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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Death · #1635189
A deadly game of survival for life and death.... Ices life and love are on the line.

“Jet” I whispered scared.
“Yeah” he said playfully.
“God you scared the crap out me” I said nearly breathless as he climbed beside me on my bed. My hair was long and I didn’t cuss then.
He grabbed my waist and snuggled against me. He laid his head on my neck as I faced the wall. He was cold as usual but somehow there was warmth coming off him tonight.
“Ummm” I said as I lay getting sleepy, I don’t know why but something about him soothed me. His hand twinged and he raised his head from my neck and looked down at me. It didn’t scare me or seem out of the ordinary in any way. I closed my eyes as he kissed my lips softly and whispered in my ear,
“It’ll all be over soon, and then we can be together”. My eyes shot open as the needle pierced my skin and I felt the injection run through my veins.

Chapter 1

I don’t remember everything but it still haunts me to this day.
It was midnight and I was in my room looking at the ceiling listening to the hollow sound of the fan. It was dark and my eyes were barely adjusting. My vision was still blurry and the outline of the room came into view. The cover was off my feet and I could feel the cool air of the fan blowing onto my bare skin. It sent a shiver down my spine. I sighed and blew my hair off my face, my hair was long then. I pulled the cover up to my chin, I didn’t know why but I felt a growing fear deep in my stomach. I closed my eyes I could feel and icy grasp around my ankle.
“Oh god” I couldn’t help but scream. It was useless for I was already in the hands of evil.
That’s where my nightmare ended. I can’t remember anything after that. My name is Ice. I’m an Angel of Death. I know scary huh?

I arrived at my High School in my solid black 69 Charger. I know classic but it was a hammy down from my father one of the few remaining sentiments I have left from him. I took a breath god I hated school. But it was necessary I didn’t want to be a dumb angel. Ha I thought it was funny. I stepped out of the car. I’d been going to this school for nearly 3 months. It was in the middle of January now and I guess they weren’t quite used to me yet. I could feel their eyes burn into my skin. I held my backpack close to me. Deep breathes.
I walked down the crowded hallway to my locker. So many new faces that I haven’t even met. It scared me. I couldn’t even make friends because you never know which one will be your next hit. My locker was next to some guy. From what I could tell he was a hockey player, his mask always hung in his locker. I blankly looked at my locker; it was a dull blue with paint chipped off. I opened my locker and set my book bag down. I ran my fingers through my hair and grabbed my geometry book and set it in my locker.  My hair slid onto my face and I could see the bright purple highlight. I couldn’t see behind me but I could hear the footsteps coming up behind me. I didn’t dare look back. He came up beside me and opened his locker. He looked at me; I kept my eyes staring straight ahead.
“Hi” I said awkwardly.
“You’re…” he asked shyly. I guess he was insinuating for my name.
“Ice” I said matter-of-factly.
“Cool name” he looked at me and flashed a smile.
“Yeah” I managed a forced laugh. I grabbed my World History book and looked at him.
“Look I got to go to class. So I’ll see later….”
“Yeah definitely” he flashed me a crooked smile.
I smiled at him and pushed my hair behind my right ear as I walked around the corner into Room 123.
         I stared straight ahead trying to listen to Coach Damon lecture. We were discussing World War II.  I looked at the board dully. Why couldn’t I focus?
         “God damnit” I murmured.
         “Um Coach Damon can I go to the bathroom”?
         “Ugh yeah make it quick”.
I find myself looking in the mirror. My black hair with purple highlights fall loosely over my face in an angular cut. My eyes a deep set purple and my skin a deathly white. I took a deep breath and turned on the water. It rushed through the pipe and I stuck my hands under it. It was hot. I could feel the steaming water when I rubbed it on my face. My chest heaved as I gripped the sink. A deadly urge soared through my body.
         “Ugh” I grunted. I could feel the two slits in my back open and my wings extract. I rolled my neck trying to calm my instincts to let my wings free. Someone’s time was up.
I could barely feel my hand from gripping the sink so tight when Jet appeared.
         “Nice to know you’re happy to see me” he said smugly.
         “What do you want” I whispered harshly trying to control my urge to attack him.
         “To be with you, but of course you refuse” he said as he walked toward me in a smug manner with his hand held tightly behind his back. He looked at me as I struggle to control my anger and confusion.
         “Why, why do you refuse to be with me,” he asked finally letting his arms hang at his side, “why do you refuse to be with me, the ultimate power; the next Death” he said stroking my chin lightly and speaking in a way that sounded almost hypnotic. I quickly turned my head away from his touch and looked into the mirror. Jet was staring at me his hand trailing my spine as he pressed down hard on a nerve that stopped the urge to kill, to attack in almost an instant. Jet didn’t move and neither did I.
He looked evil; everything about him gave you that feeling. I looked at him finally. His eyes were cold and pitch black although his skin was as pale as mine. He was tall almost six inches taller than me (I am five-nine) and his broad shoulders only attributed to the masculine body that stood towering over me. 
I walked out of the bathroom and looked at my phone. It had only been two minutes! Coach Damon looked at me as I walked in but continued the lecture. I sat down and looked into my book,
“Why did this happen” I said so softly I could barely hear myself. I began rubbing my temples and slowly my headache disappeared.
The bell rang for class to end. I picked up my things and hightailed it out of there. I walked through the hallway secluded as usual. My steps weren’t noticeable and I approached my locker silently. I tried to shift my books to my left arm but they fell all too quickly for my reflexes.
“Damnit” I said aloud. I got on my knees and slowly picked up my books.
“Do you need any help?” It was that guy from earlier.
“Ugh no I got `em” I said as I stood up.
“Well here at least let my open your locker since I didn’t help pick up your books” he said as he opened my locker for me. I froze when I saw the red rose in my locker. I looked at him; he was as shocked as I was. Surprisingly he laughed.
“Wow” he said, “that’s uh…, I really can’t think of anything” he said still laughing. I laughed to as I put my things away.

