Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1634001-The-Randomness-Of-Love
Rated: E · Novel · Comedy · #1634001
a couple meets randomly and find that love is pure.
Finding Him.

I never new that I would find the love of my life by helping out a complete stranger. Just a random human being stuck in a position I would hate to have been in. I will remember that day for the rest of my life, because it started my life. I was just driving down the interstate when i saw a little black chevrolet with its emergency lights on, it was on the burm of the road. As I pulled behind it I was worried that whoever it was might have been in some major car trouble. When I stopped I put my Chevrolet Z71 suburban into park and as I stepped out there was a man waiting at his car door before I could even blink. " Are you okay?" I asked shaking from the cold.
" Uhm funny story, I am not." The man answered.
" What happened?" I continued to ask shivering.
" I am not exactly sure, my car just kinda stopped." The man spoke softly.

I shook my head with a crooked grin and waved for him to get into my heated SUV. He was a tall man, with long hair, he was slim, and very cute. I was kind of at a loss for words. When we entered my car I looked at him and spoke softly saying " My name is Parker, nice to meet you."
" My name is Jameson, I am sorry for the trouble." Jameson replied.
" where were you headed?" I exclaimed.
" Eh Just traveling to see family for christmas, and looking at the beauty." Jameson said with a gorgeous smile.

I began driving, this time with a new passenger, something I would never do on most days, but considering it was freezing cold, I had no other choice but to help this man. I wondered if Jameson had a place to stay, I mean he is a complete stranger, but I couldnt have him trapped in the cold. " So where are you from." I asked out of curiosity.
"Kentucky, I was on my way to Spokane, Washington." Jameson answered.
" Oh wow." Was all I could muster.
" Yeah kinda sucks getting stuck knowing no one here." Jameson chimed in.

Now I knew that I couldn't let Jameson be stranded, I knew if I was in that position I would need and want help. " Well I can't let you be alone on christmas eve how about you stay with me then I can't be alone either." I remarked.
"I don't want to intrude." Jameson spoke sweetly.
" You aren't at all I promise." I stated.
" Well then I can only choose to accept your offer." Jameson said while clearing his throat.

Jameson seemed to be a very sweet guy, even though I don't know who would wanna spend Christmas with a pale white, blondish-red haired, five foot tall girl such as myself but I guess he did. There was something about this guy, but I hadn't figured it out yet. The wind was roaring against my suburban quickly. Snow was covered on the ground, and it was about 30 degrees below. Even though the conditions sound harsh, it was a very beautiful sight.

The sun was cracking out of the clouds perfectly on this cold winter day, which made the snow look as if it were crystals. It was so romantic looking, it was truly a picture painted by God. I lived in a small town called Chamberlain, South Dakota. The population was 2,264, its a very small town where everyone knows everyone. The only thing was this year the weather was very abnormal, there was supposed to be a snow storm tonight. I had been very happy with myself for having found Jameson or he might have froze to death.

After just about eight minutes we entered the city limits of Chamberlain. I however lived a little bit out of the small town on a steep hill with a nice sized brick house. I turned to Jameson and whispered " So would you happen to have a girlfriend or wife?"
" No I don't would you happen to have a boyfriend or husband?" Jameson replied with his beautiful soft voice.
" No I don't" I Exclaimed.

We both just stared at each other, for some reason i got butterflies throughout my entire body. His gorgeous yellowish-green eyes had me at a loss for words, I began to blush so violently that my face became a fire truck red shade. I don't know why or how I could feel this way about someone I have known for all of ten minutes. " Why so red faced doll?" Jameson asked sweetly.
" Can't say right now maybe later." I stated quietly.

As those words left my mouth I pulled into my driveway. The snow was everywhere in sight, there was about four feet of this glistening white powder. I set my chevrolet into park and let out a huge sigh. " so this is my house come on it." I spoke with a smile.
" yes ma'am sit still for a second." Jameson said while quickly getting out of my suv.

I wondered what he was doing, and as soon as I blinked my car door was opened. " what a gentlemen." I exclaimed.
I stepped out of the car and headed towards the front door, as soon as I stepped onto the porch I felt a snow ball hit me in the back and I turned around swiftly." oh you wanna play huh?" I asked giggling.
"bring it doll face." Jameson exclaimed.

