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Rated: 13+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1634921
The fourth inheritance...
Chapter One

         He sighed, groping through his tools, making sure he had everything necessary to finish the job.
"I'm a engineer, not a plumber damn it." He exclaimed, and glanced at the note he just recently received.

         To our knowledge there has been a recent mishap in the Living Quarters, as there seems to be a leak. As one of the engineers of the Fourth Inheritance, you have been called upon to investigate and fix the situation which resides in room 34A. Gratitude is given in advance,
Lars Rhondes

         The engineer got his tools, and left the Engineering bay, heading straight for the Living Quarters. The Fourth Inheritance had simple halls, tiled floor and chrome walls with a thin red line following the bottom of the wall. The halls were lighted appropriately and screens centered on the wall displaying recent news and information. The screens were on at the moment and Lars Rhondes, the captain of the Fourth Inheritance was giving a message. The engineer slowed down to catch the middle of a sentence.
         "...to be some sort of Revive outbreak, but is under strict control and should be, of course no trouble, it is our duty to make sure the members of the Inheritance should be protected and if anything does happen, you all know, or should know what to do..."
         The engineer ignored the rest of the broadcast and continued to his destination, now in the Living quarters. The Living Quarters was a slightly wider hallway than the previous one, now with blue lines along the bottom of the wall and teal walls. Doors were adjacent to each other. The engineer glanced back and forth between both sides checking the numbers as they increased. 28 29 30...The engineer got to room 34A and reached his hand out, knocking on the door. He noticed a keypad to the right of the door, knowing he could just open it himself. Being and engineer for the Fourth Inheritance, he has admission to most doors, with a few exceptions, but just wanted to be polite. The door opened at a smooth pace and a woman's face greeted him pleasantly.
         "Oh, come in, come in!" she said excited. The engineer, smiled, nodded and walked into the room. There was a puddle of water, and a clear source. A pipe was jutting out of the ceiling spewing out water in a fast pace.
         "Do you know how this happened, and when?" The engineer said in a calm voice, yet eager to get an immediate response.
         "I'm not absolutely sure, I was out earlier today for about four hours, and when I came back there was water everywhere, i reported it as soon as I got here around twenty minutes ago, it's good to see you guys work fast." She said cheerfully. The engineer had this under control and found that it was going to be a rather simple task.
         "I think I should be able to take care of this without much trouble, if you don't mind, I will be back in a bit." The engineer said, putting his tools down.
         "Of course, take your time." She said and smiled. The engineer glanced at the woman as he walked out of the room, slightly intimidated by her. She had long black hair that reached her waist, straight and clean; voluminous. Her gaze was seductive, even in the friendliest of situations. Striking blue eyes pierced right into the engineer and her facial structure matched that of a goddess. She had a golden olive complexion, almost as dark as the engineers. The engineer exited the room removing his concentration from her. He looked at each end of the hall and spotted a door to the right, a closet, specifically for containing objects to help with such situations. The engineer proceeded to the door and opened it with his eight digit Engineer's code, 3 3 2 9 2 4 5 5 . The engineer found immediately what he was looking for, a ladder. The ladder was expandable and lightweight, the engineer was able to carry it with one hand easily. As he returned back to the room the closet door behind him closed automatically. The ladder was short, around three feet at its current height. It had four legs, two of which on each side were parallel to each other and met at an upside V-shape. The ladder in its current form could be used as a stool, which the engineer did. The engineer was a slightly under six feet tall, and the ceiling was ten feet. Standing on the ladder granted the engineer to be directly below the pipe. The engineer simply needed to re-attach the dismantled part of the pipe, the one that was emitting the water, with its adjacent pipe. The engineer stepped down and walked over to his tools. The woman started up and unexpected conversation which caught the engineer off guard.
         "So what is your name?" she said stepping out of his way. The engineer picked up his tools and walked back over to the ladder.
         "Isaac" he responded and stepped up the ladder with a number of tools and began to work on the problem. "Isaac Bakari, how about you, what's your name?" he reinstated.
         "Oh, Isaac, are you by any chance related to Isis?" she questioned, ignoring Isaac's .
         "Yeah, that's my sister." he said and chuckled.
         "I'm sorry" the woman said. "My name is Katherine Homb."
         "Do you mind if i call you Kate?" Isaac responded. She laughed jokingly and merely acknowledged his statement.
         "So, are you a plumber, Mr. Bakari?" she asked seriously. Isaac cringed and started grinding his teeth.
         "No, actually I'm an Engineer" Isaac said, hiding his frustration. Isaac started to wonder if people actually think he is a plumber, yet stayed focused on the problem. "What brings you to the Fourth Inheritance?"
         "I'm actually training to be a pilot here, do you know Simon Snowl? He's my guide."
         "Ah, I see" Isaac stated "He is a good man". He was about finished fixing the pipe but he just decided to delay to talk to her for some more time.
         "He is," she stated calmly and looked down at her feet, "but he is a bit-"
         "Edgy?" Isaac interrupted, finishing his work. "I know what you mean." He stepped down the ladder in its stool form and placed his designated tools in his toolbox. Isaac let out small sigh and folded up the ladder, exiting its V-shaped form and entering a straight up vertical state.
         "Well i guess this is goodbye Mr. Engineer." Katherine asked. She had her head turned to the side, one eyebrow raised slightly.
         "For now, until next time." Isaac motioned while heading for the door. Katherine rushed to the door in order to provide assistance for the full handed engineer. They exchanged their final looks and Isaac exited. He left that room feeling different. Something about her.
         Isaac shook his head vigorously and returned the stool back to its rightful position, now en route to the nearest restroom. Isaac followed the blue lines west around a corner and continued to a restroom down the hall. The men's bathroom resided on the left side of the wall(while heading west)and the women's on the opposite side. Isaac left his tools outside.
         Inside, Isaac proceeded towards the mirror closest to the entrance. He turned on the faucet, cupping his hands under the water before bringing it splashing in his face. Isaac had short, scruffy black hair and a complexion slightly darker than Kate's. He had brown eyes and an attractive facial structure, clean of any facial hair. I wonder if she saw anything in me?
         "Isaac, are you in here?" A familiar voice called from outside. A light voice, yet not female. A figure appeared, accompanying Isaac in the restroom. A short man, with brown eyes and shaved brown head. He wore a Fourth Inheritance uniform and carried a large, complex bag. A messenger and friend of Isaac.
         "How did you find me?" Isaac questioned.
         "I saw your tools outside, I knew would be around here from the last message I gave you."
         "I'm assuming you have another message, Ptah?" Isaac said frowning. Ptah just gave a sadistic smile and reached into his complex bag and went through a series of cryptic compartments before pulling out the message. Ptah snickered, "You would think that with all this technology, we would be able to get rid of paper."
         "They also said that when the Internet came out. As long as there are trees to cut down, there will be paper to write on." Isaac said, taking the message from Ptah. The paper was tinted red, meaning it was a message of urgency. Isaac was requested by Isis Bakari and Lars Rhondes. The ones in charge of the Fourth Inheritance.

