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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1633770
A young woman discovers that the perfect love maybe isn’t only found in the movies.
Quick cultural description: ~san = added to surname as a title of respect (similar to adding Mr.)

Movie Reservations

Gripping my arm rest with one hand and covering my mouth with the other I try hard to stifle a scream.  The large image of a mutant creature ready to attack an innocent woman with its razor sharp claws causes me to shut my eyes tight.  The speakers surrounding me are loud as I hear the screams and effects of the women getting attacked.  Peeking one eye open I close it again unable to watch the horrific scene, cursing myself for picking a film packed with so much gore.  As the scene changes, I open my eyes again seeing that the movie screen in now filled with the actor that made me want to see this film in the first place.  I cheer inwardly as my screen hero destroys the abomination with his super weapon.  As the credits to the film start rolling I hold my chest glad to be done with such a roller coaster movie.  Getting up from my comfy chair I stretch and notice the handful of people that were watching beginning to exit.  Standing outside of the movie theater I look at my souvenir movie ticket showing a very handsome picture of my favorite actor.  Smiling I place it back into my coat pocket and hurry to the train station, trying to make the last train.

Removing my shoes at the door of my home my older brother walks by and rolls his eyes.
“Let me guess, at the theater again?” he leans against the entry way of the hallway “You know going to the movies is a waste of money and time.”
I roll my eyes as he begins the same old speech he gives me every time I arrive home late from the movies “I know, I know, and I’ll go clean out the bathroom now” as I run down the hall to my bedroom
“You could at least go with a friend or get a boyfriend it’s embarrassing having a younger sister who is about to start college still going to the movies alone”
I close the door to my room and sit down at my desk opening the special binder that I keep all my previous movie tickets in, I can’t help but smile at how many I have collected.  As I scrub the tub in the bathroom I notice how small it is and sigh, missing the large one at our home in the country.  Moving in with my brother who lives here in the city has been an amazing adventure, especially coming from a small town originally.  Of course my brother is half and half about the whole situation but didn’t really have a choice since our parents would only keep paying the bills if I got to move in.  Starting college in the Spring I arrived mid-winter to get myself situated and get to know the city where I will be living.  Always being a movie buff I would watch them on TV and buy them on DVD whenever I could.  Going to an actual movie theater was harder since the town I lived in didn’t have one and I had to travel to a larger city, which was harder to do on a regular basis.  Though, now that I live in a city that has more theaters than I could ever imagine I have been spending my time visiting as many as possible. 

Sitting on my bed later that evening I watch one of my favorite romance movies, the plot is simple as most of them are but I can’t help but sigh in envy as I see the man in the movie say sweet nothings to his leading lady.  My cell phone beeps indicating that I have a text message, looking at it I see that it’s from my newly acquainted friend Ryoko.  She and I met at a movie theater when waiting to be let in only to become fast friends; it’s been great going to movies with someone who loves them as much as I do.  I look at the message and feel slightly disappointed reading that she will be unable to meet me tomorrow like we had originally planned to see a new action film.  She has recently been really busy at work and her boss has talked her into doing more overtime during the weekend.  I continue watching the movie as I lay in bed for the night thinking how romantic it would be to meet someone like the way they do in the movies.

Standing in line the following evening I hold my ticket excitedly as I wait my turn at the theater ticket booth.  I slide my ticket to the attendant who kindly asks me what seat I would like in the theater as I proudly give her my member card, she smiles as she looks up and recognizes me.
“Ahh, Kunai san, welcome” she says happily sliding my card through the computer and hands it back “I’ve placed you in your regular seat” she bows slightly “enjoy the show and thank you for your continued business”
I walk through the theater stopping at the concession picking up a drink; everyone bows as smiles as they recognize me.  I can’t help but feeling slightly important at the fact that I am so well known, though it embarrasses my brother on the few times he has come with me.  I sit myself down in my assigned seat located in the center of the theater, it’s one of the best spots and I got lucky when one of the theaters previous members moved away.  Sipping on my drink I look around and see some of the other regulars settling in.  I’ve talked to a few of them but mostly in light conversation and usually just about the movie we watched but overall they all keep to themselves.  I can’t help but smile at the sight of a guy everyone calls Ooki since he has a big appetite for snacks; they also call him that because he is so tall and skinny.  Though the theater has stadium seating I feel bad for anyone that has to sit behind him since he can make it hard to see the screen.  I also see the man I’ve come to call Hentai-san since he always seems to come with a different girl.  I roll my eyes as he does his standard routine of talking sweetly to his companion while having his arm draped over her shoulders all the while intentionally moving his hand so it touches her breast.  I wave smiling at Mirada-san as he is a kind old widow that comes to pass the evenings; he and I always make a point to talk after the movie.  The theater is almost filled to capacity just as the short skit featuring cartoon characters appears on screen talking about buying last minute snacks and cleaning up after the movie.  I begin to snuggle into my chair as a guy suddenly hurries in front of me sitting down one chair away from me.  I look at him slightly annoyed as he bows his head apologetically then leans back in his chair, the lights are down as the movie starts.  During the film I find scenes funny and try hard not to laugh out loud as most people tend to keep quite no matter what.  As a character in the movie does something incredibly funny I start to laugh covering my mouth but am suddenly started by a loud outburst from the guy next to me.  I look over and see that he is almost shaking with laughter, though dim I notice a huge smile on his face as he continues watching the screen unaware of me observing him.  As the movie continues I catch myself glancing at him more than the movie as I have never seen anyone react with such emotion during a film.  At the end when the lights go up he gets ups stretches while wearing a smile, looking at me as he plans to exit his smile instantly vanishes.  I stand up and smile as he nods in thanks continuing to walk past me his long black wool coat gives off the scent of popcorn.  Looking at his stylishly short hair I guess that he is about my age and I can’t help but watch him as he exits the theatre; I continue to stare till Mirada-san approaches me to talk.