When those words left his mouth I lunged for snow and made a tightly packed snow ball and launched it, hitting Jameson in the chest. This caused me to laugh uncontrollably because of the face he made. While laughing I felt another snowball nail me in the thigh. I quickly responded with a snowball to Jameson's arm. For some reason this was a very romantic moment, although Jameson was a complete stranger.

Who knew that making this kind of decision would make a person so happy, I found that sometimes you just have to go with the flow, let things happen randomly, let the chips fall where they may. "okay enough lets go in" I ordered.
"Yes ma'am" Jameson spoke with a crooked smile.

We stepped into my house and I let out a sigh, it smelled of cinnamon and spice. My house was simple, the interior had a cathedral ceiling, the walls painted a dark shade of red, some of them an off white. The floor was a chestnut color hardwood, that is until you reach the living room which turned into a dark brown carpet. The air in the house was warm, it gave a cozy feel.

Jameson Touched my shoulder, only to then remove the jacket I was wearing. This caused me to smile from ear to ear, just the thought of how much of a gentlemen he was made me happy as a kid in a candy store. My heart was warm for the first time in a long time. " I am so glad you took me in doll." Jameson spoke with a thankful tone.
" It's no problem." I chuckled like a nerd.

I motioned for Jameson to walk with me into the kitchen. It was spacious, very spacious. The counter tops were a black marble and the rest was a maple type of wood. I thought to myself what to say but nothing would come to mind, not a thing. " so this is my place you can make yourself at home." I stated.
" Yes ma'am where will I be sleeping?" Jameson asked.
"oh right this was hun." I answered quickly.

We paced ourselves slowly up the stairs, Making a left at the top. I had a spare bedroom open just in case family came or something. " This would be the room." I whispered.
" Thanks you have no idea how much this means to me." Jameson replied.

The room was pretty big, it had a queen sized bed in the back middle wall. The walls were painted the same color as downstairs, an off white. There was a hardwood dresser drawer as well. " So do you happen to have a phone book I could use to have my car towed?" Jameson Asked concerned.
" uhmm yes downstairs actually." I answered while heading to the kitchen to get it.

As I handed Jameson the phone book I headed out of the room so it would be quiet. I sat down on my black leather couch and let out a big sigh. I couldn't stop smiling on the inside, I tryed not to on the outside as well but it just wouldn't stop. I felt oh so confused, this was a dream for me, so I thought anyway. I stared blankly at the dark brown carpet drowning myself in silly thoughts. I already felt a very good connection with this guy even though I just met him.

I used to look for love until one day I decided to say screw it. I thought that maybe I could find love now with Jameson which would be wonderful. I know it sounds silly but a girl can wish cant she. While I was in a trance I finally snapped out of it when I saw Jameson flick his lighter onto the firewood in the fireplace. " what are you doing Jameson?" I asked confused.
" Lighting the fire I just think its romantic to sit by." Jameson answered blushing.
" I got you to blush how cute." I said loudly while laughing.

Without saying a word Jameson came and sat on the couch but on the other end. I placed my hands together and sat them in my lap nervously. I noticed Jameson staring at me through the corner of my eye which in turn caused to me to get strong butterflies in my chest. " so tell me about yourself Jameson." I asked to break the silence.
" Well I was born in Spokane, Washington I have three siblings I am a hopeless romantic who was hurt a while back and just gave up until love finds me." Jameson exclaimed.
" I am on the same boat with the whole love thing." I replied with a half smile.
" Well I enjoy all the romantic things I am like a little kid sometimes I enjoy cuddling," Jameson started, " I have to be with a girl that has an amazing personality I would also like to get to know you."

When He finished I just smiled and looked down. " Don't look down then I can't see those pretty eyes of yours." Jameson spoke in the sweetest tone.
" Oh shut up." I answered rolling my eyes.
" I am serious dollface." Jameson stated.

I felt so good right now, no better then good, I felt amazing. Who knew you could feel amazing after knowing someone for just an hour. I just sat there biting my lip while smiling when Jameson scooted right next to me. This caused a jolt of happiness to overflow in my heart, I looked up slowly with my head tilted to the side.
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