Chapter Two

Isaac arrived at his destination, no tools, more casually dressed. The door in front of him was locked, and this was the exception where his engineer's code would not work. He waited a few seconds before the electric door opened horizontally. He was greeted by his sister, Isis. Neither of them smiled. Isis led her brother through narrow hallways to a large room with a table in the center and a glass, see-through floor. The wall on the east was tilted outward at a forty degree angle, also see-through. Below, and to the east was the flight deck. The Inheritance was currently on autopilot, and the approximate twenty members remained idle at the appropriate stations. The table had a plethora of seats, all but two were vacant. One on the west side of the table, and one at the north side of the table. Isis motioned her brother to the table on the west side, and she proceeded to the north. They both sat down simultaneously, as brother and sister. The table was chrome, and oval shaped. The table was also empty, not even elbows rested upon it. Something familiar caught Isaac's eye. Below, he saw her hair as she moved along side Simon Snowl. The hair was easily recognizable, it was Kate.
         Five people sat on both the east and the west side of the table. Two at the north; Isis and the captain himself, Lars Rhondes. The south side had no chairs. All of the five people began explaining the amount of urgency to Isaac. Everyone had something to contribute, including Isis. Every few seconds Isaac would be distracted by the view. He could see right into space to the east. It was spectacular, even to Isaac who had been an engineer on the Inheritance for three years. Distant stars and planets were in plain sight; all different in color, shapes, sizes. It looked like something straight out of a painting or a science fiction movie. One with unrealistic space travel and dangerous aerial dogfights. Nothing in space is like that. It would be too expensive to build ships just to have them shot down in a few days. The view was immaculate. The black void, her long black hair.
         Isaac, although distracted, was able to keep up with the conversation being described to him, and the distant space. Lars clearly stated "I didn't want you here, but your sister was concerned about you and thought you should here this." Apparently he does not plan on becoming my friend. And if I heard correctly, every ones life is at stake here on the fourth Inheritance. Even though Lars hates me, he will have to get over it. Isaac didn't seem too concerned at first until he realized it wasn't a problem that can be fixed. According to the people in the room, the Fourth Inheritance was scheduled to crash in approximately thirty minutes. What Isaac was told was: "It appeared out of nowhere, it was huge, and now we are caught in it's gravitational pull. We are too far into it to get out."
         Isaac thought, Bullshit. How does a planet appear out of nowhere? Only if you are a bunch of fucking Idiots. but ended up saying: "So were destined to crash into a planet that never existed?" No one responded. Isaac looked at everyone in the room, even his sister, then he looked down to where Kate was. Suddenly, everyone was preoccupied. Maybe it did appear out of thin air. The universe is big. We have no idea what can happen out here.
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