That was hours ago now I’m traveling through the sewer to get to Death.
Death is the Commander he owns us all. Me, Jet, Angel, Def, Christen, and Fin. We are his Angels of Death the others that he owns are just slaves. You see them roaming, the haunted souls of many are under his command. I turned the corner and looked down the tunnel. Death’s layer wasn’t that far now. I ran as fast as I could to the end. Before I hit the end I tucked my arms in close to me and jumped. I free fell till I hit the bottom where AD (Angels of Darkness) awaited for me. I looked at their faces one by one.
Angel her hair was a dark red and her lips the same. All of our skin was the same color but there was something about her that made her beautiful.
My eyes move toward Def. He was just as gorgeous as Angel. His hair was snow white and his eyes a darkness that seemed endless, he was tall but not like Jet nor was he as masculine. 
I skim past the rest but I stop on Christen. Her black eyes were filled with hatred even if I couldn’t see it she made it fairly obvious. Her long blonde straight hair was slicked back into a ponytail. She wore all black as we traditionally do. She was tall and skinny and pretty but what set her apart from us was her voice. I nodded and began walking toward the closed door. Death was in the other room; he must have told them to wait for me outside. Jet smiled as I walked past him.
The door opened easy and I could see Death in the corner of my eye. I looked to where he stood. He stood upright and an ominous green glow surrounded him and his cape drooped over his face and body. Death was none other than the Grim Reaper.
“What’s up” I asked seriously.
“Ah, Ice you’ve proven justice once again. Your last job proved to me exactly how dependable you really are. Tonight I want you and Jet to team up and take out you next job”.
“Whoa hold on. Death I don’t need an assistant I can do this on my own”.
“Oh I know” he exclaimed “but this will be fun to watch”. What the hell did that mean?
“Ugh” I screamed. I stormed out the room cussing under my breath.
“Hey” Jet called after me. I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked at him “looks like you and I are partners” he gave a smug smile and I jammed my fist into his rib. I felt the air rush out his mouth as I stepped out of his way and walked back into the sewer tunnels and out into the bright sunlight.
My footsteps were heavy on the road and it was drizzling slightly. So far nobody had stopped and I was thankful. I grabbed my hood and thrust it over my head. The road was long and narrow. I could hear the almost silent hum of a car approaching. I stopped and looked behind me. The car had slowed down and was right behind me. I saw the door open and a guy step out. He was that guy from the hallway. I really have to get his name.
“Hey” he said as he ran to my side “you need a ride somewhere”?
“No I’m fine walking” just then it started to rain harder.
“Look Ice come on it’s raining and your soaked. What are you trying to do get ammonia”?
I laughed “I don’t get sick”.
“Really I don’t believe that wherever it is you’re going I’ll drop you off, okay”.
I sighed “yeah okay”.
I got in the car it was nice. It was a silver 01 Camaro.
         “Nice” I said as I buckled my seatbelt. He smiled and put his car in drive and we got back on the road.
         “Um do you mind if we go back to the ice rink I forgot my skates?” he asked a little embarrassed although I couldn’t figure out why.
         “No it’s fine” I said “so you’re a ice skater”? I asked.
He laughed
         “No I’m a hockey player”.
         “Oh I see that explains the mask hanging in your locker and the whole ice rink thing” I said.
         “Yeah,” there was an awkward silence “so how’d you get the name Ice” he said briskly.
“Have you ever felt my skin?” I asked so mysteriously that he turned to me. He shook his head
“No”. I grabbed onto his wrist and I felt the warmth of blood coursing through his veins.
“Ah” he said “that’s freezing” he said smiling. “Hence the name Ice” he said staring at the road. I took my hand off slowly.
“Right” I said “before I forget I still don’t know your name”.
“Oh right I’m Zeik” he said taking one hand off the wheel and offering it to me. I shook his hand hesitantly.
“You’re the only person who’s touched me more than once. They say I’m to cold”.
“I’m a hockey player I like ice” he said looking at me. He smiled and so did I. I looked ahead and tried to decipher this strange feeling I felt in my gut.

