’t as much as gasp. I handed him my suitcase and he took it.
         “How longs the flight” he said staring at me.
         “Um it takes almost ten minutes by myself so nearly twenty” It was an appropriate guess.
         “So how do I…?” he asked scratching his head with his left hand the bags in the right.
         “Just hop on” I said bending my knees ready for him to get on. I heard his footsteps crunch as he backed up and took a running start. He landed on my back heavily and I steadied my footing and jumped into the air catching the breeze and swooping high into the air. The clouds were, as probably you guessed, gray. I felt his arms tighten around my neck then loosen slowly.
         “Let me guess” I said looking back at him, “your first time flying”. He smiled and I looked ahead smiling and swooping down touching the water with my fingertips then flying upward swirling. I felt his whole body shake from laughter. He was enjoying this.
         I could see the island from where we were flying.
         “Over there” I said pointing to a speck in the dark blue-green ocean. I nosed dived picking up speed dramatically and opening my wings gliding through the air softly onto the sand.  Zeik dropped onto the sand after we landed.
         “Well that was interesting” he said sitting on the sand.
         “Yeah I guess” I said sitting next to him. “Well” I said clapping my hands “I think we should really get going”.
         “Why” he asked genuinely perplexed.
         “Because this place is only secret if you’re not seen” I said walking away from him. I listened as he sighed and ran to my side.
         “Okay I know we’re incognito or whatever but will we ever just sit on the beach and you know just chill out?” he asked looking at me. I ignored his eyes.
         “Maybe” I answered ducking under tree branches and stepping over large rocks.
         “Maybe” he said in a childish voice.
         “Look I’m sorry but do you want to die” I said exasperated. He scowled me as I turned to face forward again. Okay I know I was being a little irritable but if a guy you actually liked for the first time in forever was being hunted by the people you’d grown up with. Oh and don’t forget these aren’t just normal people they are of course Angels of Death lead by their leader Death (Grim Reaper). Oh I’m sure you’d be just chipper. My foot touched a jagged rock and it cut through my sneakers.
         “Ow” I said as the ink slowly soaked my socks, and dying my shoe black. Zeik looked down at my ankle.
         “You okay” he asked looking at me intently.
         “Yeah” I said kind of distracted. The trees made the forest harder to walk through. The trees here were taller and thicker so there were less of them. A stepped forward happy to see my home. It was covered with the embers of fallen leaves. It was shaded all over. That’s why this place was my secret place. From the air this place was just a forest but from down here there so much unseen. I turned around to look at Zeik’s face. His face was shocked and awed.
         “Wow” he whispered almost to himself. I grabbed his wrist and we walked to the house. It was truly beautiful. It was a two story with a balcony and dozens of wildflowers on the ground. It was meant to be a beach house but all records of the house had been lost. So I took it as my own.
         We’d been in the house for nearly five hours. Zeik was still admiring it. There were many windows and the wooden areas were oak. It was magical. It was surrounded by an endless look of trees unless you looked out far enough. If you did you could see a little slice of the oceans waves crashing and mixing into the horizon. Zeik was sleeping and I stayed sitting on the couch looking out the window. A storm was coming I could see the hazy colors of gray swirl with the white icy colors of the clouds. It felt comfortable looking out the window listening to the uneven steady beat of the rain on the roof. Zeik’s footsteps were silent as he crept beside me.
         “Boo” he said. Relief washed over me and I scowled him. He laid down next to me his head on the pillow I had in my lap.
         “Are you sure we can’t go to the beach” he asked curling his bottom lip. He looked so cute. I sighed.
         “Yeah we can go”. I said kind of annoyed he didn’t drop this.
         “Yes” he said excitedly turning to face me and grabbing my face in his hands and kissing me tenderly for a second then returning to his position on my lap. We stayed silent for a second. My breathing was back to normal but I can assure you I was in shock. He kissed me! That’s a first. He looked up at me. I felt my heart weaken and my veins slowing. How could I feel like this? I was in love with Zeik. He wasn’t feeling anything I could tell. My feelings were my own I knew which ones they were. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

“Okay” I said as we walked out into my backward, which was just a clearing. “What are we doing?” asked Zeik confused.
“Well” I said standing in front of him “I’ve got to teach you how to fight”.
“Me?” He asked a little too cocky.
“Yeah you” I said as I cracked my neck and threw a side kick to him. He blocked
it and looked at me cockily “have you ever fought before" I asked
changing the subject.
         “Yeah I took boxing classes when I was around twelve and I kind of stuck with it”.
         “Ooh” I said sarcastically as I turned and kicked him in his chest. He stumbled backward and looked at me.
         “I told you I gotta teach you how to fight you can’t just let your guard down even for anyone as pretty as Angel”.
         “Yeah Angel is probably something to look at” he said winking. I felt anger swarm over me and I threw a left jab just missing his face. He smiled at me. “Ooh somebody’s jealous” he said as he dodged another punch.