I spend the next couple of days thinking of Popcorn-san as I’ve come to call him; wanting to see him again I try thinking of a movie I haven’t seen that is playing.  Of course watching as many as I have I find to my disappointment that I have seen everything that is out, I consider going to see some again but then figure it really would be wasting my money since the likely hood of seeing him there would be slim.  Finally after a week a new movie premiers and I find myself in the theater eagerly waiting in my chair hoping with all my heart that my mystery popcorn man shows up.  The house lights and my heart fall as the movie begins to start.  Sighing heavily I hear some disgruntled movement to my right and see Popcorn-san making his way down the opposite side of the row then flops himself down in the same chair as before.  Only half looking at him I try to analyze his facial features, he has a content look and seems pretty cute at least to my standards.  As I begin to get sucked up into the plot of the movie I find that the film is a drama and my heart starts hurting as I see one of the characters react to a traumatic event.  I feel tears run down my cheeks and turn away for a moment to grab a tissue, sneaking a look at popcorn-san. I see tears running down his cheek as he uses his coat sleeve to wipe them away.  I find myself almost paralyzed at the sight since I’ve never seen a guy cry at a movie before.  Making a sniffle he turns his head towards me and like a picture perfect screen shot out the movie his glistening tear filled eyes and expression causes my heart to stop.  He only glances at me for a moment as he looks in his pocket for what turns out to be some napkins.  I turn back to the screen suddenly very embarrassed at the thought that he saw me starring at him.  I spend the rest of the movie looking straight ahead but can continue to hear him sniffle as I feel moved by a man who is not afraid to show his feelings.  When the lights go up we stand up and I notice him patting himself down trying to find what I can only guess to be something to wipe his nose.  Taking all the courage I have I lean over and hold out a small tissue pack, he pauses and looks at me with uncertainty then bows slightly taking it while giving me a small smile and saying thank you.  Standing nervously I say allowed “great movie, huh? I like movies that make you really feel for the characters.”  I feel my face go red as he looks at me slightly uncomfortably as his cheeks go lightly red smiling weakly “yes, I suppose so” he bows again continuing that look and proceeds to leave; I sit back down in my chair feeling totally stupid.

Sipping coffee at small cafe I tell the story of my previous encounter with Popcorn-san to Kyoko who laughs as she almost chokes on the cake she is eating.
“So are you going to introduce yourself when you see him next time?” she asks with a big smile
“Are you crazy, he probably thinks I’m a complete idiot” I pout with a feeling of failure
“So what, he probably is just as shy as you are that’s why he reacted that way” she takes a drink of her tea “he didn’t tell you to leave him alone or anything so I say go for it next time you see him.” She smiles kindly
“I don’t know” I say throwing my head back slumping in my chair “I’m such an idiot”

Walking into the theater later with Kyoko I am surprised to see so many people I don’t know “wow, I never realized how much the staff changes during the day” as we wait in line for snacks.
“Well I really appreciate you being able to come to an early afternoon show” Kyoko says unbuttoning her coat “my dumb boss wants me in the office at an ungodly hour tomorrow morning” she sticks her tongue out giving a look of dread.
I laugh as I approach the counter and ask for a drink just to realize that I’m looking right at Popcorn-san.  His pleasant smile and welcome recess for a second as he recognizes me and I find myself unable to say anything completely taken aback.
Kyoko looks at the both of us then whispers in my ear “Popcorn-san I take it” she smiles large and pats my back while looking at him “She’ll take that drink please” talking cheerfully as he nods and smiles.  I clutch my wallet as she places some money on the counter while he puts the drink in front of me.  Taking the drink she says “thank you Kai-san” reading his name tag “oh, and you must know my good friend who is a regular here” she pushes me forward as I go completely red “I’m Kunai, Seiko and I’m sorry about last time” I stammer with more force than intended as I look at his face.  He gives a look of puzzlement then smiles “no need, I am the one who should say thank you again for giving me that tissue” he pats his pants pocket.  He gives an extra big smile like that time during the movie and I can’t help but smile as well.  “Enjoy the film and see you soon” he bows as Kyoko grabs my arm and pulls me away since the people behind us start getting inpatient. 