He stopped the car at the ice rink.
“So you feel like skating” he asked me with a devilish grin on his face.
“Lets see a chance to fall on my but and make a complete retard out of myself. Ummmmm tempting but I think I’ll pass”.
“Come on it’ll be really fun besides I’ll be right there so you really have nothing to worry about.” I sighed
“Fine” I said giving up. He unlocked the door and we both stepped out into the rain. My hair was drenched and I could feel the rain seeping through my clothes again. We ran to the doors and we stepped in together.
“What size shoe are you?” he asked.
“Um 71/2”.
“Ok go sit down on the bench and wait for me I’ll get you skates okay”.
“Ok” I said. I walked to the bench and sat down. I got my phone out of a pocket that was inside my jacket where my phone was securely covered. It wasn’t wet so I flipped it open to check the time, 6:31. At midnight I had to be in Deaths office. I closed my phone and stuck it back in my pocket. Zeik touched my shoulder
“Hey, here are the skates” he said handing them to me. He had his skates in his other hand. I set them down and took off my shoes. I slipped the skates on and noticed he was already done.
“Here, let me see your foot”. He grabbed my foot and started lacing them up. “There” he said “now the other one”. Once he had finished both laces he stood up and offered me his hand.
“You ready” he asked. His face slightly amused.
“If I fall I’m taking you down with me”. He laughed. He held my hand tightly making sure I didn’t fall down the steps. My breathing was uneven and I couldn’t feel my legs. Holy crap. I felt his arms grab my waist as I fell backward. He caught me; our faces were only inches apart
“Told you I wouldn’t let you fall” he said smugly. I smiled. He released his arms from my back and held my hand so I didn’t fall down the last step.
“Okay careful” he said watching me. The ice was slippery but he held my as we circled on the ice. There were few people there and the ice was almost completely deserted.
“Okay swerve your feet in and out. It should keep you from falling”.
“Okay” I said grabbing his hand tighter. Why hadn’t he told me to let go of his hand. I looked at him he was smiling so I smiled to. Bad idea. Both of us tumbled down onto the ice.
“Ow” I moaned.
“Are you okay” he asked. I started laughing. I’d never had so much fun falling. We were both hysterical for a couple of minutes as we laid on the ice. He looked at me and I looked at him his eyes were blue. I smiled and sat upright.
“Wow I like this” I said.
“What ice skating or being with me”? I blushed and gave a nervous laugh
“Both” I said surprised by the truth of my answer. He smiled and I got up and awkwardly skated to the steps. They aren’t as hard to walk on the second time around. I sat down on the bench and took the skates off. Oh my god Ice how stupid are you, you can’t like him he’s human. You can’t fall in love with a human its forbidden.
He sat down beside me and undid his skates. We were silent as we slipped on our shoes and walked out of the rink. It had stopped raining and was now back to a light drizzle. He unlocked the doors and we stepped into his car. He turned it on and reversed it out of the parking lot. Just as we exited the parking lot I saw a familiar face. Jet.

We were on the road; neither of us had talked since we left the rink. He fidgeted nervously as he drove. He never took his eyes off the road.
         “Look I’m sorry for putting you on the spot back at the rink” he said embarrassed. 
         “It’s fine” I said. Oddly after that I felt as comfortable as I had before the whole incident.

The dim light covered half my face as I looked at Jet. I had just arrived. It was near midnight and a full moon was out.
         “Ready” I asked as I walked past him and opened the door.
         “Ah, Ice, Jet” he rubbed his fingers over his blade and Jet and I caught the reflection of our next job. It was a boy no older than 15 dark brown hair his complexion ivory. His name was Alex he didn’t look harmful but from what I saw he was a bigger danger to women than to any of us.