         “Shut up and fight” I said annoyed as I kicked him high on his chest sending him onto the tree. I punched at his face but he blocked it and grabbed my arm and twisted it around to where my back was against him.
         “I bet she’s nothing compared to you though” he said throwing me forward. I smiled and got back into my battle stance. He cracked his knuckles and jumped around cockily. I took the advantage knocked his feet out from under him. He lay on his back looking at me surprised. I was smiling wide now.
         “Jet trained me” I said handing my hand to him and helping him onto his feet. He stood brushing his back off then grabbed my hand and kicked my leg out making me land on my back.
         “Never let your guard down even someone as incredibly handsome as me” he said smiling. I scowled him then kicked his foot knocking him off balance and making him fall beside me.
         “Same here” I said getting up. He laughed and got up.
         “Okay I don’t know bout you but all this is making me starving”. He looked at me and I motioned to go inside. I walked beside him and he opened the door for me to go in.
         “I call the shower” I said running up the stairs. He grabbed my foot as I raced up the stairs.
         “Cheater” he said as he passed me.
         “Whatever I called it” I said as I got up and passed him and ran into the bedroom where he tackled me onto the bed.
         “Ow” I said laughing. He looked at me, his eyes deeply penetrated to mine. I lay silent trying not to breathe as he looked down at me propped up on his elbow above me.
         “I-” he kissed me hard. Making my lips feel numb but I didn’t want it to end. His lips were determined and yet tender. I felt him move his head to a better angle and felt his body fall into place next to mine. What was he doing? I reached up grabbing a pale gray pillow that belonged on my bed set. I pushed it between him and me. His lips retracted from impact and he fell to the side breathing hard. I got up and ran into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, my ear against the wall. I could hear him catching his breath and thinking how stupid he was to do such a thing. I didn’t know what to think. I turned on the water undressed slowly. I stepped into the hot water feeling its actual climax. I didn’t know how to deal with this. I love him but I don’t know. I felt the cold tears stream down my face and I let the fall. There were just times you couldn’t hold back. The tears rushed down and I felt myself slip from concentration. I’ve been so stupid. I wanted to save him but all that I did was kidnap him and make his life a living hell. I took deep breaths trying to stop the feeling of dizziness that I felt. I tried to get up but fell back into the water unplugging it. The water drained as I lay still unaware of anything.
         I don’t know what happened after that. I heard the pounding on the door and I don’t know it was like I woke up. Only I wasn’t asleep. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my head. My body was already dry. I slipped on my clothes and brushed my hair slowly. I stepped out of the shower where Zeik was sitting on the bed. He looked at me but said nothing. I sat beside him and grabbed his hand.
         “Why couldn’t you just be some normal girl” he asked me ashamed of what he was saying I felt my eyes water and I rubbed them briskly.
         “Did you ever think maybe we’re not supposed to be together” I said my voice cracking.
         “If that was true why do I feel like my whole world is crashing down on me every time I don’t have you near me?” he asked.

         After that I don’t know I kind of gave up on trying to figure out my feeling. I’ve known what they were all along I was in love with Zeik as I’ve said many times but almost every time I said it. I felt as though I was trying to convince myself. I don’t know what I’m gonna do now. It’s hopeless, how can I save him when I’ve already marked him for dead. Have you ever heard that saying ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it to’. In a sensible kind of way that was this situation but when you’re dealing with 5 angels of death trying to kill one human, whom I am in love with, and trying to keep him alive, which kind of spreads it apart from that saying. I guess what I’m trying to say, to myself and to you, is that there’s no such thing as perfect love none like Twilight where you know he loves you and is going to be with you forever. This is reality no matter how close you get it’ll never be perfect. It’s like trying to arrange the stars you know it can’t be done but you’ll always want to try. I know everything I’ve said is just perfect, it’s… it’s the perfect love story but you don’t even know the half of my cynical, tragic love story.
         I know you’re like right, whatever but you have got no idea what its like to live everyday taking lives and giving them to Death as his slaves, to have you’re entire life taken from you in a flash. I was sixteen when I died or taken to be turned into what I am now. Can I ask you a question?
         Have you ever looked at the one you love and just wished this were real? Well I guess not in my case but those who aren’t in love do you dream about this and wake up tears streaming down your face because you know it was a dream. I’ve never felt anything like this but the longer I lay here looking at Zeik I feel it. My body was restless and I could feel a breeze from the window slide in. Zeik was asleep and I could hear his soft even breathing from the bed he slept on the couch. I watched him carefully watching every move he made. He’d changed my life and I took his. I hadn’t killed him but I felt as though I killed a part of his life. Any chance he had to live a normal life was taken when he met me.
         “Are you up” Zeik asked groggily.
         “Yeah how’d you know”?
         “I could feel it” he said making his way from the couch to my bed. He lay down next to me.
         “Wait do you have empathy to” I asked mockingly.
         “Ha very funny” he said pushing me.