I spend the next couple of days on cloud nine at the fact he talked to me as well as kept the tissue I gave him.  I sit in my movie seat happy at the fact I might see him tonight and get to talk to him again, especially since Kyoko has been doing nothing but encouraging me.  When he arrives I stand up and let him walk in front of me as he pauses slightly and looks down at me and smiles.  The theater is packed and instead of sitting a chair away he sits right next to me.  We sit quietly for a moment till he speaks softly “this suppose to be a great movie” he says shyly.  I look over to him and almost laugh but agree full heartedly by shaking my head and giving a huge smile.  We start talking and I find that he has recently started working at the theater till college starts in the spring wherein he’ll only work part-time.  His college is not the same as mine but they are not too far from each other.  He also goes on to say that he has always enjoyed films and thought it would be neat to work at a theater, especially since he gets a discount.  I about jump out of my chair at the thought of a discount and instantly decide that I should work here too; of course stressing that it would save me a ton of money and get my brother off my back about finding work.  He promises that he’ll introduce me to the manager after the film so I sit anxiously through the movie thrilled at the fact I’ll hopefully get a chance to get to know him more.   

After getting the job I stand one afternoon at the ticketing line tearing ticket stubs as customers come in.  Kyoko walks in and hands me her ticket “are you having fun getting to know Popcorn-san?” she laughs looking over at the concession stand at Kai who waves bashfully at us.
“Yeah, he’s so sweet and I’ve even been able to work close to the same hours as him so we get to spend our free time seeing movies together.”
Kyoko smiles as she takes her half of the ticket “you two are really made for each other, it only took a little nudge to get you two to realize it” she laughs as she walks in.
During our lunch break Kai shows me around the behind the scenes part of the theater, we walk up a few flights of stairs to the projection rooms.  He opens one of the doors and peeks inside before holding it open so I can walk in.  The room is large and has two huge sets of machines all humming as they work.  I walk over to them in awe never seeing how movies are actually played before.  Kai stands beside me and points to one explaining that it’s the projector and how the film runs through it to the large reel platters next to it.  I am amazed at how knowledgeable he is about the equipment telling me he learned it all from the projectionist; he was even shown how to prep them for a show.  We stand there watching the film run from the projector to the reels; without disrupting the movie I peek out the small window out to the theater bellow.  The movie playing is a romantic comedy that we saw together and it’s at the scene where the guy confesses his love to his main interest.  I watch as he goes up behind his leading lady and wraps his arms around her, I am suddenly surprised to feel Kai wrap his arms around me at the same time. 
“Love is never simple, but together we can make something beautiful” Kai says in time with the actor “with you, everyday seems better giving me a reason to get up” and just like in the film Kai turns me towards him and looks at me sincerely “let me try to be the man I know I can be.”  Tears stream down my face as I know the women in the film also does but mine are genuine as I feel my heart soar.  Kai placing his hand on my face leans down and kisses me tenderly as we continue long past the scene.

Sitting watching the film we kissed too for the third time he holds my hand as he laughs out loud and I join in glad to no longer hold it in.  After the film we go to my place wherein he meets my brother who despite being in shock that I brought a man home is thrilled at meeting the reason why I’ve been so happy lately.  Hurrying off to his late night job my brother tells me that I can order whatever we want from the local sushi place and charge it to his card.  Kai and I sit happily stuffing our faces with sushi later in the living room cuddled under the warm table blanket watching a movie.  Resting our backs against the couch I put the last sushi into Kai’s mouth just as the movie gets to a scene that has the characters making out.  Having seen this movie at least one time before I know that it all leads to sex and I can’t help but blush looking at Kai who also turns a bit red.  Wrapping an arm around me he looks a tad nervous but pulls me closer to him.  I look at his face and can’t help feel complete love for him as he looks so adorable.  He gives me a couple of quick kisses then seriously studies my face, after a moment with a quirky smile and huff as if saying “why the hell not” he kisses me passionately.  Removing our clothing while kissing we fall onto my bed as he runs his hands down my legs holding them apart as we start our own steamy lovemaking scene.  I watch his expression as he indulges me with every movement taking his time bringing me to ultimate bliss.  We continue on through the evening all the while a faint smell of popcorn surrounding us.  Later snuggling together under the sheets we watch my favorite movie; I squeeze him tight as he caresses my hair happy at the thought that I just might have found my own perfect ending.


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