         I looked out into the sky. It was crowded with the dark blue clouds that make the night look like a comic book. I looked down the building I was on top of was nearly 200ft high. The scars on my back were opening as my wings slid out. I took off my jacket to where I was just in my muscle shirt. Jets footsteps were silent but I could hear his wings slowly begin to spread. My wings were like those of an angel only difference was mine were a dark gray not black like the others but a mild gray. From the sky we look like nothing other than eagles but when we’re up close that’s a different story. I skimmed the ground as soon his reflection came upon Death’s blade we knew where to find him. My gaze drifted to the spot of a rave. A blasting fire and drunken kids were noticeable from my vision. I tucked my arms in and set my wings into their slits. I was diving head first I couldn’t hear anything the roaring of the wind bleeded out Jets desperate cries for me to wait.  My eyes were close for I had to rely on timing to get me through this one second to early my wings break like twigs a second to late I fall to my death. Now. My wings flew out and I felt my wings struggling to keep me up. Finally I felt my feet touch ground. I tucked my wings in and I felt the scar healing itself to a minor scrape. I skimmed the area. No sign of him. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. I felt an overwhelming sense of power surge through my body. I closed my eyes and concentrated. An immense feeling of fear saturated in her stomach. Jet grabbed my shoulder,
         “What the hell didn’t you wait for me”? My patience ran thin and I turned without another word. I walked through the shaded trees. My keen vision helped and so did night vision. I came to a all to familiar clearing. Had I been here before? My thoughts were interrupted with a violent screaming. I turned around and listened intently. More screams. I looked around desperately trying to find him. There. He was hidden behind a tree surrounded by bushes. I heard a crack. I stuck my hands through the bushed and grabbed his collar. He struggled furiously
         “Let me the go you stupid-” he seemed baffled “you’re a chick”.
         “Yeah and you’re an asshole, you want to keep going”.
         “Oh ouch I’m gonna have fun doing what I did to little miss sunshine over there to you” he threw his head back.
         “Ugh you’re an ass” I said throwing a right hook and catching his nose. I could hear the crunch of his nose break as the blood drained down. I kicked him in his gut and caught him in a hold. I was about to snap his neck when Jet appeared
         “Stop, Ice you know we don’t kill the victims”
I held his neck a little tighter and he grunted in pain. Jet always kept his distance but now he moved closer. Face to face with Alex he spoke these word so spellbinding I felt weariness wash over me.

Alex’s body felt lifeless as I threw him up in the air. I spread my wings out and sprang into the air catching him on my back. Jet looked at me surprisingly confused
         “What were you doing”?
         “What are you talking about Jet”? I asked although I already knew.
         “Don’t play dumb” he said coldly, “what were you doing with him?”  It took me by surprise to see him so angry. Although our bodies are practically frozen I could feel heat and anger radiating off him.
         “Jet what the hell are you talking about”. I said defensively. I shook my head and dove toward our landing platform (a helicopter landing pad). I didn’t have to snap out my wing to land this time. I wanted to land hard. Jet wasn’t far behind when my boots touched the stale gray concrete. Alex’s body shot up as my shoulder dug into his ribs knocking him out of his sleep. He gasped for air desperately. I stared at him hard, what would make a fifteen year old want to do what he did to those girls. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what he did to those girls. Jet landed softly behind me his wings outstretched. I looked back at him, his eyes were daring and his wings just attributed to the evil glare that shone by the moonlight glow. Alex was already standing in pure horror. Jet strode him enjoying the look on Alex’s face when he punched him out cold. 
         “God damnit Jet, you didn’t even let me kick his ass when we were back at the clearing”.
         “Well you didn’t answer my question” he said sternly. I rolled my eyes and clenched my fists.
         “Asshole” I muttered under my breath as he hauled Alex onto his back and jumped to the ground below.

Do you remember in the beginning when I explained how I turned this way, well I started remembering bits and pieces lately. More pieces that I didn’t remember ever happening.  But that’s not even the weirdest part; they started coming back to me that first day when I met Zeik.


