Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1634839-Fornis-Gift
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1634839
A young man seeks the blessings of a forgotten god.
(Word Count: 2117)

Caleb trudged through the forest in his bare feet. The cool air of the summer morning made him shiver, and he wished he had worn more than the soft white shirt and coarse brown breeches that hung from his lithe frame. He could make out the clearing with the ruined temple several feet ahead. He tried to scan the area, looking for any sign that someone else was around. While most people avoided the ruins, he knew that young teenagers often came here to explore, and some of the braver youngsters would come here to play hide-and-seek. He had visited the site during such youthful adventures, himself.

While the town council did not officially approve of children playing near the ruins, they unofficially tolerated it. Everyone agreed that it was better to let kids be kids, after all. Now that Caleb had celebrated his eighteenth birthday, however, he was expected to do the moral thing and shun this place, so it was important that no one, even playing children, saw him today.

He reached the clearing and gazed upon the ruins. The stone walls of the temple were cracked and crumbling from centuries of neglect and the relentless attack of vines that scaled the structure. Two life-sized stone satyrs guarded the entrance, their features masked by thick growths of moss. Caleb stepped between these silent figures and peered into the darkness nervously. One more step, and he would be on forbidden ground. Even children were forbidden from actually entering the building dedicated to Forni, who had been declared a demon rather than a god so long ago.

Caleb rallied his courage and took that step which would condemn him. It was necessary, as he desired the gift that the denounced god was rumored to offer more than the approval of his leaders. He stood, blinking in the dim light as his eyes adjusted. He stood in a narrow, dusty chamber. Stone benches lined the side walls, and he approached one of those as he began to strip off his clothes. He glanced at his smooth flesh disapprovingly as he bared it. He hated his soft features and prayed that Forni would soon transform him into a true vision of manliness.

Now completely naked, Caleb picked up the small bowl of sandalwood and myrrh he had brought with him and crept to the far end of the chamber and stepped into the main sanctuary of the temple. It was a cavernous room with more benches, fountains, and other items scattered throughout it. Light from gaps in the wall and a hole in the ceiling overhead admitted the only light in the room, casting it in a kaleidoscope of light and shadow. Moss, vines, and other vegetation had begun to claim the inside of this chamber, much like it had the exterior walls. Caleb jumped as a startled songbird to the left of him took flight and escaped through the opening in the ceiling.

Caleb’s eyes were quickly drawn to the giant statue in the center of the room. There stood a six foot tall figure who must surely be Forni. The god was completely naked, holding a javelin in a throwing pose. As Caleb approached, he could make out the sculpted muscular detail of the statue, arms and torso tense as if ready to move any moment. He knelt before the statue and placed the bowl on the base of the statue. He frowned as he realized he had brought nothing to use to burn his offering. He hoped the god would not hold this against him.

He bowed his head and struggled to find words. The old stories his grandfather had told him made it clear that there used to be a specific prayer to make this petition, but the details had been lost to the past. He spoke in a soft, trembling voice. “Lord Forni, please accept my gift and my devotion. I ask that you bless your servant with the gift of manhood. Oh hear me now, god of might and power.” He licked his lips and waited, trying to determine if he felt any different. He felt foolish, and wondered if he was wasting his time.

After another moment, he was startled by a voice. “It’s been a long time since I’ve heard such an earnest plea, or one filled with such desperation.” Caleb jumped to his feet and stared at the naked man standing beside the statue, looking him over. He had black hair and deep brown eyes. His massive pectoral muscles and abdomen were tan and gave off a coppery glow in the beam of sunlight that shone down on him. A seven inch penis hung limply between his legs, resting over large, pendulous testicles. Caleb trembled as he gazed at the man, his mind swirling with awe, terror, and desire. The figure smiled and stepped smoothly toward him. “Speak up, boy. Surely you haven’t summoned me merely to stand there as a mute.”

“Forni?” Caleb finally managed to sputter. “But you look nothing like…” his eyes drifted to the statue.

The god frowned as he rubbed his chest. Caleb unconsciously licked his lips as he imagined it was his own hand caressing those engorged pecs. The god spoke, “As a god, I can look any way I chose. While the statue is handsome, I felt that this form matched your ideas of the perfect man more closely. I have become everything you feel that embodies masculinity. That’s everything that you wish yourself to be, and everything you find attractive.” He reached out and began to run his hands over Caleb’s own smooth chest. Warmth began to flow into the boy’s flesh and he moaned. His knees weekend and the god grabbed him around the waist, pulling him closely.

Caleb’s breath became more labored as he spoke. “Oh god, that feels so good.”

The god rubbed his thigh. “I am always pleased to reward those who offer me their services with the pleasures I offer. But now, let us speak of your petition.”

Caleb moaned again and struggled to focus. “You’ll do it then? You’ll make me more masculine, like you are now?”

The god stroked the boy’s five inch shaft and it stiffened in is hand. “I can grant your request, though you may find that I do not do so in quite the way you wish. I cannot give you a body like the one I currently inhabit. But there are other ways to discover and embrace your own manhood. I offer you that now if you like it.”