         “Ow gosh no need to get rough” I said teasingly. He smiled and gazed at the ceiling for a second.
         “How long have you been up” he asked still looking at the ceiling.
         “Umm since about twelve” I said thinking.
         “Are you kidding we crashed out at like ten” he said looking at me in shock.
         “It’s the time when I used to do the devil’s work” I said evilly. He smiled.
         “But you’re not an angel of death anymore” he asked.
         “Oh I’m still an angel of death… just not a bad one” I said letting it sink in for a moment. He laughed and turned to me. His face was hidden in darkness and to tell you the truth I wouldn’t have changed a thing. This was the perfect moment.  I felt everything. If there was a moment I wanted to remember for the rest of my life this was it. The feeling of happiness and…and love just made everything Zeik and I were going through worthwhile.
         I’m still awake. Zeik fell asleep not to long after our short conversation but I can’t blame him. I’m not the most exciting person to talk to even if I do have wings and used to work for the Grim Reaper. It was nearly six.  I better get up today was yet another day of combat training with Zeik. Ooh I could create a show. NOT. I got out of the shower about fifteen after but honestly who’s counting. Right like I actually look at the clock. My eyes skimmed the living room then the kitchen. Okay so I was a little paranoid but angels of death were out to get my boyfriend what do you expect. I walked into the kitchen my footsteps echoing on the hollow bare wood and I grabbed the bagel with cream cheese I had cooked and bit it softly.
         “Umm” I said loudly.
         “Umm am I gonna get a bite” Zeik asked drying his hair off. Okay not to take away from my desperate attempt to make you realize that no love is perfect well there are certain people that look perfect in a damp white t-shirt. I nodded unable to speak. He walked across the room and grabbed the bagel and took almost half.
         “Hey cheater, you said a bite not the whole thing” I yelled retrieving what was left of my gnawed bagel. 
         “Get over it” he said getting the other bagel and biting into it. I smiled at him taking his bagel and running into the backyard.
         “You want your bagel. Take it” I commanded him holding it tightly in my hand.
         “Oh that shouldn’t be too hard all I got to do is stun you” he said mockingly.
         “Yeah you probably could stun me but I don’t think your charm would work on Angel” I said hotly. “You want your bagel come and get it” I said beckoning him now. He smiled sharply. I wrinkled my nose and bit the bagel.
         “Umm that tastes good” I said. His smile grew wider. I grasped the bagel in my hand and beckoned him again. This time he charged at me and grabbed my arm and tried grabbing the bagel. I wiggled it free and kicked him in his abdomens hard sending him backward. He smiled at me as I took another bite.
         “Umm” I said licking my lips hoping him to encourage him to fight harder. He charged again this time kicking at my stomach then spinning on his heels kicking my legs out from under me. Ah one of the many moves we all know. I fell on my back and he tried to snag the bagel but I got up not getting a speck of dust on it.
         “Nice” I said dusting off my butt. “Okay round two” I said charging at him at an incredible speed then kicking in the air at his face and chest. He moved to the side dodging my kicks and I swung to my left hitting his head, knocking him on the floor face first. I stepped back and took another bite of his bagel. It was nearly two-thirds gone.
         “Umm are you really gonna let me eat your entire bagel” I asked still mocking him. He stood up and walked to my side slowly trying not to set off an attack on him. I wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. He was only a couple of inches away now. I didn’t know exactly what to do. I stood perfectly still and waited for his next move. He reached for my chin gently and I grabbed the bagel tighter. He tilted it upward so I could look into his eyes and he kissed it smoothly. My knees buckled and I felt the support of his arms around my waist. He gripped my arm and slid it down to my hand grabbing the bagel and releasing the lock. I gazed at him still in a daze.
         “I know your weakness” he said whispering in my ear.
         “Really what’s my weakness” I asked practically unaware of the corniness of my words.
         “Guys in damp white t-shirt with bagels” I laughed and backed away.
         “You might be my weakness but I can be your worst enemy” I said graciously opening the door and entering the house. I heard him chuckle then enter into the quiet house.
         “You know if we fight like this more often, I could totally get used to this whole training thing” he said taking another bite of his practically finished bagel. I laughed
         “Just wait till tomorrow we’re using sticks” I said with false enthusiasm.
         “Ooh feisty… I like it” he said laughing. I laughed and turned to him. He was already making another bagel. He looked at me sort of surprised.
         “You know tomorrow I’m gonna whip your tail” I said grabbing his bagel out from the toaster before he could reach it.
         “Yeah right and all I have to do is stun you and knock you down. Ooh tough job” he said getting out another bagel and putting it into the toaster. I laughed and walked to the couch. I had set aside a book for me to read. I was a huge Stephan King fan. I picked it up and opened to the first page.
“Cut him,” Machine said. “Cut him while I stand here and watch. I want to see the blood flow. Don’t make me tell you twice”
                                                 -Machine’s Way
                                                           By George Stark
© Copyright 2010 NicoleA (niki6 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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