I looked at Jet furiously.
         “Why the hell aren’t you dropping this” I asked coldly. It was really starting to piss me off.
         “`Cause” he dropped Alex in the dirty sewer water and looked toward me coldly. He grabbed my neck hard and squeezed it tightly “I don’t want you jeopardizing any of us” he said pinning me to the wall his hands still closed tightly around my neck. I hit his arms with my elbow hard and pinned him against the wall with my arm.
         “You should know by now I’m not stupid”. I said gasping for air. He smiled his face only inches apart from mine. I rolled my eyes and strode off grabbing Alex by his arm and putting him on my back. It was Jet’s turn to follow.
         The tunnel ended and I ran as fast as I could, dropping Alex so I could jump down. I soared through the air and I dropped dramatically. My hair shot up and I closed my eyes feeling my body shoot through the air till I hit the ground. My boots hit the ground hard and my upper body thrust down from inertia. I looked up and waited for Jet to drop Alex and jump himself. I could hear Jets footsteps as he dropped Alex down the 30ft drop then take a couple of steps to get a running start.
         I caught Alex and stepped back and waited for Jet to land. I hadn’t seen how bad Alex but now as I waited I saw two black eyes a swollen jaw. I picked up his shirt to see the damage there. Ouch. He had two broken ribs and seven bruises on his chest, arms, and back. Jet landed softly in front of me as I set his shirt down. Now that Jet had landed he set him on his back and walked toward Death’s room. I opened the door and he and I stepped into the room with Alex. He was still out cold. Death was standing waiting for us. Jet dropped Alex on the ground waking him up for the first time. Oh sure you fall in water you don’t wake up land on soft carpet you do.
         “You’ve proven me justice once again Ice” he said. His voice was dark and deep almost to the sound of a bear’s growl. Jet stayed quiet although I could feel anger rush through him. “And you Jet you have done well with the group but there are things… you can’t control… such as Ice”. Jet was heated now and felt like bashing Death’s face in. I could feel it and I wasn’t even trying to. Never had Jet been told that he couldn’t control me or anything else for that matter. Jet and I walked out the room closing the door quietly behind us. I turned to look at Jet and felt his anger toward me. I took a couple of steps toward him and felt his anger thrive. He couldn’t hold back anymore and punched me. I stumbled backward feeling numb. Oh it’s on. I was mad now. I took a running start and did a scissor kick in the air. I hit under his chin sending him flying toward the back wall. The brick wall crunched under his bones and I raced toward him. Just as I reached for his neck he kicked my in my chest sending me flying and gasping for air. I stayed on the ground trying to breathe as he approached close enough. Bam. I kicked his legs out from under him and he fell leaving an imprint of where he fell. I moved quickly and held him down with my forearm hoping he would calm down.
         “Calm down” I said out of breath. My body was starting to throb. His anger was starting to lessen I could feel it. I looked at him studying his features. He still wasn’t talking but by the nod I guess that was a sign to get off him. His mouth was bleeding and his jaw was beginning to swell. I took my arm off his neck and he rubbed it gingerly. I looked down at him as if to check if he were okay. He nodded again and I got up and walked to 30ft drop opening and spread my wings and flew up.

         In case you’re wondering I do have a home.  It’s out by the Atlantic. It’s a beach house. Not fancy but livable, the school isn’t far from there. I know what you’re thinking it’s the middle of January by the ocean not a good idea but it’s the one place I feel like no one can hurt me, like I’m free. Sometimes I just look out into the ocean for hours at a time. I’m here now staring outside, watching the wave’s crash against each other. It was raining as usual; the sky gray and dark with storm clouds hovering in its emptiness. I looked at the clock it was nearly seven o’clock. I got up and walked toward my bathroom and opened the door. It was white with light jade green vertical stripes on the wall and wooden floor. I turned on the shower and let it wash over my hand. I stripped down and stepped under the hot water.

         I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black and purple shirt, solid black pants, and combat boots. Yeah I know not very stylish but what should an AD (Angel of Death) dress like? I grabbed my backpack on my way out and locked the door behind me.
I opened my locker quietly. Zeik hadn’t noticed I was there yet and I was kind of hoping I could keep it that way. I mean it’s not that I didn’t want him to know it’s just… I don’t want him to like me. There I said it. Zeik turned around surprised
         “Hey Ice”
         “Hi” I said oddly happy he had turned to talk to me.
         “So… what class are you going to?” he asked looking into his locker.
         “World History. It’s my first period”.
         “Oh that’s cool. I got a game Saturday”.
         “Really that’s awesome” I said surprised by my own enthusiasm.
         “Yeah” he said scratching his head, “uh I was wondering if you wanted to go watch”? I smiled slightly trying not to show the surprise I felt. Say no, say no.
         “Uh y-yeah that’d be awesome” I said stuttering slightly. Idiot. You’re gonna get him killed. He beamed at me
         “Awesome” he said. I could hear the surprise and sheer happiness in his voice. “Um I got your ticket right here” he said reaching into his locker for a ticket. He pulled it out and handed it to me. I slipped it into my binder and walked to class.