Caleb run his hands over Forni’s tight, firm, abdomen and rocked his hips lightly as the god stroked him. Again, the god’s touch seemed to fill him with an inhuman heat, as if fire spread from the supernatural flesh into his own. “Yes, please. I’ll take anything you give me.”

“And in return, you will serve me? For that is they price of my gift.”

“Yes, I will do anything for you,” the boy groaned as his body flushed with desire.

The god smiled. “Very well, then.” He dropped to his knees in front of Caleb and ran his tongue along the underside of the boy’s member. Caleb gasped as the wet organ coaxed precum from his erection. He leaned forward and placed his hands on the god’s shoulders to support himself as Forni slowly sucked his entire manhood into his mouth. The boy’s entire mind was consumed with desire and ecstasy as Forni sucked his rod and massaged the orbs hanging below it.

After a moment, the god looked up at Caleb and smiled. “I think we shall need some help.” With that, he snapped his fingers and two satyrs stepped from the shadows. They were thin and looked to be about Caleb’s age. Their half-hard penises poked out from the thick hair that grew below their waists. The one had bright red hair on his head, while the hair covering his lower body was a darker brownish-red. The other satyr had snow-white hair on both his head and lower body. They approached the boy and the god. The blonde satyr knelt behind Caleb and began to caress and kiss his ass-cheeks. The other stood beside the boy and leaned over so that he could suck on Caleb’s nipple. Caleb moaned and writhed as Forni returned to sucking his manhood.

After a few moments, the two satyrs gently maneuvered Caleb so that he was lying on his side. Forni stepped back as the red-headed satyr took over sucking the boy’s throbbing member. The blonde satyr began to drive his tongue into Caleb’s puckered hole. Caleb continued to writhe and moan, lost in sensual bliss. Forni knelt in front of Caleb’s face and presented his own shaft to the boy. The already large member had grown another two inches when it hardened. The boy raised his head and struggled to take the thick erection into his mouth. He got six inches in his mouth before he gagged and backed off. Forni stroked his hair in encouragement. Caleb began to bob up and down on the god’s shaft, trying to concentrate despite the pleasure he was receiving from the satyrs.

After a few minutes, a fire swept through Caleb’s blood, his body spasmed, his mind cleared. His lust flared and he pulled off Forni’s manhood. He rose to his knees and grabbed the red-headed satyr, pushing him onto his back. He then raised the creature’s legs, exposing his furry ass. He spit into the cleft of that ass and rubbed his erection against it until he found the entrance he sought. He was amazed at how silky the satyr’s hair was against his tool as he pushed forward. The creature gasped and moaned as the boy’s rod began to invade his tunnel. The tightness was pure heaven and he began to thrust in and out. He barely heard Forni’s laugh as his desire to fuck the creature consumed him. He felt the other satyr line his own erection up to enter him. He paused long enough for the satyr to push inside of him and he groaned. He grunted as he resumed his thrusting. Each time he pulled out of the satyr beneath him, he impaled himself upon the other one’s erection. Jolts of pleasure ran through his body as the invading shaft rubbed his prostate.

After several more thrusts, he pushed deep into the red-headed satyr, his member exploding. His seed sped out of his body, a torrent of tension flowing from him along with it. His bowels spasmed around the shaft inside of him, and Caleb could feel it pulsing too. He was in heaven, as the pure, unbridled pleasure of climax coursed through every fiber of his being. The erect member inside him withdrew as the blonde satyr rolled off him onto the floor. Likewise, Caleb pulled out of the other satyr and fell back on his ass, panting. Forni approached him and firmly grabbed his head. The god guided his throbbing erection to the boy’s lips, and Caleb took the giant head into his mouth. The god stroked his shaft a few times and filled the boy’s mouth with his thick, salty semen. Caleb swallowed without thought, still riding the waves of ecstasy.

Once the god’s testicles were empty, he backed away from Caleb, who laid his head on the floor. “There you go, my servant. You have received my gift. Now rest.” Caleb opened his mouth, but no words came. He found his thoughts slipping away into the warm fog of unconsciousness.


Caleb awoke and looked around. He noticed that the shadows were much deeper and surmised that he had slept into the early evening. He looked around, and affirmed that he was alone. He wondered if he had merely been dreaming until he felt something wet oozing from his anal entrance. He ran a finger along the cleft of his bottom and brought it to his face for inspection. He saw the clear signs of slowly drying semen, and he knew it had really happened. He smiled as he thought about what had happened. As he remembered, he felt that same inhuman warmth begin to flow through his body. In a moment, it felt as if his blood was on fire. He could feel it spreading through him, filling him with both confidence and desire. “So this is Forni’s gift,” he said as a smile spread across his lips. He found it invigorating. “Now to share that gift with others.” Caleb’s shaft began to stir and his body seemed to burn as he thought of the guys in town he might share this gift with.
© Copyright 2010 JarredH (seithman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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