You know that feeling of butterflies in your stomach. I’ve never felt that…. Till now. I haven’t felt like this EVER! Not even for Jet. I mean Jet and I- I thought I liked him once then I don’t know but my powers were just coming in and I felt everything so I always thought they were his feelings for me.
         I sat down in my chair and flipped my hair out of my eyes. I let my head rest on the desk till the teacher walks in. Well that was my plan I wasn’t planning on falling asleep! Well here’s the dream:
         I was with Zeik you know then I start getting flashes. Bits of information one after another they hit me. There was Death telling Jet something, and Christen trying to kill me, and the worst of all Zeik was dead.
         The bell rang loudly and I woke up. I had slept the entire class period. Ha. I got my stuff and was out the door before the teacher could catch me. Zeik was waiting at my locker (his locker was closed and his stuff was in his hands). He saw me and stood up straight. I walked up to him and had to move him and opened my locker. He stood there watching. I laughed nervously
         “What are you doing” I asked slyly.
         “Um you mind if I walk you to class. I got to talk to you”?
         “Sure” I said still a little unsure of what exactly he wanted. Now would be a good time to use your powers. Oh right my powers. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
         “Are you okay, Ice” I looked at him startled.
         “I’m sorry what”.
         “I asked if you’re okay, you looked a little dazed”.
         “Don’t worry I do that to a lot of girls”. I smirked and we walked to Room 28 (math room).
         “So what did you want to talk about?” I asked hoping it wasn’t about what happened at the ice rink.
         “Oh, yeah” he said as he scratched his head. I’m starting to think he does that when he gets nervous. “Well you know how I asked you if you would go watch me play” I nodded at him “well I was wondering if you’d like to go out to dinner after that?” he asked looking at his shoes. I didn’t know what to say I mean I’d never actually been asked out on a date. Jet’s asked me to be with him forever of course I shot him down quicker than quick.
         “Uh” I didn’t know what to say, “Sure, I mean that’d be cool”. I sad trying not to sound as shocked as I really was. A look of relief shot over him. Oh my god here come the butterflies. I smiled at him as I walked into class.


I can’t believe this how could I let myself fall for a human. I mean I’m not falling for him. Am I? Oh I’m so confused. Anyway it’s only Friday tomorrow’s the game. He talks to me everyday at my locker but no more than that. He keeps his distance but we’ve decided he’ll pick me up tomorrow before the game. By the way in case you’re wondering I do eat human food. I don’t have any special diet I’m supposed to follow. I assure you of that.


Jet’s standing in front of me. His cold stare sends and awkward chill down my spine.
         “What are you doing” he asked me coldly.
         “Take your nose out of my business” I sneered. We were in the combat room (a large abandoned room in the tunnels).  He was walking around me in a circle now brushing my hair back from my shoulders.
         “You don’t get it do you” he said kicking my legs out from under me and catching my throat on the bare ground “you’re gonna get him killed and I’ll have the honors of doing so” he sneered with a grin spreading across his face.
         “You son of a bitch” I said kicking his side hard knocking the breath out of him. I got up quickly and got into my fighting stance.
         “And you know what I’m gonna enjoy killing that boyfriend of yours” he yelled smugly. I charged at him and caught him with a right hook. He kicked my chest and I flew back.
         “You won’t do a damn thing to either one of us” I said cracking my knuckles. He laughed cruelly and I charged again dodging a kick and kicking under his legs but he jumped over me entirely in a cartwheel flip. I jumped up looking at him coldly. He spat out blood and jumped at me trying to tackle me down but I split and he landed in a perfect summersault standing gracefully over me. He grabbed my neck and brought me to his face. I was inches off the ground dangling by the grasp he had of my neck.
         “Give up” he said “give up” he yelled out.
         “I-I’d r-r-rather d-die” I chocked out. He dropped me and I landed on the ground hard and on my feet. I took advantage and jumped up, grabbed his head, and banged his head against my knee. He stumbled backward furious. I raised my eye brows mockingly. He laughed again the cruel edge noticeable. I charged forward hitting his chin hard with a mid-air scissor kick. He stumbled backward and hit his face with a hard right kick. He threw a straight jab and caught me off guard and did a roundhouse kick and hit me square in the chest sending the wind out of me. I went down hard but didn’t stay down. We stared at each other not every blinking.
         “Aughhhhhhhh” I screamed in fury. I ran to him and jumped both feet forward. He flew backward and hit the cement wall crushing them completely and falling forward onto his chest. I flipped him over and held his neck under my forearm like I’ve done every time I win a battle.
         “Give up” I said evenly. He looked at me intently then a grin spread across his face.
         “I give”. I got up and walked to the door. I looked back to Jet; he was still looking at me. I spat beside me, opened the door and flew out into the night sky.

I rubbed the stiffness out of my body. Last night I had combat training with Jet. Today was Zeik’s hockey game.  Ugh, something in my stomach turned. Why did I have a bad feeling about this? Zeik was gonna pick me up at six thirty the game was at seven. I sat upright feeling someone’s presence. I got up slowly walking toward the door. I was in a short sleeve shirt and a pair of comfortable shorts. My legs and arms were beginning to tense. Slowly I opened the door peering around it.
         “Boo”. I opened the door completely now. Jet was standing in front of me a grin on his face. I scowled him and pushed my hair from my eyes
         “Don’t you have anything other to do than harass me”? I asked pushing past him and grabbing the remote to turn on the cartoons. I threw the remote on the couch and I walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Let’s see eggs sound great.
         “You hungry?” I asked getting a pan and breaking the egg in it. He hadn’t answered I looked at him suspiciously and I turned on the stove slowly.
         “Why did you come here” I asked staring hard at the egg.
“Why else” he said pushing through the kitchen and grabbing my head and kissing me so fiercely I could feel blood drip into my mouth. I hadn’t let go of the pan.  I grabbed the pan; I could feel the sizzling splash on me as I brought it up and slammed it against his face. He let go of my head and fell onto the counter beside me. The egg and grease splattered across his face and slowly his black flesh came to eye. I knew it wasn’t going to last long. His skin would heal in a matter of seconds. One.  Slowly the fresh skin started covering it like thread. Two.  Layer after layer the skin got thicker to where it was hardly noticeable at all. Three. I saw the black vein that had been burned slowly move toward its other half like a worm, slowly reattaching itself. That was it he looked as astonishing as he ever had.
         He smiled that cruel look astonishingly peculiar in his face.
         “Get out” I yelled at him still holding the pan and gripping it tighter. He put up his hands in surrender and stepped out the door still looking at me. He smiled at me once again opened his wings and flew up.
         The steady beat of my wings somehow made me feel alive. Kind of ironic, huh? It was nearly four thirty and I had to be home soon so I steered around and headed toward my house. Out hear by my place it was nothing but ocean. Cool sand, dark dreary skies, and the sound of the waves gently rocking you to sleep. I had left my window open, the way that was on the patio. My clothes were already laid out and I stepped into the shower quickly.
         I wasn’t wearing anything fancy but I looked alright. I was wearing a dark gray sweater with black pants and a pair of black boots. Not those fluffy boots but you know the one’s with the not to thick but not spiked heel boots. Yeah those. They were halfway to my knee. I threw on a purple scarf and looked at myself in the mirror again. I felt like laughing. I actually looked nice. I looked walked to my living room and looked at my clock it was nearly six-thirty. I wonder if he’s lost, I thought to myself. I hope so. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. Dawn of the Dead was on it’s one of my most favorite scary movies. I sat still staring at the blood and gore of the zombie. Tap, tap, tap. Zeik was here. I looked at my clock quickly and rose to my feet. I reached for the remote and shut off the tv as I walked to open the door.
         “Wow you look great” he said kissing my cheek lightly. I really didn’t have to react.
         “Thanks you to” I said walking to the car. He was wearing dark faded blue jeans and a dark gray button up shirt. I smiled shortly and got in the car. I hadn’t noticed how cold it was. I looked out the window momentarily. It looked as though it were going to rain. Zeik had already turned on the car and was reversing it out of my drive way.
         It was drizzling as usual. It was mid-January remember. We had already entered the town and the streets were filled with cars as the game was just about to start.
         “You still got your ticket” he asked hurrying.
         “Yeah” I said stopping and getting it out of my pocket. He stopped and smiled at me. I handed it to him and he grabbed my elbow pulling me inside the rink.
         “Hey I’ve gotta get ready so. I’ll see you afterward, okay” I nodded smiling. Have I ever smiled this much, I asked myself. No. He turned around to leave but I grabbed his hand
         “Good luck” I said giving his hand a squeeze. He smiled then turned and jogged into the locker room. I took a breath and turned to find a seat. I looked hastily the game was going to start in a matter of minutes. I managed to spot two free seats in the third row. I walked toward them in long strides. The hockey players were already skating onto the ice. I sat down when I reached the empty seats. Wow I had a great view of the ice. It was breathtaking. I searched the ice for Zeik who was looking for me as well. I waved at him trying to get his attention. He waved at me skating toward his coach. I breathed in, why was I so anxious. I gripped the armrests a little tighter. The game was about to start. The official had already put the twenty minutes on the scoreboard. They were announcing the name’s of the starters.
         “Number 23 Zeik Sanders…” they went on. I saw him skate onto the ice and give the other guys a high five as he stood in line waiting for the game to begin. Zeik’s team got into position and waited for the umpire to blow the whistle. A high pitched whistle made me cover my eyes instantly. I have mildly sensitive ears. The whistle stopped and I looked at the ice staring hard. The puck went back and forth and soon Zeik was racing down the ice skating down hard and hitting the puck back and forth aiming toward the goal. I gripped the armrest till my hands were red as he stopped and hit the puck as hard as he could into the net. Ding, the puck punched into the net hard. The crowd went wild and jumped up ecstatically.
         “And Zeik Sanders makes the point” yelled the announcer.

The game was awesome. Zeik’s team won by three (the score was 6 to 3). Zeik was still in the locker room getting dressed. The place was still way crowded and I felt as though I could barely breathe. I was sitting on the bench looking as people leave the rink slowly.
         “Huh, hi” I was surprised by who I was talking to. It was some scruffy guy. He was in a pair of dirty jeans and a black shirt with ACDC printed on the front.
         “Are you waiting for someone” he asked sitting beside me and putting his hand on my leg. I rolled my eyes and picked it up by the finger.
         “You put your hands on me again-” I said through clenched teeth but was cut off by his voice.
         “What you gonna sick your big bad boyfriend on me”? He asked putting his hand farther up my leg.
         “I’ll break your hand myself” I said picking up his hand by his wrist and twisting it to where his face turned from misbelief to anguish. I let go of his wrist and he rubbed it roughly.
         “You son of a-”
         “Is there a problem” asked Zeik as he stepped beside me towering of the guy that had harassed me.
         “No problem” he said staring at me coldly. Honestly I’ve seen worse.
         “You alright” he asked sincerely looking at me concerned.
         “Fine” I said laughing inside. Did he actually just ask me if I was alright? I don’t have super strength but I can fight. Jet taught me remember. I smiled at him and he turned and we started walking to his car.
         “You didn’t tell me you were that good” I said actually surprised by the fact that he was incredibly good.
         “You didn’t ask” he answered bashful. I smiled as I got into the car. I had stopped drizzling but huge cumulonimbus clouds were overhead. Thunder boomed outside my window. I buckled my seatbelt and put my hand on the armrest. He slowly moved his hand toward mine and interlaced it.
         “Does my skin bother you” I asked slightly curious as to why he acts like its nothing.
         “No” he said so sincerely I knew it was true. We stayed silent listening to the patter of the light raindrops on the car.
         “Can we stop somewhere I have to use the bathroom” I asked looking at him anxiously.
         “Yeah sure” he said stopping the car at a gas station, “I got to put gas in the car anyway”.
         “Thanks” I said as I got in the car and walked inside. “Uh where’s the bathroom” I asked the clerk.
         “Over there” she said pointing to a corner in the back with the sign restroom over it.
         “Thanks” I said embarrassed. I walked down the isle and noticing the reflection in the glass I saw Jet smiling. I looked back quickly. No one. I took a breath and turned around and ran to Zeik.
         “Get in” I said alarmed, “get in the car now”.
         “What-” I cut him off.
         “Get in the car” I yelled getting in the car. He took the pump out of his gas tank and grabbed a couple bills from his pocket and got in the car. He turned his car on and eased onto the road. Thunder cracked again louder this time. It was pouring now. I looked back seeing just and empty road.
         “Ice what the hell was that back there?” he asked concerned.
         “Nothing I thought I saw someone” I said still frightened and a little dazed. I looked back again.
         Zeik pressed the brakes hard and stopped a few inches short of Jet. I looked forward frantically. There was Jet standing in front of the car smiling that cruel grin he showed me when we talked about Zeik.
         “Zeik” I said my hands shaking, “when I get out lock the doors” I said grabbing his full attention. “Move to this seat” I ordered him as I stepped out into the pouring rain. Thunder cracked once again making this the ultimate illustration of a fight seen. The others weren’t there but it was jus me and Jet as it had always been. I looked at him fiercely and got into my fighting stance. He smiled at me again and I could see the cruelness of his features. I screamed out in fury and attacked him. Punch after punch he blocked them slowly moving backward. I finally kicked his chest and he flew to the ground. I stood breathing evenly but I could feel a surge of anger rush through me. He got up quickly and dusted off and charged toward me kicking under my legs then dodging on of my own kicks and grabbing my leg; throwing me roughly against the road. I took a breath and returned in my stance. He was wiping blood of his mouth. The rain was beating down on us and we were now fighting in the cold harbor of dark. We were both still and I felt him tensing, he was going to charge me. I took a look back and positioned myself just right. He took a running leap both feet forward. I put my arms against my chest and waited. Boom. My body surged through the air and through the car windshield in the driver’s side. I felt my slick, wet body bend the hard metal of the car. I fought the urge to give up and got my feet in the car and onto the pedal. I slammed onto the gas pedal and crashed into Jets body. I didn’t press the breaks till we were completely out of sight.
© Copyright 2010 NicoleA (niki6 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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